Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!

  • MonarchX
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8 years 10 months ago - 8 years 10 months ago #1 by MonarchX Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working! was created by MonarchX
I am going crazy because of this Color Look Up Table (3DLUT) feature in MasterEffect because it is such a big deal! dispcalGUI already supports creation of 3DLUT for ReShade and this feature allows application of full display calibration, including colorspace/color gamut for any game! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

In the past, only 1DLUT (grayscale or "vcgt" part of ICC profiles) could be applied to games without any colorspace correction and it often required the run games in Borderless Window mode, which could cause stuttering and some other issues. It also required programs like CPKeeper and Monitor Calibration Wizard to try to lock those 1DLUT profiles and prevent games from resetting them.

Using 3DLUT through ReShade does not require Borderless Mode and ReShade 3DLUT's provide a much more accurate images than 1DLUT's, allowing gamers to see games exactly as they were developed and meant to be seen! B) B) B)

There is a big problem though, but I do not know whether it is with ReShade or with MasterEffect. The problem is that 3DLUT's do not work in many D3D11 and some OpenGL32 games. In those games the screen goes blue or dark gray or some other color. Turning 3DLUT off fixes the issue, but of course 3DLUT is not applied... All my D3D9 games worked fine and most of my OpenGL32 games also worked fine with 3DLUT.

Here are the games that work fine with Color Look Up Tables (3DLUT's):
- Diablo 3 (D3D9)
- Fahrenheit - Remastered (D3D9)
- Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines (D3D9)
- Pillars of Eternity (OpenGL32)
- Grim Fandango - Remastered (OpenGL32)
- Shadowrun (OpenGL32)

Here are the games that do not work with Color Look Up Tables (3DLUT's):
- Witcher 3 (D3D11)
- Dirt 3 (D3D11)
- Wasteland 2 (OpenGL32)
- Deus Ex - Human Revolution Director's Cut (D3D11)
- Battlefield 4 (D3D11)

I cannot stress enough how important this feature is for those who want the highest fidelity image on their monitors! ReShade has gone so far and became such a woderful tool, but THIS is practically revolutionary! I and other people were dreaming of this feature and never thought it would ever come out, but it did!!! Now it just needs to be fixed/improved!

P.S. I run Windows 10 Pro x64 - could this be the cause of D3D11 games not working with 3DLUT's?
Last edit: 8 years 10 months ago by MonarchX.

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  • Ganossa
8 years 10 months ago - 8 years 10 months ago #2 by Ganossa Replied by Ganossa on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!
Did you try whether it works differently for those games you have issues with when using the 3D LUT shader (part of Tuning Palette shader) in the ReShade Framework instead?

DX11 should work fine but we know that for Witcher3 for example there happens also an internal calibration similar to LUT that conflicts with post processing
Last edit: 8 years 10 months ago by Ganossa.

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  • MonarchX
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8 years 10 months ago - 8 years 10 months ago #3 by MonarchX Replied by MonarchX on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!

LuciferHawk wrote: Did you try whether it works differently for those games you have issues with when using the 3D LUT shader (part of Tuning Palette shader) in the ReShade Framework instead?

DX11 should work fine but we know that for Witcher3 for example there happens also an internal calibration similar to LUT that conflicts with post processing

I am a bit confused about what you're asking. ReShade framework and/or ReShade SweetFX package with 0.19.2 ReShade works perfectly fine for each and every game I own, be it D3D9, OpenGL32, or D3D11. I have 0 problems without MasterEffect.

I tested more games and not a single D3D11 game I own works with 3DLUT effect enabled. All my D3D9 games and all OpenGL32 games work perfectly with 3DLUT, except for Wasteland 2 (OpenGL32).

