Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue

  • Sh1nRa358
  • Topic Author
10 years 1 week ago #1 by Sh1nRa358 Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue was created by Sh1nRa358
I see where the setting is to turn of the statistical data like fps and what not.

I don't see where to disable the greeting messages that appear in the middle of the screen when he game starts. So I located that file that it was stored in and made it a blank file.

But there is still the compiling info messages at the top left corner of the screen. I usually don't like onscreen messages on games that's not apart of that game. How can I disable that? If there isn't a way to disable it, can you make any option for it to be turned off? I can see how one would need it to see if it is working properly, but if you already know that it is, an individual really doesn't need it anymore.

Thanks in advance.
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  • crosire
10 years 1 week ago #2 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
The welcome message in the middle of the screen is controlled by a "#pragma message" inside the shader. Adding or removing it enables or disables the custom text. =)
The compiling message on the other hand currently cannot be disabled. This is by intention to see if things work (no overlay = bad, errors in overlay = bad) and because all configuration is done through the shader files and #pragma commands. The text shows before the shader is loaded and thus couldn't be affected by some setting in the shader file itself. I could add an option to disable the reappearing of the overlay, so it shows only once at startup and never again (as already the case with the centered welcome message).
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  • Sh1nRa358
  • Topic Author
10 years 6 days ago #3 by Sh1nRa358 Replied by Sh1nRa358 on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
Yeah, that would be cool. An offset option so that one could move it off of the screen could be great too.
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  • CeeJay.dk
10 years 6 days ago - 10 years 4 days ago #4 by CeeJay.dk Replied by CeeJay.dk on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
I told you so Crosire :P

I predicted that users would find the overlay text annoying.

I can make an option to disable the shader greeting, I can't move it or determine for how long it should be displayed.

I'd like to take this opportunity to also ask that the ReShade by Crosire text be made the same size as the rest of the text - it's rather large, especially for debugging text.
Last edit: 10 years 4 days ago by CeeJay.dk.
The following user(s) said Thank You: shadilahham, O.T.T.

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  • Wicked Sick
10 years 4 days ago - 10 years 4 days ago #5 by Wicked Sick Replied by Wicked Sick on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
Particularly, I like it as I like the displayed version number on the top left of the screen. Before that, I used to toggle on and off multiple times to see if it was working correctly, and this greeting message was really welcome for me.

But I also agree, having control over that would be nice tho.
Last edit: 10 years 4 days ago by Wicked Sick.

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  • Atmosfear
9 years 7 months ago #6 by Atmosfear Replied by Atmosfear on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
Me and my friend find this quite annoying because we alt-tab a lot and it appears each time telling compiling has succeeded.

If you could please add an option to toggle on and off this "compiling message", we would love that.
I guess if it works one time, then it's okay. I mean you don't necessarily have to tell us every time..
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  • JPulowski
9 years 7 months ago #7 by JPulowski Replied by JPulowski on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue

Atmosfear wrote: Me and my friend find this quite annoying because we alt-tab a lot and it appears each time telling compiling has succeeded.

If you could please add an option to toggle on and off this "compiling message", we would love that.
I guess if it works one time, then it's okay. I mean you don't necessarily have to tell us every time..

If you are using SweetFX, modify SweetFX\Global_settings.txt file by changing ReShade_ShowToggleMessage and SweetFX_Greeting to 0.

If you are using Framework, modify Reshade\Common_settings.cfg file by changing RFX_ShowToggleMessage to 0.

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  • six
9 years 5 months ago - 9 years 5 months ago #8 by six Replied by six on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
what's the exact line to change/remove the startup #pragma message in reshade.fx? i looked around, but couldn't find what line to edit; I'm running the latest framework release.

the current game I play has frequent map changes, and reshade constantly has to recompile which displays the message. when I'm recording in-game content or streaming on twitch, it looks kinda tacky and has become bothersome unfortunately.

is there anything in the works to provide an option to show/hide the greeting or compiling message?

i love reshade, and find it difficult to game without it.
Last edit: 9 years 5 months ago by six.

