
  • JPulowski
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9 years 1 month ago #61 by JPulowski Replied by JPulowski on topic Deband

aufkrawall wrote: I remember that I read in this forum that for some day it's planned that ReShade can force applications to render in deep color mode. Is this still planned?

Yes, although I believe it will take quite a long time before it is accomplished. Also note that, it would only be applicable for DX10+ applications.
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  • aufkrawall
9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #62 by aufkrawall Replied by aufkrawall on topic Deband
Could it be that it doesn't make much sense to use a smaller range than 64 with the new deband filter?
Maximum range of 64 always gave me best reults so far, a higher grain strength of ~150 also seems to have a good effect with it ( grain is still often hardly noticeable in motion).

I also noticed that it makes a very big difference that the banding stays untouched for the deband filter to work best. In Dying Light, you can disable chromatic aberration via mod (I wouldn't recommend as it brings other problems like flickering) and it makes the deband filter work stronger with a lower threshold value.
However, since the CA is applied almost everywhere, a higher threshold value kills also less details than without CA. Of course film grain should be disabled as well in the games.

I'm still very convinced by your MPV port, thanks again for it. :)
I think it might be a good idea to start a thread with good values for different games and settings.
Last edit: 9 years 1 month ago by aufkrawall.

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  • sets
7 years 9 months ago #63 by sets Replied by sets on topic Deband
can't spot any differences from those screenshots

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  • JBeckman
7 years 9 months ago - 7 years 9 months ago #64 by JBeckman Replied by JBeckman on topic Deband
It's subtle, looks a bit like rings.
(From )

Very subtle most of the time, you might have to hover over the image a few times before you spot it though some are more sensitive to it than others and some games have more problems with color banding than others such as the above example from Necropolis though in other games the skybox tends to be a pretty common problem area. :)
Last edit: 7 years 9 months ago by JBeckman.

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  • Duamutef_MC
6 years 6 months ago #65 by Duamutef_MC Replied by Duamutef_MC on topic Deband
Is there any chance of also using this shader on desktop applications, like browsers or video players? I use my external Geforce card for all image processing.

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  • mbah.primbon
6 years 6 months ago #66 by mbah.primbon Replied by mbah.primbon on topic Deband

Duamutef_MC wrote: Is there any chance of also using this shader on desktop applications, like browsers or video players? I use my external Geforce card for all image processing.

I ported this shader to MPC-HC tho, idk the other apps/software which support custom shader. If there is another better video player which support shaders, let me know. Since MPC-HC development stopped.

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  • JBeckman
6 years 6 months ago - 6 years 6 months ago #67 by JBeckman Replied by JBeckman on topic Deband
It has? The codec pack I use periodically update MPC-HC to newer builds so it's probably just taken over by a new developer.

"Updated MPC-HC to version" That's from about one week back for K-Lite.

Ah I see now I think, it's a continuation and update of the original version.
Last edit: 6 years 6 months ago by JBeckman.

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  • Archdre
6 years 6 months ago #68 by Archdre Replied by Archdre on topic Deband
Which details can be lost due to the deband effect? Any specific information?

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  • Tojkar
6 years 6 months ago #69 by Tojkar Replied by Tojkar on topic Deband
Small details. It cannot be said more specifically. Stronger the effect is, larger details will be lost.

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  • Dreamject
6 years 1 month ago #70 by Dreamject Replied by Dreamject on topic Deband

mbah.primbon wrote:

Duamutef_MC wrote: Is there any chance of also using this shader on desktop applications, like browsers or video players? I use my external Geforce card for all image processing.

I ported this shader to MPC-HC tho, idk the other apps/software which support custom shader. If there is another better video player which support shaders, let me know. Since MPC-HC development stopped.

Hey) Can you share ported shader?

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  • JPulowski
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5 years 8 months ago #71 by JPulowski Replied by JPulowski on topic Deband
Hi everyone,
I know it has been a long time. I have been busy with other programming topics, mostly CPU oriented stuff. Very recently I have been playing with the deband shader now that I am more experienced in general programming topics. While at it I have decided to try to improve it with my still limited GPU programming knowledge. The deband shader is actually based on the popular flash3kyuu_deband. A while back, madshi made some improvements to the original design and shared them publicly . And I have implemented some of them to increase debanding quality. Basically now there is more sanity checking, which means higher parameters should yield lesser decrease in detail while being able to deband more color banding. I have also simplified the settings, the grain setting no longer exists, we are now using CeeJay's ordered dithering algorithm and it is on by default since turning off just undoes the effect. Other than that the ranges are reduced, I have tested different parameters and basically limited each setting to a range where it makes a significant difference. Before making it public, I want to release it here as a beta and get your feedback. I'd really appreciate it if you could compare it to previous version and tell me what do you think. Thanks. :)