Here are the games that work fine with Color Look Up Tables (3DLUT's):
- Diablo 3 (D3D9)
- Fahrenheit - Remastered (D3D9)
- Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines (D3D9)
- Pillars of Eternity (OpenGL32)
- Grim Fandango - Remastered (OpenGL32)
- Shadowrun (OpenGL32)

Here are the games that do not work with Color Look Up Tables (3DLUT's):
- Witcher 3 (D3D11)
- Dirt 3 (D3D11)
- Wasteland 2 (OpenGL32)
- Deus Ex - Human Revolution Director's Cut (D3D11)
- Battlefield 4 (D3D11)

Its definitely a D3D11 issue. Or maybe a D3D11 issue on Windows 10. I don't know, but we definitely need more testing! This is too big!
Last edit: 8 years 10 months ago by MonarchX.

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  • Ganossa
8 years 10 months ago #4 by Ganossa Replied by Ganossa on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!
I use the 3D LUT shader from Reshade Framework and it works fine for any of my DX11 game. The only it has problems with is Witcher 3 for above mentioned reasons. Thats why I asked if you tried and get any different results using the ReShade Framework 3D LuT shader instead?

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  • MonarchX
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8 years 10 months ago - 8 years 10 months ago #5 by MonarchX Replied by MonarchX on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!
Do you mean omitting MasterEffect entirely and just using Framework? Does Framework have the same exact 3DLUT feature too? I haven't seen it in SweetFX config file...

I do not think Tuning Palette is the same thing. dispcalGUI allows creation of 3DLUT's for ReShade and they need to be installed into same folder as ReShade. They come with 2 files - ColorLookUpTable.fx and ColorLookUpTable.png. Does Tuning Palette read these 3DLUT files?
Last edit: 8 years 10 months ago by MonarchX.

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  • Ganossa
8 years 10 months ago - 8 years 7 months ago #6 by Ganossa Replied by Ganossa on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!
I am not sure if the shader are the same since Marty implemented his in ME and I implemented the one in the Framework. The tuning palette shader has an option to load a LUT from disk (you can specify the location in the options). By default the LUT texture is located in ReShade/CustomFX/textures/, you can either overwrite it or point to another file.

The tuning palette shader and therefore also 3D LUT feature (TuningPaletteLUT) is in the CustomFX suite and its configuration is in the CustomFX_settings.cfg not the SweetFX_settings.cfg.

You cannot run ME and Framework at the same time, so to test the 3DLUT shader of the Framework you need to erase ME first (and Framework afterwards if you go back to ME)

Here is more explanation:

MonarchX wrote: I do not think Tuning Palette is the same thing. dispcalGUI allows creation of 3DLUT's for ReShade and they need to be installed into same folder as ReShade. They come with 2 files - ColorLookUpTable.fx and ColorLookUpTable.png. Does Tuning Palette read these 3DLUT files?

There is no real 3D LUT/textures for ReShade cause it is not supported yet. The 3D LUT you have are 256x16 2D LUT that emulate a 3D LUT that solution has been around since month in the ReShade Framework as part of the tuning palette shader. It was requested here:
Last edit: 8 years 7 months ago by crosire. Reason: Fixed link

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  • MonarchX
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8 years 10 months ago #7 by MonarchX Replied by MonarchX on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!
I know that Color Look Up Table allows you to create LUT's that correct not only grayscale, but also colorspace / color gamut. They not only correct the outer limits of colorspace / color gamut, but correct everything within the colorspace / color gamut. How accurate the correction is depends on how many pathes were used to create the 3DLUT. dispcalGUI suggest 450 patches for 16x16x16 3DLUT, but Color Look Up Table supports up to 64x64x64 3DLUT's and for the best accuracy you can use 1500-2500 patches.

So for Color Look Up Table, dispcalGUI is used to create 3DLUT's for ReShade, but what about Tuning Palette? How would you create a 3DLUT or as you say "2DLUT" that corrects colorspace / color gamut (outer and inner measurements) to fix all saturation sweeps and hues? SOME KIND of calibration software needs to be used to create a proper 3DLUT or "2DLUT". I don't think dispcalGUI supports LUT's for Tuning Palette...

