
  • kasakka
8 years 4 months ago #21 by kasakka Replied by kasakka on topic 3.0

kurtferro wrote: Good relise, just one suggestion, fps is good now, i like the font and color choice, but you can do better if we can choce in what corner put it.

Afaik you can drag the window whereever you want.
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  • kurtferro
8 years 4 months ago - 8 years 4 months ago #22 by kurtferro Replied by kurtferro on topic 3.0
FPS on screen not the Reshade window, Do you know is in 3.0 version?

Last edit: 8 years 4 months ago by kurtferro.
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  • kurtferro
8 years 4 months ago #23 by kurtferro Replied by kurtferro on topic 3.0
It's possibile in dxgi.ini use relative link? i tried but negative, i mean:

EffectSearchPaths=C:\Games\Black Desert Online\bin64,C:\Games\Black Desert Online\bin64\reshade-shaders\Shaders
TextureSearchPaths=C:\Games\Black Desert Online\bin64,C:\Games\Black Desert Online\bin64\reshade-shaders\Textures
ScreenshotPath=C:\Games\Black Desert Online\bin64
PresetFiles=C:\Games\Black Desert Online\bin64\sweetbdo.ini



More easy for share with friend all pack or help a wimp, usually to avoid explain to every person how to install and configure Reshade i send him directly to unpack the zip in the game, I have to say only where and in a moment he can prove it, with the absolute addresses this is possible only by sheer luck, relative is more versatile.
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  • crubino
8 years 4 months ago - 8 years 4 months ago #24 by crubino Replied by crubino on topic 3.0
Hi Crosire,
Thank you very much. I'm very glad that now i can play DOOM 2016 with reshade 3.0 :P
But, I have a small problem. With DOOM 2016; Reshade in-game UI menu doesn't respond to my mouse. I don't know that's a bug or just my mouse driver.
For temporary, I have clone and edit the openGL32.ini and presetxx.ini from another game, then put in DOOM folder. And I starting to edit preset manualy with notepad and alt+tab to see the result :lol:
Yeah it works so fine :lol: ... but still i prefer to set preset inside DOOM by on screen Reshade UI with my mouse :)
Last edit: 8 years 4 months ago by crubino.
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  • crosire
  • Topic Author
8 years 4 months ago #25 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic 3.0

kurtferro wrote: More easy for share with friend all pack or help a wimp, usually to avoid explain to every person how to install and configure Reshade i send him directly to unpack the zip in the game, I have to say only where and in a moment he can prove it, with the absolute addresses this is possible only by sheer luck, relative is more versatile.

Oh come on, it's not like ReShade 3 is hard to install...
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  • Martigen
8 years 4 months ago #26 by Martigen Replied by Martigen on topic 3.0

So I deliberately hadn't even looked at a single beta of 3.0, though largely due to time. So this is my first use of it at release, and I have to say:


Love everything about it -- the interface, the real-time changes, the speed. It's just glorious :)

Some feedback, I don't know this has appeared in previous beta threads, but here's my thoughts:

First time use
  • Tutorial was great, covered everything! Except...
  • Getting the shaders. I was expecting it to download the latest version of the pack automatically for me, but of course it didn't and there was no option to do so. Yes if you visit the forums you know you need to go to GitHub, but is this planned as a future feature? Plus, of course, auto-updating the shaders (or on a click) would be fantastic.
Just three for me so far:
  • Installer: didn't actually work for me. I point it to a game (tried 3 games), I see a temp file created in that game directory, and it hangs forever. I ended up extracting the .dlls through the Ctrl-click feature you added. Maybe something to do with a windows .dll on my system?
  • The Long Dark: Can't move mouse in Reshade interface in-game. Can move it in main menu, and inventory. Appears if game is capturing mouse for movement when looking around first person, Reshade can't grab it. I started to Tab around but this turned out to be a bad idea for my keybindings, suddenly replacing the Shift-F2 to Tab, the screenshot key to Tab...
  • The Long Dark: Reshade 2.0 had this thing in Dying Light where it wouldn't always respond to enabling/disabling Reshade. I read in one of your posts this is fixed in 3.0 by checking for a press and release, and it certainly works fine in the other two games I tried. But not in The Long Dark, it's behaving exactly like Resahde 2.0 did in Dying Light. Sometimes the presses register, sometimes they don't. I also observed that when binding a key to multiple effects that after a while if a heavy effect like Ambient Light was bound along with something light like curves, sometimes the presses seemed to only activate/deactivate one of the effects, causing them to get out of sync (so.. Ambient Light + Curves on 'Insert' key. A few frames in pressing Insert disables curves but not Ambient. Press again, curves enables, ambient disables, etc...)

