Chivalry 2 - Stops loading after Launcher Popup & Exit- .log(s) have no info

  • anonymouz
  • Topic Author
10 months 1 week ago - 10 months 1 week ago #1 by anonymouz Chivalry 2 - Stops loading after Launcher Popup & Exit- .log(s) have no info was created by anonymouz
It was working before, and now it stopped working, as soon i uninstall Reshade it works and loads into Main Menu
I'm using DirectX 12, and renaming the dxgi.dll to d3d11 doesnt work anyway, because Anti Cheat doesnt like it.
None of the logs of the Game or Reshade are helpful, because they all suddenly stop logging without errors or warnings
All Drivers are up2date, means Windows, DirectX, .Net Framework, Graphic Card, etc. - All Overlays are deactivated(checked several times already)

I have Informations from other players, theyre able to use Reshade with the same Version of Reshade and Game etc. without any problems.

So what could be the problem? I literally tried everything possible, i have no idea anymore.
02:23:35:760 [20552] | INFO  | Initializing crosire's ReShade version '' (64-bit) loaded from "E:\EpicGames\Chivalry2\TBL\Binaries\Win64\dxgi.dll" into "E:\EpicGames\Chivalry2\TBL\Binaries\Win64\Chivalry2-Win64-Shipping.exe" ...
02:23:35:760 [20552] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "user32.dll" ...
02:23:35:760 [20552] | INFO  | > Libraries loaded.
02:23:35:760 [20552] | INFO  | > Found 14 match(es). Installing ...
02:23:35:801 [20552] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "ws2_32.dll" ...
02:23:35:801 [20552] | INFO  | > Libraries loaded.
02:23:35:801 [20552] | INFO  | > Found 8 match(es). Installing ...
02:23:35:839 [20552] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\windows\system32\d2d1.dll" ...
02:23:35:839 [20552] | INFO  | > Delayed.
02:23:35:841 [20552] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\windows\system32\d3d9.dll" ...
02:23:35:841 [20552] | INFO  | > Libraries loaded.
02:23:35:841 [20552] | INFO  | > Found 9 match(es). Installing ...
02:23:35:871 [20552] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\windows\system32\d3d10.dll" ...
02:23:35:879 [20552] | INFO  | > Delayed.
02:23:35:879 [20552] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\windows\system32\d3d10_1.dll" ...
02:23:35:881 [20552] | INFO  | > Delayed.
02:23:35:881 [20552] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\windows\system32\d3d11.dll" ...
02:23:35:881 [20552] | INFO  | > Libraries loaded.
02:23:35:881 [20552] | INFO  | > Found 3 match(es). Installing ...
02:23:35:911 [20552] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\windows\system32\d3d12.dll" ...
02:23:35:911 [20552] | INFO  | > Delayed.
02:23:35:911 [20552] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\windows\system32\dxgi.dll" ...
02:23:35:911 [20552] | INFO  | > Delayed until first call to an exported function.
02:23:35:911 [20552] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "vrclient_x64.dll" ...
02:23:35:919 [20552] | INFO  | > Delayed.
02:23:35:919 [20552] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\windows\system32\dinput.dll" ...
02:23:35:921 [20552] | INFO  | > Delayed.
02:23:35:921 [20552] | INFO  | Initialized.
02:23:37:568 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory1(riid = {770AAE78-F26F-4DBA-A829-253C83D1B387}, ppFactory = 00000092BC17A880) ...
02:23:37:606 [20552] | INFO  | Installing export hooks for "C:\windows\system32\dxgi.dll" ...
02:23:37:606 [20552] | INFO  | > Found 5 match(es). Installing ...
02:23:37:637 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting RegisterClassExW(lpWndClassEx = 00000092BC17A770 { "EOSOVHDummyWindowClass", style = 0 }) ...
02:23:37:637 [20552] | INFO  | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to "EOSOVHDummyWindowClass".
02:23:37:691 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(pAdapter = 0000000000000000, DriverType = 1, Software = 0000000000000000, Flags = 0, pFeatureLevels = 00000092BC17A558, FeatureLevels = 6, SDKVersion = 7, pSwapChainDesc = 00000092BC17A600, ppSwapChain = 00000092BC17A1E0, ppDevice = 00000092BC17A1F0, pFeatureLevel = 00000092BC17A1F8, ppImmediateContext = 00000092BC17A1E8) ...
02:23:37:691 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory2(Flags = 0x80000000, riid = {7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, ppFactory = 00000092BC179988) ...
02:23:40:734 [20552] | INFO  | Using feature level 0xb000.
