GTA V Reshade.fx compile issue

  • kowalski713
  • Topic Author
4 years 1 week ago #1 by kowalski713 GTA V Reshade.fx compile issue was created by kowalski713
i have VisualV installed with the re-shade options added. I also had World of variety and had the change the dxgi.ini to d3d9.ini. My game works just cant use the sweet fx shaders. this is my log from the game. ive looked up everywhere and cant seem to figure it out
19:31:13:301 [21060] | INFO  | Initializing crosire's ReShade version '' (64-bit) built on '2020-04-08 20:15:43' loaded from "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\d3d9.dll" into "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe" ...
19:31:13:408 [21060] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "user32.dll" ...
19:31:13:408 [21060] | INFO  | > Libraries loaded.
19:31:13:408 [21060] | INFO  | > Found 13 match(es). Installing ...
19:31:13:434 [21060] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "ws2_32.dll" ...
19:31:13:434 [21060] | INFO  | > Libraries loaded.
19:31:13:434 [21060] | INFO  | > Found 8 match(es). Installing ...
19:31:13:460 [21060] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d2d1.dll" ...
19:31:13:460 [21060] | INFO  | > Delayed.
19:31:13:460 [21060] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll" ...
19:31:13:460 [21060] | INFO  | > Delayed until first call to an exported function.
19:31:13:460 [21060] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d10.dll" ...
19:31:13:460 [21060] | INFO  | > Delayed.
19:31:13:460 [21060] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d10_1.dll" ...
19:31:13:460 [21060] | INFO  | > Delayed.
19:31:13:460 [21060] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll" ...
19:31:13:461 [21060] | INFO  | > Delayed.
19:31:13:461 [21060] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d12.dll" ...
19:31:13:461 [21060] | INFO  | > Delayed.
19:31:13:461 [21060] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll" ...
19:31:13:461 [21060] | INFO  | > Delayed.
19:31:13:461 [21060] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\opengl32.dll" ...
19:31:13:461 [21060] | INFO  | > Libraries loaded.
19:31:13:461 [21060] | INFO  | > Found 360 match(es). Installing ...
19:31:13:494 [21060] | INFO  | Initialized.
19:31:13:553 [07788] | INFO  | Installing delayed hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d2d1.dll" (Just loaded via LoadLibrary("ext-ms-win-mininput-inputhost-l1-1-1.dll")) ...
19:31:13:553 [07788] | INFO  | > Found 2 match(es). Installing ...
19:31:13:596 [07788] | INFO  | Installing delayed hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll" (Just loaded via LoadLibrary("ext-ms-win-mininput-inputhost-l1-1-1.dll")) ...
19:31:13:596 [07788] | INFO  | > Found 2 match(es). Installing ...
19:31:13:639 [07788] | INFO  | Installing delayed hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll" (Just loaded via LoadLibrary("ext-ms-win-mininput-inputhost-l1-1-1.dll")) ...
19:31:13:640 [07788] | INFO  | > Found 8 match(es). Installing ...
19:31:37:974 [21060] | INFO  | Installing delayed hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d12.dll" (Just loaded via LoadLibrary("d3d12.dll")) ...
19:31:37:974 [21060] | INFO  | > Found 7 match(es). Installing ...
19:31:38:004 [21060] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory(riid = {7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, ppFactory = 0000003FBCD7F4F0) ...
19:31:38:004 [21060] | INFO  | > Passing on to CreateDXGIFactory1:
19:31:38:004 [21060] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory1(riid = {7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, ppFactory = 0000003FBCD7F4F0) ...
19:31:38:008 [21060] | INFO  | Redirecting D3D11CreateDevice(pAdapter = 0000000000000000, DriverType = 1, Software = 0000000000000000, Flags = 0, pFeatureLevels = 0000000000000000, FeatureLevels = 0, SDKVersion = 7, ppDevice = 0000000000000000, pFeatureLevel = 0000003FBCD7F4F8, ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000) ...
