[SOLVED] Prey 2017 not working anymore

  • Juguard
  • Topic Author
5 years 4 months ago #1 by Juguard Prey 2017 not working anymore was created by Juguard
So I found others on steam forum that say ReShade no longer works. I tried different versions, even sweetfx 2.0.3 and it just doesnt load.

22:11:46:521 [22972] | INFO | Initializing crosire's ReShade version '' (64-bit) built on '2019-05-25 19:00:11' loaded from "N:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Prey\Binaries\Danielle\x64\Release\dxgi.dll" to "N:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Prey\Binaries\Danielle\x64\Release\Prey.exe" ...
22:11:46:630 [22972] | INFO | Registering hooks for "user32.dll" ...
22:11:46:630 [22972] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
22:11:46:630 [22972] | INFO | > Found 13 match(es). Installing ...
22:11:46:655 [22972] | INFO | Registering hooks for "ws2_32.dll" ...
22:11:46:655 [22972] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
22:11:46:655 [22972] | INFO | > Found 8 match(es). Installing ...
22:11:46:681 [22972] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll" ...
22:11:46:681 [22972] | INFO | > Delayed.
22:11:46:681 [22972] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d10.dll" ...
22:11:46:681 [22972] | INFO | > Delayed.
22:11:46:681 [22972] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d10_1.dll" ...
22:11:46:682 [22972] | INFO | > Delayed.
22:11:46:682 [22972] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll" ...
22:11:46:682 [22972] | INFO | > Delayed.
22:11:46:682 [22972] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d12.dll" ...
22:11:46:682 [22972] | INFO | > Delayed.
22:11:46:682 [22972] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll" ...
22:11:46:682 [22972] | INFO | > Delayed until first call to an exported function.
22:11:46:682 [22972] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\opengl32.dll" ...
22:11:46:682 [22972] | INFO | > Delayed.
22:11:46:682 [22972] | INFO | Initialized.
22:11:46:687 [22972] | INFO | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory1({770AAE78-F26F-4DBA-A829-253C83D1B387}, 00007FFC1AB27A80) ...
22:11:46:688 [22972] | INFO | Installing export hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll" ...
22:11:46:688 [22972] | INFO | > Found 7 match(es). Installing ...
22:11:46:720 [22972] | INFO | Installing delayed hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll" (Just loaded via LoadLibrary("C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Ansel\NvCameraWhitelisting64.dll")) ...
22:11:46:720 [22972] | INFO | > Found 2 match(es). Installing ...
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | Redirecting IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain(0000025FAD089710, 0000025FB8FFAC28, 00007FFC1AB27C78, 0000009A318FDA00) ...
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | > Dumping swap chain description:
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | +

22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | | Parameter | Value |
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | +
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | | Width | 1920 |
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | | Height | 1080 |
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | | RefreshRate | 0 0 |
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | | Format | 28 |
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | | ScanlineOrdering | 0 |
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | | Scaling | 0 |
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | | SampleCount | 1 |
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | | SampleQuality | 0 |
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | | BufferUsage | 32 |
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | | BufferCount | 2 |
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | | OutputWindow | 0000000000220F38 |
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | | Windowed | TRUE |
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | | SwapEffect | 0 |
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | | Flags | 0x2 |
22:11:46:775 [22972] | INFO | +
22:11:46:783 [22972] | WARN | > Skipping swap chain because it was created without a (hooked) Direct3D device.
22:12:21:339 [22972] | INFO | Exiting ...
22:12:21:339 [22972] | INFO | Uninstalling 38 hook(s) ...
22:12:21:365 [22972] | INFO | Exited.

The following user(s) said Thank You: Aelius Maximus

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  • Martigen
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #2 by Martigen Replied by Martigen on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore
I've got Prey installed (part of my backlog of shame) so just tried this out for you.

I actually already had Reshade 4.02 installed with it and that worked fine.

Just installed 4.3 and that loads and runs fine as well, running a number of shaders including MXAO, Adaptive Sharpen, DPX, Curves and Clarity 2.

I know that doesn't help solve the problem immediately but it shows Reshade probably isn't the problem and it's something else on your end.

If it helps debug: I'm on Windows 1809, 1080Ti, 436.02 drivers and Reshade is loading as dxgi.dll.

EDIT: I will tell you one thing -- I can see Ansel being referenced in your log. I don't like GeForce Experience and don't ever install it. Never ever a need to require a login to use a fucking graphics tool (FU nvidia). Perhaps the conflict is due to GFE? Note that GFE's shader effects (Sharpening etc) actually come from Reshade -- Crosire ported it for Nvidia. Maybe this and Reshade 4.3 are conflicting?