02:23:40:749 [20552] | INFO  | Calling IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain:
02:23:40:749 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain(this = 000002642346E600, pDevice = 0000026423C83828, pDesc = 00000092BC17A600, ppSwapChain = 00000092BC17A1E0) ...
02:23:40:749 [20552] | INFO  | > Dumping swap chain description:
02:23:40:749 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:40:749 [20552] | INFO  |   | Parameter                               | Value                                   |
02:23:40:749 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:40:765 [20552] | INFO  |   | Width                                   | 2                                       |
02:23:40:765 [20552] | INFO  |   | Height                                  | 2                                       |
02:23:40:765 [20552] | INFO  |   | RefreshRate                             | 0                   0                   |
02:23:40:765 [20552] | INFO  |   | Format                                  | DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM              |
02:23:40:765 [20552] | INFO  |   | ScanlineOrdering                        | 0                                       |
02:23:40:765 [20552] | INFO  |   | Scaling                                 | 0                                       |
02:23:40:765 [20552] | INFO  |   | SampleCount                             | 1                                       |
02:23:40:765 [20552] | INFO  |   | SampleQuality                           | 0                                       |
02:23:40:765 [20552] | INFO  |   | BufferUsage                             | 0x20                                    |
02:23:40:765 [20552] | INFO  |   | BufferCount                             | 2                                       |
02:23:40:765 [20552] | INFO  |   | OutputWindow                            | 00000000002F0250                        |
02:23:40:765 [20552] | INFO  |   | Windowed                                | TRUE                                    |
02:23:40:765 [20552] | INFO  |   | SwapEffect                              | 0                                       |
02:23:40:765 [20552] | INFO  |   | Flags                                   | 0                                       |
02:23:40:765 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:41:536 [20552] | INFO  | Running on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti.
02:23:41:552 [20552] | INFO  | Recreated runtime environment on runtime 0000026423C49020 ("E:\EpicGames\Chivalry2\TBL\Binaries\Win64\ReShade.ini").
02:23:41:552 [20552] | INFO  | Destroyed runtime environment on runtime 0000026423C49020 ("E:\EpicGames\Chivalry2\TBL\Binaries\Win64\ReShade.ini").
02:23:42:897 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting RegisterClassW(lpWndClass = 00000092BC17E980 { "UnrealWindow", style = 0x8 }) ...
02:23:42:897 [20552] | INFO  | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to "UnrealWindow".
02:23:42:997 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory1(riid = {1BC6EA02-EF36-464F-BF0C-21CA39E5168A}, ppFactory = 00000092BC17DFA8) ...
02:23:43:017 [20552] | INFO  | Installing delayed hooks for "C:\windows\system32\d3d12.dll" (Just loaded via LoadLibrary("C:\windows\SYSTEM32\d3d12.dll")) ...
02:23:43:019 [20552] | INFO  | > Found 8 match(es). Installing ...
02:23:43:061 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting D3D12CreateDevice(pAdapter = 000002641FE52940, MinimumFeatureLevel = 0xb000, riid = {189819F1-1DB6-4B57-BE54-1821339B85F7}, ppDevice = 00000092BC17DED8) ...
02:23:43:145 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory2(Flags = 0x80000000, riid = {1BC6EA02-EF36-464F-BF0C-21CA39E5168A}, ppFactory = 00000092BC17C3B8) ...
02:23:46:600 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory1(riid = {770AAE78-F26F-4DBA-A829-253C83D1B387}, ppFactory = 00000092BC17A8B8) ...
02:23:46:932 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting D3D12CreateDevice(pAdapter = 000002641E8448F0, MinimumFeatureLevel = 0xb000, riid = {189819F1-1DB6-4B57-BE54-1821339B85F7}, ppDevice = 00000092BC17DED8) ...
02:23:46:934 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory2(Flags = 0x80000000, riid = {1BC6EA02-EF36-464F-BF0C-21CA39E5168A}, ppFactory = 00000092BC17C3B8) ...
02:23:47:567 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory2(Flags = 0, riid = {7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, ppFactory = 000002641F0F1B18) ...
02:23:50:002 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting D3D12CreateDevice(pAdapter = 000002641E845C30, MinimumFeatureLevel = 0xc100, riid = {189819F1-1DB6-4B57-BE54-1821339B85F7}, ppDevice = 000002641F0F1658) ...
02:23:50:003 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory2(Flags = 0x80000000, riid = {1BC6EA02-EF36-464F-BF0C-21CA39E5168A}, ppFactory = 00000092BC17C9B8) ...
02:23:51:086 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory1(riid = {770AAE78-F26F-4DBA-A829-253C83D1B387}, ppFactory = 00000092BC17AEB8) ...
02:23:51:265 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory1(riid = {7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, ppFactory = 00000092BC17E2F0) ...
