2D Scaler and Bumpmapping shader for ReShade

  • guest.r
  • Topic Author
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #1 by guest.r 2D Scaler and Bumpmapping shader for ReShade was created by guest.r
Been tinkering around these shaders for a while and i think i improoved my initial approach quite a bit, so i decided to post them here.
Feel free to post some feedback. :cheer:

Download link:

The 2D Scaler is intended for 2D games which could use some scaling. Scalers like xBR(Z) are very sensitive regarding coordinates and offsets, i guess if someone was porting them to ReShade has noticed it.

   2D-Scaler for ReShade
   Copyright (C) 2019 guest(r) - guest.r@gmail.com

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

#include "ReShadeUI.fxh"
#include "ReShade.fxh"

uniform float o < __UNIFORM_SLIDER_FLOAT1
	ui_min = 0.25; ui_max = 2.0;
	ui_label = "Filter Width";
	ui_tooltip = "Filter Width";
> = 1.0; 

uniform float DBL < __UNIFORM_SLIDER_FLOAT1
	ui_min = 1.0; ui_max = 5.0;
	ui_label = "Deblur";
	ui_tooltip = "Deblur strength";
> = 2.5; 

texture Texture02 { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA8; };
sampler Texture02S { Texture = Texture02; }; 

float3 texture2d (float2 texcoord, float4 yx) {
	float3 dt = float3(1.0,1.0,1.0);

	float3 s00 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer,texcoord + yx.zw).xyz; 
	float3 s20 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer,texcoord + yx.xw).xyz; 
	float3 s22 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer,texcoord + yx.xy).xyz; 
	float3 s02 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer,texcoord + yx.zy).xyz; 

	float m1=dot(abs(s00-s22),dt)+0.001;
	float m2=dot(abs(s02-s20),dt)+0.001;

	return .5*(m2*(s00+s22)+m1*(s02+s20))/(m1+m2);

float3 TWODS0(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 uv : TexCoord) : SV_Target
	float3 dt = float3(1.0,1.0,1.0);

	// Calculating texel coordinates
	float2 inv_size = o * ReShade::PixelSize;	
	float2 size     = 1.0/inv_size;

	float4 yx = float4(inv_size, -inv_size);
	float2 OGL2Pos = uv*size;
	float2 fp = frac(OGL2Pos);
	float2 dx = float2(inv_size.x,0.0);
	float2 dy = float2(0.0, inv_size.y);
	float2 g1 = float2(inv_size.x,inv_size.y);
	float2 g2 = float2(-inv_size.x,inv_size.y);
	float2 pC4 = floor(OGL2Pos) * inv_size + 0.5 * inv_size;
	// Reading the texels
	float3 C0 = texture2d(pC4 - g1, yx); 
	float3 C1 = texture2d(pC4 - dy, yx);
	float3 C2 = texture2d(pC4 - g2, yx);
	float3 C3 = texture2d(pC4 - dx, yx);
	float3 C4 = texture2d(pC4     , yx);
	float3 C5 = texture2d(pC4 + dx, yx);
	float3 C6 = texture2d(pC4 + g2, yx);
	float3 C7 = texture2d(pC4 + dy, yx);
	float3 C8 = texture2d(pC4 + g1, yx);
	float3 ul, ur, dl, dr;
	float m1, m2;
	m1 = dot(abs(C0-C4),dt)+0.001;
	m2 = dot(abs(C1-C3),dt)+0.001;
	ul = (m2*(C0+C4)+m1*(C1+C3))/(m1+m2);  
	m1 = dot(abs(C1-C5),dt)+0.001;
	m2 = dot(abs(C2-C4),dt)+0.001;
	ur = (m2*(C1+C5)+m1*(C2+C4))/(m1+m2);
	m1 = dot(abs(C3-C7),dt)+0.001;
	m2 = dot(abs(C6-C4),dt)+0.001;
	dl = (m2*(C3+C7)+m1*(C6+C4))/(m1+m2);
	m1 = dot(abs(C4-C8),dt)+0.001;
	m2 = dot(abs(C5-C7),dt)+0.001;
	dr = (m2*(C4+C8)+m1*(C5+C7))/(m1+m2);
	float3 c11 = 0.5*((dr*fp.x+dl*(1-fp.x))*fp.y+(ur*fp.x+ul*(1-fp.x))*(1-fp.y));
	return c11;

