I've encountered a problem in "
DCS World" where the depth buffers are rendered per eye.
Generic Depth addon can only select one buffer, which is expected to contain both eye's viewports. Selecting one of the "working" buffers stretches them across both eyes, as seen in this picture with a depth-buffer based ambient occlusion:
DCS World - The ambient occlusion effect is stretched.
Since depth buffers for both eyes exist, it'd be great to have the ability to combine them into a single DEPTH-Texture (or as a workaround expose a second "DEPTH_2" Texture which can be used in shaders/effects.
I've mocked up how the selection could look:
The "VR: Use separate buffers for each eye" checkbox could also be omitted, so having "left" and "right" checked for the same buffer would just keep the behavior as it currently is (single buffer for both eyes).