Line thinning

  • crabshank
  • Topic Author
4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 8 months ago #1 by crabshank Line thinning was created by crabshank
Designed to thin lines to increase acutance:

S-curves + Line thinning + Gamma on right (for the PES 2020 screenshots):

#include "ReShadeUI.fxh";

uniform float LOD < __UNIFORM_DRAG_FLOAT1
	ui_min = -1.0; ui_max = 10.0;
	ui_tooltip = "Lower retains more detail.";
> = 0.25;

uniform float Brightness < __UNIFORM_DRAG_FLOAT1
	ui_min = -1.0; ui_max = 10.0;
	ui_tooltip = "Adjust LOD with this at 1 first, then adjust this. Higher => darker.";
> = 1.0;

uniform bool Two_dimensional_input <> = false;

uniform int Two_dimensional_input_type <__UNIFORM_COMBO_INT1
    ui_items = "Crosshairs on\0Crosshairs off\0";
	> = 0;

uniform float LOD_Brightness_Range < __UNIFORM_SLIDER_FLOAT1
	ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 7.0;
> = 1.0;

uniform int dxy < __UNIFORM_SLIDER_INT1
	ui_min = 0; ui_max = 100;
	ui_tooltip = "No. of adjacent pixels to include in the sample.";
> = 2;

uniform bool Final_grey_S_curve <> = false;

uniform float greyChangeAmnt < __UNIFORM_DRAG_FLOAT1
	ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 5.0;
> = 1;

uniform bool Omit_centre_pixel <> = false;

uniform bool Debug <
ui_tooltip = "Shows adjustment in greyscale.";
> = false;

uniform bool Split <> = false;

uniform bool Flip_split <> = false;

uniform float Split_position < __UNIFORM_SLIDER_FLOAT1
	ui_min = 0; ui_max =1;
	ui_tooltip = "0 is on the far left, 1 on the far right.";
> = 0.5;

#include "ReShade.fxh"

#include "DrawText_mod.fxh"

uniform bool buttondown < source = "mousebutton"; keycode = 0; mode = ""; >;

uniform float2 mousepoint < source = "mousepoint"; >;

float4 PS_LineThin(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0) : SV_Target

float4 c0=tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, texcoord);

float4 c1=c0;


float Brightness_Range=(BUFFER_WIDTH>=BUFFER_HEIGHT)?LOD_Brightness_Range:LOD_Brightness_Range*(BUFFER_RCP_WIDTH/BUFFER_RCP_HEIGHT);

float LOD= (buttondown==0 && Two_dimensional_input==1)?  mousepoint.x*ReShade::PixelSize.x*((LOD+0.5*LOD_Range)-(LOD-0.5*LOD_Range))+(LOD-0.5*LOD_Range):LOD;

float LOD_Pos=(buttondown==1 && Two_dimensional_input==1)?(LOD-(LOD-0.5*LOD_Range))/((LOD+0.5*LOD_Range)-(LOD-0.5*LOD_Range)):mousepoint.x*ReShade::PixelSize.x;

float Brightness= (buttondown==0 && Two_dimensional_input==1)?mousepoint.y*ReShade::PixelSize.y*((Brightness+0.5*Brightness_Range)-(Brightness-0.5*Brightness_Range))+(Brightness-0.5*Brightness_Range):Brightness;

float Brightness_Pos=(buttondown==1 && Two_dimensional_input==1)?(Brightness-(Brightness-0.5*Brightness_Range))/((Brightness+0.5*Brightness_Range)-(Brightness-0.5*Brightness_Range)):mousepoint.y*ReShade::PixelSize.y;

float c0Max=max(c0.r,max(c0.g,c0.b));

int x=0;
int y=0;
float count=0;
float accm=0;

			for (x=-1*dxy; x<=dxy; x+=1){
			for (y=-1*dxy; y<=dxy; y+=1){
			float4 current=tex2Dlod(ReShade::BackBuffer, float4(texcoord.x+float(x)*BUFFER_RCP_WIDTH, texcoord.y+float(y)*BUFFER_RCP_HEIGHT, 0, 0));
			float currentMax=max(current.r,max(current.g,current.b));
			float omit=(float2(float(x),float(y))==float2(0,0))?1:0;