float3 DEB(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 uv1 : TexCoord) : SV_Target
	// Calculating texel coordinates
	float2 inv_size = 1.375 * o * ReShade::PixelSize;	
	float2 size     = 1.0/inv_size;

	float2 dx = float2(inv_size.x,0.0);
	float2 dy = float2(0.0, inv_size.y);
	float2 g1 = float2(inv_size.x,inv_size.y);
	float2 g2 = float2(-inv_size.x,inv_size.y);
	float2 pC4 = uv1;	
	// Reading the texels
	float3 c00 = tex2D(Texture02S,pC4 - g1).rgb; 
	float3 c10 = tex2D(Texture02S,pC4 - dy).rgb;
	float3 c20 = tex2D(Texture02S,pC4 - g2).rgb;
	float3 c01 = tex2D(Texture02S,pC4 - dx).rgb;
	float3 c11 = tex2D(Texture02S,pC4     ).rgb;
	float3 c21 = tex2D(Texture02S,pC4 + dx).rgb;
	float3 c02 = tex2D(Texture02S,pC4 + g2).rgb;
	float3 c12 = tex2D(Texture02S,pC4 + dy).rgb;
	float3 c22 = tex2D(Texture02S,pC4 + g1).rgb;
	float3 d11 = c11;

	float3 mn1 = min (min (c00,c01),c02);
	float3 mn2 = min (min (c10,c11),c12);
	float3 mn3 = min (min (c20,c21),c22);
	float3 mx1 = max (max (c00,c01),c02);
	float3 mx2 = max (max (c10,c11),c12);
	float3 mx3 = max (max (c20,c21),c22);
	mn1 = min(min(mn1,mn2),mn3);
	mx1 = max(max(mx1,mx2),mx3);

	float3 dif1 = abs(c11-mn1) + 0.0001;
	float3 dif2 = abs(c11-mx1) + 0.0001;
	float3 dt = float3(1.0,1.0,1.0);
	float d1=dot(abs(c00-c22),dt)+0.0001;
	float d2=dot(abs(c20-c02),dt)+0.0001;
	float hl=dot(abs(c01-c21),dt)+0.0001;
	float vl=dot(abs(c10-c12),dt)+0.0001;

	float dif = pow(max(d1+d2+hl+vl-0.2,0.0)/(0.25*dot(c01+c10+c12+c21,dt)+0.33),0.75);
	dif = min(dif, 1.0);
	float DB1 = max(lerp( 0.0, DBL, dif), 1.0);

	d11 = float3((dif1.x*mx1.x + dif2.x*mn1.x)/(dif1.x + dif2.x),
				(dif1.y*mx1.y + dif2.y*mn1.y)/(dif1.y + dif2.y),
				(dif1.z*mx1.z + dif2.z*mn1.z)/(dif1.z + dif2.z));   
	float k10 = 1.0/(dot(abs(c10-d11),dt)+0.0001);
	float k01 = 1.0/(dot(abs(c01-d11),dt)+0.0001);
	float k11 = 1.0/(dot(abs(c11-d11),dt)+0.0001);  
	float k21 = 1.0/(dot(abs(c21-d11),dt)+0.0001);
	float k12 = 1.0/(dot(abs(c12-d11),dt)+0.0001);   
	float k00 = 1.0/(dot(abs(c00-d11),dt)+0.0001);
	float k02 = 1.0/(dot(abs(c02-d11),dt)+0.0001);  
	float k20 = 1.0/(dot(abs(c20-d11),dt)+0.0001);
	float k22 = 1.0/(dot(abs(c22-d11),dt)+0.0001);   
	float avg = 0.025*(k10+k01+k11+k21+k12+k00+k02+k20+k22);
	k10 = max(k10-avg, 0.0);
	k01 = max(k01-avg, 0.0);
	k11 = max(k11-avg, 0.0);   
	k21 = max(k21-avg, 0.0);
	k12 = max(k12-avg, 0.0);
	k00 = max(k00-avg, 0.0);
	k02 = max(k02-avg, 0.0);   
	k20 = max(k20-avg, 0.0);
	k22 = max(k22-avg, 0.0);
	c11 = (k10*c10 + k01*c01 + k11*c11 + k21*c21 + k12*c12 + k00*c00 + k02*c02 + k20*c20 + k22*c22 + 0.0001*c11)/(k10+k01+k11+k21+k12+k00+k02+k20+k22+0.0001);
	return c11;

technique TWO_D_SCALER
	pass twod1
		VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
		PixelShader = TWODS0;
		RenderTarget = Texture02; 		
	pass twod2
		VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
		PixelShader = DEB;

