This might be very useful as support of HD drive owner's to reduce loading times as well as faster workflow.
There are different shader type's but not all of them are useful for everyone.
All preset's need options for color grading, toning, saturation etc. wich i would list as essential. but then there are so many shader's like DOF, Bloom or effect shader's like cartoon, VHS etc. and other Shaders that might be very useful for VR users as well as many new one's are not included at all. Some are very useful for 2D games, other's need depth access to work. Then again there are many cool shader's that are still experimental.
It would be nice to sort all of them in category's so when installing ReShade you can choose the category and then again maybe have an option to check/uncheck from a list wich one's you actually need (For the more experienced user's).
The idea is to have a similar function like "Workspace" in Photoshop where you can setup wich features you need right now.
I think the best way to go with this is to have a main installer for ReShade that download's all available shader's into the main root and a secondary injector where you can setup wich shaders/categorys are loaded. I know you can setup Reshade this way without addition's. I mean by standard.
Last edit: 5 years 3 months ago by Faustus86.
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