float surrAvg=accm*pow(count,-1);

float dMax=max(1-surrAvg,max(surrAvg,max(1-c0Max,c0Max)));
float finalVal=pow(abs(c0Max),LOD*(dMax+1));


float color=max(c1.r,max(c1.g,c1.b));
float colorOG=color;


float cl2=max(c1.r,max(c1.g,c1.b));

float cl3=(Final_grey_S_curve==1)?cl2:finalVal;


float4 c2=(texcoord.x>=Split_position*Split)?c1:c0;
float4 c3=(texcoord.x<=Split_position*Split)?c1:c0;

float4 c4=(Flip_split==1 && Split==1)?c3:c2;

float divLine = abs(texcoord.x - Split_position) < BUFFER_RCP_WIDTH;
c4 =(Split==0)?c4: c4*(1.0 - divLine); //invert divline

c4.rgb =(Two_dimensional_input==1 && Two_dimensional_input_type==0 && (abs(texcoord.x-LOD_Pos)<BUFFER_RCP_WIDTH || abs(texcoord.y-Brightness_Pos)<BUFFER_RCP_HEIGHT))?float3(0.369,0.745,0):c4.rgb;

c4.rgb =(Two_dimensional_input==1 && Two_dimensional_input_type==1 && (abs(texcoord.x-LOD_Pos)<3*BUFFER_RCP_WIDTH && abs(texcoord.y-Brightness_Pos)<3*BUFFER_RCP_HEIGHT))?float3(0.498,1,0):c4.rgb;

float4 res =float4(c4.rgb,0);

float textSize=33;

    DrawText_Digit(   DrawText_Shift(DrawText_Shift(float2(0.5*BUFFER_WIDTH,0), int2(-9, 0), textSize, 1), int2(8, 0), textSize, 1) , 
						textSize, 1, texcoord,  3, LOD, res,1); //Customxy.x
						DrawText_Digit(DrawText_Shift(DrawText_Shift(float2(0.5*BUFFER_WIDTH,0), int2(-9, 1), textSize, 1), int2(8, 0), textSize, 1) , 
						textSize, 1, texcoord,  3, Brightness, res,1);


return c4;


technique Line_Thinning {
	pass LineThin {

"DrawText_mod.fxh" for 2D input (like in my White Point and Grey gamma shaders):
//Original by kingeric1992, modded by crabshank 08/10/2019

#ifndef _DRAWTEXT_H_
#define _DRAWTEXT_H_

#define _DRAWTEXT_GRID_X 14.0
#define _DRAWTEXT_GRID_Y 7.0

//                                                                                                   //
//  Available functions:                                                                             //
//      DrawText_String( offset, text size, xy ratio, input coord, string array, array size, output) //
//          float2 offset       = top left corner of string, screen hight pixel unit.                //
//          float  text size    = text size, screen hight pixel unit.                                //
//          float  xy ratio     = xy ratio of text.                                                  //
//          float2 input coord  = current texture coord.                                             //
//          int    string array = string data in float2 array format, ex: "Demo Text"                //
//              int String0[9] = { __D, __e, __m, __o, __Space, __T, __e, __x, __t};                 //
//          int    string size  = size of the string array.                                          //
//          float  output       = output.                                                            //
//                                                                                                   //
//      DrawText_Digit( offset, text size, xy ratio, input coord, precision after dot, data, output) //
//          float2 offset       = same as DrawText_String.                                           //
//          float  text size    = same as DrawText_String.                                           //
//          float  xy ratio     = same as DrawText_String.                                           //
//          float2 input coord  = same as DrawText_String.                                           //
//          int    precision    = digits after dot.                                                  //
//          float  data         = input float.                                                       //
//          float  output       = output.                                                            //
//                                                                                                   //
//      float2 DrawText_Shift(shift, text size, xy ratio)                                            //
//          float2 shift        = shift line(y) and column.                                          //
//          float text size     = same as DrawText_String.                                           //
//          float xy ratio      = same as DrawText_String.                                           //
//                                                                                                   //

//Sample Usage

float4 main_fragment( float4 position : POSITION,
                      float2 txcoord  : TEXCOORD) : COLOR {
    float res = 0.0;

    int line0[9]  = { __D, __e, __m, __o, __Space, __T, __e, __x, __t };   //Demo Text
    int line1[15] = { __b, __y, __Space, __k, __i, __n, __g, __e, __r, __i, __c, __1, __9, __9, __2 }; //by kingeric1992
    int line2[6]  = { __S, __i, __z, __e, __Colon, __Space }; // Size: %d.

