
  • Great_Dragon
4 years 2 weeks ago #81 by Great_Dragon Replied by Great_Dragon on topic 4.8
4.8.2 has stopped working with Metal Slug (1,2,3)
4.7.0 is working well

It should work according to the log, but it won't show up in the game
03:34:18:880 [16900] | INFO  | Initializing crosire's ReShade version '' (32-bit) built on '2020-10-31 14:07:19' loaded from "D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Metal Slug 3\d3d9.dll" into "D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Metal Slug 3\mslug3.exe" ...
03:34:18:916 [16900] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "user32.dll" ...
03:34:18:916 [16900] | INFO  | > Libraries loaded.
03:34:18:917 [16900] | INFO  | > Found 14 match(es). Installing ...
03:34:18:955 [16900] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "ws2_32.dll" ...
03:34:18:955 [16900] | INFO  | > Libraries loaded.
03:34:18:956 [16900] | INFO  | > Found 8 match(es). Installing ...
03:34:18:992 [16900] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d2d1.dll" ...
03:34:18:992 [16900] | INFO  | > Delayed.
03:34:18:992 [16900] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll" ...
03:34:18:992 [16900] | INFO  | > Delayed until first call to an exported function.
03:34:18:992 [16900] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d10.dll" ...
03:34:18:992 [16900] | INFO  | > Delayed.
03:34:18:992 [16900] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d10_1.dll" ...
03:34:18:992 [16900] | INFO  | > Delayed.
03:34:18:992 [16900] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll" ...
03:34:18:993 [16900] | INFO  | > Delayed.
03:34:18:993 [16900] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d12.dll" ...
03:34:18:993 [16900] | INFO  | > Delayed.
03:34:18:993 [16900] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll" ...
03:34:18:993 [16900] | INFO  | > Delayed.
03:34:18:993 [16900] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\opengl32.dll" ...
03:34:18:993 [16900] | INFO  | > Delayed.
03:34:18:993 [16900] | INFO  | Initialized.
03:34:19:070 [16900] | INFO  | Redirecting RegisterClassExW(lpWndClassEx = 0019E4E0 { SteamWinsockInitFakeClass_1 }) ...
03:34:19:070 [16900] | INFO  | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to 'SteamWinsockInitFakeClass_1'.
03:34:19:207 [16900] | INFO  | Redirecting RegisterClassW(lpWndClass = 0019F800 { Cocos2dxWin32 }) ...
03:34:19:363 [02656] | INFO  | Finished exiting.
DCreate9Ex(SDKVersion = 32, ppD3D = 02C67320) ...
03:34:19:244 [16900] | INFO  | Installing export hooks for "C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll" ...
03:34:19:244 [16900] | INFO  | > Found 9 match(es). Installing ...
03:34:19:302 [16900] | INFO  | Redirecting IDirect3D9::CreateDevice(this = 02BC8A20, Adapter = 0, DeviceType = 1, hFocusWindow = 00420820, BehaviorFlags = 0x852, pPresentationParameters = 0019F5CC, ppReturnedDeviceInterface = 02C67324) ...
03:34:19:302 [16900] | INFO  | > Dumping presentation parameters:
03:34:19:302 [16900] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
03:34:19:302 [16900] | INFO  |   | Parameter                               | Value                                   |
03:34:19:302 [16900] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
03:34:19:302 [16900] | INFO  |   | BackBufferWidth                         | 1                                       |
03:34:19:302 [16900] | INFO  |   | BackBufferHeight                        | 1                                       |
03:34:19:302 [16900] | INFO  |   | BackBufferFormat                        | 0                                       |
03:34:19:302 [16900] | INFO  |   | BackBufferCount                         | 1                                       |
03:34:19:302 [16900] | INFO  |   | MultiSampleType                         | 0                                       |
03:34:19:302 [16900] | INFO  |   | MultiSampleQuality                      | 0                                       |
03:34:19:302 [16900] | INFO  |   | SwapEffect                              | 1                                       |
03:34:19:302 [16900] | INFO  |   | DeviceWindow                            | 00420820                                |
03:34:19:302 [16900] | INFO  |   | Windowed                                | TRUE                                    |
03:34:19:303 [16900] | INFO  |   | EnableAutoDepthStencil                  | FALSE                                   |
03:34:19:303 [16900] | INFO  |   | AutoDepthStencilFormat                  | 0                                       |
03:34:19:303 [16900] | INFO  |   | Flags                                   | 0                                       |
03:34:19:303 [16900] | INFO  |   | FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz              | 0                                       |
03:34:19:303 [16900] | INFO  |   | PresentationInterval                    | 0                                       |
03:34:19:303 [16900] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
03:34:19:907 [16900] | INFO  | Running on NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Driver 460.89
03:34:19:908 [16900] | INFO  | Recreated runtime environment on runtime 0E715590.
