- crosire
Topic Author
- Added window event message queue hooks, which handle keyboard and mouse input
- Added option to use key modifiers/combinations for toggling techniques via new annotations "togglectrl", "toggleshift" and "togglealt"
- Added support for numeric escape sequences in string literals to effect parser
- Added disclaimer message to overlay
- Added error message to setup tool if Visual C++ redistributable is missing
- Changed hook installation to log error status code if hook activation failed
- Changed network traffic monitor to use interlocked operations instead of critical sections for thread-safety
- Changed setup tool to only attempt analyzing the executable PE file and not launching the game (fixes crashes)
- Fixed crash in GTA5 when Steam overlay was active and ReShade named "dxgi.dll"
- Fixed effect reloading not working if there was an error during the preprocessor step
- Removed "d3dx9" dependency from 64 bit build since it isn't used there
- Removed support for loading effects from "Sweet.fx" and "ReShade\Common\ReShade.fx". Please use "ReShade.fx" instead.
- Removed disclaimer messagebox
- Fixed crash when last line of an effect file was an "#include" directive
- Removed Visual C++ redistributable dependency, now works without it being installed
- Fixed D3D9 half texel offset correction only working for backbuffer sized textures
- Removed "Use at your own risk!" warning message from welcome text and moved it into readme
- Changed Direct310/11 handling of multisampling to copy the backbuffer instead of replacing it
- Fixed hook manager not catching modules loaded via "LoadLibraryEx"
- Fixed effects applied multiple times if game called "IDXGISwapChain::Present" without doing any drawing in between
- Added Direct3D11 feature level info to trace logging
- Fixed Direct3D10/11 stateblocks leaking references after frame completed
- Fixed Direct3D10/11 renderers failing to initialize if backbuffer is using a SRGB format
- Fixed Direct3D10/11 renderers failing to initialize on Windows 8+
- Fixed gamma issues in Direct3D10/11 renderers on Windows 8+
- Fixed keyboard input not working in games using RawInput
- Fixed effect parser accepting empty variable declarations
- Fixed raw input device registration failing under certain circumstances
- Fixed memory leak in Direct3D10/11 renderers
Last edit: 9 years 8 months ago by crosire. Reason: Updated to 0.18.7
The following user(s) said Thank You: SunBroDave, Mike Gous, BeTa, Midhras, ninjafada, padolamap, GroinShooter, sajittarius, vfxninjaeditor, tybalitea and 14 other people also said thanks.
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- NotSoSweet
Added window watcher, which keeps track of window messages and handles keyboard and mouse input
/paranoid mode on
Erm, keylogging? Can I ask you, why is it necessary for a shader/graphic mod?
Also can you add an option to permanently disable network monitoring and "dangerous" features similar to depth-buffer? Why monitor them constantly, just allow to disable them in manual mode. It is safer than constant monitoring with a possibility to ban in 100% MMO/multiplayer games.
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- crosire
Topic Author
reshade.me/forum/suggestions/502-option-...gerous-features#4076 =)NotSoSweet wrote: Erm, keylogging? Can I ask you, why is it necessary for a shader/graphic mod?
Last edit: 9 years 9 months ago by crosire.
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- adi518
- MonarchX
Any chance this release will fix problems with On/Off toggle key (Scroll Lock) not working in many games? I think 0.16 if not 0.15 was the last version where the toggle key worked every single time. Along with toggle key issue, several games that worked fine with 0.15 and I think 0.16 releases stopped loading ReShade effects in 0.17 and 0.17.1...
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- crosire
Topic Author
- MonarchX
- ArcticGamez
When do you think we can see version 0.18 come out? also might wanna add "The Crew" to game list compatibility with Good status using 0.17 No depth buffer access.
Last edit: 9 years 9 months ago by ArcticGamez.
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- crosire
Topic Author
It's actually finished. I'm waiting on CeeJay and Lucifer to include updates of SweetFX and the framework when publishing.
But I'd surprised if this fixed "The Crew". I don't have that game, so I'm unable to perform any debugging on it unfortunately currently.
But I'd surprised if this fixed "The Crew". I don't have that game, so I'm unable to perform any debugging on it unfortunately currently.
Last edit: 9 years 9 months ago by crosire.
The following user(s) said Thank You: strelokgunslinger, Cloudster
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- Cloudster
Cloudster wrote: Any ETA on when 0.18 will be out? Really hope it fixes the crash in GTA 5.
Post above you.
He is waiting for SweetFX and the Framework get updated. Im pretty sure SweetFX will come first since the framework is a lot more advanced.
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- crosire
Topic Author
Released 0.18.0. It starts with fixing keyboard input and a few issues with GTA5. But there are still problems remaining, which I'll try to get solved (if possible) in the following 0.18.X versions.
Last edit: 9 years 9 months ago by crosire.
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- crosire
Topic Author
Note that a small mixup caused me to upload an older build first ( and So if you downloaded 0.18.0, I encourage you to redownload it to get the actual latest version ( and
Last edit: 9 years 9 months ago by crosire.
The following user(s) said Thank You: BrandonHortman
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- BatJoe
- crosire
Topic Author
Oh, small bug with SweetFX. Open ReShade.fx and add a new line after "#include "Sweet.fx"" if not there yet (fixed the download). Thanks for reporting!BatJoe wrote: No good.. 0.18 crashes in a ton of games for me just using SMAA.