19:31:38:008 [21060] | INFO  | > Passing on to D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain:
19:31:38:008 [21060] | INFO  | Redirecting D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(pAdapter = 0000000000000000, DriverType = 1, Software = 0000000000000000, Flags = 0, pFeatureLevels = 0000000000000000, FeatureLevels = 0, SDKVersion = 7, pSwapChainDesc = 0000000000000000, ppSwapChain = 0000000000000000, ppDevice = 0000000000000000, pFeatureLevel = 0000003FBCD7F4F8, ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000) ...
19:31:38:009 [21060] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory2(Flags = 0x80000000, riid = {7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, ppFactory = 0000003FBCD7EC88) ...
19:31:38:056 [21060] | INFO  | > Using feature level 0xb000.
19:31:38:093 [21060] | INFO  | Redirecting RegisterClassExW(lpWndClassEx = 0000003FBCD7F080 { SteamWinsockInitFakeClass_1 }) ...
19:31:38:093 [21060] | INFO  | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to 'SteamWinsockInitFakeClass_1'.
19:31:38:219 [21060] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory(riid = {7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, ppFactory = 0000003FBCD7F3B8) ...
19:31:38:219 [21060] | INFO  | > Passing on to CreateDXGIFactory1:
19:31:38:219 [21060] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory1(riid = {7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, ppFactory = 0000003FBCD7F3B8) ...
19:31:38:231 [21060] | INFO  | Installing delayed hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d10_1.dll" (Just loaded via LoadLibrary("D3D10_1.DLL")) ...
19:31:38:231 [21060] | INFO  | > Found 2 match(es). Installing ...
19:31:38:260 [21060] | INFO  | Redirecting D3D11CreateDevice(pAdapter = 0000000000000000, DriverType = 1, Software = 0000000000000000, Flags = 0, pFeatureLevels = 0000000000000000, FeatureLevels = 0, SDKVersion = 7, ppDevice = 0000000000000000, pFeatureLevel = 0000003FBCD7F1A8, ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000) ...
19:31:38:260 [21060] | INFO  | > Passing on to D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain:
19:31:38:260 [21060] | INFO  | Redirecting D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(pAdapter = 0000000000000000, DriverType = 1, Software = 0000000000000000, Flags = 0, pFeatureLevels = 0000000000000000, FeatureLevels = 0, SDKVersion = 7, pSwapChainDesc = 0000000000000000, ppSwapChain = 0000000000000000, ppDevice = 0000000000000000, pFeatureLevel = 0000003FBCD7F1A8, ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000) ...
19:31:38:260 [21060] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory2(Flags = 0x80000000, riid = {7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, ppFactory = 0000003FBCD7E938) ...
19:31:38:301 [21060] | INFO  | > Using feature level 0xb000.
19:31:38:307 [14240] | INFO  | Redirecting RegisterClassW(lpWndClass = 0000003FBE6FF1E0 { grcWindow }) ...
19:31:38:307 [14240] | INFO  | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to 'grcWindow'.
19:31:38:321 [14240] | INFO  | Redirecting D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(pAdapter = 00000223F14D86A0, DriverType = 0, Software = 0000000000000000, Flags = 0, pFeatureLevels = 0000003FBE6FF2F0, FeatureLevels = 3, SDKVersion = 7, pSwapChainDesc = 00007FF6826488E0, ppSwapChain = 00007FF682633D58, ppDevice = 00007FF682602900, pFeatureLevel = 0000003FBE6FFC30, ppImmediateContext = 00007FF682602908) ...
19:31:38:386 [14240] | INFO  | > Using feature level 0xb000.
19:31:38:386 [14240] | INFO  | > Calling IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain:
19:31:38:386 [14240] | INFO  | Redirecting IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain(this = 00000223F2B34FD0, pDevice = 00000223F290FFF0, pDesc = 00007FF6826488E0, ppSwapChain = 00007FF682633D58) ...