I'm adding a much sharper level2 version too:
   2D-Scaler Level2 shader for ReShade
   Copyright (C) 2019 guest(r) - guest.r@gmail.com

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

#include "ReShadeUI.fxh"
#include "ReShade.fxh"

uniform float o < __UNIFORM_SLIDER_FLOAT1
	ui_min = 0.25; ui_max = 2.0;
	ui_label = "Filter Width";
	ui_tooltip = "Filter Width";
> = 1.0; 

uniform float DBL < __UNIFORM_SLIDER_FLOAT1
	ui_min = 1.0; ui_max = 5.0;
	ui_label = "Deblur";
	ui_tooltip = "Deblur strength";
> = 2.5; 

texture Texture01L  { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA8; };
sampler Texture01SL { Texture = Texture01L; MinFilter = Linear; MagFilter = Linear; }; 

texture Texture02L  { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA8; };
sampler Texture02SL { Texture = Texture02L; MinFilter = Linear; MagFilter = Linear; }; 

float3 TWODS0(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 uv : TexCoord) : SV_Target
	float2 inv_size = o * ReShade::PixelSize;	

	float dx = inv_size.x;
	float dy = inv_size.y;
	float4 yx = float4( dx, dy, -dx, -dy);
	float4 xh = float4(3.0*dx,4.0*dy,-3.0*dx,-4.0*dy)*0.65;
	float4 yv = float4(4.0*dx,3.0*dy,-4.0*dx,-3.0*dy)*0.65;
	float2 xx = float2(3.5*dx, 0.0);
	float2 yy = float2(0.0, 3.5*dy); 

	float3 dt = float3(1.0,1.0,1.0);

	float3 c11 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv).xyz;  
	float3 s00 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv + yx.zw).xyz;
	float3 s20 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv + yx.xw).xyz;
	float3 s22 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv + yx.xy).xyz;
	float3 s02 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv + yx.zy).xyz;
	float3 h00 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv + xh.zw).xyz;
	float3 h20 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv + xh.xw).xyz;
	float3 h22 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv + xh.xy).xyz;
	float3 h02 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv + xh.zy).xyz;
	float3 v00 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv + yv.zw).xyz;
	float3 v20 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv + yv.xw).xyz;
	float3 v22 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv + yv.xy).xyz;
	float3 v02 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv + yv.zy).xyz;
	float3 c10 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv - yy   ).xyz;     
	float3 c21 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv + xx   ).xyz;
	float3 c12 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv + yy   ).xyz;
	float3 c01 = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, uv - xx   ).xyz;
	float m1=1.0/(dot(abs(s00-s22),dt)+0.00001);
	float m2=1.0/(dot(abs(s02-s20),dt)+0.00001);
	float h1=1.0/(dot(abs(c10-h22),dt)+0.00001);
	float h2=1.0/(dot(abs(c12-h20),dt)+0.00001);
	float h3=1.0/(dot(abs(h00-c12),dt)+0.00001);
	float h4=1.0/(dot(abs(h02-c10),dt)+0.00001);
	float v1=1.0/(dot(abs(c01-v22),dt)+0.00001);
	float v2=1.0/(dot(abs(c01-v20),dt)+0.00001);
	float v3=1.0/(dot(abs(v00-c21),dt)+0.00001);
	float v4=1.0/(dot(abs(v02-c21),dt)+0.00001);

	float3 t1 = 0.5*(m1*(s00+s22)+m2*(s02+s20))/(m1+m2);
	float3 t2 = 0.5*(h1*(c10+h22)+h2*(c12+h20)+h3*(h00+c12)+h4*(h02+c10))/(h1+h2+h3+h4);
	float3 t3 = 0.5*(v1*(c01+v22)+v2*(c01+v20)+v3*(v00+c21)+v4*(v02+c21))/(v1+v2+v3+v4);
	float k1 = 1.0/(dot(abs(t1-c11),dt)+0.00001);
	float k2 = 1.0/(dot(abs(t2-c11),dt)+0.00001);
	float k3 = 1.0/(dot(abs(t3-c11),dt)+0.00001);    

	c11 = (k1*t1 + k2*t2 + k3*t3)/(k1+k2+k3); 
	return c11;

float3 TWODS1(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 uv : TexCoord) : SV_Target
	float3 dt = float3(1.0,1.0,1.0);

