
  • crosire
  • Topic Author
7 years 9 months ago - 7 years 1 week ago #1 by crosire 3.0 was created by crosire
After months of work it's finally finished. ReShade 3.0 is a major rewrite of the project, featuring an in-game GUI and so much more. Change values on-the-fly, see ideas take shape immediately, create and load presets from within the game, etc. Installation and usage has never been easier. Just point the setup tool to the game you want to install ReShade to and you're done.


  • Added in-game GUI and tutorial
  • Added preset file loading and saving
  • Added support for loading multiple effect files
  • Added support for blocking game input when the GUI is focused
  • Added platform information to initial version log entry
  • Added "mousebutton" source for uniform variables
  • Added theoretical support for the mouse wheel and additional mouse buttons
  • Added "ClearRenderTargets" pass state
  • Added support for unicode filesystem paths throughout ReShade
  • Added configuration file to save commen settings
  • Added "SetCursorPos" hook to allow free cursor movement when inside GUI for games using it
  • Added support for "#pragma once" in shader files
  • Added support for modifier keys to GUI and screenshot key shortcuts
  • Added various GUI related uniform variable annotations
  • Added performance mode which converts all uniform variables to constants
  • Added parser error when encountering more than one statement in a switch case body
  • Added parser error message if a variable is both "uniform" and "const"
  • Added parser syntax error when encountering an initializer on a variable with semantic
  • Added warning message on implicit vector truncation in function calls
  • Added deprecation warning for type tokens on annotations
  • Added error message if D3DCompiler is not installed
  • Added support for mouse buttons to toggle techniques
  • Added customizable option to display FPS on screen at all times
  • Added thread synchronization to window message handling
  • Lowered FPS display precision
  • Forced usage of DXGI 1.1 and D3D 10.1 instead of allowing older versions
  • Increased number of texture slots restored by OpenGL stateblock
  • Improved performance
  • Changed "tex2Dfetch" intrinsic to take a level-of-detail argument
  • Changed input management to hook "Get/PeekMessage" rather than using "SetWindowsHookEx"
  • Updated all dependencies
  • Disabled HLSL compiler warning 3571
  • Fixed "Print Screen" key state not being registered correctly
  • Fixed lexer failing to parse numbers that are too big for floating point storage
  • Fixed lexer failing to parse floating point numbers with exponent
  • Fixed OpenGL uniform buffer layout
  • Fixed texture data upload for "R8" and "RG8" format on Direct3D10+
  • Fixed raw input capture and blocking
  • Fixed duplicate input if raw input is enabled without RIDEV_NOLEGACY set
  • Fixed crash if effect parser encounters a "switch" statement with a default case
  • Fixed crash on WM_INPUT message if target window registration was missed
  • Fixed OpenGL renderer calling hooked OpenGL functions rather than the original ones
  • Fixed buffer overflow in OpenGL texture update
  • Fixed missing error messages after internal shader compilation failed
  • Fixed missing error message when encountering mistake while parsing annotations
  • Fixed shader stage incompatibilities in Direct3D 10/11 when resolving backbuffer but not rendering any effects
  • Fixed invalid type in unary expressions after constant folding
  • Fixed bitwise operations returning wrong results in Direct3D 9 effect code
  • Fixed texture registers exceeding fast on Direct3D 10 and 11 due to multiple occurances of the same object
  • Fixed duplicate state changes in OpenGL renderer
  • Fixed "Alt" key state not being updated after leaving the window via "Alt + Tab"
  • Fixed crash if using SRGB view on special texture reference on Direct3D 10 and 11
  • Fixed mouse cursor being restricted by clip rectangle by resetting it as long as game input is blocked
  • Fixed black screen in OpenGL games using "glClipControl" to change clipping behavior
  • Fixed OpenGL sRGB issues due to GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB affecting glBlitFramebuffer
  • Fixed silent OpenGL error when capturing frame
  • Fixed OpenGL renderer not copying frame buffer if a scissor rectangle was defined
  • Fixed "tex2Dgatheroffset" intrinsic causing compiler error in Direct3D 10 and 11
  • Removed trace logging (now logs more detailed by default)
  • Removed all depth related pass states
  • Removed built-in Direct3D 8 to 9 wrapper (use d3d8to9 or dgVoodoo2 instead)/li]

  • Added pre-processor macro "__RESHADE_PERFORMANCE_MODE__" to get performance mode status
  • Added filter edit box to technique list in GUI
  • Added frame time in milliseconds to FPS display
  • Fixed OpenGL renderer not converting linear to sRGB color space when rendering to back buffer

  • ReShade now automatically adds any preset files found in the same directory
  • Added key to toggle all effects globally
  • Added button to expand/collapse all technique/variable tree nodes (note: this only sets the default action and no longer applies once you manually opened a tree node)
  • Added support for relative paths in config file (note: ReShade resets them to absolute paths once loaded)
  • Replaced separate technique/variable filter boxes with a single one for both lists + tree nodes now expand as soon as text is entered
  • Fixed wrong technique times if toggled in UI
  • Fixed techniques toggling on/off while modifying toggle key property
  • Replaced leading zeros in FPS counter with spaces
  • Setup tool now creates a default config file regardless whether default effects were downloaded or not

