- crosire
Topic Author
Bug fixes:
Setup tool:
- Added "BUFFER_COLOR_FORMAT" definition which contains the format enum value of the frame buffer
- Reworked code generation by ReShade FX compiler to generate code specific for each entry point and optimize bindings to use the minimum for each entry point (rather than using the same bindings for the entire effect)
- Changed loading indicator to a spinning ReShade logo (reloading effects after the first time now only shows the logo, rather than a bar covering the top of the screen)
- (Add-on support) Added "effect_runtime::reload_effect_next_frame" API (which can be used to queue up reloading of a particular effect file)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed deadlock when AMD FSR 3 Frame Generation is active (e.g. in Ratchet & Clank, Ghost of Tsushima or Spiderman Remastered)
- Fixed crash when opening effect file with unicode characters in code editor
- Fixed crash in Vulkan when resolving multisampled depth buffer while another non-multisampled backup exists (e.g. in Raze emulator)
- Fixed OpenGL cubemap textures not being updated (causing artifacts in The Dark Mod)
- Fixed mouse cursor no longer getting clipped to the window bounds after the overlay was opened once
- Fixed effect runtime initialization without a stencil format (since most effects can still be rendered without stencil)
- Fixed stencil pass state not being applied to front faces
- Fixed "Reset all to default" context menu containing duplicated items when category is made current multiple times
- Fixed invalid GLSL code generation for "tex1Dstore"/"tex2Dstore"/"tex3Dstore" calls with constant argument
- (Add-on support) Fixed "command_list::push_constants" in D3D10/11/OpenGL when multiple constant ranges with different bindings are used
- (Add-on support) Fixed modified swap chain flags not being applied in "IDXGISwapChain3::ResizeBuffers1"
- (Add-on support) Fixed Vulkan device creation potentially not fetching all queues
- Added imgui patch to restore docking using full window edges again
- Added individual adjustment buttons for each component in multi-component widgets
- Added tooltip to reload button and improved some translations
- Added hook for "IVRCompositor::SubmitWithArrayIndex" and updated OpenVR to v2.5.1
- Changed "IDXGISwapChain4::SetHDRMetaData" to drop all calls
- Changed compiler error about unrecognized property or pass state to be non-fatal
- Moved global configuration and log files to base path (SpecialK crowd, you will be happy to see ReShade files no longer appearing in the game directory unwarranted)
- Removed log line limit in the "Log" tab of the overlay
- (Add-on support) Added add-on event and overlay registration overloads that take the add-on module as a parameter (see "ReShadeRegisterEventForAddon", "ReShadeRegisterOverlayForAddon", ... exports)
- (Add-on support) Added "glBindProgramARB" hook (in addition to the existing "glProgramStringARB" one)
- (Add-on support) Changed input lock to use a recursive mutex to avoid a deadlock if an add-on performs an event loop inside an event callback
Setup tool:
- Fixed compatibility settings not being applied by setup tool
- Fixed setup tool failing to install ShaderToggler add-on to 32-bit games
- Added explicit compiler error when referencing ambiguous function as entry point in pass state
- Fixed data from INI files getting truncated when line is longer than 1024 characters (e.g. causing window docking, or technique sorting information to not be restored properly)
- Fixed broken cube LUT file loading
- Changed texture loading to happen during effect creation (so that reloading a single effect only reloads textures belonging to it)
- Fixed ReShade FX compiler generation of bindings
- Fixed SPIR-V validation failing due to forward referenced IDs not being defined when debug info is enabled
- Fixed Vulkan validation error about memory model device scope not being enabled
- Fixed missing compile errors when an effect is reloaded from cache
- Fixed missing default color space on D3D11/12 swap chains
- (Add-on support) Added "AddonInit" and "AddonUninit" calls for externally registered add-ons
- (Add-on support) Added support for add-ons to display a website and issues page (via "WEBSITE" and "ISSUES" DLL exports)
- (Add-on support) Fixed file name unicode conversion in "effect_runtime" API
- (Add-on support) Fixed mismatch in "ImGuiIO" structure with add-ons
- Added notice regarding HDR to screenshot format error log message
- Fixed missing GLSL extension for "ddx_coarse", "ddx_fine", "ddy_coarse" and "ddy_fine" intrinsics
- (Add-on support) Fixed built-in add-ons being added to list multiple times
- (Add-on support) Fixed "reshade_reloaded_effects" event being triggered every frame (broke a couple of add-ons)
Last edit: 3 months 1 week ago by crosire. Reason: Added 6.3.3 changelog
The following user(s) said Thank You: CeeJay.dk
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