    DrawText_String(float2(100.0 , 100.0), 32, 1, txcoord,  line0, 9, res);
    DrawText_String(float2(100.0 , 134.0), textSize, 1, txcoord,  line1, 15, res);
    DrawText_String(DrawText_Shift(float2(100.0 , 134.0), int2(0, 1), textSize, 1), 18, 1, txcoord,  line2, 6, res);
    DrawText_Digit(DrawText_Shift(DrawText_Shift(float2(100.0 , 134.0), int2(0, 1), textSize, 1), int2(8, 0), 18, 1),
                    18, 1, txcoord,  0, textSize, res);

    return res;


//Text display
//Character indexing
#define __Space       0 //  (space)
#define __Exclam      1 //  !
#define __Quote       2 //  "
#define __Pound       3 //  #
#define __Dollar      4 //  $
#define __Percent     5 //  %
#define __And         6 //  &
#define __sQuote      7 //  '
#define __rBrac_O     8 //  (
#define __rBrac_C     9 //  )
#define __Asterisk   10 //  *
#define __Plus       11 //  +
#define __Comma      12 //  ,
#define __Minus      13 //  -

#define __Dot        14 //  .
#define __Slash      15 //  /
#define __0          16 //  0
#define __1          17 //  1
#define __2          18 //  2
#define __3          19 //  3
#define __4          20 //  4
#define __5          21 //  5
#define __6          22 //  6
#define __7          23 //  7
#define __8          24 //  8
#define __9          25 //  9
#define __Colon      26 //  :
#define __sColon     27 //  ;

#define __Less       28 //  <
#define __Equals     29 //  =
#define __Greater    30 //  >
#define __Question   31 //  ?
#define __at         32 //  @
#define __A          33 //  A
#define __B          34 //  B
#define __C          35 //  C
#define __D          36 //  D
#define __E          37 //  E
#define __F          38 //  F
#define __G          39 //  G
#define __H          40 //  H
#define __I          41 //  I

#define __J          42 //  J
#define __K          43 //  K
#define __L          44 //  L
#define __M          45 //  M
#define __N          46 //  N
#define __O          47 //  O
#define __P          48 //  P
#define __Q          49 //  Q
#define __R          50 //  R
#define __S          51 //  S
#define __T          52 //  T
#define __U          53 //  U
#define __V          54 //  V
#define __W          55 //  W

#define __X          56 //  X
#define __Y          57 //  Y
#define __Z          58 //  Z
#define __sBrac_O    59 //  [
#define __Backslash  60 //  \..
#define __sBrac_C    61 //  ]
#define __Caret      62 //  ^
#define __Underscore 63 //  _
#define __Punc       64 //  `
#define __a          65 //  a
#define __b          66 //  b
#define __c          67 //  c
#define __d          68 //  d
#define __e          69 //  e

#define __f          70 //  f
#define __g          71 //  g
#define __h          72 //  h
#define __i          73 //  i
#define __j          74 //  j
#define __k          75 //  k
#define __l          76 //  l
#define __m          77 //  m
#define __n          78 //  n
#define __o          79 //  o
#define __p          80 //  p
#define __q          81 //  q
#define __r          82 //  r
#define __s          83 //  s

#define __t          84 //  t
#define __u          85 //  u
#define __v          86 //  v
#define __w          87 //  w
#define __x          88 //  x
#define __y          89 //  y
#define __z          90 //  z
#define __cBrac_O    91 //  {
#define __vBar       92 //  |
#define __cBrac_C    93 //  }
#define __Tilde      94 //  ~
#define __tridot     95 // (...)
#define __empty0     96 // (null)
#define __empty1     97 // (null)
//Character indexing ends

texture Texttex < source = "FontAtlas.png"; > {
    Width  = 512;
    Height = 512;

sampler samplerText {
    Texture = Texttex;