02:23:51:307 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting ID3D12Device::CreateCommandQueue(this = 0000026424030FE0, pDesc = 00000092BC17DD48, riid = {0EC870A6-5D7E-4C22-8CFC-5BAAE07616ED}, ppCommandQueue = 000002642052DC28) ...
02:23:51:308 [20552] | INFO  | > Dumping command queue description:
02:23:51:308 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:51:309 [20552] | INFO  |   | Parameter                               | Value                                   |
02:23:51:310 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:51:310 [20552] | INFO  |   | Type                                    | 0                                       |
02:23:51:311 [20552] | INFO  |   | Priority                                | 0                                       |
02:23:51:312 [20552] | INFO  |   | Flags                                   | 0x1                                     |
02:23:51:313 [20552] | INFO  |   | NodeMask                                | 0x1                                     |
02:23:51:313 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:51:344 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting ID3D12Device::CreateCommandQueue(this = 0000026424030FE0, pDesc = 00000092BC17DD48, riid = {0EC870A6-5D7E-4C22-8CFC-5BAAE07616ED}, ppCommandQueue = 000002642052DDA8) ...
02:23:51:344 [20552] | INFO  | > Dumping command queue description:
02:23:51:345 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:51:346 [20552] | INFO  |   | Parameter                               | Value                                   |
02:23:51:346 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:51:347 [20552] | INFO  |   | Type                                    | 3                                       |
02:23:51:348 [20552] | INFO  |   | Priority                                | 0                                       |
02:23:51:348 [20552] | INFO  |   | Flags                                   | 0x1                                     |
02:23:51:349 [20552] | INFO  |   | NodeMask                                | 0x1                                     |
02:23:51:350 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:51:361 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting ID3D12Device::CreateCommandQueue(this = 0000026424030FE0, pDesc = 00000092BC17DD48, riid = {0EC870A6-5D7E-4C22-8CFC-5BAAE07616ED}, ppCommandQueue = 000002642052E228) ...
02:23:51:362 [20552] | INFO  | > Dumping command queue description:
02:23:51:362 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:51:363 [20552] | INFO  |   | Parameter                               | Value                                   |
02:23:51:364 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:51:365 [20552] | INFO  |   | Type                                    | 2                                       |
02:23:51:365 [20552] | INFO  |   | Priority                                | 0                                       |
02:23:51:366 [20552] | INFO  |   | Flags                                   | 0x1                                     |
02:23:51:367 [20552] | INFO  |   | NodeMask                                | 0x1                                     |
02:23:51:367 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:51:399 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory1(riid = {1BC6EA02-EF36-464F-BF0C-21CA39E5168A}, ppFactory = 00000092BC17E488) ...
02:23:51:400 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting ID3D12Device::CreateCommandQueue(this = 0000026424030FE0, pDesc = 00000092BC17E378, riid = {0EC870A6-5D7E-4C22-8CFC-5BAAE07616ED}, ppCommandQueue = 0000026424072340) ...
02:23:51:401 [20552] | INFO  | > Dumping command queue description:
02:23:51:402 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:51:402 [20552] | INFO  |   | Parameter                               | Value                                   |
02:23:51:403 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:51:404 [20552] | INFO  |   | Type                                    | 0                                       |
02:23:51:404 [20552] | INFO  |   | Priority                                | 0                                       |
02:23:51:405 [20552] | INFO  |   | Flags                                   | 0                                       |
02:23:51:406 [20552] | INFO  |   | NodeMask                                | 0                                       |
02:23:51:406 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:51:435 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting ID3D12Device::CreateCommandQueue(this = 0000026424030FE0, pDesc = 00000092BC17E378, riid = {0EC870A6-5D7E-4C22-8CFC-5BAAE07616ED}, ppCommandQueue = 0000026423AA7D90) ...
02:23:51:436 [20552] | INFO  | > Dumping command queue description:
02:23:51:436 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:51:437 [20552] | INFO  |   | Parameter                               | Value                                   |
02:23:51:438 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:51:439 [20552] | INFO  |   | Type                                    | 0                                       |
02:23:51:439 [20552] | INFO  |   | Priority                                | 0                                       |
02:23:51:440 [20552] | INFO  |   | Flags                                   | 0                                       |
02:23:51:440 [20552] | INFO  |   | NodeMask                                | 0                                       |
02:23:51:441 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:52:346 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain(this = 0000026423918BF0, pDevice = 0000026423A56E60, pDesc = 00000092BC17D860, ppSwapChain = 00000092BC17D830) ...