Personal thoughts/wishlist
  • Is there a global enable/disable key like old Reshade? I can't see the option.
  • Effects list: most shaders have only one effect associated with their .fx file. With the tree expanded, this makes it look a little untidy and takes time to navigate. What if those .fx files that have only one effect don't get a '>' drop down tree. And the '>' tree only shows for effects like AO, DOF etc. Would cut-down the length of the list by about 3/4.
  • It's great that in Performance mode it sorts the active shaders to the top, making them easier to access. Can you do this in Configure mode too? As you enable a a shader, it gets moved to top next in line in sequence.
  • I don't know how practical this is: with 37 effects already and more to come, it does take a while to initialize and especially if a game changes scenes. Maybe a third option after 'Performance' such as 'Performance and Final mode' which compiles the effects and the deletes the effect files in the shader dir for those effects not used. Alternatively it saves a file with the enabled shaders and, if this file is present, only ever loads these shaders.
  • So eager to try MXAO in lots of games. I've never had much luck getting the depth buffer in the games I've tried so: is it possible to provide a tick-box, like Show FPS, for 'View Depth Buffer' where it just enables the depth-buffer debug mode so you can see if it's accessible or not at a glance. Saves navigating to a depth-buffer effect, drilling down to its features, finding the debug mode if there is one etc. Also, a note on those shaders that require it. I hadn't used RBM before and wondered why I could see no difference until I looked at the files and saw it's largely depth-dependent.
  • Global resource paths: Rather than always having to edit the paths every time we install to a new game, would it be possible to have a default directory to search (stored in an ini or registry?)? I.e, d:\reshade-files\... yes I know we can move them to such a folder, but we still need to edit the paths for every game install. It would be great to install Reshade to a game, and have it load the shaders on first load and get right to it.
  • Purely quality of life -- change the Usage Mode drop down list to two buttons side-by-side. Just less clicks to switch between them. Plus it might nicely separate (as in, stand out) the primary overlay key field from the rest of the settings.
  • Finally -- this is way out there but I've often wondered: some effects like SMAA, sharpen etc you have the option to show the debug mode where you see what pixels will be affected. I've always wanted something similar for the entire effects pass. Sometimes quickly disabling/enabling Reshade you can't always immediately see changes for subtle effects -- a function whereby Reshade takes a screenshot with effects disabled, takes a screenshot with effects enabled, and then runs a diff on them to produce a final image and display (or save to the screenshot dir, if easier) of all altered pixels from all enabled effects would be kind of cool.

Thanks. Just thanks. Best gaming tool on Earth!

The following user(s) said Thank You: Sunesha
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  • lowenz
8 years 4 months ago #27 by lowenz Replied by lowenz on topic 3.0
64 bit version?
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  • JBeckman
8 years 4 months ago #28 by JBeckman Replied by JBeckman on topic 3.0
Yep supports both 32 and 64 bit, target a 64-bit exe and you get the 64-bit .dll file or use what Crosire said earlier and hold the CTRL button down after starting the setup tool and when you press the button to select a file it'll instead dump both ReShade32 and ReShade64 in the folder where said setup exe is located. :)
(And then you can copy those over manually if you want.)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Sunesha
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  • lowenz
8 years 4 months ago #29 by lowenz Replied by lowenz on topic 3.0

JBeckman wrote: Yep supports both 32 and 64 bit, target a 64-bit exe and you get the 64-bit .dll file or use what Crosire said earlier and hold the CTRL button down after starting the setup tool and when you press the button to select a file it'll instead dump both ReShade32 and ReShade64 in the folder where said setup exe is located. :)
(And then you can copy those over manually if you want.)

