Time of day and preset fading?

  • Faustus86
  • Topic Author
5 years 4 months ago #1 by Faustus86 Time of day and preset fading? was created by Faustus86
Hey =)

Since i have not seen any functions that make use of time or fading options i assume ReShade has no support (yet).

Many games make use of realistic day and night cicles. When doing color grading (LUT) you have to use reference images from a dozen different scenes in different lighting to see what effects you get and then you have to make a lot of compromises. Color grading that looks awesome during daylight might become ugly or way to bright during the night. I dunno how others do it but as an experienced user of photoshop i find it hard to hit the perfect color balance that look as good as possible to any time.

My idea is to add functions to ReShade that allow for set time and fading between LUT's or even preset's.
Needed options for configuration:
-How long is an ingame day in Hours, minute's, second's?
-What ingame time is it now?
-At wich times should be faded?
-What LUT's or preset's should be used to fade into?

I say LUT's because i think that it would be easyer and LUT's are most powerfull. Colors behave quite differently depending on light levels so LUT's would make the most sense. But such a feature would also make sense to fade between different shader's. Some bloom effect's look amazing during moon time but very ugly during the day.

OF COURSE i know that i can do multiple preset's for multiple times and switch between them depending on ingame situation. But for sharing pretet's or in this case preset bundles with others it would be nicer to have this as an automated function.

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  • crosire
5 years 4 months ago #2 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic Time of day and preset fading?
ReShade cannot know what time it is in a game. A game may not even have the concept of time and even if it does, it is specifically implemented in that particular game and doesn't apply to other games.
With github.com/crosire/reshade/pull/140 you can now fade between presets by pressing a button to cycles between preset files though.

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  • Faustus86
  • Topic Author
5 years 4 months ago #3 by Faustus86 Replied by Faustus86 on topic Time of day and preset fading?

crosire wrote: ReShade cannot know what time it is in a game. A game may not even have the concept of time and even if it does, it is specifically implemented in that particular game and doesn't apply to other games.
With github.com/crosire/reshade/pull/140 you can now fade between presets by pressing a button to cycles between preset files though.

Thank you, that's very useful indeed =)

Can reshade know what system time it is?
As stated above such a function would need configuration like an input for how long an ingame day is, at what times should be faded between preset's etc.
My question is, would this be possible to do in reshade, because i have not seen any shaders that make use of any sort of "time" command?

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  • crosire
5 years 4 months ago #4 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic Time of day and preset fading?
Shaders can access the system time, yes. Nobody wrote a shader which uses that info in the way you want to use it yet though.

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  • prod80
4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #5 by prod80 Replied by prod80 on topic Time of day and preset fading?

Faustus86 wrote: Hey =)

Since i have not seen any functions that make use of time or fading options i assume ReShade has no support (yet).

Many games make use of realistic day and night cicles. When doing color grading (LUT) you have to use reference images from a dozen different scenes in different lighting to see what effects you get and then you have to make a lot of compromises. Color grading that looks awesome during daylight might become ugly or way to bright during the night. I dunno how others do it but as an experienced user of photoshop i find it hard to hit the perfect color balance that look as good as possible to any time.

My idea is to add functions to ReShade that allow for set time and fading between LUT's or even preset's.
Needed options for configuration:
-How long is an ingame day in Hours, minute's, second's?
-What ingame time is it now?
-At wich times should be faded?
-What LUT's or preset's should be used to fade into?

I say LUT's because i think that it would be easyer and LUT's are most powerfull. Colors behave quite differently depending on light levels so LUT's would make the most sense. But such a feature would also make sense to fade between different shader's. Some bloom effect's look amazing during moon time but very ugly during the day.

OF COURSE i know that i can do multiple preset's for multiple times and switch between them depending on ingame situation. But for sharing pretet's or in this case preset bundles with others it would be nicer to have this as an automated function.

You can make a shader that gets average scene luminance, which will be dark when scene is dark, Or light when light, and use that with some clamping/fading features to interpolate between different color grades. Eg. When scene brightness < x, grade = 1, when scene brightness > y, grade is 2, and when in between x and y, grade is an interpolation between 1 and 2... seems totally do-able. I may spend some time on this idea later on.

Using system time doesn’t seem very feasible for this :)

Not sure if you're still around, but here's a color grading filter that can adjust the coloring based on the scene luminescence. With a little tweaking you'll be able to make it work as a day-night transition thing assuming days will be a lot brighter than nights.

Last edit: 4 years 11 months ago by prod80.

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