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  • Ganossa
8 years 10 months ago #8 by Ganossa Replied by Ganossa on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!
I think you are mixing up a few things here. May l shed some light?

1. ColorLookUpTable.fx is not a LUT but a shader that loads the LUT. Does not matter whether its Tuning Palette shader or ME LUT shader, they load LUTs not create them.

2. ColorLookUpTable.png is the LUT, does not matter which of the above shader you give it. Its not a 3D LUT but a 2D LUT that emulates a 3D LUT thats due to limitations in ReShade and has nothing to do with what shader you might want to use. 256x16 is the suggested resolution if for whatever reason you want to go higher there is no problem to change that.

3. Its not about the ME or Framework shader LUT being supported by dispcalGUI but about ME or Framework supporting dispcalGUI LUTs. The suggested way to create LUTs is yet photoshop or shader you use in ReShade cause its original purpose is to cheaply apply color correction effects that would otherwise need additional per pixel algorithms.

4. DispcalGUI is only a different LUT generator used to generate LUTs for probably different purposes. However, it does not change how LUT shader work in ReShade. You could load "3D LUTs" in ME and Framework month ago, if you read dispcalGUI you know its LUTs have been used with those shaders before.

Hope that explains things a bit :-)

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  • MonarchX
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8 years 10 months ago - 8 years 10 months ago #9 by MonarchX Replied by MonarchX on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!
1. Do both ME and Tuning Palette load the entire LUT information - grayscale AND colorspace?

2. How exactly does ReShade "3DLUT Emulation" differ from true 3DLUT's, like the ones used for madVR? Please take a look at this thread - , where it was already asked: "

Some people on ReShade forums refer to these as "2DLUT's" that emulate 3DLUT's, but aren't true 3DLUT's. I am not sure I follow that...

They are probably confused by the concept of three-dimensional color data stored in a "two-dimensional" image file format that only knows width and height axes. The format the 3D data is stored in doesn't matter though, what matters is how it's used. The PNG file is just a container, you could as well store the 3D LUT data in a text file or a specialized binary format like madVR uses.


3. Photoshop to create LUT's? Why? What for? It makes no sense. Are you familiar with display calibration? Calibrating displays is about making them adhere to a standard used to develop game graphics and to master films. Calibrated display allows you to see games and films the way they were made and meant to be seen. There are 2 major parts to calibrating displays - grayscale and colorspace. Monitors usually have grayscale OSD menu adjustment settings, but those are often not enough to reach needed grayscale accuracy. To reach good grayscale accuracy, software 1DLUT's ("vcgt" portion of ICC profiles) are often needed. They are "1D" LUT's because they contain only grayscale information. 1DLUT's can be applied to videogames, usually with help of 1DLUT forcers, like CPKeeper and Monitor Calibration Wizard, in combination with Borderless Window modes. Colorspace is another major part of calibration. Most monitors do not have colorspace OSD menu adjustment settings and 1DLUT's do not include colorspace information. There are, however, 3DLUT's, such as the ones used for a popular madVR film playback renderer. 3DLUT creation involves measuring current state of monitor's grayscale and colorspace and creating a file that corrects inaccuracies of monitor's grayscale and colorspace. When 3DLUT's for the specific monitor are applied on top of existing monitor image, the resulting image is very accurate. 3DLUT's for games were originally non-existent until now, it seems. To create a proper 3DLUT, be it for madVR or games, you NEED a probe (a colorimeter or spectrophotometer) and you NEED to measure the current state of your monitor (grayscale and colorspace) using measurement software like HCFR Calibration. Then you NEED a calibration software, such as dispcalGUI, that will actually create a 3DLUT file for your monitor so that it can produce a very accurate image. These things are NOT possible with Photoshop. This also leads me to believe that Tuning Palette shader does not do what I was hoping it would do - act as madVR (but for D3D applications) and load 3DLUT's that correct existing image, making it far more accurate.