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  • Kirienitram
8 years 4 months ago #30 by Kirienitram Replied by Kirienitram on topic 3.0
This is amazing. the amount of work put into this is just insane, BUT im not sure if it is fully compatible with all the games (or in my case emulators).
I don't know for sure, but nothing happens when i press "SHIFT + F2" in the emulator PPSSPP.
is there something i'm doing wrong? and can i fix it by going into a settings file somewhere?

it still gives me a message that says that to open the config menu i have to press "SHIFT + F2". but
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  • Wicked Sick
8 years 4 months ago #31 by Wicked Sick Replied by Wicked Sick on topic 3.0
Crosire, was it removed the ability to show the time? I miss that, was very useful for me.
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  • Sassy
8 years 4 months ago #32 by Sassy Replied by Sassy on topic 3.0
Missed the release day - damn.
Once again thanks for all your hard work!

Now I bother you once more with question. :whistle:

Is there a way to make the big grey loading bar less intrusive?
So far I always set alpha to the lowest value after each config to midgate it. I preferred the 2.0 one.

Is something planned to not reinitialize all shaders everytime or select active shaders?
I just moved the .fx files I don't use into a seperate folder but some users might not know that and will dislike 3.0 because of the loading times.

Where did the quality setting from FXAA go?
I just can't make it look not-blurry for whatever reason. ( I copypasta'd the old values) :(

Was LuciferHawks "TUNINGPALETTE" already ported? If so, where is it? If it's not ported yet - I can wait! :lol:

I really love the fps graph under statistics! Did I say thanks yet? Thanks! :cheer:
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  • kurtferro
8 years 4 months ago #33 by kurtferro Replied by kurtferro on topic 3.0
It's easy for us but not "proff ignorant", i will try with my friend without help them :woohoo:
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  • baal80spam
8 years 4 months ago - 8 years 4 months ago #34 by baal80spam Replied by baal80spam on topic 3.0
First post, but I'm a long time lurker. First of all - thanks for your hard work Crosire, the interface is SO MUCH better than in 2.x!

I have several questions:
1 - I use other software for screenshots. How can I disable Reshade's screenshot key altogether?
edit: found it in d3d9.ini file - using KeyScreenshot=0,0,0 disables the key
2 - How can I uninstall Reshade after installing it for a game?
3 - Is it possible to enable/disable all effects via hotkey?
Last edit: 8 years 4 months ago by baal80spam.
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  • kaicooper
8 years 4 months ago #35 by kaicooper Replied by kaicooper on topic 3.0
i just downloaded version 3.0 and i dont c any folders like i used to edit in 2.0 etc
so guys any tutorials there?
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  • JBeckman
8 years 4 months ago - 8 years 4 months ago #36 by JBeckman Replied by JBeckman on topic 3.0

kaicooper wrote: i just downloaded version 3.0 and i dont c any folders like i used to edit in 2.0 etc
so guys any tutorials there?

For the new setup tool you just run it and point to a exe file, depending on if it's a 32 or 64 bit exe the setup tool will either add ReShade32 or ReShade64 .dll and then depending on which of the three API's you select below it will be named either D3D9.dll, DXGI.dll (D3D11.dll also works for DirectX 11 specifically.) or OpenGL32.dll

It then asks if you want to download the shaders github.com/crosire/reshade-shaders which I'm guess is the same as downloading them directly from that Git repository although the setup tool then likely extracts them to the current select folder to where the exe you set it to.