19:21:05:951 [06712] | INFO  | Initializing crosire's ReShade version '' (64-bit) built on '2019-05-25 19:00:11' loaded from "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Prey\Binaries\Danielle\x64\Release\dxgi.dll" to "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Prey\Binaries\Danielle\x64\Release\Prey.exe" ...
19:21:06:004 [06712] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "user32.dll" ...
19:21:06:004 [06712] | INFO  | > Libraries loaded.
19:21:06:004 [06712] | INFO  | > Found 13 match(es). Installing ...
19:21:06:016 [06712] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "ws2_32.dll" ...
19:21:06:016 [06712] | INFO  | > Libraries loaded.
19:21:06:016 [06712] | INFO  | > Found 8 match(es). Installing ...
19:21:06:028 [06712] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll" ...
19:21:06:028 [06712] | INFO  | > Delayed.
19:21:06:028 [06712] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d10.dll" ...
19:21:06:028 [06712] | INFO  | > Delayed.
19:21:06:028 [06712] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d10_1.dll" ...
19:21:06:029 [06712] | INFO  | > Delayed.
19:21:06:029 [06712] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll" ...
19:21:06:029 [06712] | INFO  | > Libraries loaded.
19:21:06:029 [06712] | INFO  | > Found 2 match(es). Installing ...
19:21:06:040 [06712] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d12.dll" ...
19:21:06:041 [06712] | INFO  | > Delayed.
19:21:06:041 [06712] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll" ...
19:21:06:041 [06712] | INFO  | > Delayed until first call to an exported function.
19:21:06:041 [06712] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\opengl32.dll" ...
19:21:06:041 [06712] | INFO  | > Delayed.
19:21:06:041 [06712] | INFO  | Initialized.
19:21:06:093 [08004] | INFO  | Redirecting RegisterClassExW(0000000E4ACF9030 { SteamWinsockInitFakeClass_1 }) ...
19:21:06:093 [08004] | INFO  | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to 'SteamWinsockInitFakeClass_1'.
19:21:11:338 [03812] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory1({770AAE78-F26F-4DBA-A829-253C83D1B387}, 00007FFB5BBD7A80) ...
19:21:11:339 [03812] | INFO  | Installing export hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll" ...
19:21:11:339 [03812] | INFO  | > Found 7 match(es). Installing ...
19:21:11:344 [03812] | INFO  | Redirecting D3D11CreateDevice(000001102F3B1BC0, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x80, 0000000E4A55D548, 1, 7, 0000000E4A55D850, 00007FFB5BBD7CD8, 0000000E4A55D840) ...
19:21:11:344 [03812] | INFO  | > Passing on to D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain:
19:21:11:344 [03812] | INFO  | Redirecting D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(000001102F3B1BC0, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x80, 0000000E4A55D548, 1, 7, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 0000000E4A55D850, 00007FFB5BBD7CD8, 0000000E4A55D840) ...
19:21:11:411 [03812] | INFO  | > Using feature level 0xb000.
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  | Redirecting IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain(000001101F7931E0, 000001102F4DD8C0, 00007FFB5BBD7C78, 0000000E4A55D8E0) ...
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  | > Dumping swap chain description:
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  |   | Parameter                               | Value                                   |
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  |   | Width                                   | 3840                                    |
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  |   | Height                                  | 2160                                    |
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  |   | RefreshRate                             | 60000               1000                |
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  |   | Format                                  | 28                                      |
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  |   | ScanlineOrdering                        | 1                                       |
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  |   | Scaling                                 | 0                                       |
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  |   | SampleCount                             | 1                                       |
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  |   | SampleQuality                           | 0                                       |
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  |   | BufferUsage                             | 32                                      |
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  |   | BufferCount                             | 2                                       |
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  |   | OutputWindow                            | 0000000000090778                        |
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  |   | Windowed                                | TRUE                                    |
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  |   | SwapEffect                              | 0                                       |
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  |   | Flags                                   | 0x2                                     |
19:21:11:447 [03812] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
19:21:11:829 [03812] | INFO  | Recreated runtime environment on runtime 000001102F594A60.
19:21:11:833 [03812] | INFO  | Redirecting IDXGISwapChain::SetFullscreenState(000001102F5DE720, TRUE, 000001102F54C060) ...
19:21:12:030 [09428] | INFO  | Redirecting ID3D11Device::CreateDeferredContext(000001102F4DD8C0, 0, 0000000E4BEFEE80) ...
19:21:12:030 [09428] | INFO  | Redirecting ID3D11Device::CreateDeferredContext(000001102F4DD8C0, 0, 0000000E4BEFEE80) ...
19:21:12:030 [09428] | INFO  | Redirecting ID3D11Device::CreateDeferredContext(000001102F4DD8C0, 0, 0000000E4BEFEE80) ...
19:21:12:030 [09428] | INFO  | Redirecting ID3D11Device::CreateDeferredContext(000001102F4DD8C0, 0, 0000000E4BEFEE80) ...
19:21:12:031 [09428] | INFO  | Redirecting ID3D11Device::CreateDeferredContext(000001102F4DD8C0, 0, 0000000E4BEFEE80) ...
19:21:12:031 [09428] | INFO  | Redirecting ID3D11Device::CreateDeferredContext(000001102F4DD8C0, 0, 0000000E4BEFEE80) ...
19:21:12:031 [09428] | INFO  | Redirecting ID3D11Device::CreateDeferredContext(000001102F4DD8C0, 0, 0000000E4BEFEE80) ...
19:21:12:035 [03812] | INFO  | Redirecting ID3D11Device::CreateDeferredContext(000001102F4DD8C0, 0, 00007FFB5BBE73D0) ...
19:21:13:602 [12044] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\AdaptiveFog.fx".
19:21:13:602 [05892] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\AdvMotionBlur.fx".
19:21:13:603 [02164] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\3DFX.fx".
19:21:13:605 [09476] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\AdaptiveSharpen.fx".
19:21:13:607 [11824] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Cartoon.fx".
19:21:13:610 [09564] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\AmbientLight.fx".
