I realized I had posted this on ReShade trouble shooting, rather than on the shader specific forum for trouble shooting, so I hope someone here can help me figure this out.
I recently bought a new CyperPower gaming PC and while I was setting up ReShade for one of my games, I noticed that Immerse MXAO isn't running like how it typically should. I'veĀ had my global processors, add-ons, and settings set up properly for the game I'm running, as well as having it double checked by other people who play the same game with shaders and they can't seem to figure out what's wrong either. I am using the same presets from my previous computer (2019 Acer Nitro 5 gaming laptop) and they would function as they should on the same game, so I'm a little frustrated that it's not working out the same for my new PC. And yes, they are both running on the same version too.
I know I could always just use something other than Immerse, but I really like how it looks and I use it in all of my presets. I don't have errors that any of the affects I'm using are incompatible with the game I'm running, but this shader specifically appears as strange light pixelated stippling rather than proper shadows, while every other affect seems to work just fine. Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Let me know if you need more info about my settings n stuff too.
Here's how Immerse looks on my old laptop
This is what it looks like on my new desktop
If you need to know what I have for a GPU, I have an AMD Radeon RX 7600 and an AMD Radeon Graphics in my new PC, and I've made sure all my drivers have been updated. If you need any other info about my hardware, if you think that's the problem, feel free to ask. Just bare with me, as I don't know much about actual computer hardware stuff.