Ultimately I was hoping that 3DLUT's for ReShade, made by dispcalGUI, would provide me with the same results as 3DLUT's for madVR, also made by dispcalGUI. I am not interested in some Photoshop LUT's that have nothing to do with display calibration. I want to apply 3DLUT's to games so that I can get a much more accurate image, one I cannot get with simple 1DLUT's because they do not contain colorspace information. I achieved excellent grayscale accuracy with dispcalGUI 1DLUT for my monitor, but this VA monitor does not have an accurate colorspace, including 50-100% saturation sweep inaccuracies and even hue inaccuracies. There is nothing I can do about it through my display settings. I created a 3DLUT for madVR that corrects my colorspace, but madVR is for film playback. I was hoping to use dispcalGUI 3DLUT for ReShade to achieve the same accuracy as the one from madVR 3DLUT.

I was also hoping 3DLUT's for ReShade would not just correct the outer limits of colorspace, but correct everything within them. For example, its one thing to make 100% saturation sweeps for every color are accurate (outer limits of colorspace), but its a different thing to make 1-99% saturation sweeps accurate, create accurate skin tones, etc. That is how 3DLUT's for madVR work and that is what I was hoping for with ReShade. But now you say these are not true 3DLUT's, so they lack some kind of data that true 3DLUT's have?

FYI dispcalGUI is a GUI, a shell, for the actual core software - ArgyllCMS, which is the one that does measuring, calibration, creating 3DLUT's, etc.

Here are the steps I took to make dispcalGUI ReShade 3DLUT work with ReShade Framework via Tuning Palette:
- Cleaned game's folder with launching .exe from ALL ReShade files, shortcuts, renderers, folders, 3DLUT's, etc.
- Launched Framework Mediator
- Selected the needed game .exe, correct rendering (D3D11) and pressed Confirm
- Navigated to EffectOrdering tab and elected/checked Tuning Palette (and nothing else)
- Navigated to CustomFX tab and under "Tuning Palette Settings General" set all to 0, except for TuningColorLUT (set to 1)
- Renamed TuningColorLUTDst Texture to ColorLookupTable.png
- Placed dispcalGUI ReShade 3DLUT (named ColorLookupTable.png) into ReShade\CustomFX\Textures folder
- Pressed Offline Preview in Mediator tab and received this:

This error happens REGARDLESS of the .exe I select...
Last edit: 8 years 10 months ago by MonarchX.

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  • Ganossa
8 years 10 months ago #10 by Ganossa Replied by Ganossa on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!
MonarchX, you seem to be too focused on your display correction scenario?
The main purpose of the 3D LUTs in ReShade is to apply otherwise costly color correction. Its to reduce performance impact and apply photoshop like effects directly to your game/app.
Photoshop your game/app
How is that for a slogan? Its a mystery to me why you would not see how useful that is...

Follow the UT link in the request that motivated 3D LUT shader for ReShade.

However, you only want to do display calibration, go ahead. Its only one application of LUTs. Again creating a LUT is not part of the shader. They only load them and apply them to your application. Thats something you need to understand.

Real 3D LUTs/textures are not compatible with ReShade which is why we use the 2D approach. Its really funny to read that comment from the forum you posted. Someone saw that we use 2D to emulate 3D (again we have been doing this for a long time now since it was requested here). Is inspired and uses our solution to write his own shader and then claims the orginal author has no idea what he was doing. That tells alot about motivation of that person.

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  • Ganossa
8 years 10 months ago #11 by Ganossa Replied by Ganossa on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!
To your problem with Tuning Palette shader:

Easiest way to apply the dispcalGUI LUT

1. Make sure the ColorLookUpTable.png has 256x16 pixel size

2. Rename ColorLookUpTable.png to CFX_ColorLUTDst.png and replace the one in Reshade/CustomFx/textures

3. Activate TuningPalette shader in Effect Ordering tab of the mediator

4. Activate (only) TuningPaletteLUT effect in the Tuning Palette shader options tab

Does that work. If not please post the ColorLookUpTable.png so I can have a look at it.

