Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue

  • PapermanZero
9 years 3 months ago - 9 years 3 months ago #21 by PapermanZero Replied by PapermanZero on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
Same issue here with Demul.
As said, an option to deactivate the introduction would be highly appreciated.
By default the developers can activate the branding. However it should be possible to remove the branding to avoid issues like in dosbox or demul.
Last edit: 9 years 3 months ago by PapermanZero.
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  • piltrafus
9 years 3 months ago - 9 years 3 months ago #22 by piltrafus Replied by piltrafus on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
For those having issues with DOS games or other 4:3 software:
Before using 4:3 games you guys should switch to a 4:3 resolution on your monitor. even if you have a 16:9 monitor. And make sure you disable scaling on your GPU or monitor settings.
For example is your display has a native resolution of 1920x1080 (16:9) you should switch to 1440x1080 (4:3). Don't change your vertical resolution in order to maintain maximum quality.
Use this site if you need to calculate ratios. aspect_ratio_calculator
Reshade will also run faster as it doesn't have to push around all those extra unused pixels.

P.S. And about the Starting Text Dialogue... Lots of whining in this thread over a resolved question. Crossire answered it in the second post.
Last edit: 9 years 3 months ago by piltrafus.
The following user(s) said Thank You: paxton676

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  • PapermanZero
9 years 3 months ago - 9 years 3 months ago #23 by PapermanZero Replied by PapermanZero on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
I won't switch the resolution and aspect ratio every time for certain applications, only because of this issue.
So I stay at 16:9 and 1920x1080 pixels.

Consequently this is only a workaround but not a solution for the issue.
It's fully understood that Reshade will run smoother (due to missing pixels).
However the user shouldn't normally change any settings of the monitor or the GPU to use reshade without any issues.
Last edit: 9 years 3 months ago by PapermanZero.
The following user(s) said Thank You: O.T.T.

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  • piltrafus
9 years 3 months ago #24 by piltrafus Replied by piltrafus on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
I forgot to add... This is actually not a Reshade problem. your DOS game or app is using a 16:9 resolution to display 4:3 content. Try to set a proper resolution in your app before going into monitor settings.

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  • MaLDo
9 years 2 months ago #25 by MaLDo Replied by MaLDo on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
I agree.

And I just registered to say I stopped using ReShade only for this annyoing message.

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  • Ganossa
9 years 2 months ago #26 by Ganossa Replied by Ganossa on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
Please have a look at the nexus mod posts of ReShade presets for example (Fallout 4 too).
Though we clearly said we would like only configuration files being shared (which users agree to when downloading ReShade 1.1), most people and nexus mod admins simply ignore it.
Secondly, in most of those posts, ReadMe and EULA are deleted.
On top of that, false information and credits are spread there and multiplied in youtube showcases.

Maybe after the majority of people respect our work (or take a bit of time to look into those things) and at least some of the above mentioned points disappear, this can become an issue again.

Sorry for being a little honest at this point and I know very well that this is probably not an issue for active users on this forum!
The following user(s) said Thank You: crosire, Insomnia, Mobeeuz

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  • Constantine PC
9 years 2 months ago #27 by Constantine PC Replied by Constantine PC on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue

Ganossa wrote: Please have a look at the nexus mod posts of ReShade presets for example (Fallout 4 too).
Though we clearly said we would like only configuration files being shared (which users agree to when downloading ReShade 1.1), most people and nexus mod admins simply ignore it.
Secondly, in most of those posts, ReadMe and EULA are deleted.
On top of that, false information and credits are spread there and multiplied in youtube showcases.

Maybe after the majority of people respect our work (or take a bit of time to look into those things) and at least some of the above mentioned points disappear, this can become an issue again.

Sorry for being a little honest at this point and I know very well that this is probably not an issue for active users on this forum!

100% I see stuff every-day uploaded by people without giving any credit to the developers of the shaders.
They call it like Mega-FX (Generic name, but you know what I mean) and sometimes don't even mention it's Reshade.

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  • Wicked Sick
9 years 2 months ago #28 by Wicked Sick Replied by Wicked Sick on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
lol Look at the size of this thread for something so small xD I like the text. Long ago, when I used SFX only, I used to press scroll lock several times to make sure everything was ok xD

By the way, i wonder how Ceejay is going...

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  • thething
9 years 2 months ago #29 by thething Replied by thething on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue

By the way, i wonder how Ceejay is going...

I miss good old SwFX without messages in the corner, but sadly its original loader does not support x64 applications. Forced to turn off stream on twitch for example every time I have to restart a game client so noone can see it and blame me cheating or shit like that. Solved message appearing every time I alt-tab by using full-window mode instead of fullscreen

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  • Constantine PC
9 years 2 months ago #30 by Constantine PC Replied by Constantine PC on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
Actually I'd like to change my perspective on the text. I'd like to see it removed or minimized.
It's pretty big now

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  • Ganossa
9 years 2 months ago #31 by Ganossa Replied by Ganossa on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
Without words,

(check how the startup messages have been changed against our rules to hide the real authors)

(calculated in-transparency at its best)

Those are only the famous single picks out of the mass (without really looking for them).
I honestly did not expect such behavior when I started in the ReShade project but its not really helping any motivation. Simply shameful...

