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  • jules
08 Oct 2023 01:55
Did u figure out how to fix it?! have the same problem
  • kimeva.2801
28 Sep 2023 23:27
Replied by kimeva.2801 on topic some effects failed to compile
I activated mxao in reshade in Sims 4, but the shadows appear like this. Please, can someone tell me about the bug and how to fix it?

  • ps95r
08 Sep 2023 03:13
I use reshade for The Sims 4, and I have updated it to the latest version. It now won't launch or load when I load up my game. 
  • tsgnf
17 Aug 2023 05:52
can't open reshade menu with home was created by tsgnf
so i can't open the reshade menu with the home button on my keyboard, but i know it's installed because i see the reshade popup when i start up my game. i've tried reinstalling it and changing the key overlay in reshade.ini but neither method has worked for me. if it helps i'm trying to use it for the sims 4
  • elbiski
07 Aug 2023 12:22
You can uninstall Reshade using the setup file.
  • Locate the ReShade setup file. This is the setup file you used to download ReShade initially. You can usually find it in your computer's Downloads folder.
  • If you can't find the setup file, download it again from
  • While you can delete the mod folders of games such as Minecraft and The Sims 4, ReShade takes a few different steps.
Double-click the ReShade setup file. The setup window will open.
Select your game and click Next. You'll see a list of popular games in the window.
  • If you don't see your game, click Browse… below the list. Navigate to the game's folder and select the .exe file. Click Open, then Next.
Select the rendering API and click Next. If you don't know which rendering API the game client uses, search for the game at Look for the section titled API.
  • With most games, this will be Microsoft DirectX 10/11/12.
  • Select the rendering API and click Next. If you don't know which rendering API the game client uses, search for the game at Look for the section titled API.
  • With most games, this will be Microsoft DirectX 10/11/12.
  • Click Finish. ReShade is uninstalled. Be sure to restart your computer.
  • If you have mods for games on Steam, you can easily delete them as well.

  • ijustamsoconfused
03 Aug 2023 04:37
Replied by ijustamsoconfused on topic sims 4 - dof and mxao not working properly
NEVERMIND... FOUND THE PROBLEM...ITS SIMS (delete this whole thing)
  • ijustamsoconfused
03 Aug 2023 04:01
Replied by ijustamsoconfused on topic sims 4 - dof and mxao not working properly
also, the only way for cinematic dof to work is to disable edge smoothing which is normal but now it makes it have HORRIBLE quality which has never happened
  • ijustamsoconfused
03 Aug 2023 03:58
sims 4 - dof and mxao not working properly was created by ijustamsoconfused
im not sure what the problem is. i just want it solved
here is the image

its only cinematic dof and mxao thats the issue??
  • NyxiesJinx
24 Jul 2023 08:14
Replied by NyxiesJinx on topic Sims 4 Crashing as soon as launch
UPDATE: Even with latest reshade installed from the 23rd it still immediately crashes.
  • crosire
23 Jul 2023 00:45 - 25 Aug 2023 16:26
5.9 was created by crosire


  • Added ReShade FX support for 1D and 3D textures
    texture3D My3DTex < source = ""; > {
        Width = 128;
        Height = 128;
        Depth = 8;
        MipLevels = 1;
    sampler3D My3DSampler {
        Texture = My3DTex;
    storage3D My3DStorage {
        Texture = My3DTex;
        MipLevel = 0;
    void MyPixelShaderEntryPoint() {
        float4 col = tex3D(My3DStorage, float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));
    void MyComputeShaderEntryPoint() {
        tex3Dstore(My3DStorage, uint3(0, 0, 0), float4(1, 0, 0, 1));
  • Added support for loading 3D DDS images into 3D textures
  • Added ReShade FX support for texture atomics and integer texture formats
    texture2D<int> MyIntTex { // New component type specification, int for R32I, uint for R32U, float4 (which is the default) for the rest
        Width = 128;
        Height = 128;
        Format = R32I; // New integer formats: R32I and R32U
    storage2D<int> MyIntStorage {
        Texture = MyIntTex;
    void MyComputeShaderEntryPoint(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
        atomicAdd(MyIntStorage, id.xy, 1);
  • Added "ui_units" annotation to add units description to slider or drag widgets
  • Added undo button next to modified values in uniform variable editor
  • Added optional preset transition message (overlay that shows the name of the preset when switching presets using hotkeys or similar)
  • Added environment variable to disable logging (RESHADE_DISABLE_LOGGING)
  • Added environment variable to disable input hooks (RESHADE_DISABLE_INPUT_HOOK)
  • Added environment variable to disable graphics hooks (RESHADE_DISABLE_GRAPHICS_HOOK)
  • Added config option to disable ReShade entirely on a specific effect runtime instance
    [GENERAL] Disable=1
  • Added HDR support for ReShade overlay

