vanishing hud counter strike 1.6

  • Viper367
  • Topic Author
4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #1 by Viper367 vanishing hud counter strike 1.6 was created by Viper367
hi, I'm using reshade framework in old cs. unfortunately I have a serious problem with the reshad over which I care the most when you turn on Ambient_light-gemFX, hud disappears. level of life and ammunition. hud at the top works very well but the bottom one always disappears,
I noticed that after switching on the game and then after some time of switching on the reshade sometimes work well for the next change of the map. There would be someone so nice and saw if it is possible to improve this plugin. Thank you and best regards


#ifndef RFX_duplicate


 * Copyright (C) 2015 Lucifer Hawk (
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
 * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
 * the Software with restriction, including without limitation the rights to
 * use and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software 
 * is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and the permission notices (this and below) shall 
 * be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
 * Permission needs to be specifically granted by the author of the software to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files 
 * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without 
 * limitation the rights to copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or 
 * sublicense the Software, and subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and the permission notices (this and above) shall 
 * be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

uniform float2 AL_t < source = "pingpong"; min = 0.0f; max = 6.28f; step = float2(0.1f, 0.2f); >;

#define GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE float2(1.0f/(BUFFER_WIDTH/16.0f),1.0f/(BUFFER_HEIGHT/16.0f))

texture2D alInTex { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH/16; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT/16; Format = RGBA32F; };
texture2D alOutTex { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH/16; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT/16; Format = RGBA32F; };
texture dirtTex < source = "ReShade/GemFX/Textures/dirt.png"; > { Width = 1920; Height = 1080; MipLevels = 1; Format = RGBA8; };

texture dirtOVRTex < source = "ReShade/GemFX/Textures/dirtOVR.png"; > { Width = 2400; Height = 1350; MipLevels = 1; Format = RGBA8; };
texture dirtOVBTex < source = "ReShade/GemFX/Textures/dirtOVB.png"; > { Width = 2400; Height = 1348; MipLevels = 1; Format = RGBA8; };
texture lensDBTex < source = "ReShade/GemFX/Textures/lensDB.png"; > { Width = 1920; Height = 1080; MipLevels = 1; Format = RGBA8; };
texture lensDB2Tex < source = "ReShade/GemFX/Textures/lensDB2.png"; > { Width = 1024; Height = 576; MipLevels = 1; Format = RGBA8; };
texture lensDOVTex < source = "ReShade/GemFX/Textures/lensDOV.png"; > { Width = 1920; Height = 1080; MipLevels = 1; Format = RGBA8; };
texture lensDUVTex < source = "ReShade/GemFX/Textures/lensDUV.png"; > { Width = 1920; Height = 1080; MipLevels = 1; Format = RGBA8; };

sampler2D alInColor { Texture = alInTex; };
sampler2D alOutColor { Texture = alOutTex; };
sampler dirtSampler { Texture = dirtTex; };
sampler dirtOVRSampler { Texture = dirtOVRTex; };
sampler dirtOVBSampler { Texture = dirtOVBTex; };
sampler lensDBSampler { Texture = lensDBTex; };
sampler lensDB2Sampler { Texture = lensDB2Tex; };
sampler lensDOVSampler { Texture = lensDOVTex; };
sampler lensDUVSampler { Texture = lensDUVTex; };

void PS_AL_DetectHigh(float4 vpos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD, out float4 highR : SV_Target0)
	float4 x = tex2D(RFX_originalColor, texcoord);

	x = float4 (x.rgb * pow (abs (max (x.r, max (x.g, x.b))), 2.0), 1.0f);

	float base = (x.r + x.g + x.b); base /= 3;
	float nR = (x.r * 2) - base;
	float nG = (x.g * 2) - base;
	float nB = (x.b * 2) - base;

	[flatten]if (nR < 0) { nG += nR/2; nB += nR/2; nR = 0; }
	[flatten]if (nG < 0) { nB += nG/2; [flatten]if (nR > -nG/2) nR += nG/2; else nR = 0; nG = 0; }
	[flatten]if (nB < 0) { [flatten]if (nR > -nB/2) nR += nB/2; else nR = 0; [flatten]if (nG > -nB/2) nG += nB/2; else nG = 0; nB = 0; }