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  • MonarchX
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8 years 10 months ago #12 by MonarchX Replied by MonarchX on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!
OK, now that makes sense to me. As someone into display calibration, I never heard of LUT's or 3DLUT's being used for anything other color correction/calibration.

I have no idea what you mean by someone else writing their own shader and etc. I know dispcalGUI (ArgyllCMS) allows for creation of 3DLUT's for ReShade. It was stated here that you consider 3DLUT's to be 2DLUT's emulating 3DLUT's and dispcalGUI developer stated that there was likely naming confusion, which is quite possible. What 3DLUT means in the world of display calibration may not have the same meaning as it does in post-processing world! Nobody said that the original author had no idea, its just a naming difference...

This is why I still do not understand the difference you're talking about (between madVR 3DLUT and these 2DLUT's emulating 3DLUT's). 3DLUT in the world of calibration is simply a LUT that contains corrections for grayscale AND colorspace. There is nothing "3D" about it. It can be in a text file or binary file...

BTW, any idea as to why I am getting erros when trying to use TuningPalette? (I edited my post above).

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  • MonarchX
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8 years 10 months ago - 8 years 10 months ago #13 by MonarchX Replied by MonarchX on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!

LuciferHawk wrote: To your problem with Tuning Palette shader:

Easiest way to apply the dispcalGUI LUT

1. Make sure the ColorLookUpTable.png has 256x16 pixel size

2. Rename ColorLookUpTable.png to CFX_ColorLUTDst.png and replace the one in Reshade/CustomFx/textures

3. Activate TuningPalette shader in Effect Ordering tab of the mediator

4. Activate (only) TuningPaletteLUT effect in the Tuning Palette shader options tab

Does that work. If not please post the ColorLookUpTable.png so I can have a look at it.

There is no TuningPaletteLUT - only TuningColorLUT or TuningColorPalette. Which one? Turning either on/off does not change anything. Here's the 3DLUT:

Also, it told me that there was access-denied to CustomFX_settings.undef, so I right-clicked on that file and selected "Unblock". That fixed the issue - no more access-denied issues. I also launched Framework Mediator as Administrator...

Could this be a Windows 10 issue? I don't think this is a LUT issue because if I use the default/vanilla CFX_ColorLUTDst.png that Framework comes with, I still get the same exact error...
Last edit: 8 years 10 months ago by MonarchX.

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  • Ganossa
8 years 10 months ago #14 by Ganossa Replied by Ganossa on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!
Its TuningColorLUT, my bad. You also might need to set TuningPalettePower to 1.0

The LUT looks absolutly fine so should be compatible with the shader.

3D LUT texture for post processing would be a texture that stores information in xyz. You could store that e.g. in a .dds file. However, as of now ReShade does not support 3D textures and therefore we are left with 2D textures. The LUT we have are 2 dimensional lookup tables. We only stretch one of the 2 dimensions to store the z component but that does not make it a 3D texture. Its an emulation of 3D information in 2D space.

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  • MonarchX
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8 years 10 months ago - 8 years 10 months ago #15 by MonarchX Replied by MonarchX on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!

LuciferHawk wrote: Its TuningColorLUT, my bad. You also might need to set TuningPalettePower to 1.0

The LUT looks absolutly fine so should be compatible with the shader.

Still no go. I tried to launch Framework Mediator as Admin and in Windows 7/8 Compatibility mode, changing directories, restarting, but nothing I tried works. TuningPalettePower was already at 1.0000, TuningColorLUT was set to 1, the rest was set to 0. Whether I use my custom LUT.png from dispcalGUI or vanilla CFX_ColorLUTDst.png file makes no difference. I tried copy/paste Framework files into game folders instead of using Framework Mediator, but I ended up with exactly the same error...It doesn't matter whether it is a DX11 or D3D9 game - TuningPalette does NOT work here. Something is not working in TuningPalette.h :( :( :( ... Is there some log file/dump I can provide? FYI, my PC is in great condition - everything else works without any problems. I mean Framework and ReShade also work, but not TuningPalette...