19:21:13:611 [02468] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Bloom.fx".
19:21:13:614 [08672] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\ChromaticAberration.fx".
19:21:13:616 [09516] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\CAS.fx".
19:21:13:617 [02116] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Chromakey.fx".
19:21:13:624 [08836] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\CinematicDOF.fx".
19:21:13:624 [06592] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\CreateLUT.fx".
19:21:13:624 [07120] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\ColorMatrix.fx".
19:21:13:625 [10432] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Clarity2.fx".
19:21:13:625 [05292] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Colourfulness.fx".
19:21:13:627 [06364] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\ColorFilter.fx".
19:21:13:630 [06472] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\CRT.fx".
19:21:13:630 [06140] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\ASCII.fx".
19:21:13:631 [05748] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Curves.fx".
19:21:13:631 [09764] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Daltonize.fx".
19:21:13:633 [03340] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Border.fx".
19:21:13:634 [11604] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Deband.fx".
19:21:13:638 [05532] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\ArcaneBloom.fx".
19:21:13:640 [08236] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Deband_new.fx".
19:21:13:640 [01328] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DeblurUpscaleFastSharpen.fx".
19:21:13:644 [07824] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Bumpmap.fx".
19:21:13:645 [08128] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Clarity.fx".
19:21:13:647 [10396] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DeblurUpscale.fx".
19:21:13:652 [10316] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Denoise.fx".
19:21:13:652 [01404] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DiffuseGlow.fx".
19:21:13:653 [03248] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DisplayDepth.fx".
19:21:13:654 [08404] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Depth3D.fx".
19:21:13:656 [07828] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\EGAFilter.fx".
19:21:13:657 [00096] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Emboss.fx".
19:21:13:658 [02172] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Emphasize.fx".
19:21:13:659 [10184] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FakeMotionBlur.fx".
19:21:13:660 [11468] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FakeHDR.fx".
19:21:13:661 [09684] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DepthHaze.fx".
19:21:13:663 [08324] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FilmGrain.fx".
19:21:13:666 [08540] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FrameBlending.fx".
19:21:13:668 [09700] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FilmicAnamorphSharpen.fx".
19:21:13:668 [09432] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FineSharp.fx".
19:21:13:668 [07156] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FilmGrain2.fx".
19:21:13:669 [02688] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FilmicPass.fx".
19:21:13:672 [01128] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DPX.fx".
19:21:13:676 [10604] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DOF.fx".
19:21:13:677 [07528] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Glitch.fx".
19:21:13:677 [02464] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\EyeAdaption.fx".
19:21:13:681 [01640] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FXAA.fx".
19:21:13:681 [05600] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\GaussianBlur.fx".
19:21:13:681 [02888] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\GaussianBloom.fx".
19:21:13:683 [11664] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\HighPassSharpen.fx".
19:21:13:685 [03308] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Layer.fx".
19:21:13:686 [11424] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Levels.fx".
19:21:13:688 [12244] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\HSLShift.fx".
19:21:13:689 [09244] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\LevelsPlus.fx".
19:21:13:690 [10768] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\LiftGammaGain.fx".
19:21:13:690 [09680] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\HQ4X.fx".
19:21:13:694 [05408] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\LightDoF.fx".
19:21:13:694 [07408] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\LUT.fx".
19:21:13:695 [05980] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\MagicBloom.fx".
19:21:13:696 [02908] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Monochrome.fx".
19:21:13:698 [10372] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\LumaSharpen.fx".
19:21:13:700 [09968] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\MultiLUT.fx".
19:21:13:708 [09396] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Nostalgia.fx".
19:21:13:708 [08776] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Prism.fx".
19:21:13:709 [02344] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\PPFX_Bloom.fx".
19:21:13:709 [10220] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\PerfectPerspective.fx".
19:21:13:711 [02716] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\NightVision.fx".
19:21:13:711 [07748] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\PPFX_Godrays.fx".
19:21:13:716 [01796] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\NFAA.fx".
19:21:13:720 [00196] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\qUINT_ssr.fx".
19:21:13:721 [09056] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\qUINT_dof.fx".
19:21:13:721 [08360] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\qUINT_bloom.fx".
19:21:13:722 [09468] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Sepia.fx".
19:21:13:723 [10740] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\RemoveTint.fx".
19:21:13:724 [08008] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\ReflectiveBumpMapping.fx".
19:21:13:728 [08784] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Splitscreen.fx".
19:21:13:734 [03176] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\scurves.fx".
19:21:13:734 [07600] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\qUINT_mxao.fx".
19:21:13:737 [12188] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Technicolor.fx".
19:21:13:737 [03264] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\SMAA.fx".
19:21:13:737 [06188] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\TriDither.fx".
19:21:13:739 [07768] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\SurfaceSharpen.fx".
19:21:13:740 [02256] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Smart Sharpen.fx".
19:21:13:742 [02312] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\StageDepth.fx".
19:21:13:744 [09108] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Technicolor2.fx".
19:21:13:745 [11568] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\qUINT_lightroom.fx".