02:23:52:369 [20552] | INFO  | > Dumping swap chain description:
02:23:52:370 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:52:370 [20552] | INFO  |   | Parameter                               | Value                                   |
02:23:52:370 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:52:371 [20552] | INFO  |   | Width                                   | 1680                                    |
02:23:52:372 [20552] | INFO  |   | Height                                  | 1050                                    |
02:23:52:372 [20552] | INFO  |   | RefreshRate                             | 0                   0                   |
02:23:52:373 [20552] | INFO  |   | Format                                  | DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM           |
02:23:52:374 [20552] | INFO  |   | ScanlineOrdering                        | 0                                       |
02:23:52:375 [20552] | INFO  |   | Scaling                                 | 0                                       |
02:23:52:375 [20552] | INFO  |   | SampleCount                             | 1                                       |
02:23:52:376 [20552] | INFO  |   | SampleQuality                           | 0                                       |
02:23:52:378 [20552] | INFO  |   | BufferUsage                             | 0x30                                    |
02:23:52:378 [20552] | INFO  |   | BufferCount                             | 3                                       |
02:23:52:380 [20552] | INFO  |   | OutputWindow                            | 00000000005906F4                        |
02:23:52:380 [20552] | INFO  |   | Windowed                                | TRUE                                    |
02:23:52:381 [20552] | INFO  |   | SwapEffect                              | 4                                       |
02:23:52:382 [20552] | INFO  |   | Flags                                   | 0x802                                   |
02:23:52:382 [20552] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
02:23:52:569 [20552] | INFO  | Running on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti.
02:23:52:619 [20552] | INFO  | Recreated runtime environment on runtime 00000264326827B0 ("E:\EpicGames\Chivalry2\TBL\Binaries\Win64\ReShade.ini").
02:23:52:623 [20552] | INFO  | Redirecting IDXGISwapChain::ResizeBuffers(this = 0000026435BEA790, BufferCount = 3, Width = 1680, Height = 1050, NewFormat = 24, SwapChainFlags = 0x802) ...
02:23:52:624 [20552] | INFO  | Destroyed runtime environment on runtime 00000264326827B0 ("E:\EpicGames\Chivalry2\TBL\Binaries\Win64\ReShade.ini").
02:23:52:632 [20552] | INFO  | Recreated runtime environment on runtime 00000264326827B0 ("E:\EpicGames\Chivalry2\TBL\Binaries\Win64\ReShade.ini").
02:23:52:687 [19000] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory1(riid = {1BC6EA02-EF36-464F-BF0C-21CA39E5168A}, ppFactory = 00000092BD24E5D0) ...
02:23:52:695 [19000] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory2(Flags = 0, riid = {50C83A1C-E072-4C48-87B0-3630FA36A6D0}, ppFactory = 00000092BD24DD60) ...
02:23:52:696 [19000] | INFO  | Redirecting D3D11CreateDevice(pAdapter = 00000264240D1DC0, DriverType = 0, Software = 0000000000000000, Flags = 0, pFeatureLevels = 00000092BD24E010, FeatureLevels = 1, SDKVersion = 7, ppDevice = 00000264327E4090, pFeatureLevel = 00000092BD24DDA0, ppImmediateContext = 00000264327E4098) ...
02:23:52:696 [19000] | INFO  | > Passing on to D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain:
02:23:52:697 [19000] | INFO  | Redirecting D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(pAdapter = 00000264240D1DC0, DriverType = 0, Software = 0000000000000000, Flags = 0, pFeatureLevels = 00000092BD24E010, FeatureLevels = 1, SDKVersion = 7, pSwapChainDesc = 0000000000000000, ppSwapChain = 0000000000000000, ppDevice = 00000264327E4090, pFeatureLevel = 00000092BD24DDA0, ppImmediateContext = 00000264327E4098) ...
02:23:52:847 [19000] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory1(riid = {770AAE78-F26F-4DBA-A829-253C83D1B387}, ppFactory = 00000092BD24A0F8) ...
02:23:52:896 [19000] | INFO  | Using feature level 0xb100.
02:23:52:900 [19000] | INFO  | Redirecting CreateDXGIFactory1(riid = {1BC6EA02-EF36-464F-BF0C-21CA39E5168A}, ppFactory = 00000092BD24E1B0) ...

thats the end of the log, it just stopped without any warning or errors
Last edit: 10 months 1 week ago by anonymouz.

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  • anonymouz
  • Topic Author
10 months 1 week ago - 10 months 1 week ago #2 by anonymouz Replied by anonymouz on topic Chivalry 2 - Stops loading after Launcher Popup & Exit- .log(s) have no info
It turns out 5.4.0 works, i'll further tryin to investigate..
seems this forum is pretty dead regarding of support?
Last edit: 10 months 1 week ago by anonymouz.

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