- Sh1nRa358
- robgrab
- Ganossa
(I know its not perfect yet )
- SpinelessJelly
Ganossa wrote: Is that simple enough?
(I know its not perfect yet )
Not certain if you updated the tool recently, but there are differences between 1.0 and 1.1 files (more specifically regarding the DOF shader) that TransMod does not take into account.
- Ganossa
SpinelessJelly wrote: Not certain if you updated the tool recently, but there are differences between 1.0 and 1.1 files (more specifically regarding the DOF shader) that TransMod does not take into account.
By design, the tool is independent of changes, it can translate between any configuration.
If variable names changed it will not translate them but most of the cases (like in the case of DoF) variable changes mean that the shader behavior changed and old values would not apply anyway.
The not translated variables can be marked automatically by activating the debug mode.
- robgrab
Ganossa wrote: Is that simple enough?
(I know its not perfect yet )
Awesome! I'll try it later tonight.
- jon30rockaholic
- crosire
- Topic Author
This is a known issue, but since I do not own the game I can only guess the reasons and a fix is very unlikely unfortunately.jon30rockaholic wrote: Hello I've been playing Fallout 4 with Reshade and I have noticed that DOF does not work when I am in power armor. I'm guessing it has something to do with the depth buffer, but I don't think that it is something I can fix. Just letting you guys know in case there is something that can be done to fix it.
- keem85
- robgrab
crosire wrote:
This is a known issue, but since I do not own the game I can only guess the reasons and a fix is very unlikely unfortunately.jon30rockaholic wrote: Hello I've been playing Fallout 4 with Reshade and I have noticed that DOF does not work when I am in power armor. I'm guessing it has something to do with the depth buffer, but I don't think that it is something I can fix. Just letting you guys know in case there is something that can be done to fix it.
I assume it's because of the intrusive HUD overlay obscuring the screen.
- Crystrex
- Faildozer
- acknowledge
discuss can be found here:
- crosire
- Topic Author
Already done: github.com/crosire/reshade-shaders/commi...f265ec79a265c94e13c8 .acknowledge wrote: Any plan to add an option to flip depthbuffer in framework?
- acknowledge
crosire wrote:
Already done: github.com/crosire/reshade-shaders/commi...f265ec79a265c94e13c8 .acknowledge wrote: Any plan to add an option to flip depthbuffer in framework?
Thx for your remind
- Zyrusticae
- Marty McFly
- Sh1nRa358
- Sh1nRa358
- Shady