19:21:13:745 [00836] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\UIDetect.fx".
19:21:13:747 [11968] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\PPFX_SSDO.fx".
19:21:13:747 [10832] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\TiltShift.fx".
19:21:13:749 [05784] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\SurfaceBlur.fx".
19:21:13:749 [08136] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Vibrance.fx".
19:21:13:751 [11472] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Tonemap.fx".
19:21:13:752 [01392] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\UIMask.fx".
19:21:13:754 [01436] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_FXAA.fx".
19:21:13:755 [12084] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Vignette.fx".
19:21:13:756 [08108] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Bloom.fx".
19:21:13:759 [12212] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Tonemap.fx".
19:21:13:761 [01456] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Vignette.fx".
19:21:13:766 [11372] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Curve.fx".
19:21:13:766 [05328] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Vibrance.fx".
19:21:13:766 [11084] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Lumasharpen.fx".
19:21:13:767 [03148] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_LightAdaptation.fx".
19:21:13:777 [04220] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Depth.fx".
19:21:14:117 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:24:16:800 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:24:22:700 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:24:25:383 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:24:30:963 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:24:36:479 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:24:45:650 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:25:03:310 [10560] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\AdaptiveFog.fx".
19:25:03:310 [01232] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\3DFX.fx".
19:25:03:311 [00952] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\AdvMotionBlur.fx".
19:25:03:314 [06292] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\AdaptiveSharpen.fx".
19:25:03:315 [08860] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\AmbientLight.fx".
19:25:03:316 [05708] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\ASCII.fx".
19:25:03:316 [04708] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\ArcaneBloom.fx".
19:25:03:317 [02632] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Border.fx".
19:25:03:319 [01240] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Bloom.fx".
19:25:03:320 [11772] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Bumpmap.fx".
19:25:03:320 [07604] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Cartoon.fx".
19:25:03:321 [08408] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\CAS.fx".
19:25:03:324 [10992] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Chromakey.fx".
19:25:03:325 [08548] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\ChromaticAberration.fx".
19:25:03:329 [01276] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\ColorMatrix.fx".
19:25:03:331 [08572] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\ColorFilter.fx".
19:25:03:331 [00480] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Clarity.fx".
19:25:03:331 [10968] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Clarity2.fx".
19:25:03:332 [10616] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\CinematicDOF.fx".
19:25:03:332 [07820] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Colourfulness.fx".
19:25:03:333 [07556] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\CreateLUT.fx".
19:25:03:338 [01472] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\CRT.fx".
19:25:03:338 [01452] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Daltonize.fx".
19:25:03:338 [08372] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Curves.fx".
19:25:03:339 [08864] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Deband.fx".
19:25:03:340 [08736] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Deband_new.fx".
19:25:03:342 [07312] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DeblurUpscale.fx".
19:25:03:344 [09336] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DeblurUpscaleFastSharpen.fx".
19:25:03:346 [08648] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Denoise.fx".
19:25:03:348 [07472] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DepthHaze.fx".
19:25:03:349 [10000] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DisplayDepth.fx".
19:25:03:350 [06576] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DiffuseGlow.fx".
19:25:03:351 [11452] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Depth3D.fx".
19:25:03:352 [05768] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DPX.fx".
19:25:03:352 [06444] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\EGAFilter.fx".
19:25:03:354 [10284] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Emboss.fx".
19:25:03:356 [11092] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DOF.fx".
19:25:03:356 [02912] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Emphasize.fx".
19:25:03:358 [03164] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\EyeAdaption.fx".
19:25:03:359 [01060] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FakeHDR.fx".
19:25:03:361 [07756] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FakeMotionBlur.fx".
19:25:03:362 [03440] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FilmGrain.fx".
19:25:03:363 [03824] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FilmGrain2.fx".
19:25:03:364 [11832] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FilmicAnamorphSharpen.fx".
19:25:03:366 [01872] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FilmicPass.fx".
19:25:03:368 [08064] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FrameBlending.fx".
19:25:03:368 [10884] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FineSharp.fx".
19:25:03:371 [11676] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\GaussianBloom.fx".
19:25:03:373 [02480] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\GaussianBlur.fx".
19:25:03:373 [06900] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Glitch.fx".
19:25:03:374 [03100] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\HighPassSharpen.fx".
19:25:03:374 [07708] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\HQ4X.fx".
19:25:03:375 [07484] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FXAA.fx".
19:25:03:376 [11692] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\HSLShift.fx".
19:25:03:378 [08488] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Layer.fx".
19:25:03:379 [08328] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Levels.fx".
19:25:03:381 [11328] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\LevelsPlus.fx".
19:25:03:382 [08780] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\LiftGammaGain.fx".
19:25:03:383 [01448] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\LightDoF.fx".
19:25:03:384 [06692] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\LumaSharpen.fx".