Once in-game you can then press Shift+F2 (Can be changed I believe.) to bring up the new in-game GUI which will begin a short tutorial walking you through setting up the initial paths to shader files and settings and also how you enable shaders and how to edit any exposed settings directly from said GUI.
(There's also options for setting a screenshot key, toggling a FPS overlay, transparency for the menus and colors and some other stuff.)

To uninstall ReShade the easiest is to go to the same folder you added it to and remove whichever .dll it created which as above is either d3d9.dll, dxgi.dll or opengl32.dll plus additionally you might want to remove the shader and texture folder if you added them directly to the game folder and possibly a .log text file which logs ReShade functionality and it's also named to whatever the name of the ReShade .dll was. :)

(Also for ease of use having the setup tool set a default ini with .\textures and .\shaders as the paths for those might help with initial setup as it would then load the shader files and textures directly as the game is started though if you add a lot of shaders the compile time might slow down the start of said game a little bit depending on shader complexity anyways just a suggestion, I've used it since the earlier public beta releases so I am pretty used to how it functions now but a new user might be a bit lost at first as to how you set up the various settings even with a in-game GUI and the tutorial for it.)

Anyways it takes a little bit of time but once you've done the setup once it's pretty straightforward. :)
(For preset distribution I assume the idea here is that the .dll files are distributed via this utility and then the preset author distributes the config files with settings and such, guess the setup tool is also meant to handle the actual shader files.)

EDIT: I'm not too good at it myself but someone will probably make a better guide or even video walkthrough for this soon enough now that 3.0 is released out of beta status which will likely explain it better than my attempt here does. :)

(But in short run the setup tool and let it extract the .dll to the game directly and if desired also download the shader package and then in-game enable the GUI and follow the tutorial to begin setting up paths for these files and after that they should be good to use and you can just enable or disable them directly from said GUI or even set up hotkeys for individual effects plus of course edit the settings for them as well.)

EDIT: What I myself do is a bit more manual work where I copy the ReShade setup exe to a folder where I also keep the shaders and their texture files, start it and use the new feature with holding ctrl down to extract both ReShade32.dll and ReShade64.dll to said folder (Instead of selecting first a 32-bit exe and then a 64-bit one to get the two .dll files that way.) and then from previous use with the beta version I already have config files ready for use.

This is ReShade.cfg

EffectSearchPaths=C:\Program Files (x86)\ReShade\Shaders\
TextureSearchPaths=C:\Program Files (x86)\ReShade\Textures\
PresetFiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\ReShade\ReShade_Settings.ini


Which points to this settings .cfg file.


This is a bit more cumbersome and a bit more work but I like doing it manually so with that ReShade32.dll, ReShade64.dll and ReShade.ini are all copied to the games I use ReShade with and the existing .dll is then deleted and depending on if it's a 32 or 64 bit game ReShade64.dll or ReShade32.dll is renamed to whatever api said game uses (usually d3d9.dll or dxgi.dll with a few games using opengl32.dll) and then the .ini is renamed to the same and the second .dll is deleted.

When you have some 100+ games (Steam primarily, at least steam_api.dll and steam_api64.dll makes it easy to tell if it's x64 or x86 heh.) it takes a bit of copy/pasting to get everything in place but as I see it at least it would be similar to running the setup tool some 100+ times to set it up that way so eh I prefer to do this manually as I said. (Explorer.exe at least since Windows 8 however does not like it when you rapidly browse through some hundred folders and has a chance to crash/restart usually after glitches such as blinking thumbnails though slowing down usually keeps it stable but this error still occurs even on Win10 with the latest cumulative update.)