Warning: Spoiler!
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  • Wicked Sick
5 years 8 months ago #72 by Wicked Sick Replied by Wicked Sick on topic Deband
"Basically now there is more sanity checking"

this made me laugh haha

Man, can you still keep the noise? I liked it very much... I am going to try it later to see how it looks

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  • lowenz
5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #73 by lowenz Replied by lowenz on topic Deband

Wicked Sick wrote: "Basically now there is more sanity checking"

this made me laugh haha

'cause you are.....Wicked Sick? :v
Last edit: 5 years 8 months ago by lowenz.

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  • Tojkar
5 years 8 months ago #74 by Tojkar Replied by Tojkar on topic Deband

Wicked Sick wrote: "Basically now there is more sanity checking"
Man, can you still keep the noise? I liked it very much... I am going to try it later to see how it looks

+1 for this. Please make the grain optional but maybe default to the dithering.

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  • JPulowski
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5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #75 by JPulowski Replied by JPulowski on topic Deband

Tojkar wrote:

Wicked Sick wrote: "Basically now there is more sanity checking"
Man, can you still keep the noise? I liked it very much... I am going to try it later to see how it looks

+1 for this. Please make the grain optional but maybe default to the dithering.

May I ask why? The only reason why grain was there in the first place was to randomize quantization errors a.k.a. random dithering. It was not there for artistic purposes. For that you can use a film grain shader, which is pretty much the same thing. Or if you really liked the particular grain pattern in the shader, it is a simple uniform noise, I can put it here so you can use it by adding it as another shader. CeeJay's dithering algorithms are optimized for 8-bit output, so you don't need to jiggle the grain slider to find the sweetspot. I have also tested ordered and random dithering to see if there was an improvement in quality, there wasn't except a minor decrease in performance. Ordered dithering is also used in DisplayDepth shader as well, so it's pretty solid.
Last edit: 5 years 8 months ago by JPulowski.

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  • Enterprise24
5 years 8 months ago #76 by Enterprise24 Replied by Enterprise24 on topic Deband
Stupid questions but where to download deband 2.0 and how to install. I already have deband.fx what I need to do ?

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  • JPulowski
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5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #77 by JPulowski Replied by JPulowski on topic Deband
It is hidden in the spoiler tag in the post to minimize its space. Just copy it and overwrite your Deband.fx or create a Deband2.fx and put it there so you can test and compare both versions.
Last edit: 5 years 8 months ago by JPulowski.
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  • Enterprise24
5 years 8 months ago #78 by Enterprise24 Replied by Enterprise24 on topic Deband
I must do something wrong. I copy deband.fx and rename it to deband2.fx. Delete everything in there and copy all text in spoiler to deband2. Then enter game but reshade said deband2.fx failed to compile.

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  • JPulowski
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5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #79 by JPulowski Replied by JPulowski on topic Deband
Can you go to the statistics tab and see what the error message is or upload the log file? You are probably failing to copy paste the code entirely.
Last edit: 5 years 8 months ago by JPulowski.

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  • Duran.te
5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #80 by Duran.te Replied by Duran.te on topic Deband

JPulowski wrote: I'd really appreciate it if you could compare it to previous version and tell me what do you think.

*Superman landing*

- You called?

Warning: Spoiler!

So, these (perfectly aligned) shots were taken in Mirror's Edge Catalyst, using intentional over-saturation (for better banding spotting) and a bit of sharpening (for the details).

From top to bottom they are:

    -Debanding Off
    -Old version
    -New version

Debanding settings were slightly edited by changing (on both versions) Initial Radius values to 12.000 and the Interations ones to 12 (which is four time the max settable value on the new shader).
This choice were taken to better show the difference of the behaviour between the 2 shaders versions.

You can clearly see the loss of detail on the left / bottom-left part of the screen with the old version.

The lack of extra-grain setting is not felt at all, since the new dithering algorithm does his job well.
For the ones who still wants that setting for aesthetics, there are a lot of grain - generating shaders out there, two of which are found in the standard shaders repository.
Last edit: 5 years 8 months ago by Duran.te.
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