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  • shadilahham
9 years 4 months ago #9 by shadilahham Replied by shadilahham on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue

crosire wrote: The welcome message in the middle of the screen is controlled by a "#pragma message" inside the shader. Adding or removing it enables or disables the custom text. =)
The compiling message on the other hand currently cannot be disabled. This is by intention to see if things work (no overlay = bad, errors in overlay = bad) and because all configuration is done through the shader files and #pragma commands. The text shows before the shader is loaded and thus couldn't be affected by some setting in the shader file itself. I could add an option to disable the reappearing of the overlay, so it shows only once at startup and never again (as already the case with the centered welcome message).

That works, but once I modify any files commenting out or removing the pragma message, mediator.exe stops working with the following error message.
"The ReShade Framework Mediator is missing required files or the permission to access them. Please start the ReShade Framework Mediator as Administrator or reinstall the ReShade Framework!"

The startup text (any startup text) is annoying and I would like not to see anything when reshade starts and when it's toggled on/off!

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  • Ganossa
9 years 4 months ago #10 by Ganossa Replied by Ganossa on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
Which game are you currently playing?

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  • shadilahham
9 years 4 months ago #11 by shadilahham Replied by shadilahham on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue

LuciferHawk wrote: Which game are you currently playing?

Was that for me?

Deponia 3

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  • thething
9 years 4 months ago #12 by thething Replied by thething on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
Anyone found a way to completely disable this annoying text?

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  • Fihon
9 years 4 months ago #13 by Fihon Replied by Fihon on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue

thething wrote: Anyone found a way to completely disable this annoying text?

We'll have to wait for an on/off toggle which may or may not be included with an upcoming Reshade update.

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  • crosire
9 years 4 months ago #14 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
It won't, for the reasons that were posted here already =).

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  • thething
9 years 4 months ago #15 by thething Replied by thething on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
I dont understand the reasons. Its just appers every time i alt-tab. Very annoying. How much money you want for version without this shit?
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  • Fihon
9 years 4 months ago - 9 years 4 months ago #16 by Fihon Replied by Fihon on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue

thething wrote: I dont understand the reasons. Its just appers every time i alt-tab. Very annoying. How much money you want for version without this shit?

According to crosire there is the possibility of preventing the overlay from reappearing by making it behave like the welcome message. We just need to be patient until he figures out how to do that without causing issues for the mediator itself.
Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by Fihon.

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  • PapermanZero
9 years 4 months ago #17 by PapermanZero Replied by PapermanZero on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
I also think the text is disturbing.
Furthermore I have issues with the starting text.
In some applications the starting text doesn't disappear (for unknown reason).
Also if I record the gameplay I have the disturbing starting text at the beginning.

I mean it is definitely useful to see if reshade is working and to check the graphical differences with activated reshade and deactivated reshade.
But the user should be able to switch it off in the configuration.

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  • Ganossa
9 years 4 months ago #18 by Ganossa Replied by Ganossa on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
The only option I would agree with would be a reduction (or even turn off) of the information that comes up due to changes or tabbing in and out of applications (though it has be possible to be handled distinct from the start up message).

Other than that (so regarding the start up messages), I see no reason to hide the fact that you are using reshade other than claiming you are not using it :P
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  • Sh1nRa358
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9 years 4 months ago - 9 years 4 months ago #19 by Sh1nRa358 Replied by Sh1nRa358 on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
Has anyone ever stolen credit for graphics settings from an injector? I don't believe so. Everytime I promote the use of reshade on forums I always say Reshade by Crosire :P
Sweetfx never had this and nobody ever said: "Look how I changed the graphics!" They always say "Here, try my SweetFX settings!"
You are protecting something that has never transpired. Minority Report aint it XD

And if files are traded amongst users, it says reshade and has all the readmes and authors inside of the files. So there is NO WAY somebody can steal credit without somebody seeing who made it. And if someone does (in which they won't) you can display the author names in the files and hardcord if those texts are removed, then the injector won't work. This is effective without affecting our gameplay experience. We don't even need to see the "succeeded" message everytime either if we've already done it and tried it before. That's really the only thing that needs to be onscreen ONCE. If something fails or if there are errors in the shader, that should be displayed the whole time only.
Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by Sh1nRa358.
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  • Alexandra
9 years 4 months ago #20 by Alexandra Replied by Alexandra on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
In some (not sure if all) 4:3 fullscreen apps, in my case DOSBox, the message largely appears in the unused left edge of the screen, where it "mirrors" itself rapidly (like a house of mirrors effect in Doom) and never disappears. That is at least a reason to not put it where it currently is, or let the user specify where it appears, yeah? Here's an example:

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