19:25:03:385 [08264] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\LUT.fx".
19:25:03:388 [02456] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\MagicBloom.fx".
19:25:03:388 [06112] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Monochrome.fx".
19:25:03:389 [09540] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\MultiLUT.fx".
19:25:03:391 [03376] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\NFAA.fx".
19:25:03:391 [11696] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\NightVision.fx".
19:25:03:395 [10876] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\PerfectPerspective.fx".
19:25:03:396 [07268] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Nostalgia.fx".
19:25:03:396 [07752] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\PPFX_Godrays.fx".
19:25:03:396 [11932] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\PPFX_Bloom.fx".
19:25:03:398 [11164] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\PPFX_SSDO.fx".
19:25:03:399 [11416] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Prism.fx".
19:25:03:402 [06312] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\qUINT_bloom.fx".
19:25:03:405 [10772] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\qUINT_dof.fx".
19:25:03:406 [07512] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\RemoveTint.fx".
19:25:03:407 [03664] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\qUINT_lightroom.fx".
19:25:03:407 [09144] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\qUINT_ssr.fx".
19:25:03:407 [07232] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\qUINT_mxao.fx".
19:25:03:408 [03588] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\ReflectiveBumpMapping.fx".
19:25:03:408 [10180] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\scurves.fx".
19:25:03:409 [05452] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Sepia.fx".
19:25:03:415 [08748] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Splitscreen.fx".
19:25:03:415 [11064] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\StageDepth.fx".
19:25:03:417 [07720] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\SMAA.fx".
19:25:03:417 [05844] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Smart Sharpen.fx".
19:25:03:418 [09280] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Technicolor.fx".
19:25:03:419 [09756] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\SurfaceSharpen.fx".
19:25:03:419 [09784] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\SurfaceBlur.fx".
19:25:03:420 [10480] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Technicolor2.fx".
19:25:03:422 [12092] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\TiltShift.fx".
19:25:03:424 [12068] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Tonemap.fx".
19:25:03:425 [07724] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\TriDither.fx".
19:25:03:426 [00032] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\UIDetect.fx".
19:25:03:428 [11552] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\UIMask.fx".
19:25:03:429 [00460] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Vibrance.fx".
19:25:03:431 [05380] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Vignette.fx".
19:25:03:432 [11720] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Bloom.fx".
19:25:03:432 [11364] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Curve.fx".
19:25:03:435 [10460] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_FXAA.fx".
19:25:03:436 [07948] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_LightAdaptation.fx".
19:25:03:436 [07412] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Lumasharpen.fx".
19:25:03:438 [07596] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Tonemap.fx".
19:25:03:439 [00756] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Depth.fx".
19:25:03:440 [03492] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Vibrance.fx".
19:25:03:441 [09492] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Vignette.fx".
19:25:04:285 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:27:41:625 [01164] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\AdaptiveFog.fx".
19:27:41:625 [11368] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\3DFX.fx".
19:27:41:626 [12028] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\AdvMotionBlur.fx".
19:27:41:630 [09788] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\AdaptiveSharpen.fx".
19:27:41:630 [09604] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\ArcaneBloom.fx".
19:27:41:630 [09288] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\AmbientLight.fx".
19:27:41:632 [08180] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Border.fx".
19:27:41:632 [09372] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\ASCII.fx".
19:27:41:633 [00732] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Bumpmap.fx".
19:27:41:635 [06256] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Bloom.fx".
19:27:41:635 [07380] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Cartoon.fx".
19:27:41:636 [06920] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\CAS.fx".
19:27:41:639 [07144] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Chromakey.fx".
19:27:41:640 [11384] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\ChromaticAberration.fx".
19:27:41:646 [06116] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Clarity.fx".
19:27:41:648 [01828] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Clarity2.fx".
19:27:41:649 [07648] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\ColorMatrix.fx".
19:27:41:649 [07864] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\ColorFilter.fx".
19:27:41:649 [08104] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\CreateLUT.fx".
19:27:41:649 [12004] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Colourfulness.fx".
19:27:41:649 [08616] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\CinematicDOF.fx".
19:27:41:652 [12176] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\CRT.fx".
19:27:41:653 [12260] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Curves.fx".
19:27:41:655 [11680] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Daltonize.fx".
19:27:41:657 [09192] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Deband.fx".
19:27:41:660 [11884] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Deband_new.fx".
19:27:41:660 [02824] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DeblurUpscale.fx".
19:27:41:660 [01380] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DeblurUpscaleFastSharpen.fx".
19:27:41:661 [05776] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Denoise.fx".
19:27:41:664 [04524] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DepthHaze.fx".
19:27:41:666 [09204] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DisplayDepth.fx".
19:27:41:667 [06732] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DiffuseGlow.fx".
19:27:41:668 [09936] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Depth3D.fx".
19:27:41:669 [02948] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DPX.fx".
19:27:41:669 [11560] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\EGAFilter.fx".
19:27:41:670 [04192] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Emboss.fx".
19:27:41:672 [12272] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Emphasize.fx".
