
  • Sh1nRa358
9 years 5 months ago #41 by Sh1nRa358 Replied by Sh1nRa358 on topic Deband
Can someone post a pic of what one would call an undesirable effect as mentioned on the first page. I'm interested in this but I want to see how bad that undesirable effect is first.

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  • Wicked Sick
9 years 4 months ago - 9 years 4 months ago #42 by Wicked Sick Replied by Wicked Sick on topic Deband
I just opened Alien isolation with deband because was with this game that I first noticed what was the meaning of "lose of details".

I think that they meant stuff like this, look at the floor and see how the, uhh... My English isn't so good, but the "little things on the floor" vanish with the effect on:

Warning: Spoiler!

And the effect off:

Warning: Spoiler!

Also, while playing The Witcher 3, it can make some stars vanish from the sky. So, this is the "undesirable effect", but ins't so bad and you can tweak to to your taste, until you can find your "good enough" point.
Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by Wicked Sick.

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  • Aelius Maximus
9 years 4 months ago #43 by Aelius Maximus Replied by Aelius Maximus on topic Deband

Wicked Sick wrote: I just opened Alien isolation with deband because was with this game that I first noticed what was the meaning of "lose of details".

I think that they meant stuff like this, look at the floor and see how the, uhh... My English isn't so good, but the "little things on the floor" vanish with the effect on:

Warning: Spoiler!

And the effect off:

Warning: Spoiler!

Also, while playing The Witcher 3, it can make some stars vanish from the sky. So, this is the "undesirable effect", but ins't so bad and you can tweak to to your taste, until you can find your "good enough" point.

Yes, i noticed this too, and have since discontinued use of Deband. I only use it in VLC Media Player now, which produces some AWWFUL banding with some media types. especially when effects like sharpen are used.

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  • Ioxa
9 years 4 months ago #44 by Ioxa Replied by Ioxa on topic Deband
I made an addition to the code that helped reduce the detail loss. I posted it awhile ago in another thread but I'll post it again here, with a small change, if you guys want to try it out.

Open Deband.h and add these lines around line #75 (just before the additional dithering).
float3 luma = dot(col0,float3(0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333));
float3 chroma = accu.rgb - dot(accu.rgb,float3(0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333));
accu.rgb = lerp(accu.rgb,luma+chroma,DetailStrength);
Then open CustomFX.cfg and add this line with the rest of the Deband settings.
#define DetailStrength 0.70 //[0.00:1.00] //-
Doing this will put back some of the banding but keeping it between 0.50 and 0.70 seems to be the best balance.
The following user(s) said Thank You: JPulowski, Wicked Sick, jas01

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  • Wicked Sick
9 years 4 months ago - 9 years 4 months ago #45 by Wicked Sick Replied by Wicked Sick on topic Deband
I am going to try this, Ioxa!


Do you have any settings that you usually use, if you do, for this shader?
Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by Wicked Sick.

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  • JPulowski
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9 years 2 months ago #46 by JPulowski Replied by JPulowski on topic Deband
Just an update:
Replaced the algorithm with a much better one based on flash3kyuu_deband. It will be available to use with the next update. :)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ioxa, NattyDread, SpinelessJelly, Ganossa, piltrafus

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  • piltrafus
9 years 2 months ago #47 by piltrafus Replied by piltrafus on topic Deband

JPulowski wrote: Just an update:
Replaced the algorithm with a much better one based on flash3kyuu_deband. It will be available to use with the next update. :)

Hi. Thanks for your exceptional work porting many shaders and also for sharing your knowledge here on a regular basis.
I was wondering what you meant with "the next upgrade". Are you only going to be releasing new shaders when a new version of the framework comes out?

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  • JPulowski
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9 years 2 months ago #48 by JPulowski Replied by JPulowski on topic Deband
I might release minor updates or hotfixes as stand-alone updates, but otherwise I will follow Framework's update schedule in order to prevent confusion.

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  • piltrafus
9 years 2 months ago #49 by piltrafus Replied by piltrafus on topic Deband

JPulowski wrote: I might release minor updates or hotfixes as stand-alone updates, but otherwise I will follow Framework's update schedule in order to prevent confusion.

Thanks for responding. Excuse me for saying this but I find it a bit disappointing that prominent shader developers like yourself decide to limit their output to a very slow "framework update schedule". Until not so long this forums have been a great source of inspiration and learning material for those who like to tinker with shader programming.
Suddenly it feels like the weight and priority of this project has shifted from Reshade itself into the Mediator and the framework. While I consider mediator and framework a great system for an end user I often prefer to diverge from the pre-established in order to experiment and learn.
I would humbly encourage yourself and any developer to share their work openly as standalone material as soon as they feel. So it can be tested, used and improved upon by the community. Then when the next framework update arrives all the scattered material can be gathered in a prepackaged solution and released for the masses.
IMHO this sort of "Confusion" is not a bad thing. It gives you stuff to sort out. And if you do sort it out, you end up in the knowing. ;)
Thanks again for all your contributions.

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  • crosire
9 years 2 months ago - 9 years 2 months ago #50 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic Deband

JPulowski wrote: I might release minor updates or hotfixes as stand-alone updates, but otherwise I will follow Framework's update schedule in order to prevent confusion.