//accomodate for undef array size.
#define DrawText_String(  pos, size, ratio, tex, array, arrSize, output ) \
    {   float  text = 0.0; \
        float2 uv = (tex * float2(BUFFER_WIDTH, BUFFER_HEIGHT) - pos) / size; \
        uv.y      = saturate(uv.y); \
        uv.x     *= ratio * 2.0; \
        float  id = array[int(trunc(uv.x))]; \
        if(uv.x  <= arrSize && uv.x >= 0.0) \
            text  = tex2D(samplerText, (frac(uv) + float2( id % 14.0, trunc(id / 14.0))) \
            / float2( _DRAWTEXT_GRID_X, _DRAWTEXT_GRID_Y) ).x; \
        output += text;  }

float2 DrawText_Shift( float2 pos, int2 shift, float size, float ratio ) {
    return pos + size * shift * float2(0.5, 1.0) / ratio;

	float mulTenIntPow(float number,float power){
float sign=(power>=0)?1:-1;
int pwr=uint(round(abs(power)));
for(int i=0; i<pwr;i++){

return number;

float rounder (float places,float number){
float sign=(number>=0)?1:-1;
int integer=int(round(mulTenIntPow(abs(number),places)));

return sign*(mulTenIntPow(float(round(integer)),-places));

void DrawText_Digit( float2 pos, float size, float ratio, float2 tex, int digit, float data, inout float4 res,float textGrey) {
    int digits[13] = {
        __0, __1, __2, __3, __4, __5, __6, __7, __8, __9, __Minus, __Space, __Dot

    float2 uv = (tex * float2(BUFFER_WIDTH, BUFFER_HEIGHT) - pos) / size;
    uv.y      = saturate(uv.y);
    uv.x     *= ratio * 2.0;

    float  t  = abs(data);
    int numDigits = max(ceil(log2(t)/3.32192809),1);

    //early exit:
   if(uv.x <-numDigits-1 || uv.x > digit+1) return;

int index = 0;

}else if(int(uv.x)<=-1){
}else if(int(uv.x)>=1){




    res  +=(textGrey*2-1)*tex2D(samplerText, (frac(uv) + float2( index % 14.0, trunc(index / 14.0))) /
               float2( _DRAWTEXT_GRID_X, _DRAWTEXT_GRID_Y)).x;


Video shader version is here .
Last edit: 4 years 8 months ago by crabshank. Reason: Modded DrawText header
The following user(s) said Thank You: Wicked Sick, jas01, Viper_Joe, gamehancer, valur432

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  • Wicked Sick
4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #2 by Wicked Sick Replied by Wicked Sick on topic Line thinning
I really liked that shader, helped be have more control over the brightness of my many blooms haha But I did not understand the purpose of the DXY slider. It can cripple my PC. What does it does exactly to the image? I did not perceive a difference. Sorry for asking this if it is obvious.

EDIT: By the way. the split slider to test the changes should be default in all shaders and also in ReShade itself, maybe haha Thanks for this.
Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by Wicked Sick.
The following user(s) said Thank You: crabshank

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  • crabshank
  • Topic Author
4 years 10 months ago #3 by crabshank Replied by crabshank on topic Line thinning
Apologies, I totally messed up that port lol. It's fixed now and you're gonna get the effect I intended.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Wicked Sick

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  • Wicked Sick
4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #4 by Wicked Sick Replied by Wicked Sick on topic Line thinning
I have pasted the code from the OP onto the original file I made when I saw your topic, overwriting everything, and stuff looks really bright now, also, there is an option with an out of pattern name:

Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by Wicked Sick.

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  • Viper_Joe
4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #5 by Viper_Joe Replied by Viper_Joe on topic Line thinning
Judging from the name, I take it this is similar to MadVR's "Thin Edges" algorithm?
Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by Viper_Joe.