03:34:19:909 [16900] | INFO  | Redirecting IDirect3DDevice9::CreateAdditionalSwapChain(this = 0E6777B8, pPresentationParameters = 0019F69C, ppSwapChain = 0E73099C) ...
03:34:19:909 [16900] | INFO  | > Dumping presentation parameters:
03:34:19:909 [16900] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
03:34:19:909 [16900] | INFO  |   | Parameter                               | Value                                   |
03:34:19:909 [16900] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
03:34:19:909 [16900] | INFO  |   | BackBufferWidth                         | 984                                     |
03:34:19:909 [16900] | INFO  |   | BackBufferHeight                        | 961                                     |
03:34:19:909 [16900] | INFO  |   | BackBufferFormat                        | 22                                      |
03:34:19:909 [16900] | INFO  |   | BackBufferCount                         | 1                                       |
03:34:19:909 [16900] | INFO  |   | MultiSampleType                         | 0                                       |
03:34:19:909 [16900] | INFO  |   | MultiSampleQuality                      | 0                                       |
03:34:19:910 [16900] | INFO  |   | SwapEffect                              | 1                                       |
03:34:19:910 [16900] | INFO  |   | DeviceWindow                            | 00200AD8                                |
03:34:19:910 [16900] | INFO  |   | Windowed                                | TRUE                                    |
03:34:19:910 [16900] | INFO  |   | EnableAutoDepthStencil                  | FALSE                                   |
03:34:19:910 [16900] | INFO  |   | AutoDepthStencilFormat                  | 1280070990                              |
03:34:19:910 [16900] | INFO  |   | Flags                                   | 0                                       |
03:34:19:910 [16900] | INFO  |   | FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz              | 0                                       |
03:34:19:910 [16900] | INFO  |   | PresentationInterval                    | 0x1                                     |
03:34:19:910 [16900] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
03:34:20:058 [16900] | INFO  | Running on NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Driver 460.89
03:34:20:059 [16900] | INFO  | Recreated runtime environment on runtime 0E889E60.
03:34:20:078 [16900] | INFO  | Destroyed runtime environment on runtime 0E889E60.
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  | Redirecting IDirect3DDevice9::CreateAdditionalSwapChain(this = 0E6777B8, pPresentationParameters = 0019EE4C, ppSwapChain = 0E73099C) ...
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  | > Dumping presentation parameters:
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  |   | Parameter                               | Value                                   |
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  |   | BackBufferWidth                         | 1920                                    |
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  |   | BackBufferHeight                        | 1200                                    |
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  |   | BackBufferFormat                        | 22                                      |
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  |   | BackBufferCount                         | 1                                       |
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  |   | MultiSampleType                         | 0                                       |
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  |   | MultiSampleQuality                      | 0                                       |
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  |   | SwapEffect                              | 1                                       |
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  |   | DeviceWindow                            | 00200AD8                                |
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  |   | Windowed                                | TRUE                                    |
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  |   | EnableAutoDepthStencil                  | FALSE                                   |
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  |   | AutoDepthStencilFormat                  | 1280070990                              |
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  |   | Flags                                   | 0                                       |
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  |   | FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz              | 0                                       |
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  |   | PresentationInterval                    | 0x1                                     |
03:34:20:080 [16900] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
03:34:20:273 [16900] | INFO  | Running on NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Driver 460.89
03:34:20:273 [16900] | INFO  | Recreated runtime environment on runtime 0E889E60.
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