	// Calculating texel coordinates
	float2 inv_size = o * ReShade::PixelSize;	
	float2 size     = 1.0/inv_size;

	float4 yx = float4(inv_size, -inv_size);
	float2 OGL2Pos = uv*size;
	float2 fp = frac(OGL2Pos);
	float2 dx = float2(inv_size.x,0.0);
	float2 dy = float2(0.0, inv_size.y);
	float2 g1 = float2(inv_size.x,inv_size.y);
	float2 g2 = float2(-inv_size.x,inv_size.y);
	float2 pC4 = floor(OGL2Pos) * inv_size + 0.5 * inv_size;
	// Reading the texels
	float3 C0 = tex2D(Texture01SL, pC4 - g1).rgb; 
	float3 C1 = tex2D(Texture01SL, pC4 - dy).rgb;
	float3 C2 = tex2D(Texture01SL, pC4 - g2).rgb;
	float3 C3 = tex2D(Texture01SL, pC4 - dx).rgb;
	float3 C4 = tex2D(Texture01SL, pC4     ).rgb;
	float3 C5 = tex2D(Texture01SL, pC4 + dx).rgb;
	float3 C6 = tex2D(Texture01SL, pC4 + g2).rgb;
	float3 C7 = tex2D(Texture01SL, pC4 + dy).rgb;
	float3 C8 = tex2D(Texture01SL, pC4 + g1).rgb;
	float3 ul, ur, dl, dr;
	float m1, m2;
	m1 = dot(abs(C0-C4),dt)+0.001;
	m2 = dot(abs(C1-C3),dt)+0.001;
	ul = (m2*(C0+C4)+m1*(C1+C3))/(m1+m2);  
	m1 = dot(abs(C1-C5),dt)+0.001;
	m2 = dot(abs(C2-C4),dt)+0.001;
	ur = (m2*(C1+C5)+m1*(C2+C4))/(m1+m2);
	m1 = dot(abs(C3-C7),dt)+0.001;
	m2 = dot(abs(C6-C4),dt)+0.001;
	dl = (m2*(C3+C7)+m1*(C6+C4))/(m1+m2);
	m1 = dot(abs(C4-C8),dt)+0.001;
	m2 = dot(abs(C5-C7),dt)+0.001;
	dr = (m2*(C4+C8)+m1*(C5+C7))/(m1+m2);
	float3 c11 = 0.5*((dr*fp.x+dl*(1-fp.x))*fp.y+(ur*fp.x+ul*(1-fp.x))*(1-fp.y));
	return c11;

float3 DEB(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 uv1 : TexCoord) : SV_Target
	// Calculating texel coordinates
	float2 inv_size = 1.375 * o * ReShade::PixelSize;	
	float2 size     = 1.0/inv_size;

	float2 dx = float2(inv_size.x,0.0);
	float2 dy = float2(0.0, inv_size.y);
	float2 g1 = float2(inv_size.x,inv_size.y);
	float2 g2 = float2(-inv_size.x,inv_size.y);
	float2 pC4 = uv1;	
	// Reading the texels
	float3 c00 = tex2D(Texture02SL,pC4 - g1).rgb; 
	float3 c10 = tex2D(Texture02SL,pC4 - dy).rgb;
	float3 c20 = tex2D(Texture02SL,pC4 - g2).rgb;
	float3 c01 = tex2D(Texture02SL,pC4 - dx).rgb;
	float3 c11 = tex2D(Texture02SL,pC4     ).rgb;
	float3 c21 = tex2D(Texture02SL,pC4 + dx).rgb;
	float3 c02 = tex2D(Texture02SL,pC4 + g2).rgb;
	float3 c12 = tex2D(Texture02SL,pC4 + dy).rgb;
	float3 c22 = tex2D(Texture02SL,pC4 + g1).rgb;
	float3 d11 = c11;

	float3 mn1 = min (min (c00,c01),c02);
	float3 mn2 = min (min (c10,c11),c12);
	float3 mn3 = min (min (c20,c21),c22);
	float3 mx1 = max (max (c00,c01),c02);
	float3 mx2 = max (max (c10,c11),c12);
	float3 mx3 = max (max (c20,c21),c22);
	mn1 = min(min(mn1,mn2),mn3);
	mx1 = max(max(mx1,mx2),mx3);