  • Added "Search" default text to filter box
  • Added option to display clock on screen
  • Fixed tree expanding/collapsing in UI
  • Fixed artifacts on UI in Direct3D 9
  • Fixed input for games using child windows (ReShade 3.0 is now compatible with Flight Simulator X)

  • Fixed wrong cast written when generating GLSL code for intrinsics with four arguments
  • Fixed synchronization while checking hooks sometimes causing a deadlock

  • Added thread synchronization to hook installation again, but only in safe places to avoid a deadlock as previously
  • Fixed input capturing not working in some applications using multiple parent/child window relationships
  • Fixed effect parser not issuing an error if a variable in a function body has the same name as one of the parameters
  • Fixed crash if "Consolas" font is not found (now falls back to default)
  • Fixed correct OpenGL clip mode not set when rendering UI

  • Fixed bug causing some D3D9 games to hang
  • Fixed technique/variable filter not being applied after reloading
  • Fixed invalid character reported in log when encountering unsupported OpenGL layered context type

  • Log file now uses ISO 8601 timestamps
  • Added fall-back "ReShade.ini" main configuration file
  • Added hint to setup tool informing the user that binaries can be extracted by pressing "Ctrl" while clicking on the main button
  • Added FPS estimate to technique list on statistics page (Warning: all values on the statistics page are CPU times and do NOT necessarily express the actual rendering time on the GPU, as such do NOT rely on these values at the moment)
  • Added thread synchronization to hook installation again, this time using a different method that hopefully fixes remaining problems
  • Added new "TechniqueSorting" value in the preset files that stores the order of techniques regardless of whether they are enabled or not
  • Fixed a possible issue with D3D9 Valve games
  • Changed splitter between technique and variable list in UI to be more noticable
  • Changed configuration storage to save global font scale
  • Changed error log window to automatically show if errors occurred while compiling shaders

  • Fixed artifacts in some OpenGL games due to false restoring of "glClipControl" values
  • Fixed ReShade mistakenly applying effects to DXGI present testing calls
  • Fixed "mousebutton" shader input not working for the left mouse button
  • Removed support for anisotropic texture filtering (doesn't make much sense in screenspace)
Last edit: 7 years 1 week ago by crosire.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Wicked Sick, Ioxa, angellman, BeTa, kurtferro, Midhras, Dr4Wm4N, ninjafada, kaicooper, GroinShooter and 112 other people also said thanks.
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  • Auriqe
7 years 9 months ago - 7 years 9 months ago #2 by Auriqe Replied by Auriqe on topic 3.0
Wow this is amazing as always crosire and big thanks to all community!
Doom 4 is working with Reshade 3 so this is like a revolution of the tool to be able to handle first OpenGL games released recently.
Only few things noticed especially in Doom are that SMAA and FXAA makes darker screen to appear, any fix/solution on that in the future releases?
Can't wait until you will be able to update CeeJay HDR plugin for Reshade 3!

Great work done there B)
Last edit: 7 years 9 months ago by Auriqe.
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  • DeMondo
7 years 9 months ago #3 by DeMondo Replied by DeMondo on topic 3.0

crosire wrote: After months of work it's finally finished. ReShade 3.0 is a major rewrite of the project, featuring an in-game GUI and so much more. Change values on-the-fly, see ideas take shape immediately, create and load presets from within the game, etc. Installation and usage has never been easier. Just point the setup tool to the game you want to install ReShade to and you're done.



  • The changelog is a little big to put down here. I suggest to head over to the progress topic for some details instead.

!! Many thanks Crosire for your totally awesome ReShade 3.0,
its fast (minor fps loss) & easy to use (installed in no time + ingame menu works great) !!
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  • iCake
7 years 9 months ago #4 by iCake Replied by iCake on topic 3.0
Don't want to look like an ungrateful prick that doesn't appreciate other people's hard work, but unfortunately I'm going to come out as one anyway. Where is a proper how-to to this release? I don't even know how to call for the in-game UI now.
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  • iCake
7 years 9 months ago #5 by iCake Replied by iCake on topic 3.0
Okay, found it's "Shift+F2", had to wait for about 1.5 minitute for the shaders to be loaded in. Sorry, my fault then. One thing though, I can't change the keyboard layout when in the config menu, so anything I type there ends up gibberish...
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  • CmdrKeen
7 years 9 months ago #6 by CmdrKeen Replied by CmdrKeen on topic 3.0
An amazing release. Editing directly in-game is the best thing!

There are some core SweetFX shaders that I'm not finding here. Will they be added soon? Or how can I add them manually?
HDR, DPX, and some others. As well as COLORMOD from the CustomFX suite.

