[SOLVED] Space Engine (OpenGL32) with ReShade crashing

  • ProteusBlack
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9 years 4 months ago - 9 years 4 months ago #1 by ProteusBlack Space Engine (OpenGL32) with ReShade crashing was created by ProteusBlack
I seem to be the only one I know who is having this issue, after not seeing anybody else reporting this over the Space Engine forums - nobody there seems to be able to help, so I've come here with this issue.

I have installed the OpenGL32.dll into the same directory as the executable and attempted to use the master effects shader, making sure it is named either "ReShade.fx" or "OpenGL32.fx" (also in the same directory). This seems to work fine for everybody else over the Space Engine community who has tried it. However, whenever I try it, Space Engine loads, and once it begins to load the shader, it immediately crashes.

The details in the report says that atioglxx.dll is the fault application. I'm running on a Radeon HD 6620G discreet graphics card. I've yet to get any confirmation whether or not ReShade is supposed to be able to work properly with ATI graphics.

I've read the stickied post about gathering a crashdump, but my system does not create any crash dump in the directories that it mentions, even though the crashdump registery key exists within my registry.

However, this is the output of ReShade's OpenGL32 log file:

Warning: Spoiler!

That's the entire log... It looks incomplete... I don't know what this could mean or what could be causing it.

Any help is appreciated. It sucks feeling like the only one in the Space Engine community not being able to enjoy the awesomeness that this plugin gives to an already awesome space simulator. :unsure:
Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by ProteusBlack.

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  • crosire
9 years 4 months ago #2 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic Space Engine (OpenGL32) with ReShade crashing
Crashes directly at startup "usually" occur because of an incompatibility with another third party overlay or similar software. This is especially true for OpenGL, because it's an entirely function based library, meaning those software likes to overwrite each other causing the strangest things to happen.
To summarize: Make sure you don't have any overlays (Afterburner for instance), game boosters or whatever else software might inject itself into Space Engine running.

You graphics card seems to support OpenGL 4.4 (at least with latest drivers), ReShade only needs 4.3, so everything is good to go there.
Now if it is still crashing without external overlays, check what happens if you startup ReShade barebones, meaning without any shader (just rename or delete the ".fx" file). Does it crash then too?

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  • ProteusBlack
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9 years 4 months ago #3 by ProteusBlack Replied by ProteusBlack on topic Space Engine (OpenGL32) with ReShade crashing
No 3rd party apps have been active. I have GameBooster but I haven't had it open in months. Space Engine, as far as I can tell, is running pretty vanilla in that regard.

Trying reshade without any shader loaded, does not crash SE. It simply states no effects loaded, and the program runs as normal. (I'm guessing this is narrowing it down to an issue specifically with the shader).

Just some extra notes here:

I've tried the TiltShift.fx shader, which does load successfully, blurring the top and bottom 3rd portions of the screen.
I've tried the Depth of Field fx shader, which loads successfully and seems to simply blur any objects in space that I come within a certain range of. (I don't know if that is what it's supposed to do or not).
I've tried the Depth Visualization fx shader. This shader loads successfully as well, according to the onscreen display, but makes no noticeable difference to anything, upon taking side by side screenshots to know for sure.

The SweetFX shader, and the Master Effects shader are the two that immediately crash the game. And it's the Master Effects shader I am most interested in being able to use, for obvious reasons.

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  • crosire
9 years 4 months ago #4 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic Space Engine (OpenGL32) with ReShade crashing
The depth visualization shader shows the contents of the depthbuffer, but only after pressing the spacebar (and as depth isn't 100% supported for Space Engine yet, that probably won't show anything useful). =)

It crashing because of a shader is unfortunate. Something done there causes the OpenGL driver to crash (that's your atioglxx.dll there), hard to figure out what it is from logs only. If you got Steam I could send you a few builds for testing to figure it out, only if you want of course =)

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  • ProteusBlack
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9 years 4 months ago #5 by ProteusBlack Replied by ProteusBlack on topic Space Engine (OpenGL32) with ReShade crashing

Steam account name is VVaracle (two V's there).

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  • crosire
9 years 4 months ago - 9 years 4 months ago #6 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic Space Engine (OpenGL32) with ReShade crashing
After some testing we figured it's crashing in ReShade's OpenGL texture initialization. Now the code there is spec-conform, so I suspect a AMD driver bug, can't say for sure though. Changing that code, using a different method, fixes the crash.
Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by crosire.

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