Can Someone port these ?

  • Kleio420
  • Topic Author
9 years 5 days ago - 8 years 11 months ago #1 by Kleio420 Can Someone port these ? was created by Kleio420
If someone wouldn't mind porting these over.These were orginally ported to work for oblivion graphics mod.DLAA was used in starwars force unleashed and nfaa was posted on a game website few years ago.

// .x - 1 / width
// .y - 1 / height
// .z - width * height
// .w - width / height
float4 oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS;
// the current frame from before any effects are applied from this file
texture lastpass;
sampler2D currentFrameSampler = sampler_state
	texture = <lastpass>;
	AddressU = CLAMP;
	AddressV = CLAMP;
struct VSOUT
	float4 vertPos : POSITION;
	float2 UVCoord : TEXCOORD0;
struct VSIN
	float4 vertPos : POSITION0;
	float2 UVCoord : TEXCOORD0;
	VSOUT OUT = (VSOUT)0.0f;	// initialize to zero, avoid complaints.
	OUT.vertPos = IN.vertPos;
	OUT.UVCoord = IN.UVCoord;
	return OUT;
// Directionally Localized Anti-Aliasing (DLAA)
// by Dmitry Andreev
// Copyright (C) LucasArts 2010-2011
#define TFU2_HIGH_PASS
#define LD(o, dx, dy) o = tex2D(currentFrameSampler, tc + float2(dx, dy) * oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS.xy);
static const bool bAA = 1;
static const bool bPreserveHf = 0;
float GetIntensity( const float3 rgb )
//  return dot( rgb, float3( 0.333f, 0.334f, 0.333f ) );
    return dot( rgb, float3( 0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f ) );
float4 PreProcessPS(in float2 tc : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
    float4 center, left, right, top, bottom;
    LD( center, 0,  0 )
    LD( left,  -1,  0 )
    LD( right,  1,  0 )
    LD( top,    0, -1 )
    LD( bottom, 0,  1 )
    float4 edges = 4.0f * abs( ( left + right + top + bottom ) - 4.0f * center );
    float  edges_lum = GetIntensity( );
    return float4(, edges_lum );
float4 PostProcessPS(in float2 tc : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
    const float lambda = 3.0f;
    const float epsilon = 0.1f;
    // Short Edges
    float4 center, left_01, right_01, top_01, bottom_01;
    // sample 5x5 cross
    LD( center,      0,   0 )
    LD( left_01,  -1.5,   0 )
    LD( right_01,  1.5,   0 )
    LD( top_01,      0,-1.5 )
    LD( bottom_01,   0, 1.5 )
    if ( !bAA ) return center;
    float4 w_h = 2.0f * ( left_01 + right_01 );
    float4 w_v = 2.0f * ( top_01 + bottom_01 );
    #ifdef TFU2_HIGH_PASS
        // Softer (5-pixel wide high-pass)
        float4 edge_h = abs( w_h - 4.0f * center ) / 4.0f;
        float4 edge_v = abs( w_v - 4.0f * center ) / 4.0f;
        // Sharper (3-pixel wide high-pass)
        float4 left, right, top, bottom;
        LD( left,  -1,  0 )
        LD( right,  1,  0 )
        LD( top,    0, -1 )
        LD( bottom, 0,  1 )
        float4 edge_h = abs( left + right - 2.0f * center ) / 2.0f;
        float4 edge_v = abs( top + bottom - 2.0f * center ) / 2.0f;
    float4 blurred_h = ( w_h + 2.0f * center ) / 6.0f;
    float4 blurred_v = ( w_v + 2.0f * center ) / 6.0f;
    float edge_h_lum = GetIntensity( );
    float edge_v_lum = GetIntensity( );
    float blurred_h_lum = GetIntensity( );
    float blurred_v_lum = GetIntensity( );
    float edge_mask_h = saturate( ( lambda * edge_h_lum - epsilon ) / blurred_v_lum );
    float edge_mask_v = saturate( ( lambda * edge_v_lum - epsilon ) / blurred_h_lum );
    float4 clr = center;
    clr = lerp( clr, blurred_h, edge_mask_v );
    clr = lerp( clr, blurred_v, edge_mask_h * 0.5f ); // TFU2 uses 1.0f instead of 0.5f
    // Long Edges
    float4 h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7;
    float4 v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7;
    // sample 16x16 cross (sparse-sample on X360, incremental kernel update on SPUs)
    LD( h0, 1.5, 0 ) LD( h1, 3.5, 0 ) LD( h2, 5.5, 0 ) LD( h3, 7.5, 0 ) LD( h4, -1.5,0 ) LD( h5, -3.5,0 ) LD( h6, -5.5,0 ) LD( h7, -7.5,0 )