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  • brucethemoose
9 years 2 months ago - 9 years 2 months ago #32 by brucethemoose Replied by brucethemoose on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue

Ganossa wrote: Without words,

(check how the startup messages have been changed against our rules to hide the real authors)

(calculated in-transparency at its best)

Those are only the famous single picks out of the mass (without really looking for them).
I honestly did not expect such behavior when I started in the ReShade project but its not really helping any motivation. Simply shameful...

At least "The Pinnacle V" mentions ReShade in the description... Toddyhancer doesn't even do that. It's terrible.

Ganossa, while I don't recommend attacking them (drama like that never seems to help modding communities), you should email all these gaming news sites and inform them these mods use ReShade without giving any proper credit/following ya'lls guidelines. That wouldn't be too harmful/inflamatory, but a little blurb in articles like that would help get the word out.
Last edit: 9 years 2 months ago by brucethemoose.

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  • NaxiaLascif
9 years 2 months ago - 8 years 2 hours ago #33 by NaxiaLascif Replied by NaxiaLascif on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
Last edit: 8 years 2 hours ago by NaxiaLascif.

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  • crosire
9 years 2 months ago #34 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
Those are not debug messages. Enabling all the debug information ReShade provides (in non-release builds) would fill up the entire sceen space, not something the end-user wants to experience. The text is a very simple, short information about the program. Like a splash screen really, a common thing in the software world. All that fuss around it is quite exaggerated in my eyes.
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  • NaxiaLascif
9 years 2 months ago - 8 years 2 hours ago #35 by NaxiaLascif Replied by NaxiaLascif on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
Last edit: 8 years 2 hours ago by NaxiaLascif.

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  • Elimina
9 years 2 months ago #36 by Elimina Replied by Elimina on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue

NaxiaLascif wrote: As people have stated, some games (like the one I use it for) shows up *multiple times* not just once. Every time I hit a loading screen, I see this junk.

If you hit it every loading screen, does it really matter matter if it shows during a static screen where you can't do anything besides wait? Thats just my opinion, unless the loading screen is only a quick black fade that goes back into gameplay within a few seconds, I would understand the annoyance.


NaxiaLascif wrote: And if you stated that it's to show issues or not, then yes, it is debug messages. The logical thing to do would be: Give the end-user the option to turn it off. It's fine to have it on by default and let them go to the effort to turn it off. Second, only show errors if errors occurred. It's quite assign to post messages that "No Error Occured" - great, thanks. 99% of users only care *IF* an error occurred.

I do agree that a feature like this would be nice, but I agree with Ganossa and others about credit to ReShade and the people that have put effort into making effects and working on the binaries. I think that it is a good idea but I don't think it is the right time to add this feature with so many people going against ReShades terms and regulations.

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  • Mobeeuz
9 years 2 months ago - 9 years 2 months ago #37 by Mobeeuz Replied by Mobeeuz on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
The larger problem here is that end users are creating a profile, distributing the entire product as something 'they' have created and have set up a 'donation' page. Reshade devs will never see a dime of that.

NaxiaLascif - As a game developer, would you sit by and have some free game you actively maintain be redistributed by another individual who called it something else, replaced/removed your name in the credits and set up a donation page? No, of course you wouldn't.

Reshade doesn't have the luxury of being a stand alone product, it's an additive to existing products. Would you rather have Mediator required to be running in the background in order for Reshade to function? It's really the only way, outside of screen text, to prove it's their product. They are protecting their intellectual property and have the right to do so, actually are REQUIRED to do so if they want to maintain legal ownership.
Last edit: 9 years 2 months ago by Mobeeuz.
The following user(s) said Thank You: crosire, Ganossa

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  • Analog-X64
9 years 2 months ago - 9 years 2 months ago #38 by Analog-X64 Replied by Analog-X64 on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue
I read through some of the pages of this post and didnt see if there was an option for this yet.

I'd like to add my 2 cents.
When playing Guild Wars 2 the message on the top left corner appears very frequently, and although its for a short period of time, it does get annoying after a while, because it blocks the main option in game. If there was an option to hide it, or maybe move it to a different part of the screen it would be appreciated.
I'm including image for illustration.

Last edit: 9 years 2 months ago by Analog-X64. Reason: some clarification.

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  • Mobeeuz
9 years 2 months ago #39 by Mobeeuz Replied by Mobeeuz on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue

Analog-X64 wrote: I read through some of the pages of this post and didnt see if there was an option for this yet.

Clearly, you didn't. The entire thread you just posted to states, over and over, that no - you can't disable it. Won't be able to disable it, not now, not in the future, not ever, period.


The option to move it to the left or right side of the screen is a good idea. Another possible compromise would be for a single display of the info, instead of every time it's compiled. My guess is that GW2, like some other games, switch to a non-accelerated loading screen or movie playback period which requires a reinit of reshade and the re-occurrence of the compiling text when completed. If reshade could solve this issue then this problem, and argument, would be moot.

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  • roxahris
9 years 2 months ago #40 by roxahris Replied by roxahris on topic Disabling All Starting Text Dialogue

Mobeeuz wrote: The larger problem here is that end users are creating a profile, distributing the entire product as something 'they' have created and have set up a 'donation' page. Reshade devs will never see a dime of that.

In the case of Fallout 4, perhaps the developers here ought to send the administration of the Nexus a strongly worded letter asking them to properly moderate files, or acknowledge that they will act on reports of files that violate ReShade's licenses.

While the corner text is bothersome - especially in games where it covers up menus or other UI elements - there are few fair solutions that can be taken outside of, say, only showing it the first time it's initialised without issue after a change or boot.

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