	[flatten]if (nR > 1) { nG += (nR-1)/2; nB += (nR-1)/2; nR = 1; }
	[flatten]if (nG > 1) { nB += (nG-1)/2; [flatten]if (nR+(nG-1) < 1) nR += (nG-1)/2; else nR = 1; nG = 1; }
	[flatten]if (nB > 1) { [flatten]if (nR+(nB-1) < 1) nR += (nB-1)/2; else nR = 1; [flatten]if (nG+(nB-1) < 1) nG += (nB-1)/2; else nG = 1; nB = 1; }

	x.r = nR; x.g = nG; x.b = nB;

	highR = x;

void PS_AL_HGB(float4 vpos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD, out float4 hgbR : SV_Target0)
	static const float sampleOffsets[5] = { 0.0, 2.4347826, 4.3478260, 6.2608695, 8.1739130 };
	static const float sampleWeights[5] = { 0.16818994, 0.27276957, 0.111690125, 0.024067905, 0.0021112196 };

	float4 hgb = tex2D(alInColor, texcoord) * sampleWeights[0];
	hgb = float4(max(hgb.rgb - alThreshold, 0.0), hgb.a);
	float step = 1.08 + (AL_t.x / 100)* 0.02;

	[flatten]if ((texcoord.x + sampleOffsets[1] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.x) < 1.05) hgb += tex2D(alInColor, texcoord + float2(sampleOffsets[1] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.x, 0.0)) * sampleWeights[1] * step;
	[flatten]if ((texcoord.x - sampleOffsets[1] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.x) > -0.05) hgb += tex2D(alInColor, texcoord - float2(sampleOffsets[1] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.x, 0.0)) * sampleWeights[1] * step;

	[flatten]if ((texcoord.x + sampleOffsets[2] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.x) < 1.05) hgb += tex2D(alInColor, texcoord + float2(sampleOffsets[2] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.x, 0.0)) * sampleWeights[2] * step;
	[flatten]if ((texcoord.x - sampleOffsets[2] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.x) > -0.05) hgb += tex2D(alInColor, texcoord - float2(sampleOffsets[2] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.x, 0.0)) * sampleWeights[2] * step;

	[flatten]if ((texcoord.x + sampleOffsets[3] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.x) < 1.05) hgb += tex2D(alInColor, texcoord + float2(sampleOffsets[3] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.x, 0.0)) * sampleWeights[3] * step;
	[flatten]if ((texcoord.x - sampleOffsets[3] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.x) > -0.05) hgb += tex2D(alInColor, texcoord - float2(sampleOffsets[3] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.x, 0.0)) * sampleWeights[3] * step;

	[flatten]if ((texcoord.x + sampleOffsets[4] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.x) < 1.05) hgb += tex2D(alInColor, texcoord + float2(sampleOffsets[4] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.x, 0.0)) * sampleWeights[4] * step;
	[flatten]if ((texcoord.x - sampleOffsets[4] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.x) > -0.05) hgb += tex2D(alInColor, texcoord - float2(sampleOffsets[4] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.x, 0.0)) * sampleWeights[4] * step;

	hgbR = hgb;

void PS_AL_VGB(float4 vpos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD, out float4 vgbR : SV_Target0)
	static const float sampleOffsets[5] = { 0.0, 2.4347826, 4.3478260, 6.2608695, 8.1739130 };
	static const float sampleWeights[5] = { 0.16818994, 0.27276957, 0.111690125, 0.024067905, 0.0021112196 };