    LD( v0, 0, 1.5 ) LD( v1, 0, 3.5 ) LD( v2, 0, 5.5 ) LD( v3, 0, 7.5 ) LD( v4, 0,-1.5 ) LD( v5, 0,-3.5 ) LD( v6, 0,-5.5 ) LD( v7, 0,-7.5 )
    float long_edge_mask_h = ( h0.a + h1.a + h2.a + h3.a + h4.a + h5.a + h6.a + h7.a ) / 8.0f;
    float long_edge_mask_v = ( v0.a + v1.a + v2.a + v3.a + v4.a + v5.a + v6.a + v7.a ) / 8.0f;
    long_edge_mask_h = saturate( long_edge_mask_h * 2.0f - 1.0f );
    long_edge_mask_v = saturate( long_edge_mask_v * 2.0f - 1.0f );
//  if ( long_edge_mask_h > 0 || long_edge_mask_v > 0 )		// faster but less resistant to noise (TFU2 X360)
    if ( abs( long_edge_mask_h - long_edge_mask_v ) > 0.2f )	// resistant to noise (TFU2 SPUs)
        float4 left, right, top, bottom;
        LD( left,  -1,  0 )
        LD( right,  1,  0 )
        LD( top,    0, -1 )
        LD( bottom, 0,  1 )
        float4 long_blurred_h = ( h0 + h1 + h2 + h3 + h4 + h5 + h6 + h7 ) / 8.0f;
        float4 long_blurred_v = ( v0 + v1 + v2 + v3 + v4 + v5 + v6 + v7 ) / 8.0f;
        float lb_h_lum   = GetIntensity( );
        float lb_v_lum   = GetIntensity( );
        float center_lum = GetIntensity( );
        float left_lum   = GetIntensity( );
        float right_lum  = GetIntensity( );
        float top_lum    = GetIntensity( );
        float bottom_lum = GetIntensity( );
        float4 clr_v = center;
        float4 clr_h = center;
        #ifdef VECTORIZED_SEARCH
            // vectorized search (X360 GPU and SPU implementation friendly)
            float hx = saturate( 0 + ( lb_h_lum - top_lum    ) / ( center_lum - top_lum    ) );
            float hy = saturate( 1 + ( lb_h_lum - center_lum ) / ( center_lum - bottom_lum ) );
            float vx = saturate( 0 + ( lb_v_lum - left_lum   ) / ( center_lum - left_lum   ) );
            float vy = saturate( 1 + ( lb_v_lum - center_lum ) / ( center_lum - right_lum  ) );
            float4 vhxy = float4( vx, vy, hx, hy );
            vhxy = vhxy == float4( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ? float4( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) : vhxy;
            clr_v = lerp( left  , clr_v, vhxy.x );
            clr_v = lerp( right , clr_v, vhxy.y );
            clr_h = lerp( top   , clr_h, vhxy.z );
            clr_h = lerp( bottom, clr_h, vhxy.w );
            // naive search
            float hx = saturate( ( lb_h_lum - top_lum    ) / ( center_lum - top_lum    ) );
            float hy = saturate( ( lb_h_lum - center_lum ) / ( bottom_lum - center_lum ) );
            float vx = saturate( ( lb_v_lum - left_lum   ) / ( center_lum - left_lum   ) );
            float vy = saturate( ( lb_v_lum - center_lum ) / ( right_lum  - center_lum ) );
            if ( hx == 0 ) hx = 1;
            if ( vx == 0 ) vx = 1;
            clr_v = lerp( left, clr_v, vx );
            if ( vy < 1 ) clr_v = lerp( clr_v, right, vy );
            clr_h = lerp( top, clr_h, hx );
            if ( hy < 1 ) clr_h = lerp( clr_h, bottom, hy );
        clr = lerp( clr, clr_v, long_edge_mask_v );
        clr = lerp( clr, clr_h, long_edge_mask_h );
    // Preserve high frequencies (not used in TFU2)
    if ( bPreserveHf )
        float4 r0, r1;
        float4 r2, r3;
        LD( r0, -1.5, -1.5 )
        LD( r1,  1.5, -1.5 )
        LD( r2, -1.5,  1.5 )
        LD( r3,  1.5,  1.5 )
        // faster version
        //r0 = top_01;
        //r1 = bottom_01;
        //r2 = left_01;
        //r3 = right_01;
        float4 r = ( 4.0f * ( r0 + r1 + r2 + r3 ) + center + top_01 + bottom_01 + left_01 + right_01 ) / 25.0f;
        clr = lerp( clr, center, saturate( r.a * 3.0f - 1.5f ) );
    return clr;
technique PostProcess
	int group = EFFECTGROUP_PRE;
    pass p0
        VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 FrameVS();
        PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 PreProcessPS();
    pass p1
        VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 FrameVS();
        PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 PostProcessPS();