19:27:41:673 [00368] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\DOF.fx".
19:27:41:675 [07336] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\EyeAdaption.fx".
19:27:41:676 [11236] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FakeHDR.fx".
19:27:41:677 [02928] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FakeMotionBlur.fx".
19:27:41:679 [01112] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FilmGrain.fx".
19:27:41:681 [01052] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FilmGrain2.fx".
19:27:41:682 [05220] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FilmicAnamorphSharpen.fx".
19:27:41:683 [08032] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FilmicPass.fx".
19:27:41:685 [11940] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FrameBlending.fx".
19:27:41:685 [07124] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FineSharp.fx".
19:27:41:688 [11628] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\GaussianBloom.fx".
19:27:41:691 [07852] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Glitch.fx".
19:27:41:691 [08200] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\GaussianBlur.fx".
19:27:41:692 [12248] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\FXAA.fx".
19:27:41:692 [01500] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\HighPassSharpen.fx".
19:27:41:693 [10128] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\HQ4X.fx".
19:27:41:694 [09588] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\HSLShift.fx".
19:27:41:695 [10264] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Layer.fx".
19:27:41:696 [01308] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Levels.fx".
19:27:41:699 [01272] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\LevelsPlus.fx".
19:27:41:700 [05692] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\LiftGammaGain.fx".
19:27:41:702 [01544] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\LightDoF.fx".
19:27:41:702 [06496] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\LumaSharpen.fx".
19:27:41:704 [08072] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\LUT.fx".
19:27:41:706 [03548] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\MagicBloom.fx".
19:27:41:706 [10824] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Monochrome.fx".
19:27:41:707 [05852] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\MultiLUT.fx".
19:27:41:709 [10104] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\NightVision.fx".
19:27:41:709 [06408] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\NFAA.fx".
19:27:41:713 [00304] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\PerfectPerspective.fx".
19:27:41:715 [02216] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Nostalgia.fx".
19:27:41:715 [07692] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\PPFX_Godrays.fx".
19:27:41:715 [07860] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\PPFX_Bloom.fx".
19:27:41:717 [09736] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Prism.fx".
19:27:41:717 [11220] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\PPFX_SSDO.fx".
19:27:41:719 [11632] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\qUINT_bloom.fx".
19:27:41:722 [06840] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\qUINT_dof.fx".
19:27:41:725 [02828] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\qUINT_lightroom.fx".
19:27:41:726 [05164] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\qUINT_ssr.fx".
19:27:41:726 [06792] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\qUINT_mxao.fx".
19:27:41:727 [10956] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\RemoveTint.fx".
19:27:41:728 [11492] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\ReflectiveBumpMapping.fx".
19:27:41:728 [07456] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\scurves.fx".
19:27:41:728 [12152] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Sepia.fx".
19:27:41:735 [03052] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Splitscreen.fx".
19:27:41:736 [10964] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\StageDepth.fx".
19:27:41:737 [06776] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\SMAA.fx".
19:27:41:738 [07060] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Smart Sharpen.fx".
19:27:41:740 [03284] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\SurfaceSharpen.fx".
19:27:41:740 [06136] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\SurfaceBlur.fx".
19:27:41:740 [01384] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Technicolor.fx".
19:27:41:741 [10272] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Technicolor2.fx".
19:27:41:742 [10636] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\TiltShift.fx".
19:27:41:744 [04196] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Tonemap.fx".
19:27:41:746 [05724] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\TriDither.fx".
19:27:41:747 [10600] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\UIDetect.fx".
19:27:41:748 [01680] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\UIMask.fx".
19:27:41:750 [12164] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Vibrance.fx".
19:27:41:751 [08712] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade\shaders\Vignette.fx".
19:27:41:753 [03040] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Bloom.fx".
19:27:41:753 [04444] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Curve.fx".
19:27:41:756 [11672] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_FXAA.fx".
19:27:41:758 [10860] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_LightAdaptation.fx".
19:27:41:758 [11380] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Lumasharpen.fx".
19:27:41:759 [03456] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Tonemap.fx".
19:27:41:760 [04116] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Vibrance.fx".
19:27:41:762 [11184] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Depth.fx".
19:27:41:762 [06788] | INFO  | Successfully loaded "m:\reshade-kitty-new\shaders\Pirate_Vignette.fx".
19:27:42:305 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:27:47:775 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:27:52:549 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:28:31:738 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:28:36:731 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:28:40:830 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:28:52:205 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:29:21:178 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:29:26:183 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:29:40:842 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:29:52:655 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:30:13:550 [09428] | INFO  | Loading image files for textures ...
19:30:13:637 [09428] | INFO  | > Resizing image data for texture 'V__lensDBTex' from 1024x576 to 1920x1080 ...
19:30:13:693 [09428] | INFO  | > Resizing image data for texture 'V__lensDB2Tex' from 1024x576 to 1920x1080 ...
19:35:18:777 [03812] | INFO  | Exiting ...
19:35:18:777 [03812] | INFO  | Uninstalling 38 hook(s) ...
19:35:18:789 [03812] | INFO  | Exited.
Last edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Martigen.