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed occasional crash in Cyberpunk 2077, The Last of Us, ... with Generic Depth add-on active
  • Fixed content not showing up in applications using Chromium (like Venice Unleashed)
  • Fixed potentially duplicated hooks in Vulkan for swapchain creation
  • Fixed splash bar not disappearing with "NoReloadOnInit" active
  • Fixed imgui navigation window getting stuck on screen when moving mouse while it is visible
  • Fixed warning about missing effect files showing even when effects were not yet loaded
  • Fixed "Edit global preprocessor definitions" popup window not being scrollable with the mouse
  • Fixed techniques on statistics page not being sorted by execution order
  • Fixed relative paths in the file dialog widget not always being relative to the configured base path
  • Fixed code editor search window focusing
  • Fixed "reshade_reloaded_effects" event not being called during reload of an individual effect
  • Fixed effects reloading constantly when using an add-on that changes the back buffer color bit depth an odd number of times a frame
  • Fixed internal calls to "D3D12SerializeRootSignature" crashing when graphics hooks are disabled
  • Fixed D3D12 resource state transition barriers for mipmap generation
  • Fixed broken query results in D3D12 when query has not finished executing on the GPU when queried
  • Fixed multiple different pooled textures in an effect being shared with the same pooled texture in a different effect
  • Fixed effect filter and preview texture being reset even when just a single effect is reloaded

  • Updated imgui to 1.89.7 (add-ons may now use both 1.89.7 and the previous 1.86)
  • Added swap chain size check and avoid initializing on very small ones (The Sims 4 e.g. creates a 16x16 swapchain in borderless window mode that is better off skipped)
  • Added support for relative font paths
  • Added protection against key repeats triggering keybinds
  • Added warning message when add-ons were not loaded due to the build only having limited add-on functionality
  • Added log message for "IDXGISwapChain3::SetColorSpace1" calls
  • Added full application command-line to initial log message
  • Added "bind_pipeline" event for D3D9 "SetFVF" command
  • Added "create_sampler" event for D3D12 static samplers and also include them in pipeline layout parameters
  • Added separate front and back stencil masks and reference values
  • Added support for push constant offset in D3D10 and D3D11
  • Added device loss handling for D3D9
  • Changed addressing mode for texture previews to clamping instead of wrapping
  • Changed "Edit global preprocessor definitions" popup window to scale with font size
  • Changed context menus to scale with font size
  • Changed file widgets to do case-insensitive comparison on file extensions
  • Changed technique timing list on statistics page to pad with new lines when name is long and would otherwise overlap timing values
  • Changed several settings to always clamp values (like alpha, rounding and text size, to prevent users accidentally entering a value that would break the overlay)
  • Changed effect loading to force preprocessing of an effect instead of loading from cache if it failed to parse (to avoid a broken cache preventing the effect from loading)
  • Changed tutorial to only show up on the very first effect runtime
  • Changed config file naming to only switch to ReShadeX.ini if copying default configuration from ReShade.ini was successfull (to avoid errors during saving when file permissions were not set up)
  • Changed update check to only run once per session
  • Changed HLSL implementation of ReShade FX "sincos" intrinsic to actually use "sincos"
  • Changed missing image file warning to an error
  • Changed function signature of "ReShadeGetBasePath" export
  • Renamed several ReShade API types and methods (without breaking binary compatibility)
  • Reduced overhead of "bind_descriptor_tables" event in D3D12
  • Removed pipeline tracking in D3D12 (it is up to add-ons to track and restore state)
  • Removed effect compile warnings from technique tooltips
  • Removed clamping of "ui_step" value

Setup tool:
  • Added effect files list to effect package tooltips
  • Added workaround instructions to setup error message box when list of effect packages failed to download
  • Fixed potential setup tool crash during app search when directory enumeration throws exception
  • Removed orange coloring of setup tool for builds with full add-on support

  • Fixed random crashes in D3D10/D3D11 games
  • Fixed crash when using some older add-ons that made use of ImGuiListClipper
  • Fixed recursive texture search not working properly when search path is relative and working directory is not equal to the base path
  • Fixed HLSL shader model 3 code generation for custom semantics
  • Fixed GLSL/SPIR-V semantic to location translation for variables with individual indexed semantics
  • Fixed missing cast in GLSL code generation for boolean varying variables
  • Fixed "No keyboard and mouse input available" message not going away when tutorial was not completed (which can't be completed without keyboard or mouse input ...)
  • Fixed potential crash in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Added single component floating-point sampler and storage types