NFAA(normal map filtering aa)
////////////////////////// NORMAL Filter AA SHADER ////////////////////////
// The Normal Filter Anti Aliasing (NFAA) shader attempts to reduce obvious
// alising by searching for contrasting luminosity changes in the final
// render image. It then builds a normal displament map to apply a
// per-pixel blur filter in high contrast alised areas.
// Based on Styves implimentation at
// OBGEv2 port by Dracusis aka Cameron Owen
// Version 1.1 2010/10/29
// Filter Strength Adjusts the overall power of the filter.
// Values in the range of 0.5 to 1.5 should provide good results without
// blurring the overal image too much. Anything higher will also likely
// cause ugly blocky or spikey artifacts.
// Default Value = 1.0;
extern float filterStrength = 1.0;
// Filter Spread controls how large an area the filter tries to sample
// and fix aliasing within. This has a direct relationship to the angle
// of lines the filter can smooth well. A 45 degree line will be perfectly
// alised with a spread of 2.0, steeper lines will need higher
// values. The tradeoff for setting a high spread value is the overall
// softness of the image. Values between 2.0 and 5.0 work best.
// Default Value = 3.0;
extern float filterSpread = 3.0;
// This adjusts whether or not the filter works on pixel color or pixel
// luminance. Using pixel color gives better results with lower
// contrasting aliasing areas but can over soften the whole scene a bit.
// Set to false to use pixel luminance method if you're only concerned
// with high contrast aliasing or if you find the colour version
// makes everything too blurry.
// Default Value = true;
#define USE_COLOR
// Set Debug to true to see the normal map used to apply the blur filter.
// Use this with the OBSE.ini bRenderHalfScreen=1 setting to get a feel
// for how the filter works. Default Value = false;
#undef	TEST_MODE
#define	rcpres	oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS.xy
// .x - 1 / width
// .y - 1 / height
// .z - width / height
// .w - width * height
float4 oblv_ReciprocalResolution_MAINPASS;
texture  obge_LastRendertarget0_EFFECTPASS;
sampler FrameSampler = sampler_state {
	texture = <obge_LastRendertarget0_EFFECTPASS>;
	AddressU = CLAMP;
	AddressV = CLAMP;
struct VSOUT
	float4 vertPos : POSITION;
	float2 UVCoord : TEXCOORD0;
struct VSIN
	float4 vertPos : POSITION0;
	float2 UVCoord : TEXCOORD0;
	VSOUT OUT = (VSOUT)0.0f;	// initialize to zero, avoid complaints.
	OUT.vertPos = IN.vertPos;
	OUT.UVCoord = IN.UVCoord;
	return OUT;
// Luminance Conversion
float GetColorLuminance( float3 i_vColor ) {
	return dot( i_vColor, float3( 0.2126f, 0.7152f, 0.0722f ) );
float2 findContrastByLuminance(float2 XYCoord, float filterStrength2) {
	// Normal offsets, scale by filter spread
	float2 upOffset    = float2(0, rcpres.y) * filterSpread;
	float2 rightOffset = float2(rcpres.x, 0) * filterSpread;
	float topHeight         = GetColorLuminance( tex2D( FrameSampler, XYCoord +               upOffset).rgb );
	float bottomHeight      = GetColorLuminance( tex2D( FrameSampler, XYCoord -               upOffset).rgb );
	float rightHeight       = GetColorLuminance( tex2D( FrameSampler, XYCoord + rightOffset           ).rgb );
	float leftHeight        = GetColorLuminance( tex2D( FrameSampler, XYCoord - rightOffset           ).rgb );
	float leftTopHeight     = GetColorLuminance( tex2D( FrameSampler, XYCoord - rightOffset + upOffset).rgb );
	float leftBottomHeight  = GetColorLuminance( tex2D( FrameSampler, XYCoord - rightOffset - upOffset).rgb );