Beyond that this can then be fine-tuned from the in-game ReShade UI on a game specific basis such as setting up the depth buffer settings for reverse, inverted and/or logarithmic as some newer games use or adjust the shaders used though since I currently mainly use SMAA it suits me fine to keep it like this with everything in a single location (Well besides the .dll and it's .ini which need to be in the games folder.) but more in-depth tuning is also possible such as setting up multiple profiles with their own settings and shaders used via multiple folders or just different .ini config files. :)
Last edit: 8 years 4 months ago by JBeckman.
The following user(s) said Thank You: kaicooper
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  • kaicooper
8 years 4 months ago #37 by kaicooper Replied by kaicooper on topic 3.0
thanx bro..really helpful..now im using it with FIFA 17..awesom stuff
but how to toggle off and on? is there option?
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  • JBeckman
8 years 4 months ago - 8 years 4 months ago #38 by JBeckman Replied by JBeckman on topic 3.0
You should be able to define a toggle key from the in-game GUI, it's a little gray box next to the shader effect itself on the first of the tabs which lists the different effects and the settings for them, just pressing that and then inputting a hotkey should work although now that you mention it I do not know if there's a global shader toggle key default for ReShade 3.0 already set though setting multiple effects to the same hotkey could likely work just as well to toggle them all with a single button or button combination. :)

(Shift+F2 is the default for toggling the in-game GUI so it's possible there's a default set for toggling all the effects too just that I've missed it, oh and printscreen is also by default set to take screenshots but is now rebindable too, ReShade 3 is highly customizable once you get used to working with it's GUI though editing the ini files directly works too as how it was with earlier versions of ReShade.)
Last edit: 8 years 4 months ago by JBeckman.
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  • crosire
  • Topic Author
8 years 4 months ago #39 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic 3.0
@crubino: I successfully tested 3.0 with the DOOM demo (including cursor movement), so I'm not sure what would cause that to not work for you.

@Martigen: The setup tool usually downloads and sets up the shader for you automatically. But as you pointed out the tool never got to that step for you. Have you tried running it with admin rights?
The two issues in The Long Dark are directly related, they both are caused by something going wrong with input capturing.
No, there is no global key to enable/disable everything. There never was. Only previously the toggle key for each technique was set to the same key, which can now be changed separately.
Next update adds a search bar to the technique list equal to the one in the variable list, which should make navigating it a lot easier.
Active shaders are always moved to the top if you (re)load a preset, which switching to performance mode will do behind the scenes. But you can do that manually too, simply by opening the preset drop-down list and reselecting the current file.
I like your other suggestions. Will think about them.

@Kirienitram: Does it work in other games?

@Wicked Sick: Yes. But can be added again.

@Sassy: There are some ideas on reducing loading times, but I don't find the time to implement any of them. Switching to performance mode helps a great deal here by the way. Anyway, this likely to remain the way it is. The default shader repository might be stripped down a bit though, so users have to download some shaders separately.
The FXAA quality setting cannot be exposed to realtime editing due to internal reasons. It's a preprocessor definition though, which means you can redefine it on the settings tab of the GUI and hit "Reload" to change the value.
TuningPalette is not available for ReShade 3.0 yet.

@baal80spam: To uninstall, delete the ReShade DLL the setup copied to the game folder (d3d9.dll, dxgi.dll or opengl32.dll).
No, it's not currently possible to disable/enable everything at once unless you set the same toggle key to everything.
The following user(s) said Thank You: VoidsShadow, crubino
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  • taylor
8 years 4 months ago #40 by taylor Replied by taylor on topic 3.0

crubino wrote: Hi Crosire,
Thank you very much. I'm very glad that now i can play DOOM 2016 with reshade 3.0 :P
But, I have a small problem. With DOOM 2016; Reshade in-game UI menu doesn't respond to my mouse. I don't know that's a bug or just my mouse driver.
For temporary, I have clone and edit the openGL32.ini and presetxx.ini from another game, then put in DOOM folder. And I starting to edit preset manualy with notepad and alt+tab to see the result :lol:
Yeah it works so fine :lol: ... but still i prefer to set preset inside DOOM by on screen Reshade UI with my mouse :)

Yes same thing happened to me,what i did was when the Bethesda intro comes on then open the editor and make a new profile,that's it everything should work.
best regards
The following user(s) said Thank You: crubino
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