v1.1.111 - Image blurred, but no effects enabled

  • jmp909
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9 years 2 months ago - 9 years 2 months ago #1 by jmp909 v1.1.111 - Image blurred, but no effects enabled was created by jmp909
[UPDATE: it was SGSSAA doing this in NVidia Inspector.. just use Supersampling not Sparse Grid Supersampling]


(ME v1.1.111)


I was struggling with some blurred DOF on close objects, so I decided to turn off all effects to see what it looked like.

seems when setting all # values to 0 (ie no enabled effects), the image still gets blurred when enabling MasterEffect

(looks like it might be FXAA? it's not the SMAA include, i tried disabling it and it made no difference)

I checked against older versions (1.0.340, 1.0.341) and it didn't happen


(is this the correct way to raise any issues, or should i post in the Reborn thread? thanks)
Last edit: 9 years 2 months ago by jmp909. Reason: resolution note
The following user(s) said Thank You: BrandonHortman

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  • jmp909
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9 years 2 months ago - 9 years 2 months ago #2 by jmp909 Replied by jmp909 on topic v1.1.111 - Image blurred, but no effects enabled
ok without understanding the technical elements of it, I manged to work out it's down to these 2 passes in technique MasterEffect (removing everything else)

pass ME_Init => PS_ME_Init (x2)
pass ME_Overlay => PS_ME_Overlay

I guess it's the way it's combining the Sampler Channels / MIP levels etc?

i tried changing the SamplerHDR1/SamplerHDR2 Min/Mag/MipFilter to POINT instead of LINEAR and this solved the blurring shown in the screenshot. I guess it's because Linear is taking an average 2x2 (see below)

I'm guessing this will slow things down though? (but I'm on a GTX980 so not causing much issue)

None: No filtering, used for FilterType.Mip to turn off mipmapping.
Point: Use the closest pixel.
Linear: Average of a 2x2 pixel area, denotes bilinear for Min and Mag, trilinear for Mip.
Anisotropic: Similar to Linear, but compensates for the angle of the texture plane.

Sorry this is all new to me.. it's all been guesswork so far. Your work is great Marty... I'm just trying to understand it all better!

Last edit: 9 years 2 months ago by jmp909.

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  • BrandonHortman
9 years 2 months ago #3 by BrandonHortman Replied by BrandonHortman on topic v1.1.111 - Image blurred, but no effects enabled
Me too. I am watching this post because I am having a difficult time also with DA:I since the update.

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  • jmp909
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9 years 2 months ago #4 by jmp909 Replied by jmp909 on topic v1.1.111 - Image blurred, but no effects enabled
until there is an official fix, use this to amend below in ReShade.fx to remove that blurring (I've just created a variable to swap everything from LINEAR to POINT easily) and then updated the MinFilter, MagFilter and MipFilter for SamplerHDR1 and SamplerHDR2. There may be more optimal ways to do it, and I don't know the knock on effects, but it's ok for me at the moment

sampler2D SamplerHDR1
	Texture = texHDR1;
	AddressU = Clamp;
	AddressV = Clamp;

sampler2D SamplerHDR2
	Texture = texHDR2;
	AddressU = Clamp;
	AddressV = Clamp;

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  • jmp909
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9 years 2 months ago - 9 years 2 months ago #5 by jmp909 Replied by jmp909 on topic v1.1.111 - Image blurred, but no effects enabled

I'm guessing the issue here is that some effects would suit running through LINEAR sampling, but others may need POINT sampling for clarity (eg SMAA, initial and final composition?)

(eg "For blur filters I would use a linear filter since that'll add more blur for free" forum.beyond3d.com/threads/the-differenc...-point-filter.46370/ )

From what I gather the MasterEffect post process takes the 3D rendering and pumps that into a 2D texture? presumably the whole screen has therefore been downsampled using LINEAR 2x2 averaging, rather than POINT, and hence why it is blurred when no effects are applied at all?

I understand this would probably be a fair bit of work to reimplement the render buffers, but I hope the information I have given as useful.