LuciferHawk wrote: 3D LUT texture for post processing would be a texture that stores information in xyz. You could store that e.g. in a .dds file. However, as of now ReShade does not support 3D textures and therefore we are left with 2D textures. The LUT we have are 2 dimensional lookup tables. We only stretch one of the 2 dimensions to store the z component but that does not make it a 3D texture. Its an emulation of 3D information in 2D space.

See that there, regarding XYZ values, is what I do not understand. Does that mean ReShade 2DLUT's contain and apply colorspace / color gamut information/correction? I know 2DLUT's definitely contain grayscale , 1DLUT, information. 2DLUT > 1DLUT so its got to contain more than just grayscale...
Last edit: 8 years 10 months ago by MonarchX.

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  • Ganossa
8 years 10 months ago - 8 years 10 months ago #16 by Ganossa Replied by Ganossa on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!
Can you post your CustomFX_settings.cfg so I can check on the configuration?

To ReShade LUT. We also have an older real grey scale 2D LUT shader (ported from ME). However, the emulated 3D LUT stores green and red components in 16x16 2D space as should be and duplicates that x16 times to combine it with the blue component which stretches one of the 16 pixel dimension to 256 pixel. Therefore, you got all possible color combinations covered in 2D space :-).

EDIT::I just checked the dispcalGUI tool myself. The ColorLookUpTable.png is the exact same we have been using and the ColorLookUpTable.fx is an almost 1:1 copy of the ME implementation. There is nothing new going on at that end. What dispcalGUI provides you is a different way to create the ColorLookUpTable.png for the purpose of display calibration. The Framework code is a bit different but probably does the exact same thing as ME so also the exact same thing as ColorLookUpTable.fx.

Again, I use the "3D LUT" shader since month and it works for any game on any engine for which ReShade works (so including DX11). Its is a rather simple shader so not much you can break with it.

To also clear things up, 3D LUT shader is something that has been used in UT and maybe before in other applications for the post processing purpose. The strength of ReShade is far beyond what a 3D LUT shader does cause those LUT shader you could also have implemented in any other injector. They already work in a very generic way by design.
Last edit: 8 years 10 months ago by Ganossa.

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  • MonarchX
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8 years 10 months ago - 8 years 10 months ago #17 by MonarchX Replied by MonarchX on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!

LuciferHawk wrote: Can you post your CustomFX_settings.cfg so I can check on the configuration?

To ReShade LUT. We also have an older real grey scale 2D LUT shader (ported from ME). However, the emulated 3D LUT stores green and red components in 16x16 2D space as should be and duplicates that x16 times to combine it with the blue component which stretches one of the 16 pixel dimension to 256 pixel. Therefore, you got all possible color combinations covered in 2D space :-).

EDIT::I just checked the dispcalGUI tool myself. The ColorLookUpTable.png is the exact same we have been using and the ColorLookUpTable.fx is an almost 1:1 copy of the ME implementation. There is nothing new going on at that end. What dispcalGUI provides you is a different way to create the ColorLookUpTable.png for the purpose of display calibration. The Framework code is a bit different but probably does the exact same thing as ME so also the exact same thing as ColorLookUpTable.fx.

Again, I use the "3D LUT" shader since month and it works for any game on any engine for which ReShade works (so including DX11). Its is a rather simple shader so not much you can break with it.

To also clear things up, 3D LUT shader is something that has been used in UT and maybe before in other applications for the post processing purpose. The strength of ReShade is far beyond what a 3D LUT shader does cause those LUT shader you could also have implemented in any other injector. They already work in a very generic way by design.

Got it!