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  • crabshank
  • Topic Author
4 years 10 months ago #6 by crabshank Replied by crabshank on topic Line thinning
No idea tbh.

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  • TreyM
4 years 10 months ago #7 by TreyM Replied by TreyM on topic Line thinning
What is the purpose of this shader?

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  • crabshank
  • Topic Author
4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #8 by crabshank Replied by crabshank on topic Line thinning
Originally a video shader to thin lines in upscaled video (where the upscaler made them too thick IMO).

EDIT: Just updated the code to add a final grey S-curve after the thinning as a finishing touch.
Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by crabshank.

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  • TreyM
4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #9 by TreyM Replied by TreyM on topic Line thinning
EDIT: Comment removed by me.
Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by TreyM.

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  • Martigen
4 years 10 months ago #10 by Martigen Replied by Martigen on topic Line thinning

TreyM wrote: There is no need for this in gaming...

Really? This would be great for Borderlands to reduce the often exagerrated black outlines while maintaining the rest of the visuals.

Just bizarre you've posted this response to him in two of his threads now. You may not be able to think of a use for a shader, but everyone else is not you.

Thank you Crabshank for sharing your shaders. Please keep doing so. The more shaders Reshade has, the more flexible and powerful it becomes.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Wicked Sick, Viper_Joe, crabshank, Lun

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  • crabshank
  • Topic Author
4 years 10 months ago #11 by crabshank Replied by crabshank on topic Line thinning

Martigen wrote:

TreyM wrote: There is no need for this in gaming...

Really? This would be great for Borderlands to reduce the often exagerrated black outlines while maintaining the rest of the visuals.

Just bizarre you've posted this response to him in two of his threads now. You may not be able to think of a use for a shader, but everyone else is not you.

Thank you Crabshank for sharing your shaders. Please keep doing so. The more shaders Reshade has, the more flexible and powerful it becomes.

Just because you create something for one purpose doesn't mean it can't be useful for other things, this is the basis of ingenuity.

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  • TreyM
4 years 10 months ago #12 by TreyM Replied by TreyM on topic Line thinning
These are video filters designed to run on the CPU (you can see this easily if you look at the code) for dealing with artifacts from video codecs. Game input to reshade is not compressed with a codec... There is no need for these filters in reshade for gaming.

My response is not "bizarre." It's grounded in reality, and if you want to adjust the outlines in BL2, just go edit the shader manually in the game files.

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  • OtisInf
4 years 10 months ago #13 by OtisInf Replied by OtisInf on topic Line thinning

TreyM wrote: These are video filters designed to run on the CPU (you can see this easily if you look at the code) for dealing with artifacts from video codecs. Game input to reshade is not compressed with a codec... There is no need for these filters in reshade for gaming.

A ps shader running on the CPU? :D
Video post processing also runs on GPUs, why bother doing that on a CPU if a GPU is much more efficient for that?

My response is not "bizarre." It's grounded in reality, and if you want to adjust the outlines in BL2, just go edit the shader manually in the game files.

There's no need for this kind of reply, someone made a shader, you don't like it, big deal.

PS: your attitude like in the post above was the main reason I left the Reshade discord.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Wicked Sick, Aelius Maximus, Lun

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  • TreyM
4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #14 by TreyM Replied by TreyM on topic Line thinning
There is no "attitude" here Otis, I'm simply stating the facts here. And if anyone has an attitude on these forums, it's been you repeatedly, mostly in Marty's direction, and even now with you throwing shade at me on an unrelated forum post basically because you don't like me. I couldn't care any less why you left the ReShade discord.

EDIT: Someone please lock this thread before it gets pointless.
Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by TreyM.

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  • Marty McFly
4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #15 by Marty McFly Replied by Marty McFly on topic Line thinning
Video stuff like H264 decoding also commonly runs on the CPU.

That being said, the shaders from crabshank making excessive use of branching and often not leveraging vector types suggests that the original code (if it's a port) was originally done for something else than a shader language or the author is used to CPU programming so Trey isn't that far off with his assumption.
In which case I'd suggest to read up a bit on the ReShade reference, make use of newest UI widgets and also follow some coding style guideline to make it more readable for future maintainers - I ported many old ReShade shaders to newest format and more often than not it was a huge pain.
Personally I don't see a point in this shader since its changes are miniscule but then again, I think that about 80% of shaders and my opinion isn't universal. Let everyone have their opinions, as long as it's not insulting anyone, I guess it's fine.

