Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 - Eventual Crash to Desktop

  • vsTerminus
  • Topic Author
1 year 3 months ago #1 by vsTerminus Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 - Eventual Crash to Desktop was created by vsTerminus
Hi ReShade team,

I don't think this is a widely known problem yet, but ReShade 5.x causes MS Flight Simulator to crash to desktop without any error message or warning after a period of roughly 1-2 hours. For me at least, it happens every session if I have the game running for long enough. It's not a sometimes thing, it's an every time thing. Reverting to Reshade 4.x resolves the problem, but obviously reintroduces all of the drawbacks associated as well.

My hardware:
- AMD Ryzen 7 5950x
- EVGA RTX 3090 Ti
- 64GB DDR4 system RAM
- ROG Crosshair VIII Dark Hero motherboard
- OS and game both installed on Samsung 980 Pro m.2 SSDs
- 2560x1440 144fps LG monitor
- TrackIR 5 head tracking
(I do have Valve Index VR but I was not using it this flight - VR flights crash same as 2d flights do)

I uninstalled ReShade 4.8.0 and then clean installed ReShade 5.7.0 and checked all boxes to download all available shaders.

The game launched at 10:37 local time and takes a few minutes to load. Then I waited a while for a marketplace download to finish before selecting a plane and airport. The last recent entry in reshade.log is at 11:19, which is probably around the time I finally loaded into the game world with my plane. I spent the next ~50 minutes just sitting on the ramp, either idling or fiddling with various systems when the game crashed at roughly 12:09. A total runtime of about 1 hour 32 minutes.

Doesn't matter whether I sit on the ramp and do nothing or get up in the air and fly, it crashes after 1-2 hours every time.

What's the best way to attach my reshade.log?

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  • PilotCaleb
4 months 4 weeks ago #2 by PilotCaleb Replied by PilotCaleb on topic Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 - Eventual Crash to Desktop
I am having the same issue. Just around an hour and a half mark. Have you gotten anything to work?

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