  • Added missing hooks for "vkQueueSubmit2KHR" and "vkCmdWriteTimestamp2KHR"
  • Added application ID to first message written to log
  • Changed message window to use same style as the rest of the overlay
  • Fixed depth buffer detection in Baldur's Gate 3 with Vulkan
  • Fixed depth buffer leak when selection switches to a different one
  • Fixed framerate plot on Statistics page showing broken data
  • Fixed HLSL shader model 3 code generation when mixing custom semantics and "TEXCOORD"
  • Fixed incorrect render target and storage access flags set on pooled textures
  • Fixed current imgui context being reset when a new effect runtime is created from an add-on event triggered by an existing runtime
  • Fixed setup tool crash when unselecting an effect file that is not installed anyway
  • NyxiesJinx
20 Jul 2023 17:11 - 20 Jul 2023 17:11
Sims 4 Crashing as soon as launch was created by NyxiesJinx
Hi. So I've tried multiple forms and reddits bit I have no idea what to do. I open my game without reshade and it loads fine and play fine. I try to load with newest reshade of 5.8.0 and it immediately crashes. I just got a new laptop and just trying to get this to work. I'm new to this but I do know I am using the correct API. Please help, I'm just frustrated and have no idea what to do.
  • giah425
07 Jul 2023 17:53
Help! was created by giah425
I downloaded reshade on my laptop a few months ago for The Sims 4, and it worked, I had to factory reset my laptop and re-download everything. I downloaded 5.8 and did everything the videos I watched said to do, I have even deleted it and re-downloaded it over again a few times. Although, this message won't stop popping up. Can anyone help?
  • audeliz
03 Jul 2023 17:50 - 03 Jul 2023 17:51
Hello! For some reason when I turn on MXAO it does not work in my game. It will occasionally flash and cause the screen to get darker, but other than that does not work. 
Same thing with DOF. It will turn on for a split second and then disappear. I have Edge Smoothing turned off, so I'm not sure what to do here. Any help would be appreciated!

Edit: I have used ReShade many times in the past, but only for the Sims 4. I'm not familiar with using ReShade in Sims 3.
01 Jul 2023 05:57

I'm writing here because I desperately need help.
I installed Reshade on Sims 4 and have been using it well for the past 3 years without any problems, but the last time I suddenly got the "There were errors compiling the following shaders" error in red. I wondered if it was because the computer was old, and after a while, I got the same error again. I think I've been googling for the past month and tried everything I can, but I haven't solved it yet. Please help me😭😭😭

When I reconnect the shader path, I get an error, I get a new shader and put it in, and I downloaded 3.0.8, 4.6.1 versions, but they all got errors. The 5.8.0 version says it's installed, but it doesn't even open when I turn on the game. I don't know what the hell's wrong. If there is a way to solve it, please write it down as much as you can. It's my first time joining a forum to solve this problem...
  • grace261201
30 Jun 2023 22:21
Replied by grace261201 on topic Reshade doesn’t seem to be working.

Hi! I have come across a problem with Reshade 5.4.0 recently, I don’t know if it’s because it’s been updated or because a files missing, it seems to have installed successfully but when I go to skip the tutorial it says that reshade2 ini & the reshade presets I download aren’t found. I tried to redownload it a few times and repair my sims game but neither of those did the trick, i’d really appreciate if u could tell me what else I could do or what the exact problem is. Thanks :)
  • redeads7
27 May 2023 01:18
Sims 4 is broken was created by redeads7
I downloaded reshade following a video tutorial. I am pretty much certain that i did it correctly. After installing I tried to launch sims 4 and the EA app was saying i had corrupted files and the game needed to be repaired. I tried to repair the game several times but every time I did it would give me an error message. I restarted my computer and tried to launch the game and it stopped giving me error messages but now I can't launch the game at all. I repaired it in steam and this didn't work, I also uninstalled reshade entirely and even uninstalled and reinstalled sims and the EA app and there has been no change whatsoever. I also cleared my cache on EA and deleted localthumbcache. This is driving me crazy, any insight is greatly appreciated.
  • minhthert14
26 May 2023 19:38 - 26 May 2023 19:48
Im new to reshade and installed it yesterday in my sims4 game, i installed it correctly and everything was working fine when suddenly while i was in the game with reshade menu open to choose a reshade it suddenly disappeared. And now it says "no effects ( .fx)  found in the effect search paths. Please verify they are up correctly in the settings" now no matter what i do i am not able to get any of my shaders to show up in the game it keeps saying the same thing again and again, i use the drop down box and see my available shaders that i installed but as soon as i click one of the shaders it repeats the same words. I tried uninstalling and reinstally the new ver and it still doesnt do anything, its like one moment it was all good and suddenly it disappeared with no traces or whatso ever. Im not able to figure out what is wrong with it please help. 

  • AlG2004
25 May 2023 08:06 - 25 May 2023 08:07
Reshade doesn’t seem to be working. was created by AlG2004
Hi! I have come across a problem with Reshade 5.4.0 recently, I don’t know if it’s because it’s been updated or because a files missing, it seems to have installed successfully but when I go to skip the tutorial it says that reshade2 ini & the reshade presets I download aren’t found. I tried to redownload it a few times and repair my sims game but neither of those did the trick, i’d really appreciate if u could tell me what else I could do or what the exact problem is. Thanks :)
  • pancakess234
16 May 2023 19:17
trying to install this after i got rid of Gshade and everything and I keep getting this error when im trying to install this or my sims 4 no idea what to do pls help
  • HexKeiko
11 May 2023 15:28
Sims 4 was created by HexKeiko
I've tried downloading Reshade on my sims 4 and all it says is "Catastrophic failure" on most of my games. The only one I can get it too work for was Ark. I'm not sure what I'm suppose to do or.. If I'm suppose to enable something. Advice. Thank you.
Displaying 21 - 40 out of 51 results.
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