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  • Juguard
  • Topic Author
5 years 4 months ago #3 by Juguard Replied by Juguard on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore
Yea, I had ReShade working fine with Prey, and recently too. I just updated to Windows 10 1903 so not sure if that caused any issues, but at least one more person said the same thing about ReShade and 1903 on steam forums.

I do like using Geforce Experience for recording, screenshots, etc. Last night I was going to turn it off to test but didnt, I will try later today. Also, Nvidia Ansel doesn't work with Prey for me, I was going to use that, until I figure out ReShade.

I will try more troubleshooting, but if its 1903, or Nvidia Ansel thats causing issues, maybe Crosire is already looking into it.

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  • Chris S
5 years 3 months ago - 5 years 3 months ago #4 by Chris S Replied by Chris S on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore
Here is a failed boot sequence with nvspcap64.dll and NvCameraWhitelisting64.dll files deleted so no interference from them being hooked.

Comparing to other logs it skips D3D11CreateDevice for reasons unknown, and fails with 'Skipping swap chain because it was created without a (hooked) Direct3D device.'

winver 1903 nvidia driver 436.48 reshade 4.3.0

12:24:34:594 [03916] | INFO  | Initializing crosire's ReShade version '' (64-bit) built on '2019-05-25 19:00:11' loaded from "H:\Steam Library\steamapps\common\Prey\Binaries\Danielle\x64\Release\dxgi.dll" to "H:\Steam Library\steamapps\common\Prey\Binaries\Danielle\x64\Release\Prey.exe" ...
12:24:34:892 [03916] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "user32.dll" ...
12:24:34:892 [03916] | INFO  | > Libraries loaded.
12:24:34:893 [03916] | INFO  | > Found 13 match(es). Installing ...
12:24:34:967 [03916] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "ws2_32.dll" ...
12:24:34:967 [03916] | INFO  | > Libraries loaded.
12:24:34:967 [03916] | INFO  | > Found 8 match(es). Installing ...
12:24:35:041 [03916] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll" ...
12:24:35:042 [03916] | INFO  | > Delayed.
12:24:35:042 [03916] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d10.dll" ...
12:24:35:042 [03916] | INFO  | > Delayed.
12:24:35:042 [03916] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d10_1.dll" ...
12:24:35:042 [03916] | INFO  | > Delayed.
12:24:35:042 [03916] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll" ...
12:24:35:042 [03916] | INFO  | > Delayed.
12:24:35:042 [03916] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d12.dll" ...
12:24:35:042 [03916] | INFO  | > Delayed.
12:24:35:042 [03916] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll" ...
12:24:35:042 [03916] | INFO  | > Delayed until first call to an exported function.
12:24:35:042 [03916] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\opengl32.dll" ...
12:24:35:042 [03916] | INFO  | > Delayed.
12:24:35:042 [03916] | INFO  | Initialized.
12:24:35:054 [03916] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory1({770AAE78-F26F-4DBA-A829-253C83D1B387}, 0000021903C27A80) ...
12:24:35:056 [03916] | INFO  | Installing export hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll" ...
12:24:35:056 [03916] | INFO  | > Found 7 match(es). Installing ...
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  | Redirecting IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain(00000219284DD540, 0000021933BB49C8, 0000021903C27C78, 0000003BBD74D680) ...
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  | > Dumping swap chain description:
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  |   | Parameter                               | Value                                   |
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  |   | Width                                   | 2560                                    |
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  |   | Height                                  | 1440                                    |
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  |   | RefreshRate                             | 143998              1000                |
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  |   | Format                                  | 28                                      |
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  |   | ScanlineOrdering                        | 1                                       |
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  |   | Scaling                                 | 0                                       |
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  |   | SampleCount                             | 1                                       |
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  |   | SampleQuality                           | 0                                       |
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  |   | BufferUsage                             | 32                                      |
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  |   | BufferCount                             | 2                                       |
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  |   | OutputWindow                            | 0000000000160C6C                        |
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  |   | Windowed                                | TRUE                                    |
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  |   | SwapEffect                              | 0                                       |
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  |   | Flags                                   | 0x2                                     |
12:24:35:153 [03916] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
12:24:35:154 [03916] | WARN  | > Skipping swap chain because it was created without a (hooked) Direct3D device.
12:24:35:272 [03916] | INFO  | Installing delayed hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll" (Just loaded via LoadLibrary("xaudio2_8.dll")) ...
12:24:35:272 [03916] | INFO  | > Found 2 match(es). Installing ...
Last edit: 5 years 3 months ago by Chris S.

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  • Chris S
5 years 3 months ago - 5 years 3 months ago #5 by Chris S Replied by Chris S on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore
This is the problem, the libraries are never loaded
12:24:35:042 [03916] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll" ...
12:24:35:042 [03916] | INFO  | > Delayed.

renaming d3d11.dll workaround doesn't work as it is not loaded by the game and no reshade log file is generated
Last edit: 5 years 3 months ago by Chris S.

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  • igluk
5 years 2 months ago #6 by igluk Replied by igluk on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore
I had the same problem, it worked at first start but then it suddenly stopped working.
I don't know why but deleting the game.cfg in \Username\Saved Games\Arkane Studios\Prey restored ReShade functionality for me.
The game receates the file after every start so I have to delete it every time before starting the game.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Juguard

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  • Chris S
5 years 2 months ago #7 by Chris S Replied by Chris S on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore
That works, ty.

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  • crosire
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #8 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore
Would you mind uploading that game.cfg file somewhere for inspection? I want to know if it enables something that breaks ReShade.
Last edit: 5 years 2 months ago by crosire.

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  • igluk
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #9 by igluk Replied by igluk on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore
-- [Game-Configuration]
-- Attention: This file is re-generated by the system! Editing is not recommended! 

i_useSteamController = 1
sys_spec = 0
r_VSync = 1
sys_MaxFPS = 200
r_Fullscreen = 2
r_Width = 1920
r_Height = 1080
r_overrideDXGIOutput = 0
osm_targetFPS = 30.000000
osm_enabled = 0
r_ChromaticAberration = 0.000000
r_HDRGrainAmount = 0.000000
r_arkssr = 2
r_arkssdo = 2
r_Supersampling = 1
r_Sharpening = 0.000000
r_AntialiasingMode = 3
r_TexMaxAnisotropy = 16
sys_spec_texture = 4
sys_spec_shadows = 4
r_MotionBlur = 0
r_DrawNearFoV = 58.715511
cl_hfov = 90.000000
e_CastShadowViewDistRatio = 160.000000
e_ViewDistRatioDetail = 150.000000
e_ViewDistRatioLights = 50.000000
e_ViewDistRatioCustom = 100.000000
e_ViewDistRatioVegetation = 200.000000
e_ViewDistRatio = 200.000000
e_ShadowsMaxTexRes = 1024

It is just some graphics settings. If you put them in autoexec.cfg in the game's root folder instead of game.cfg then ReShade will load fine.
Obvious culprit seems to be r_overrideDXGIOutput = 0. But changing it won't restore ReShade. And moving the line to autoexec.cfg instead also doesn't break ReShade.
I made game.cfg empty and read-only, then moved the lines to autoexec.cfg works best for now.
Tried with both vanilla Prey and with Real Lights plus Ultra Graphics Mod.
Last edit: 5 years 2 months ago by igluk.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Juguard

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  • Martigen
5 years 2 months ago #10 by Martigen Replied by Martigen on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore

igluk wrote: game.cfg

I haven't yet played Prey 2017 but plan to, and while currently on 1803 where it and Reshade work fine, we are clearly going to be forced onto 1909 at some point so this thread is concerning.