@Otis: Lol I haven't noticed you left. Don't let your fun be spoiled by one singular person, that's what the blocking feature in Discord is for. If I left every Discord where I don't like someone, I would be on none. And you're also more than capable of voicing your opinion if you dislike something :D I should know :whistle:

@Trey: If you see no purpose in something, that's fine. If the shader is in fact useless, no one will use it, no harm done. As long as it's not bloating the ReShade repository, it's fine to share them, that's why we have this section.

@crabshank: It would be cool if you followed some coding guidelines since your code seems a bit all over the place but that might be due to me copying it from the browser. Useful variable names also help. Video cards dislike it a lot if you use branching, better use alternatives, Otis for example learned the hard way that in a DoF shader, it's faster to compute stuff you might need and then throw it away than only computing it if required. Branching is only fast when a lot of neighbouring pixels follow the same path and also larger code chunks are skipped. Also in several of your filters you reuse the same code, if you plan to add more shaders, consider using a common file for shared code. To only use luma, just do dot(color.rgb, 0.333) or some luma weight to compute it, miles faster than doing the entire HSV conversion.
Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by Marty McFly.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Wicked Sick, TreyM, crabshank

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  • TreyM
4 years 10 months ago #16 by TreyM Replied by TreyM on topic Line thinning
@crabshank - I am truly sorry if my comments here came off as pointlessly rude to you. I did not consider that what I was saying could be viewed that way until speaking with one of my friends here on the forum.

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4 years 10 months ago #17 by Replied by on topic Line thinning
@Otis Please consider returning to the discord. We'd miss you if you left.
Your interests and expertise supplement ours - we are better as a whole.

Trey have promised to improve going forward.
He has already taken the first and most important step and acknowledged that he is often rude, and wants to change that.

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  • crabshank
  • Topic Author
4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #18 by crabshank Replied by crabshank on topic Line thinning

Marty McFly wrote: Video stuff like H264 decoding also commonly runs on the CPU.

That being said, the shaders from crabshank making excessive use of branching and often not leveraging vector types suggests that the original code (if it's a port) was originally done for something else than a shader language or the author is used to CPU programming so Trey isn't that far off with his assumption.
In which case I'd suggest to read up a bit on the ReShade reference, make use of newest UI widgets and also follow some coding style guideline to make it more readable for future maintainers - I ported many old ReShade shaders to newest format and more often than not it was a huge pain.
Personally I don't see a point in this shader since its changes are miniscule but then again, I think that about 80% of shaders and my opinion isn't universal. Let everyone have their opinions, as long as it's not insulting anyone, I guess it's fine.

@Otis: Lol I haven't noticed you left. Don't let your fun be spoiled by one singular person, that's what the blocking feature in Discord is for. If I left every Discord where I don't like someone, I would be on none. And you're also more than capable of voicing your opinion if you dislike something :D I should know :whistle:

@Trey: If you see no purpose in something, that's fine. If the shader is in fact useless, no one will use it, no harm done. As long as it's not bloating the ReShade repository, it's fine to share them, that's why we have this section.

@crabshank: It would be cool if you followed some coding guidelines since your code seems a bit all over the place but that might be due to me copying it from the browser. Useful variable names also help. Video cards dislike it a lot if you use branching, better use alternatives, Otis for example learned the hard way that in a DoF shader, it's faster to compute stuff you might need and then throw it away than only computing it if required. Branching is only fast when a lot of neighbouring pixels follow the same path and also larger code chunks are skipped. Also in several of your filters you reuse the same code, if you plan to add more shaders, consider using a common file for shared code. To only use luma, just do dot(color.rgb, 0.333) or some luma weight to compute it, miles faster than doing the entire HSV conversion.

@Marty McFly -
TL; DR: I don't fully know what you mean.