	float4 vgb = tex2D(alOutColor, texcoord) * sampleWeights[0];
	vgb = float4(max(vgb.rgb - alThreshold, 0.0), vgb.a);
	float step = 1.08 + (AL_t.x / 100)* 0.02;
	[flatten]if ((texcoord.y + sampleOffsets[1] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.y) < 1.05) vgb += tex2D(alOutColor, texcoord + float2(0.0, sampleOffsets[1] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.y)) * sampleWeights[1] * step;
	[flatten]if ((texcoord.y - sampleOffsets[1] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.y) > -0.05) vgb += tex2D(alOutColor, texcoord - float2(0.0, sampleOffsets[1] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.y)) * sampleWeights[1] * step;
	[flatten]if ((texcoord.y + sampleOffsets[2] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.y) < 1.05) vgb += tex2D(alOutColor, texcoord + float2(0.0, sampleOffsets[2] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.y)) * sampleWeights[2] * step;
	[flatten]if ((texcoord.y - sampleOffsets[2] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.y) > -0.05) vgb += tex2D(alOutColor, texcoord - float2(0.0, sampleOffsets[2] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.y)) * sampleWeights[2] * step;

	[flatten]if ((texcoord.y + sampleOffsets[3] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.y) < 1.05) vgb += tex2D(alOutColor, texcoord + float2(0.0, sampleOffsets[3] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.y)) * sampleWeights[3] * step;
	[flatten]if ((texcoord.y - sampleOffsets[3] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.y) > -0.05) vgb += tex2D(alOutColor, texcoord - float2(0.0, sampleOffsets[3] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.y)) * sampleWeights[3] * step;

	[flatten]if ((texcoord.y + sampleOffsets[4] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.y) < 1.05) vgb += tex2D(alOutColor, texcoord + float2(0.0, sampleOffsets[4] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.y)) * sampleWeights[4] * step;
	[flatten]if ((texcoord.y - sampleOffsets[4] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.y) > -0.05) vgb += tex2D(alOutColor, texcoord - float2(0.0, sampleOffsets[4] * GEMFX_PIXEL_SIZE.y)) * sampleWeights[4] * step;

	vgbR = vgb;

float4 PS_AL_Magic(float4 vpos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
	float4 base = tex2D(RFX_backbufferColor, texcoord);
	float4 high = tex2D(alInColor, texcoord);

#if AL_Adaptation
#if AL_HQAdapt
	float4 detectLow = tex2D(detectLowColor, float2(BUFFER_RCP_WIDTH, BUFFER_RCP_HEIGHT));
	float4 detectLow = tex2D(detectLowColor, float2(BUFFER_RCP_WIDTH, BUFFER_RCP_HEIGHT))/4.215;
	float low = sqrt(0.241*detectLow.r*detectLow.r+0.691*detectLow.g*detectLow.g+0.068*detectLow.b*detectLow.b);

	low = pow(low*1.25f,2);
	float adapt = low*(low+1.0f)*alAdapt*alInt*5.0f;

#if alDebug
	float mod = (texcoord.x*1000.0f)%1.001f;
	//mod = abs(mod - texcoord.x/4.0f);

	if (texcoord.y < 0.01f)
	if (texcoord.x < low*10f && mod < 0.3f) return float4(1f,0.5f,0.3f,0f);

	if (texcoord.y > 0.01f && texcoord.y < 0.02f)
	if (texcoord.x < adapt/(alInt*1.5) && mod < 0.3f) return float4(0.2f,1f,0.5f,0f);

	high = min(0.0325f,high)*max(0.0f,(1.15f - 0));

	float4 highOrig = high;

	float xFlip = 1.0f - texcoord.x;
	float yFlip = 1.0f - texcoord.y;
	float4 highFlipOrig = tex2D(alInColor, float2(xFlip,yFlip));
	highFlipOrig = min(0.03f,highFlipOrig)*max(0.0f,(1.15f - 0));

	float4 highFlip = highFlipOrig;
	float4 highLensSrc = high;