	float rightBottomHeight = GetColorLuminance( tex2D( FrameSampler, XYCoord + rightOffset + upOffset).rgb );
	float rightTopHeight    = GetColorLuminance( tex2D( FrameSampler, XYCoord + rightOffset - upOffset).rgb );
	// Normal map creation
	float sum0 = rightTopHeight    + bottomHeight + leftTopHeight;
	float sum1 = leftBottomHeight  + topHeight    + rightBottomHeight;
	float sum2 = leftTopHeight     + rightHeight  + leftBottomHeight;
	float sum3 = rightBottomHeight + leftHeight   + rightTopHeight;
	// Subtract the opposite sample set for final vectors
	float vec1 = (sum0 - sum1) * filterStrength2;
	float vec2 = (sum3 - sum2) * filterStrength2;
	float2 Vectors = float2(vec1,vec2);
	return  Vectors;
float2 findContrastByColor(float2 XYCoord, float filterStrength2) {
	// Normal offsets, scale by filter spread
	float2 upOffset    = float2(0, rcpres.y) * filterSpread;
	float2 rightOffset = float2(rcpres.x, 0) * filterSpread;
	float3 topHeight         = tex2D( FrameSampler, XYCoord +               upOffset).rgb;
	float3 bottomHeight      = tex2D( FrameSampler, XYCoord -               upOffset).rgb;
	float3 rightHeight       = tex2D( FrameSampler, XYCoord + rightOffset           ).rgb;
	float3 leftHeight        = tex2D( FrameSampler, XYCoord - rightOffset           ).rgb;
	float3 leftTopHeight     = tex2D( FrameSampler, XYCoord - rightOffset + upOffset).rgb;
	float3 leftBottomHeight  = tex2D( FrameSampler, XYCoord - rightOffset - upOffset).rgb;
	float3 rightBottomHeight = tex2D( FrameSampler, XYCoord + rightOffset + upOffset).rgb;
	float3 rightTopHeight    = tex2D( FrameSampler, XYCoord + rightOffset - upOffset).rgb;
	// Normal map creation
	float3 sum0 = rightTopHeight    + bottomHeight + leftTopHeight;
	float3 sum1 = leftBottomHeight  + topHeight    + rightBottomHeight;
	float3 sum2 = leftTopHeight     + rightHeight  + leftBottomHeight;
	float3 sum3 = rightBottomHeight + leftHeight   + rightTopHeight;
	// Subtract the opposite sample set for final vectors
	float vec1 = length(sum0 - sum1) * filterStrength2;
	float vec2 = length(sum3 - sum2) * filterStrength2;
	float2 Vectors = float2(vec1,vec2);
	return  Vectors;
float4 NormalAAPS(VSOUT IN) : COLOR0 {
	float filterStrength2 = filterStrength + (filterSpread/2);
#ifdef USE_COLOR
	// Find Contrast By Colour
	float2 Vectors = findContrastByColor(IN.UVCoord.xy, filterStrength2);
	// Find Contrast By Luminance
	float2 Vectors = findContrastByLuminance(IN.UVCoord.xy, filterStrength2);
	float filterClamp = filterStrength2/filterSpread;
	Vectors.xy = clamp(Vectors, -float2(filterClamp,filterClamp), float2(filterClamp,filterClamp));
	float2 Normal = float2(Vectors.x,Vectors.y) * rcpres;
//	Normal.xy *= 2;
	float4 Scene0 = tex2D( FrameSampler, IN.UVCoord.xy );
	float4 Scene1 = tex2D( FrameSampler, IN.UVCoord.xy + Normal.xy );
	float4 Scene2 = tex2D( FrameSampler, IN.UVCoord.xy - Normal.xy );
	float4 Scene3 = tex2D( FrameSampler, IN.UVCoord.xy + float2(Normal.x, -Normal.y) );
	float4 Scene4 = tex2D( FrameSampler, IN.UVCoord.xy - float2(Normal.x, -Normal.y) );
	// Final color
	float4 o_Color = (Scene0 + Scene1 + Scene2 + Scene3 + Scene4) * 0.2;
#ifdef	TEST_MODE
	// Debug Output = normalize(float3(Vectors.x, Vectors.y, 1) * 0.5 + 0.5);
	return o_Color;
technique t0
	int group = EFFECTGROUP_PRE;
	pass p0 {
		VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 FrameVS();
		PixelShader  = compile ps_3_0 NormalAAPS();
Last edit: 8 years 11 months ago by Kleio420.