I suggest you update , since as piltrafus noticed the framework update schedule is slow and this way the most recent shaders are always available to those who are interested.
Last edit: 9 years 2 months ago by crosire.
The following user(s) said Thank You: piltrafus

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  • Ganossa
9 years 2 months ago #51 by Ganossa Replied by Ganossa on topic Deband
I agree with Crosire.

Let me be clear, the ReShade updates are not dictating the developer updates but the developer updates are dictating the ReShade update.
The mediator is independent of shader development and not holding back anyone, if JPulowski or anyone thinks so of us developers, please let me know.
I have no idea how a framework that combines shader and an optional tool to configure them is holding you personally back from experimenting and learning?! ... unless you are maybe trying to create exactly that, a framework and a configuration tool.

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  • piltrafus
9 years 2 months ago #52 by piltrafus Replied by piltrafus on topic Deband

Ganossa wrote: @piltrafus
I have no idea how a framework that combines shader and an optional tool to configure them is holding you personally back from experimenting and learning?! ... unless you are maybe trying to create exactly that, a framework and a configuration tool.

Please, don't let me be misunderstood. The only thing I was saying is that if every developer holds their updates or new shaders until the next global release "reshade+ framework" there will be a massive update of material on a single day every couple of months instead of a constant flow of small releases and updates. I felt like a constant flow of material is what keeps the project exciting, lively and brings people to this forums. I was humbly asking for developers to keep this in mind when deciding the timing of their releases.

As for me I'm not developing anything myself. I'm an artist with not much coding experience. However I find fascinating what you guys have done here and I've found a new hobby in game screenshooting. I definitely break most of the shaders I tinker with. But I keep learning.
So I never said your framework is holding me personally. Quite the contrary. It's been a great source of fun and learning and I thank you for that.
I apologize if what I said felt like a critique to the mediator framework. It wasn't my intention at all. I realize I should have worded my concerns differently.

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  • Ganossa
9 years 2 months ago - 9 years 2 months ago #53 by Ganossa Replied by Ganossa on topic Deband
There is no problem with criticism :) , just want to explain that the update schedule is not stopping any developer (other than me maybe) from releasing their shader. Marty and Ioxa released their updates or new shader before and independently and for JPulowski the ReShade release had the right/perfect timing.
All independent developers are also constantly releasing their work and ports.
Last edit: 9 years 2 months ago by Ganossa.
The following user(s) said Thank You: piltrafus

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  • JPulowski
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9 years 2 months ago #54 by JPulowski Replied by JPulowski on topic Deband
Okay, the latest version is now available on the GitHub repository alongside with updated Adaptive Sharpen files. Did not know about the GitHub repository until now, I am not really against releasing stand-alone updates. But when I do, several files might need modification and it makes things harder to track. GitHub certainly makes things easier. :)
The following user(s) said Thank You: aufkrawall, Ganossa, piltrafus

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  • piltrafus
9 years 2 months ago #55 by piltrafus Replied by piltrafus on topic Deband
I tested both and they work great. AdptativeSharpen fixes the black dots appearing on edges in some games. And the deband shader works but I'll need to test more.

Thanks again for sharing .

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  • SpinelessJelly
9 years 2 months ago #56 by SpinelessJelly Replied by SpinelessJelly on topic Deband
Tried using the new deband (and framework) version from the repository and I'm getting a couple of X3004 errors:
"Undeclared identifier 'Iterations'" on line 84 (84, 26) and
"Undeclared identifier 'Range'" on line 86 (86, 56) of Deband.fx.
What gives?

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  • JPulowski
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9 years 2 months ago #57 by JPulowski Replied by JPulowski on topic Deband

SpinelessJelly wrote: Tried using the new deband (and framework) version from the repository and I'm getting a couple of X3004 errors:
"Undeclared identifier 'Iterations'" on line 84 (84, 26) and
"Undeclared identifier 'Range'" on line 86 (86, 56) of Deband.fx.
What gives?

There has been an update to the files on GitHub. Now ReShade uses .fx file extension for effect files. So you need to update your local framework completely. You can get the latest build here . Delete everything except .dll files and mediator then just extract the entire archive to .dll files' location.

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  • SpinelessJelly
9 years 2 months ago #58 by SpinelessJelly Replied by SpinelessJelly on topic Deband
Ah, that may well be it, I simply overwritten over my previous installation. I'll try a clean install this time, thanks a lot.

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  • aufkrawall
9 years 2 months ago #59 by aufkrawall Replied by aufkrawall on topic Deband
Oh, MPV's deband is such a relief!
It hardly costs performance with 1 pass (which is enough), fights banding well and doesn't seem to have other problems like the old deband filter of the framework.
I also tested Witcher 3, looks well there too. :)

My fav settings for it are so far:
strength: 88
range: 32
iterations: 1
grain: 128

Dear preset creators, please make use of it once it's shipped with the injector!

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  • aufkrawall
9 years 1 month ago #60 by aufkrawall Replied by aufkrawall on topic Deband
I remember that I read in this forum that for some day it's planned that ReShade can force applications to render in deep color mode. Is this still planned?

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