19:31:38:386 [14240] | INFO  | > Dumping swap chain description:
19:31:38:386 [14240] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
19:31:38:386 [14240] | INFO  |   | Parameter                               | Value                                   |
19:31:38:386 [14240] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
19:31:38:386 [14240] | INFO  |   | Width                                   | 1920                                    |
19:31:38:387 [14240] | INFO  |   | Height                                  | 1080                                    |
19:31:38:387 [14240] | INFO  |   | RefreshRate                             | 60000               1001                |
19:31:38:387 [14240] | INFO  |   | Format                                  | 87                                      |
19:31:38:387 [14240] | INFO  |   | ScanlineOrdering                        | 0                                       |
19:31:38:387 [14240] | INFO  |   | Scaling                                 | 0                                       |
19:31:38:387 [14240] | INFO  |   | SampleCount                             | 1                                       |
19:31:38:387 [14240] | INFO  |   | SampleQuality                           | 0                                       |
19:31:38:387 [14240] | INFO  |   | BufferUsage                             | 112                                     |
19:31:38:387 [14240] | INFO  |   | BufferCount                             | 1                                       |
19:31:38:387 [14240] | INFO  |   | OutputWindow                            | 00000000018C0E5C                        |
19:31:38:387 [14240] | INFO  |   | Windowed                                | FALSE                                   |
19:31:38:387 [14240] | INFO  |   | SwapEffect                              | 0                                       |
19:31:38:387 [14240] | INFO  |   | Flags                                   | 0x2                                     |
19:31:38:387 [14240] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
19:31:40:079 [06880] | INFO  | Redirecting RegisterClassW(lpWndClass = 0000003FBEFFF190 { .NET-BroadcastEventWindow. }) ...
19:31:40:079 [06880] | INFO  | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to '.NET-BroadcastEventWindow.'.
19:31:40:395 [14240] | INFO  | Recreated runtime environment on runtime 00000224A2115670.
19:31:40:477 [11392] | INFO  | Redirecting RegisterClassW(lpWndClass = 0000003FBF13EB80 { }) ...
19:31:40:477 [11392] | INFO  | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to ''.
19:31:41:488 [12404] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\FakeHDR.fx".
19:31:41:490 [19004] | ERROR | Failed to compile "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\ReShade.fx":
D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\HeatHaze.h(311, 34): error X3004: undeclared identifier 'HEAT_HAZE_STRENGTH'
D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\AmbientLight.h(146, 47): error X3004: undeclared identifier 'AMBIENT_LIGHT_STRENGTH'

19:31:41:493 [19004] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\Sepia.fx".
19:31:41:493 [12404] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\FilmGrain.fx".
19:31:41:493 [16728] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\ASCII.fx".
19:31:41:495 [16728] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\Border.fx".
19:31:41:497 [16728] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\Cartoon.fx".
19:31:41:499 [16728] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\ChromaticAberration.fx".
19:31:41:501 [16728] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\ColorMatrix.fx".
19:31:41:508 [12404] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\FXAA.fx".
19:31:41:514 [16728] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\CRT.fx".
19:31:41:524 [12404] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\Layer.fx".
19:31:41:533 [16728] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\Curves.fx".
19:31:41:539 [16728] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\Daltonize.fx".
19:31:41:539 [19004] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\SMAA.fx".
19:31:41:542 [12404] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\Levels.fx".
19:31:41:543 [19004] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\Splitscreen.fx".
19:31:41:545 [19004] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\Technicolor.fx".
19:31:41:561 [16728] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\Deband.fx".
19:31:41:562 [12404] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\LiftGammaGain.fx".
19:31:41:569 [16728] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\DisplayDepth.fx".
19:31:41:573 [19004] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\Technicolor2.fx".
19:31:41:575 [12404] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\LumaSharpen.fx".
19:31:41:575 [16728] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\DPX.fx".
19:31:41:578 [12404] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\LUT.fx".
19:31:41:581 [19004] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\Tonemap.fx".
19:31:41:584 [12404] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\Monochrome.fx".
19:31:41:584 [19004] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\UIMask.fx".
19:31:41:590 [19004] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\Vibrance.fx".
19:31:41:593 [19004] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\Vignette.fx".
19:31:41:597 [12404] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "D:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\reshade-shaders\Shaders\Nostalgia.fx".
19:31:43:995 [14240] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:32:22:651 [14240] | INFO  | Redirecting IDXGISwapChain::SetFullscreenState(this = 00000224A222F250, Fullscreen = FALSE, pTarget = 0000000000000000) ...
19:32:22:689 [14240] | INFO  | Redirecting IDXGISwapChain::SetFullscreenState(this = 00000224A222F250, Fullscreen = TRUE, pTarget = 00000223F2C68400) ...