The following user(s) said Thank You: VoidsShadow
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  • nieda113
7 years 9 months ago #7 by nieda113 Replied by nieda113 on topic 3.0
THX and appreciation for your development. Great stuff though. Now we need Reshade 3.0 working with Ocukus CV1 !!!!!

peace out
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  • crosire
  • Topic Author
7 years 9 months ago - 7 years 9 months ago #8 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic 3.0
Added a changelog
Last edit: 7 years 9 months ago by crosire.
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  • crubino
7 years 9 months ago #9 by crubino Replied by crubino on topic 3.0
Thanks, sire! :)
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  • fedpul
7 years 9 months ago - 7 years 9 months ago #10 by fedpul Replied by fedpul on topic 3.0
Hi crosire. First of all thank you for your work, now it works even with games where the previous version did not. I would like to report a bug found in or 139 that SMAA makes the screen really dark with OGL not with D3D9 or D3D11. Another user also report that it happens with FXAA, this did not happen in v Thanks in advance! Greetings from Argentina.
Last edit: 7 years 9 months ago by fedpul.
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  • crosire
  • Topic Author
7 years 9 months ago - 7 years 9 months ago #11 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic 3.0
The setup tool is now capable of installing ReShade over an existing installation without resetting the config file in the process. So it's useful if you just want to update the default shaders now.

Since yesterday some changes were made to the default shaders @ github.com/crosire/reshade-shaders :
  • Added Daltonize, Deband and HQ4X effects
  • Added #ifndef...#endif blocks around MXAO #defines so those can be set in the in-game menu
  • Renamed BilateralBlur to SurfaceBlur since the former did not make sense
  • Fixed AmbientLight, CRT and DOF compiler errors on D3D9 (though it will fail if you enable performance mode in the current ReShade version)
  • Removed Outline effect, since we have Cartoon already
Last edit: 7 years 9 months ago by crosire.
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  • bhrocha
7 years 9 months ago #12 by bhrocha Replied by bhrocha on topic 3.0
Wow, you're fast! HQ4x back! Yay

Any chance to implement 6xBRZ scaler filter in ReShade?

Thanks crosire, you rocks man!
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  • crosire
  • Topic Author
7 years 9 months ago #13 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic 3.0

CmdrKeen wrote: There are some core SweetFX shaders that I'm not finding here. Will they be added soon?

In time ...

fedpul wrote: I would like to report a bug found in or 139 that SMAA makes the screen really dark with OGL not with D3D9 or D3D11.

Yay, sRGB conversion bug is back. Can reproduce so will likely post a fix sooner or later.

bhrocha wrote: Any chance to implement 6xBRZ scaler filter in ReShade?

Maybe somebody will. Right now I'm only modifying existing shaders from 2.0 so they have configuration options under 3.0.
Next version will have a search bar for techniques as well so it's easier to find stuff.
The following user(s) said Thank You: VoidsShadow
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  • Sunesha
7 years 9 months ago #14 by Sunesha Replied by Sunesha on topic 3.0
I spent 2 hours playing around. It is fantastic way to edit. Though my enslaved brain still alt-tabs without thinking then realizing it is not in other window to edit :woohoo:

It is such a improvement. Before it was kind of tedious work. I even improved most of my settings. Especially color correction is so much easier
The following user(s) said Thank You: crosire
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  • WalterDasTrevas
7 years 9 months ago #15 by WalterDasTrevas Replied by WalterDasTrevas on topic 3.0
Windows "Smart" Screen is blocking the release 3.0.
Of course I ignored the warning.
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  • crosire
  • Topic Author
7 years 9 months ago #16 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic 3.0

WalterDasTrevas wrote: Windows "Smart" Screen is blocking the release 3.0.

It blocks all executables downloaded from the web which aren't signed. So nothing out of the ordinary here. And a proper certificate is a little expensive.
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  • iCake
7 years 9 months ago #17 by iCake Replied by iCake on topic 3.0
I reported this before but it seems to have gone unnoticed. Serves me right for being a bit of jerk...

Anyway, please, allow language switching when the configuration windows is on. Right now it only uses the default input language which is a complete bummer in my case as anything I type in there ends up being junk symbols. I have to scroll through all the shaders and look for the one I need instead of just typing its name and be done with it. I know I can just make English my default language, but that workaround is kind of crutch, so to speak.

Please, do your international users some justice here :)

Also it'd be nice to have some brief discriptions of what each shader does, as it was a complete nightmare for a dummy like me to figure out which plugins were what I wanted. Ended up googling each by name, still couldn't find an explanation for a bunch of them.
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  • robgrab
7 years 9 months ago - 7 years 9 months ago #18 by robgrab Replied by robgrab on topic 3.0
I've only used it for a few minutes and it's already far more intuitive. So excited to see all the new shaders as well: especially MXAO! This is really turning into something special. How can financially I donate to your continued efforts?
Last edit: 7 years 9 months ago by robgrab.
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  • kurtferro
7 years 9 months ago #19 by kurtferro Replied by kurtferro on topic 3.0
Good relise, just one suggestion, fps is good now, i like the font and color choice, but you can do better if we can choce in what corner put it.
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  • iCake
7 years 9 months ago #20 by iCake Replied by iCake on topic 3.0
It looks like Reshade 3.0 conflicts with Mass Effect 2 "modded DLC authorization" .dll fix. If both are installed the game never starts, no error, the game's processes just hang in the task manager forever.

No problems with Reshade 2.0.3 + SweetFX and the dlc fix.
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