- MonarchX
- niflexible
MonarchX wrote: Got it! FXAA performance improved drastically compared to version 2.0! I selected 39 for quality and with all the bangs and whistles enabled in W3, ReShade 3.0.8 shows 0.2-0.5fps drain due to FXAA @ 1080p in Performance Mode! If I recall correctly, quality FXAA FPS drain from earlier ReShade version 2.X was closedr to 2-5fps on my GTX 1080!
Yeah, and using lut's for correcting the games is also faster then using the shaders/levels/color adjustmens fx. Overall I love the new reshade 3.xx
Crosire, Thanks for making this tool and I'm hopeful you'll keep working at it.
Love your work and everything you have done for us all.
Thank you!!!
- Zireael
- Sh1nRa358
- crosire
- Topic Author
@Sh1nRa358: Anisotropic filtering works with respect to the viewing angle on textures. In screenspace everything is 2D, there is no angle, as such you cannot logically filter a texture using anisotropic filtering there. Since ReShade operates in screenspace it makes no sense for it to expose support for anisotropic filtering to its shaders.
This has nothing to do with whatever the game does, it's only about ReShade's own rendering.
- klotim
crosire wrote: @Zirael: There never was such a feature. No, this did not exist in 3.0.7 either.
I can actually recall that you mentioned that, but I think that was in v2.
Been following reshade more or less since it started on this website
- F D B
- ReallyPisseOffandTired
excuse my language but...
is there no 64bit version?
the 32bit version causes crashing issues with 64bit games
i already searched these forums and found others having this exact same issue, why is this still a thing????
ETA on 64bit version?
- hotproblems
- Martigen
It's not. You're an idiot. The 64-bit version has been there since the start.ReallyPisseOffandTired wrote: ok...ive spent the past 3 days trying to fix an issue with my game.....and i finally figured out what the problem is....RESHADE 3.0.8
excuse my language but...
is there no 64bit version?
the 32bit version causes crashing issues with 64bit games
i already searched these forums and found others having this exact same issue, why is this still a thing????
Reshade comes with two dlls: 32-bit and 64-bit.
Download Reshade 3.0.8
Launch it
Hold CTRL when you click 'Select Game' (<-- it even tells you this on the 'Select Game' button!)
You'll get both DLLs in the Reshade directory. Copy what you need to the game, re-name to d3d9.dll/d3d11.dll/dxgi.dll/opengl32.dll.
- Mike Gous
(1) I also tried this but it seems I am doing something wrong.
(2) This is what I am doing :
(1st) Launch Reshade 3.08
(2nd) Hold the left or right CTRL button on my keyboard
(3rd) Click with my mouse cursor on "Select game" while still holding the CTRL button.
(3) Nothing happens. The Reshade application does not open (as normally) for me to choose the game .exe file.
(4) Sorry about this.
- crosire
- Topic Author
That's the whole point. It even says so on the button. Click it to extract the binaries (to the current directory). The setup tool will close itself afterwards. Now you have the binaries in the directory the setup tool is in and you can use those for manual installation.Mike Gous wrote: (3) Nothing happens. The Reshade application does not open (as normally) for me to choose the game .exe file.