You've made me see that I'm a noob lol. When you speak of coding guidelines, I'm not sure what you mean because the .hlsl versions of my code look like a lot of other hlsl code I've seen. I don't know if such code is written differently for Reshade than for .hlsl but if it is I'd like to see the best practice for Reshade so that I could port it better. Until I know how best to do it I'll write code as I have been then re-port when I find out.

By branching I'm guessing you mean if statements but I don't know a better alternative, step functions?

Would adding a common file look like "#include "crabshanksCommon.fx";''? I've written the code the same way I would write Javascript. The variable names make sense to me but maybe that's just because I know the code intimately. I will look at optimisations once I'm sure everything's finalised and update then, thanks for your feedback.

@TreyM - I was wondering if you only posted on shaders you disagreed with.
Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by crabshank.

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  • OtisInf
4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #19 by OtisInf Replied by OtisInf on topic Line thinning
@TreyM, yeah whatever man. Just *read* what you wrote as reply to someone who posts shader code here. Very welcoming for people who would like to join this community. You act like you run the place. Please...

@crabshank: imperative programming doesn't work well in shaders, as it's not a single thread you're focusing on but a part that's run in parallel many times, and parallelism can only be reached if they're doing a lot of work that's equal, e.g. working on pixels that are next to each other. 'If statements' create different code paths and a 'wave' of threads therefore can't operate as a block over the data but has to wait for the various threads doing different work.

Often the if statement simply contains 2 different calculations, which is then assigned to a variable, and for that the ?: instruction is the best way, as it doesn't cause a branch. If an operation is very expensive it still hurts your performance if you calculate it and throw it away in situations, so in those cases precalculation is the best way (doing a pass over the data, calculate your new values and store them in a texture with a format that can contain the values, e.g. RG16 for 2 floats with 16bit precision)

E.g. you can write:
			accm+=rgb2hsv(tex2Dlod(ReShade::BackBuffer, float4(tex.x+float(x)*BUFFER_RCP_WIDTH, tex.y+float(y)*BUFFER_RCP_HEIGHT, 0, 0)).rgb).z;
		accm+=rgb2hsv(tex2Dlod(ReShade::BackBuffer, float4(tex.x+float(x)*BUFFER_RCP_WIDTH, tex.y+float(y)*BUFFER_RCP_HEIGHT, 0, 0)).rgb).z;
	accm+=rgb2hsv(tex2Dlod(ReShade::BackBuffer, float4(tex.x+float(x)*BUFFER_RCP_WIDTH, tex.y+float(y)*BUFFER_RCP_HEIGHT, 0, 0)).rgb).z;
if(x==0 && (Omit_centre_pixel==1))
	accm+=y==0 ? 0 : rgb2hsv(tex2Dlod(ReShade::BackBuffer, float4(tex.x+float(x)*BUFFER_RCP_WIDTH, tex.y+float(y)*BUFFER_RCP_HEIGHT, 0, 0)).rgb).z;
	accm+=rgb2hsv(tex2Dlod(ReShade::BackBuffer, float4(tex.x+float(x)*BUFFER_RCP_WIDTH, tex.y+float(y)*BUFFER_RCP_HEIGHT, 0, 0)).rgb).z;
Multiplying with something that turns out to be 0 makes an add a no-op. Now, these operations above are kind of heavy, as they're doing a texture read, so you'd want to move operations a bit around so texture reads are done more in a sequential fashion: read the pixel and then do the operation needed on the pixel vs. what you're doing: do the operation and read the pixels you need. The former is much faster as pixels are read sequentially and GPU hw can do that very fast. You also have a lot of nested loops: make sure you can remove those if needed and if you absolutely can't, make sure you run them just once, not over and over calculating effectively the same information. E.g. calculating x * some static value in a loop where x doesn't change is a waste, move that outside the loop so the calculation is done once.
Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by OtisInf.
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  • crabshank
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4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #20 by crabshank Replied by crabshank on topic Line thinning
@OtisInf - Wow! Thanks for the tips man. This should help me with the optimisations when I get a chance to do them. I wasn't thinking about the assembly, I just wanted something that worked lol.
Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by crabshank.

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