This stuff is mostly beyond me, but I find it interesting looking at the code and seeing how it is put together.

Last edit: 9 years 2 months ago by jmp909.

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  • Marty McFly
9 years 2 months ago - 9 years 2 months ago #6 by Marty McFly Replied by Marty McFly on topic v1.1.111 - Image blurred, but no effects enabled
I thought point would produce more aliased edges so I used linear instead. Also a mistake on my side, since I want mipmaps to be smooth (point would produce an image like the textures in minecraft, squares with the same color) but that only needs miplevel to be changed.

MinLevel: filter used when scaling the texture down
MagLevel: filter used when scaling the texture up (e.g. using a smaller res on a bigger screen)
MipLevel: filter used for mipmaps

It's strange that you see a difference on fullscreen since it usually shouldn't produce any blur, input texture is fullscreen and output texture also. Odd. I also noticed no difference but I will be having a look at this, next version will definitely having this problem considered.

EDIT: Did some experiments: I see no difference between point and linear BUT point sampling of SamplerHDR1 and 2 break SMAA. And crosire agrees with me, there should be no difference at all.
Last edit: 9 years 2 months ago by Marty McFly.
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  • jmp909
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9 years 2 months ago #7 by jmp909 Replied by jmp909 on topic v1.1.111 - Image blurred, but no effects enabled
could it be down to hardware? you can see from my screenshot though that it's blurred.

i just installed 1.11.11 and set all values to 0 including disabling SMAA.

i also took another route of deleting all the #IF functions in ReShade.fx which is essentially the same thing.. then it just runs PS_ME_Init twice, and PS_ME_Overlay .

in that instance it's barely noticeable

but if you also include pass ME_LightingCombine, pass ME_Colors and pass ME_PostFX as well but disable all the #IF's in there too, so no processing actually runs (same theoretically as setting all #defines to 0 in MasterEffect.h) then you'll see the blurring. or i do at least.

I'll try it on a different game, see if it's someting to do with Binary Domain.

I can send you an edited file if you like, but again all i've done is deleted code that won't be running since it's inside unused #IF's anyway.

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  • jmp909
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9 years 2 months ago - 9 years 2 months ago #8 by jmp909 Replied by jmp909 on topic v1.1.111 - Image blurred, but no effects enabled
Oh you know what.. it's this.. I forgot it was still enabled.. I'm really sorry to have wasted your time :S (Although it might be useful for people to know)

this is what happens when i mess with things i don't understand too much! there's a whole bunch of stuff affecting it there..

it's definitely effecting MFX, but It makes sense though. with SGSSAA I guess I'm doing an internal resample that is higher quality than what MFX captures from the buffer. Plus I don't know how MFAA will affect it either

thanks again for your time...

hmm... would there be any solution to that? (eg something you could have in the config for the user to define (or detect) any hardware resampling?). I know in the end a lot of people use ReShade for screenshotting, so downsampling/SGSSAA etc is probably etc quite commonly used.. although in this case I was actually using ReShade for better looking gameplay on an older game

specifically it would be good to know what settings will *not* affect ReShade/MFX


I've removed all the forced AA, I've now unsurprisingly got a lot more jaggies to deal with! that'll be why i was getitng knocked down to 50fps on my 980 ;) I'll have a play with inspector and see if I can answer my own question as to what does and doesn't affect the post processing resolution
Last edit: 9 years 2 months ago by jmp909.

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  • Marty McFly
9 years 2 months ago #9 by Marty McFly Replied by Marty McFly on topic v1.1.111 - Image blurred, but no effects enabled
I don't think it is important what these passes actually do, it is the sheer amount of them. My idea is that this AA applies after every pass and so applying AA multiple times blurs an image to death, that's for sure.

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  • jmp909
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9 years 2 months ago #10 by jmp909 Replied by jmp909 on topic v1.1.111 - Image blurred, but no effects enabled
sorry, it seems somebody already rasied this.. i had not noticed

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