Last edit: 9 years 9 months ago by crosire.
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- crosire
Topic Author
- BrandonHortman
Toggle keys work for me.
GemFX bloom.h fails with:
/bloom.h (441, 27): error X3004: undeclared identifier 'detectLowColor'
But with everything disabled in the gemfx.cfg it compiles and the keys work for me in DA:I
GemFX bloom.h fails with:
/bloom.h (441, 27): error X3004: undeclared identifier 'detectLowColor'
But with everything disabled in the gemfx.cfg it compiles and the keys work for me in DA:I

The following user(s) said Thank You: crosire
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- c0b4lt
crosire wrote: It would be great if somebody can confirm that keyboard input and thus toggle keys are now working again for them too.
Nope not for me. I've tried all the default toggle keys that are set in the framework pack and none of them are working.
btw using with Final Fantasy XIV. the global toggle key worked for me in the previous 0.17.x release. But now not even that works plus the new toggles.
Last edit: 9 years 9 months ago by c0b4lt.
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- Wicked Sick
I am testing it right now and the keys with the Steam Overlay are working properly so far. I am playing GTA 4 and I can use all accents and signs. The toggling is also working as before for me.
The following user(s) said Thank You: crosire
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- Mike Gous
The ScrollLock now works with Mortal Kobat Komplete Edition (d3d9.dll) and the new Mortal Kombat X (dxgi.dll).
With the new Kombat X it sometimes crashes back to Windows as soon as I enter the main menu. Sometimes I must restart the game quite a few times before it settles down. Without ReShade and SweetFx it never crashes.
But I eventually can get it going. Must be something small that cause the crashes, although it do not happen everytime.
After further testing I found I must restart MKombat X sometimes up to 4 times before it settles down. I is definitely jittery at this stage for 0.18, but luckily I can eventually get it going.
It would be interesting to hear what other people have to say who already have the game.
With the new Kombat X it sometimes crashes back to Windows as soon as I enter the main menu. Sometimes I must restart the game quite a few times before it settles down. Without ReShade and SweetFx it never crashes.
But I eventually can get it going. Must be something small that cause the crashes, although it do not happen everytime.

After further testing I found I must restart MKombat X sometimes up to 4 times before it settles down. I is definitely jittery at this stage for 0.18, but luckily I can eventually get it going.
It would be interesting to hear what other people have to say who already have the game.
Last edit: 9 years 9 months ago by Mike Gous.
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