2DLUT/3DLUT for the purpose of preference-based post-processing may have existed for a while now, but using it to see a near-perfectly calibrated picture by creating these LUT's via dispcalGUI is something very recent and something to be excited about. Many people into high-fidelity video were hoping that one day they didn't have to bother with ICC profiles and only partial calibration, but have a way to fully calibrate their displays and play games using these calibrations. As I provided an example - my VA monitor is excellent in every way, but it has a rather inaccurate colorpsace, which cannot be calibrated with 1DLUT's and forced in games. My red's have a slightly orange tint (inaccurate hue) and the same applies to green that has a slightly yellow tint (inaccurate hue). Therefore games do not look the way they were graphically developed with a simple 1DLUT. "3DLUT" / 2DLUT solves this colorspace limitating issue and THAT is something to be excited about :silly: :cheer: ! That is as long as it actually works...

Here's my CustomFX with other .cfg files (just in case) - and I renamed 3DLUT back into ColorLookupTable.png. Again, ALL other shaders and features of ReShade Framework work flawlessly with every game I have. TuningPalette is the only feature that creates that error in TuningPalette.h . All I can think of is maybe this is a Windows 10 issue...

The 3DLUT feature from MasterEffect DOES work fine with D3D9 and most OpenGL32 games, but not D3D11 games, so IT IS possible even in Windows 10. ReShade Framework, however, does not work wither neither D3D9/OpenGL32 nor D3D11 games FOR ME so far.

Please let me know if there is some way I can provide a debug log or dump file or whatever else that may shad some light on this issue.
Last edit: 8 years 10 months ago by MonarchX.

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  • Ganossa
8 years 10 months ago #18 by Ganossa Replied by Ganossa on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!
In the TuningPalette configuration you have to put ColorLookupTable.png into quotation marks like this:

"ColorLookupTable.png" otherwise it is interpreted as a variable which cannot be found.

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  • MonarchX
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8 years 10 months ago - 8 years 10 months ago #19 by MonarchX Replied by MonarchX on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!
YEEHOO! It worked!!! The default/vanilla 3DLUT did not have " " around its name, so I had no idea I had to do that! ALL my DirectX 9, 11, and OpenGL32 games now work with dispcalGUI ReShade Framework 3DLUT! Even Witcher 3 works fully, so I have no idea about that post-processing that supposedly prevented Witcher 3 from working with 3DLUT you mentioned earlier.


P.S. This 3DLUT was 256x16, but if I use dispcalGUI to create a more accurate and thorough 64x64x64 3DLUT, will it also work with ReShade Framework TuningPalette shader???
Last edit: 8 years 10 months ago by MonarchX.

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  • MonarchX
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8 years 10 months ago - 8 years 10 months ago #20 by MonarchX Replied by MonarchX on topic Color Look Up Table - AMAZING! D3D11 not working!
I just wanted to report that only 16x16x16 3DLUT's are working. However, at least in case with MasterEffect, 3DLUT's up to 64x64x64 should work. I created a 64x64x64 3DLUT but it did not work with ReShade Framework TuningPalette. The screen turned all red. Can this be fixed or improved later in development?

EDIT: I was advised to do this to make 64x64x64 work:

Edit two files - TuningPalette.h (change line 51, "float4 ColorLUTDst = float4((original.rg*15f+0.5f)*TuningColorLUTNorm,o riginal.b*15,original.w);" by replacing the two occurrences of 15 with 63), and CustomFX_settings.cfg (line 133, "#define TuningColorLUTNorm float2(1.0/256.0,1.0/16.0) //[undef] //-Texture size", replace "float2(1.0/256.0,1.0/16.0)" with "float2(1.0/4096.0,1.0/64.0)").

I've done that, but once again, the screen turned all red. Its not the 3DLUT itself because the 16x16x16 of this exact 3DLUT worked fine.
Last edit: 8 years 10 months ago by MonarchX.

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