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  • Kleio420
  • Topic Author
8 years 10 months ago #2 by Kleio420 Replied by Kleio420 on topic Can Someone port these ?
idk if anyone else would find use for these , user on unity forums has added a updated NFAA he says he improved it i wouldnt know but here is the code new or not.

@script ExecuteInEditMode

@script RequireComponent (Camera)
@script AddComponentMenu ("Image Effects/NFAA")

class NFAA extends PostEffectsBase {
	public var edgeDetectHqShader : Shader;
	private var _edgeDetectHqMaterial : Material = null;	
	public var sensitivityDepth : float = 100.0f;

	function CreateMaterials () 
	_edgeDetectHqMaterial = CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial(edgeDetectHqShader,_edgeDetectHqMaterial);	
	function Start () 

	function OnRenderImage (source : RenderTexture, destination : RenderTexture)
		CreateMaterials ();

			_edgeDetectHqMaterial.SetFloat("_texWidth", Screen.width);
		_edgeDetectHqMaterial.SetFloat("_texHeight", Screen.height);
		_edgeDetectHqMaterial.SetFloat ("sensitivity", sensitivityDepth);
		Graphics.Blit (source, destination, _edgeDetectHqMaterial);	


Shader "Hidden/NFAA" {
Properties {
	_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
		_BlurTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}


SubShader {
	Pass {
		ZTest Always Cull Off ZWrite Off
		Fog { Mode off }


#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest 

#include "UnityCG.cginc"

uniform sampler2D _MainTex;

sampler2D _CameraDepthNormalsTexture;
uniform float4 _MainTex_TexelSize;
uniform float _debug;
uniform float sensitivity; 
uniform float _texWidth; 
uniform float _texHeight; 

struct v2f {
	float4 pos : POSITION;
	float4 uv1 : TEXCOORD0;

v2f vert( appdata_img v )
	v2f o;
	o.pos = mul (UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);
	float2 uv = v.texcoord.xy;
	o.uv1.xy = uv;
	if (_MainTex_TexelSize.y < 0)
		uv.y = 1-uv.y;

	return o;

half4 frag (v2f i) : COLOR
float2 vPixelViewport = float2( 1.0f / _texWidth, 1.0f / _texHeight );
half4 center = tex2D(_CameraDepthNormalsTexture, i.uv1.xy);
float Depth = DecodeFloatRG (;
float2 upOffset = float2( 0.0f,vPixelViewport.y)*0.009;
float2 rightOffset = float2(vPixelViewport.x, 0.0f )*0.009;

float topHeight = Luminance( tex2D( _MainTex, i.uv1.xy+upOffset).rgb );
float bottomHeight = Luminance( tex2D( _MainTex, i.uv1.xy-upOffset).rgb );
float rightHeight = Luminance( tex2D( _MainTex, i.uv1.xy+rightOffset).rgb );
float leftHeight = Luminance( tex2D( _MainTex, i.uv1.xy-rightOffset).rgb );
float leftTopHeight =Luminance( tex2D( _MainTex, i.uv1.xy-rightOffset+upOffset).rgb );
float leftBottomHeight = Luminance( tex2D( _MainTex, i.uv1.xy-rightOffset-upOffset).rgb );
float rightBottomHeight = Luminance( tex2D( _MainTex, i.uv1.xy+rightOffset+upOffset).rgb );
float rightTopHeight = Luminance( tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv1.xy+rightOffset-upOffset).rgb );