Can I ask -- when you move the settings to autoexec.cfg in the root folder, are you sure they are still being loaded? (seeing as, if game.cfg causes the issue, and moving it to autoexec.cfg, it would hint that it perhaps being ignored).

It is weird that merely having graphics settings the game loads that it naturally uses would disrupt Reshade loading. You could be right about that overrideDXGI line -- have you tried keeping game.cfg and loading just a handful of settings at a time, and seeing at which point it prevents Reshade from loading properly?

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  • igluk
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #11 by igluk Replied by igluk on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore
Moving to autoexec.cfg works - at least mostly
It remembers everything except SSDO/SSR settings, they keep resetting to half-resolution on restart.
So it might apply most settings, not all.
I'm also using the ultra mod, which adds many more lines to autoexec.cfg than there are in game.cfg.

I tried starting up by adding line-by-line to game.cfg It indeed works fine, then breaks at a certain point.
I'm pretty sure I identified the parameter, it is sys_spec = 0. Putting it in autoexec won't break ReShade, only in game.cfg it does.

-- [Game-Configuration]
-- Attention: This file is re-generated by the system! Editing is not recommended! 

i_useSteamController = 1
sys_spec = 0
r_VSync = 1
sys_MaxFPS = 200

ReShade not working

-- [Game-Configuration]
-- Attention: This file is re-generated by the system! Editing is not recommended! 

i_useSteamController = 1
r_VSync = 1
sys_MaxFPS = 200

ReShade works

I add all other parameters except sys_spec, ReShade still works. So it's definitely something in the sys_spec parameter.
These are CryEngine parameters, they should be same or similar across all games with that engine.

Only other thing I can think of is that the game has a pretty hefty protection and the Denuvo anti-tamper might be interfering somehow.
I'm using the voksi version though, and I'm pretty sure people with legit copies also reported the same issues.
Last edit: 5 years 2 months ago by igluk.

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  • Chris S
5 years 2 months ago #12 by Chris S Replied by Chris S on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore
My copy is from steam, no cracks or mods, and I have the same problem.

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  • Huo
5 years 2 months ago #13 by Huo Replied by Huo on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore
I just installed Prey 2017 and tried ReShade 4.3.0 and it seems to work just fine. I should report I am using 1809 build of Windows, so maybe I will just keep right on using that build! I did only try the depth3d feature, which does work with this game although viewing the depth buffer it seemed ' ' blocky ' ', like some VCD mpeg1 from the late 20th century of ages beyond time. :woohoo:

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  • Juguard
  • Topic Author
4 years 11 months ago #14 by Juguard Replied by Juguard on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore
Sorry for resurfacing older thread, but I'm glad the issue was found. For now, I'll just delete game.cfg and redo my settings every time I restart the game. Hope crosire can find a solution in case this can cause other games in the future.

Using ReShade 4.5.4

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  • Chris S
4 years 9 months ago #15 by Chris S Replied by Chris S on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore
For Freestyle at least this is a result of deleting the intro movie files so you can skip the stupid things.

Go figure.

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  • crosire
4 years 9 months ago #16 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore
I cannot reproduce any problems with this game and ReShade 4.6 on both Windows 7 and Windows 10 with latest drivers.

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  • Martigen
4 years 9 months ago #17 by Martigen Replied by Martigen on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore

crosire wrote: I cannot reproduce any problems with this game and ReShade 4.6 on both Windows 7 and Windows 10 with latest drivers.

Which version of Windows 10 are you on?

It's interesting as I did not experience this issue when on Windows 1809 (as my post in this thread indicates) but since upgrading to 1909 I now get the same issue as outlined in this thread.

Similarly, the 'solution' works -- to remove 'sys_spec = 0' from Prey's game.cfg. Doing this, Reshade 4.6 loads. While this setting is present, Reshade doesn't hook.

It's ultimately not a Reshade problem but the game (though it's really weird this wasn't an issue in 1809 -- what could possibly change to cause this?). There's really not much to do about it, unless other games use the engine in future. My own theory is that the engine loads, reads the sys_spec variable, sets the default engine settings based on this, and re-initializes the engine after Reshade had already hooked causing it to not hook the 2nd time. I can paste the log but mine is the same as the first post in this thread.

Hence my post in the 4.6 release thread -- was there/is there a 'delay hook' function in Reshade?

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  • CeeJay.dk
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #18 by CeeJay.dk Replied by CeeJay.dk on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore
Interesting - I just started playing Prey and I can reproduce this error.
I'm on Windows 10 - 2004, and saw this issue with both 4.7 and a 4.8 alpha build.
Last edit: 4 years 3 months ago by CeeJay.dk.

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  • crosire
4 years 2 months ago #19 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore
Fixed in 4.8.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Juguard

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  • Martigen
4 years 2 months ago #20 by Martigen Replied by Martigen on topic Prey 2017 not working anymore
Woohoo! Thanks @Crosire

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