Requests for effect ports to ReShade 3.0
- crosire
Topic Author
- Solano
- Marty McFly

- Mobeeuz
- Myashi
My list :
- DPX*
- HDR*
* These marked with the asterisk are always active in every preset of mine.
I know Marty is up to something big, but anyway a port of tuning palette would be appreciated cause i'm planning to release update of my presets, making custom lut that users will extract in the right folder. There already a bloom in reshade 3 but i need the one of cee jay. I've got helped with dpx and hdr by someone on the forum, perhaps it would be better if these would be included in the repository, and automatically downloaded via the mediator of the reshade 3. Oh almost i forgot... i feel lost without the Sepia shader

- Marty McFly

- Myashi
Marty McFly wrote: I'm going to post a video of my shader in a couple of minutes, you'll see that it can generate a LUT of any size (which you can use like in the offline preview, given that you move the shader technique to the first position in the GUI) and also load it again, essentially doing what TuningPalette shader can do + removing the need of using third party textures etc, the LUT is generated procedurally, a cropped screenshot gives you the LUT you want
I watched and commented your vid, Marty. Lightroom it's fuc**** cool

I get it, the process of the lut making is the same of tuning palette. The big differences i can notice are that everything happens in game and the lut generated is huge

That being said, there's a way I'll can do the same with Lightroom?
- Marty McFly
Before: LUT drawn in offline preview in mediator, enabled shaders modify LUT. Export gives you the LUT.
Now: LUT drawn onscreen by my shader, enabled shaders modify LUT, screenshot gives you the LUT
Before: TuningPalette shader reads the LUT and applies its image changes
Now: my shader loads the LUT and applies its changes.
So what you can do is this:
1)enable LUT overlay
2)Tweak shader
3)screenshot + crop for LUT
4)switch to different preset where all settings are default = no color change
5)enable LUT loading in my shader
6)load previously created LUT
I thought about separating my shader and the LUT loading process for performance reasons. So the procedure is the following:
1)enable LUT overlay
2)tweak Lightroom shader
3)screenshot + crop for LUT
4)disable Lightroom shader
5)enable TuningPalette equivalent and load LUT
- Myashi
Marty McFly wrote: You can do exactly that (TuningPalette shader is just called like that because it can also do other types of LUT's, not only those standard LUT's). Previously, you had to use the mediator with its offline preview that drew a LUT texture, applied all effects and saved the LUT again. My shader draws the LUT onscreen - so any effect you apply on the image is also applied on the LUT. Taking a screenshot and cropping it gives you the LUT which you can then upload to the the lazy or whatever. What I haven't yet done (but I am working on it right now) is the part that loads the LUT and applies its changes ( =what the TuningPalette shader previously did, loading the LUT and applying it). So my shader has not only extensive image tools, it also inherits the LUT generation and loading it again.
Before: LUT drawn in offline preview in mediator, enabled shaders modify LUT. Export gives you the LUT.
Now: LUT drawn onscreen by my shader, enabled shaders modify LUT, screenshot gives you the LUT
Before: TuningPalette shader reads the LUT and applies its image changes
Now: my shader loads the LUT and applies its changes.
So what you can do is this:
1)enable LUT overlay
2)Tweak shader
3)screenshot + crop for LUT
4)switch to different preset where all settings are default = no color change
5)enable LUT loading in my shader
6)load previously created LUT
I thought about separating my shader and the LUT loading process for performance reasons. So the procedure is the following:
1)enable LUT overlay
2)tweak Lightroom shader
3)screenshot + crop for LUT
4)disable Lightroom shader
5)enable TuningPalette equivalent and load LUT
This is the holy graal of the shaders!
Everything is clear now, thank you so much for the claricfication.
Performances are also in my toughts, that's why i prefer to store all the tweaks in one single lut, and disable all the shaders.
Speaking of this, with the old method i get 1-2 or even 0 fps loss, depending from the game. What we should expect with Lightroom?
- Marty McFly

- Myashi
Marty McFly wrote: The Lightroom shader itself takes a bit of performance, it has many calculations - actually, I cannot say how much because on my GTX 1080 everything runs for free
. Using the created LUT however runs with no fps loss, because the LUT apply shader is extremely simple.
I still have the old gtx 780 ( I know i know, i have to replace it )...

As far as i know, the old lut dindn't have noticeable framerate loss. I tested on Deus EX MD, and i remember only the drops of the game itself.
- XIIICaesar

- Myashi
XIIICaesar wrote: Are any of MartyMcFly's tonemaps gonna be ported? I particularly like the HPD tonemap. FILMICCURVE & REINHARD were nice as well though. I noticed the adapt settings in AMBIENTLIGHTING for haze, heat haze, bloom & flare were missing too. Love the new GUI though. I t was a pain constantly alt tabbing and such lol
Yeah right!
Does someone is going to port Reinhard ( along to the others requested by Caesar ) and Spherical tonemap?
Sepia is still missing but lucky me, someone have ported it ( like HSV ), while Tuning Palette is being temporary substitutes by LUT.
Would be better to have all those shader in the repository instead to say to the users " download these extra shaders " ( they will not does it.. i've already read complaints on thelazy

I have the mafia preset ready on reshade 1.1 but can port it on 3 cause missing shaders.

- Insomnia
Gaussian Bloom
SweetFX version of Reinhard
Alo81's Film Grain shader
Fisheye (using it to get a sort of barrel distortion)
Depth based motion blur
And also, the ability to fine tune settings (or perhaps I've just missed how to do it lol). For example, Bloom intensity can only be tuned in tenths and not hundreds.

Edit: Just realised half my list was already up there in previous posts...
- Gar Stazi
- Nerd
Or the Cel Shader from GSDX here? It's under "Custom".
These are my favorite to use for adding little bits of detail to older games and they're neat for newer ones.
- Gar Stazi
And another shader that does something similar, called Outline, you can grab from github ( )
Alternate between these 2 (keep trying different values) and see if you can get the effect you want, I managed to get it looking really good when I want that effect
- XIIICaesar
Alo81 film grain is amust. way superior in quality to sweetfx film grain IMO. I'm using deband right now because it does way better job at grain than sweetfx filmgrain but Alo81 isnt as costly compared to deband. fisheye and sweetfx CA is needed too.Insomnia wrote: I've just started using 3.0.4 so I don't know a whole lot about it, but initially I'm missing the following shaders:
Gaussian Bloom
SweetFX version of Reinhard
Alo81's Film Grain shader
Fisheye (using it to get a sort of barrel distortion)
Depth based motion blur
And also, the ability to fine tune settings (or perhaps I've just missed how to do it lol). For example, Bloom intensity can only be tuned in tenths and not hundreds.
Thanks!Excuse my English.
Edit: Just realised half my list was already up there in previous posts...
- Nerd
Gar Stazi wrote: A Cel Shader is already on Reshade 3.0, it is called Cartoon.
And another shader that does something similar, called Outline, you can grab from github ( )
Alternate between these 2 (keep trying different values) and see if you can get the effect you want, I managed to get it looking really good when I want that effect
I know about these 2 but neither of them do what I want. They're both focused on black lines instead of textures which is what I'm looking to change the look of.
- crosire
Topic Author
Added DPX effect
Added Sepia effect
Replaced YACA with CeeJay's CA
Try the SurfaceBlur effect then.Nerd wrote: I know about these 2 but neither of them do what I want. They're both focused on black lines instead of textures which is what I'm looking to change the look of.