//float sum0 = rightTopHeight+ topHeight + rightBottomHeight;
//float sum1 = leftTopHeight + bottomHeight + leftBottomHeight;
//float sum2 = leftTopHeight + leftHeight + rightTopHeight;
//float sum3 = leftBottomHeight + rightHeight + rightBottomHeight ;

float sum0 = rightTopHeight+ bottomHeight + leftTopHeight;
float sum1 = leftBottomHeight + topHeight + rightBottomHeight;
float sum2 = leftTopHeight + rightHeight + leftBottomHeight;
float sum3 = rightBottomHeight + leftHeight + rightTopHeight ;

float vec1 = (sum0 - sum1) * sensitivity.x;
float vec2 = (sum3 - sum2) * sensitivity.x;

float2 Normal = float2( vec1, vec2) *vPixelViewport*(2-Depth);
//Normal.xy = clamp(Normal,-float2(1.0,1.0)*0.01,float2(1.0,1.0)*0.01);
float4 Scene0 = tex2D( _MainTex, i.uv1.xy );
float4 Scene1 = tex2D(  _MainTex, i.uv1.xy + Normal.xy );
float4 Scene2 = tex2D(  _MainTex, i.uv1.xy - Normal.xy );
float4 Scene3 = tex2D(  _MainTex, i.uv1.xy + float2(Normal.x, -Normal.y) );
float4 Scene4 = tex2D(  _MainTex, i.uv1.xy - float2(Normal.x, -Normal.y) );

// Final color
float4 o_Color = (Scene0 + Scene1 + Scene2 + Scene3 + Scene4) * 0.2;

// using vec1 and vec2 for the debug output as Normal won't display anything (due to the pixel scale applied to it).
return o_Color;

Fallback off


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  • BlueSkyKnight
6 years 1 month ago - 6 years 1 month ago #3 by BlueSkyKnight Replied by BlueSkyKnight on topic Can Someone port these ?

Kleio420 wrote: If someone wouldn't mind porting these over.These were orginally ported to work for oblivion graphics mod.DLAA was used in starwars force unleashed and nfaa was posted on a game website few years ago.


I should have searched this forum before working on this shader. It would have saved me a lot of time. But here is my port of DLAA.

Seems like reading the Slides on DLAA it looks like there was a small mistake in the DLAA shader posted here. That has to do with only using only horizontal blur and horizontal edge detection in the short Edge part of the shader.
They talk about it here on slide 43.

The mistake was where he used Horizontal and Vertical for the short edge filter. This mask would have caused a blurry result with little short edge Anti-Aliasing.

There also seems to be extra stuff added in his shader that I excluded in mine.

In the end, the result is about 0.24 ms. This falls in line with the concluded results noted on slide 53.

The strange thing it's the same guy who made the shader and the Slides.
Last edit: 6 years 1 month ago by BlueSkyKnight.
The following user(s) said Thank You: brussell, andrew

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  • Marty McFly
6 years 1 month ago #4 by Marty McFly Replied by Marty McFly on topic Can Someone port these ?
Both AA methods are bad and super old. NFAA doesn't smooth normal maps but computes some sort of normal map from the entire image (the xy components facing a 90 degree angle to the jagged edges) and then blurring along the edges. This works as long as the edges are long and not curvy.

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  • robgrab
6 years 1 month ago - 6 years 1 month ago #5 by robgrab Replied by robgrab on topic Can Someone port these ?
I tried the DLAA shader and wasn't impressed. I'll stick with SMAA.
Last edit: 6 years 1 month ago by robgrab.

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  • Kleio420
  • Topic Author
6 years 1 month ago #6 by Kleio420 Replied by Kleio420 on topic Can Someone port these ?
lol this post is really old tho should have edited that marty had looked at the code for these and already told me they were pretty bad shortly after this was originally posted

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