19:31:39:444 [16856] | INFO  |   | Parameter                               | Value                                   |
19:31:39:444 [16856] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
19:31:39:444 [16856] | INFO  |   | BackBufferWidth                         | 128                                     |
19:31:39:444 [16856] | INFO  |   | BackBufferHeight                        | 128                                     |
19:31:39:444 [16856] | INFO  |   | BackBufferFormat                        | 21                                      |
19:31:39:444 [16856] | INFO  |   | BackBufferCount                         | 1                                       |
19:31:39:444 [16856] | INFO  |   | MultiSampleType                         | 0                                       |
19:31:39:444 [16856] | INFO  |   | MultiSampleQuality                      | 0                                       |
19:31:39:444 [16856] | INFO  |   | SwapEffect                              | 3                                       |
19:31:39:444 [16856] | INFO  |   | DeviceWindow                            | 0000000002140D3A                        |
19:31:39:444 [16856] | INFO  |   | Windowed                                | TRUE                                    |
19:31:39:444 [16856] | INFO  |   | EnableAutoDepthStencil                  | FALSE                                   |
19:31:39:444 [16856] | INFO  |   | AutoDepthStencilFormat                  | 0                                       |
19:31:39:444 [16856] | INFO  |   | Flags                                   | 0x1                                     |
19:31:39:444 [16856] | INFO  |   | FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz              | 0                                       |
19:31:39:444 [16856] | INFO  |   | PresentationInterval                    | 0x80000000                              |
19:31:39:444 [16856] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
19:31:39:654 [16856] | INFO  | Recreated runtime environment on runtime 00000196D2A1E680.
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  | Redirecting IDirect3DDevice9::CreateAdditionalSwapChain(this = 00000196D2D97260, pPresentationParameters = 00000196CEAC1DE0, ppSwapChain = 000000398C3FF900) ...
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  | > Dumping presentation parameters:
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  |   | Parameter                               | Value                                   |
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  |   | BackBufferWidth                         | 1934                                    |
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  |   | BackBufferHeight                        | 1094                                    |
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  |   | BackBufferFormat                        | 21                                      |
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  |   | BackBufferCount                         | 1                                       |
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  |   | MultiSampleType                         | 0                                       |
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  |   | MultiSampleQuality                      | 0                                       |
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  |   | SwapEffect                              | 3                                       |
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  |   | DeviceWindow                            | 0000000002140D3A                        |
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  |   | Windowed                                | TRUE                                    |
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  |   | EnableAutoDepthStencil                  | FALSE                                   |
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  |   | AutoDepthStencilFormat                  | 0                                       |
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  |   | Flags                                   | 0x1                                     |
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  |   | FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz              | 0                                       |
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  |   | PresentationInterval                    | 0x80000000                              |
19:31:39:658 [16856] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
19:31:39:898 [16856] | INFO  | Recreated runtime environment on runtime 00000196D2A23300.
19:31:39:931 [16856] | INFO  | Destroyed runtime environment on runtime 00000196D2A1E680.
19:31:40:472 [18152] | INFO  | Redirecting RegisterClassExW(lpWndClassEx = 000000398A3FBA20 { HwndWrapper[RAGEPluginHook.exe;;ae663bd3-d0f1-4704-9ab9-8a4d1b217751] }) ...
19:31:40:472 [18152] | INFO  | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to 'HwndWrapper[RAGEPluginHook.exe;;ae663bd3-d0f1-4704-9ab9-8a4d1b217751]'.
19:31:40:489 [18152] | INFO  | Redirecting RegisterClassW(lpWndClass = 000000398A3FAE20 { .NET-BroadcastEventWindow. }) ...
19:31:40:489 [18152] | INFO  | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to '.NET-BroadcastEventWindow.'.
19:31:46:780 [16388] | INFO  | Exiting ...
19:31:46:780 [16388] | INFO  | Uninstalling 46 hook(s) ...
19:31:46:812 [16388] | INFO  | Finished exiting.

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  • crosire
4 years 1 week ago #2 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic GTA V Reshade.fx compile issue
You are using really outdated shaders (pre ReShade 3.0) that are not officially supported anymore. Will be fixed in ReShade 4.6.1 though.

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