	float3 dif1 = abs(c11-mn1) + 0.0001;
	float3 dif2 = abs(c11-mx1) + 0.0001;
	float3 dt = float3(1.0,1.0,1.0);
	float d1=dot(abs(c00-c22),dt)+0.0001;
	float d2=dot(abs(c20-c02),dt)+0.0001;
	float hl=dot(abs(c01-c21),dt)+0.0001;
	float vl=dot(abs(c10-c12),dt)+0.0001;

	float dif = pow(max(d1+d2+hl+vl-0.2,0.0)/(0.25*dot(c01+c10+c12+c21,dt)+0.33),0.75);
	dif = min(dif, 1.0);
	float DB1 = max(lerp( 0.0, DBL, dif), 1.0);

	d11 = float3((dif1.x*mx1.x + dif2.x*mn1.x)/(dif1.x + dif2.x),
				(dif1.y*mx1.y + dif2.y*mn1.y)/(dif1.y + dif2.y),
				(dif1.z*mx1.z + dif2.z*mn1.z)/(dif1.z + dif2.z));   
	float k10 = 1.0/(dot(abs(c10-d11),dt)+0.0001);
	float k01 = 1.0/(dot(abs(c01-d11),dt)+0.0001);
	float k11 = 1.0/(dot(abs(c11-d11),dt)+0.0001);  
	float k21 = 1.0/(dot(abs(c21-d11),dt)+0.0001);
	float k12 = 1.0/(dot(abs(c12-d11),dt)+0.0001);   
	float k00 = 1.0/(dot(abs(c00-d11),dt)+0.0001);
	float k02 = 1.0/(dot(abs(c02-d11),dt)+0.0001);  
	float k20 = 1.0/(dot(abs(c20-d11),dt)+0.0001);
	float k22 = 1.0/(dot(abs(c22-d11),dt)+0.0001);   
	float avg = 0.025*(k10+k01+k11+k21+k12+k00+k02+k20+k22);
	k10 = max(k10-avg, 0.0);
	k01 = max(k01-avg, 0.0);
	k11 = max(k11-avg, 0.0);   
	k21 = max(k21-avg, 0.0);
	k12 = max(k12-avg, 0.0);
	k00 = max(k00-avg, 0.0);
	k02 = max(k02-avg, 0.0);   
	k20 = max(k20-avg, 0.0);
	k22 = max(k22-avg, 0.0);
	c11 = (k10*c10 + k01*c01 + k11*c11 + k21*c21 + k12*c12 + k00*c00 + k02*c02 + k20*c20 + k22*c22 + 0.0001*c11)/(k10+k01+k11+k21+k12+k00+k02+k20+k22+0.0001);
	return c11;

	pass twod1
		VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
		PixelShader = TWODS0;
		RenderTarget = Texture01L; 		
	pass twod2
		VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
		PixelShader = TWODS1;
		RenderTarget = Texture02L; 		

	pass twod2
		VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
		PixelShader = DEB;

I've played some games with this shader and it's a fun experience. :) Could get slow though on 4k native.

Bumpmapping shader:
   Bumpmapping shader
   Copyright (C) 2019 guest(r) - guest.r@gmail.com

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

#include "ReShadeUI.fxh"
#include "ReShade.fxh"

static const float glow  = 1.25;  // max brightness on borders
static const float shde  = 0.75;  // max darkening
static const float bump  = 2.25;  // effect strenght - lower values bring more effect

sampler Texture00S
	Texture = ReShade::BackBufferTex;
	MinFilter = Point; MagFilter = Point;

texture Texture01 { Width = 2.0 * BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = 2.0 * BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA8; };
sampler Texture01S { Texture = Texture01; };

float3 TWODS0(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 uv : TexCoord) : SV_Target
	// Calculating texel coordinates
	float2 ps = 0.5 * ReShade::PixelSize;	

	float x = ps.x;
	float y = ps.y;
	float2 dg1 = float2( x,y);  float2 dg2 = float2(-x,y);
	float2 sd1 = dg1*0.5;     float2 sd2 = dg2*0.5;
	float2 ddx = float2(x,0.0); float2 ddy = float2(0.0,y);