#if AL_Dirt
		float4 dirt = tex2D(dirtSampler, texcoord);
		float4 dirtOVR = tex2D(dirtOVRSampler, texcoord);
		float4 dirtOVB = tex2D(dirtOVBSampler, texcoord);

		float maxhigh = max(high.r, max(high.g, high.b));
		float threshDiff = maxhigh - 3.2f;
		[flatten]if (threshDiff > 0) {
			high.r = (high.r / maxhigh)*3.2f;
			high.g = (high.g / maxhigh)*3.2f;
			high.b = (high.b / maxhigh)*3.2f;
#if AL_DirtTex 
		float4 highDirt = highOrig*dirt*alDirtInt;
		float4 highDirt = highOrig*high*alDirtInt;
#if AL_Vibrance 
			highDirt *= 1.0f+0.5f*sin(AL_t.x);
		float highMix = highOrig.r + highOrig.g + highOrig.b;
		float red = highOrig.r/highMix;
		float green = highOrig.g/highMix;
		float blue = highOrig.b/highMix;
		highOrig = highOrig + highDirt;
#if AL_Adaptive == 2
			high = high + high*dirtOVR*alDirtOVInt*green;
			high = high + highDirt;
			high = high + highOrig*dirtOVB*alDirtOVInt*blue;
			high = high + highOrig*dirtOVR*alDirtOVInt*red;
#elif AL_Adaptive == 1
			high = high + highDirt;
			high = high + highOrig*dirtOVB*alDirtOVInt;
			high = high + highDirt;
			high = high + highOrig*dirtOVR*alDirtOVInt;
		highLensSrc = high*85f*pow(1.25f-(abs(texcoord.x-0.5f)+abs(texcoord.y-0.5f)),2);
	#define GEMFX_lensb1 (1.8f * alLensThresh)
	float origBright = max(highLensSrc.r,max(highLensSrc.g,highLensSrc.b));//sqrt(0.241*base.r*base.r+0.691*base.g*base.g+0.068*base.b*base.b);
	float maxOrig = max(GEMFX_lensb1 - pow(origBright*(0.5f-abs(texcoord.x-0.5f)),4),0.0f);
	float smartWeight = maxOrig*max(abs(xFlip-0.5f), 0.3f*abs(yFlip-0.5f))*(2.2-1.2*(abs(xFlip-0.5f)))*alLensInt;
	smartWeight = min(0.85f,max(0,smartWeight
#if AL_Adaptation

	float4 lensDB = tex2D(lensDBSampler, texcoord);
	float4 lensDB2 = tex2D(lensDB2Sampler, texcoord);
	float4 lensDOV = tex2D(lensDOVSampler, texcoord);
	float4 lensDUV = tex2D(lensDUVSampler, texcoord);

	float4 highLens = highFlip*lensDB*0.7f*smartWeight;

#if AL_Lens
		high = high + highLens;

		highLens = highFlipOrig*lensDUV*1.15f*smartWeight;
		highFlipOrig = highFlipOrig + highLens;
		high = high + highLens;

		highLens = highFlipOrig*lensDB2*0.7f*smartWeight;
		highFlipOrig = highFlipOrig + highLens;
		high = high + highLens;

		highLens = highFlipOrig*lensDOV*1.15f*smartWeight/2f + highFlipOrig*smartWeight/2f;
		highFlipOrig = highFlipOrig + highLens;
		high = high + highLens;

#if AL_Adaptation *= max(0.0f,(1.0f - adapt*0.75f*alAdaptBaseMult*pow((1.0f-(base.x+base.y+base.z)/3),alAdaptBaseBlackLvL)));
#define GEMFX_alb1 max(0.0f,(alInt-adapt)*0.85f)
	float4 highSampleMix = (1.0 - ((1.0 - base) * (1.0 - high *1.0)));
	float4 baseSample = lerp(base, highSampleMix, max(0.0f,alInt-adapt));
#define GEMFX_alb1 max(0.0f,alInt*0.85f)
	float4 highSampleMix = (1.0 - ((1.0 - base) * (1.0 - high *1.0)));
	float4 baseSample = lerp(base, highSampleMix, alInt);
	float baseSampleMix = baseSample.r + baseSample.g + baseSample.b;
	[flatten]if (baseSampleMix>0.008)
		return baseSample;
	else return lerp(base, highSampleMix, GEMFX_alb1*baseSampleMix);

technique AmbientLight_Tech <bool enabled = 
#if (AmbientLight_TimeOut > 0)
1; int toggle = AmbientLight_ToggleKey; timeout = AmbientLight_TimeOut; >
RFX_Start_Enabled; int toggle = AmbientLight_ToggleKey; >
	pass AL_DetectHigh
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_DetectHigh;
		RenderTarget = alInTex;

	pass AL_H1
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_HGB;
		RenderTarget = alOutTex;

	pass AL_V1
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_VGB;
		RenderTarget = alInTex;

	pass AL_H2
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_HGB;
		RenderTarget = alOutTex;

	pass AL_V2
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_VGB;
		RenderTarget = alInTex;

	pass AL_H3
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_HGB;
		RenderTarget = alOutTex;

	pass AL_V3
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_VGB;
		RenderTarget = alInTex;

	pass AL_H4
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_HGB;
		RenderTarget = alOutTex;

	pass AL_V4
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_VGB;
		RenderTarget = alInTex;

	pass AL_H5
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_HGB;
		RenderTarget = alOutTex;

	pass AL_V5
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_VGB;
		RenderTarget = alInTex;

	pass AL_H6
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_HGB;
		RenderTarget = alOutTex;

	pass AL_V6
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_VGB;
		RenderTarget = alInTex;

	pass AL_H7
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_HGB;
		RenderTarget = alOutTex;

	pass AL_V7
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_VGB;
		RenderTarget = alInTex;

	pass AL_H8
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_HGB;
		RenderTarget = alOutTex;

	pass AL_V8
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_VGB;
		RenderTarget = alInTex;

	pass AL_H9
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_HGB;
		RenderTarget = alOutTex;

	pass AL_V9
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_VGB;
		RenderTarget = alInTex;

	pass AL_H10
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_HGB;
		RenderTarget = alOutTex;

	pass AL_V10
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_VGB;
		RenderTarget = alInTex;

	pass AL_H11
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_HGB;
		RenderTarget = alOutTex;

	pass AL_V11
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_VGB;
		RenderTarget = alInTex;

	pass AL_H12
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_HGB;
		RenderTarget = alOutTex;

	pass AL_V12
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_VGB;
		RenderTarget = alInTex;

	pass AL_Magic
		VertexShader = RFX_VS_PostProcess;
		PixelShader = PS_AL_Magic;


#ifndef RFX_duplicate

Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by Viper367.

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  • Viper367
  • Topic Author
4 years 10 months ago #2 by Viper367 Replied by Viper367 on topic vanishing hud counter strike 1.6
unfortunately there is 1 more mistake after about 5 minutes of playing the colors change to blue just like in the picture

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  • crosire
4 years 10 months ago #3 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic vanishing hud counter strike 1.6
You are using a three year old, heavily outdated version, without any of the thousands of bug fixes or newer ones... Of course it's not going to work well. Update!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Viper367

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  • Viper367
  • Topic Author
4 years 10 months ago #4 by Viper367 Replied by Viper367 on topic vanishing hud counter strike 1.6
Thank you for the answer after many attempts finally succeeded and so far it works perfectly although still on some shaders it removes hud.
ps as you know cs 1.6 is a goldsrc engine that uses max 1 core and here I have a question. there are some shaders or you know some way to use at least 2 cores because I have about 50fps. gpu30% cpu 10%

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  • Viper367
  • Topic Author
4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #5 by Viper367 Replied by Viper367 on topic vanishing hud counter strike 1.6
ps hud still disappears
Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by Viper367.

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  • Viper367
  • Topic Author
4 years 2 months ago #6 by Viper367 Replied by Viper367 on topic vanishing hud counter strike 1.6
I repeat the question
Hud still doesn't appear
I tried different versions, from the framework to the latest version, the same problem all the time
even hud added by a separate metahook module, the one above also sometimes catches errors, as in the picture

it is very important to me that it works because I create modifications based on cs and together with other modifications it would look very good
below csgo vs my cs based on 1.6

ps I have 1 more question
it is possible to run reshade as a second background program
the situation is this for goldsrc supports only 1 core and this is not enough for the game and reshade together

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