	float3 c11 = tex2D(Texture00S, uv.xy).xyz;
	float3 s00 = tex2D(Texture00S, uv.xy - sd1).xyz; 
	float3 s20 = tex2D(Texture00S, uv.xy - sd2).xyz; 
	float3 s22 = tex2D(Texture00S, uv.xy + sd1).xyz; 
	float3 s02 = tex2D(Texture00S, uv.xy + sd2).xyz; 
	float3 c00 = tex2D(Texture00S, uv.xy - dg1).xyz; 
	float3 c22 = tex2D(Texture00S, uv.xy + dg1).xyz; 
	float3 c20 = tex2D(Texture00S, uv.xy - dg2).xyz;
	float3 c02 = tex2D(Texture00S, uv.xy + dg2).xyz;
	float3 c10 = tex2D(Texture00S, uv.xy - ddy).xyz; 
	float3 c21 = tex2D(Texture00S, uv.xy + ddx).xyz; 
	float3 c12 = tex2D(Texture00S, uv.xy + ddy).xyz; 
	float3 c01 = tex2D(Texture00S, uv.xy - ddx).xyz;     
	float3 dt = float3(1.0,1.0,1.0);

	float d1=dot(abs(c00-c22),dt)+0.0001;
	float d2=dot(abs(c20-c02),dt)+0.0001;
	float hl=dot(abs(c01-c21),dt)+0.0001;
	float vl=dot(abs(c10-c12),dt)+0.0001;
	float m1=dot(abs(s00-s22),dt)+0.0001;
	float m2=dot(abs(s02-s20),dt)+0.0001;

	float3 t1=(hl*(c10+c12)+vl*(c01+c21)+(hl+vl)*c11)/(3.0*(hl+vl));
	float3 t2=(d1*(c20+c02)+d2*(c00+c22)+(d1+d2)*c11)/(3.0*(d1+d2));
	c11 =.25*(t1+t2+(m2*(s00+s22)+m1*(s02+s20))/(m1+m2));
	return c11;

float3 BUMP(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 uv : TexCoord) : SV_Target
	const float3 dt = float3(1.0,1.0,1.0);

	// Calculating texel coordinates
	float2 inv_size = 0.8 * ReShade::PixelSize;	

	float2 dx = float2(inv_size.x,0.0);
	float2 dy = float2(0.0, inv_size.y);
	float2 g1 = float2(inv_size.x,inv_size.y);
	// float2 g2 = float2(-inv_size.x,inv_size.y);
	float2 pC4 = uv;	
	// Reading the texels
	float3 c00 = tex2D(Texture01S,uv - g1).rgb; 
	float3 c10 = tex2D(Texture01S,uv - dy).rgb;
	// float3 c20 = tex2D(Texture01S,uv - g2).rgb;
	float3 c01 = tex2D(Texture01S,uv - dx).rgb;
	float3 c11 = tex2D(Texture01S,uv     ).rgb;
	float3 c21 = tex2D(Texture01S,uv + dx).rgb;
	// float3 c02 = tex2D(Texture01S,uv + g2).rgb;
	float3 c12 = tex2D(Texture01S,uv + dy).rgb;
	float3 c22 = tex2D(Texture01S,uv + g1).rgb;
	float3 d11 = c11;

	c11 = (-c00+c22-c01+c21-c10+c12+bump*d11)/bump;
	c11 = min(c11,glow*d11);
	c11 = max(c11,shde*d11);
	return c11;

	pass bump1
		VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
		PixelShader = TWODS0;
		RenderTarget = Texture01; 		
	pass bump2
		VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
		PixelShader = BUMP;

Some Screenies:


Last edit: 5 years 4 months ago by guest.r. Reason: New shader, dl link.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Wicked Sick, jas01, acknowledge, BlueSkyKnight, Viper_Joe, HekutoruMAC

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  • jas01
5 years 4 months ago #2 by jas01 Replied by jas01 on topic 2D Scaler and Bumpmapping shader for ReShade
Nice work. :)
About Bumpmapping shader. Could you find a way to make it work like a surface blur shader (make it depth aware). Having a few sliders (like effect strength and max distance - if it would be depth-based) could be helpful as well.

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  • acknowledge
5 years 2 months ago #3 by acknowledge Replied by acknowledge on topic 2D Scaler and Bumpmapping shader for ReShade
Thank you, your 2d scaler is a very nice alternative for emulators that lack proper filters.

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