
  • Martigen
8 years 1 month ago - 8 years 1 month ago #221 by Martigen Replied by Martigen on topic 3.0

JBeckman wrote: EDIT: That said we're a couple of years away at least until DirectX 12 (And maybe Vulkan.) actually start replacing DirectX 11 both due to the work required in learning how to work with said API's and in DirectX 12's case excluding Windows versions prior to Win10 (RS1 1607 / build 14393) would probably hurt sales quite a bit for PC releases since the OS isn't exactly the most popular for a variety of reasons.

I think DX12 will become mainstream much sooner than that. We already have major titles like Deus Ex, Tombraider, Quantum Break, Battlefiend 1, Civ VI, etc and in some of these cases, including Deus Ex and Civ VI the DX12 was backported, so they're adding to previously non-DX12 games. And in Vulkan we have titles like Doom and backported ones like Talos Principle etc. It's moving quite fast.

One of the appeals is that, unlike previous gen DX releases, it's not adding more feature that require more power, it's (supposedly) proving more performance for the same features as DX11, so there's a huge incentive to create games that run better now, or games that do what couldn't be done before due to performance overheads (eg Ashes of the Singularity, the poster boy). It's one reason we're seeing DX12 being back-ported to DX11 titles. But, unfortunately, this means we can't take advantage of this if we want to use Reshade too.

I'm about to (finally) start playing Deus Ex, but I can't take advantage of the (however small or large) performance increase because I can't play -any- game without Reshade anymore :) Actually what I noticed most about the DX12 implementation in Deus Ex is smoother frametimes more than FPS, it's a noticeable improvement.
Last edit: 8 years 1 month ago by Martigen.
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  • Daemonjax
8 years 1 month ago - 8 years 1 month ago #222 by Daemonjax Replied by Daemonjax on topic 3.0
Thanks for version 3.

Previous versions of Reshade didn't work for me with Diablo 2 when using the dgVoodoo glide wrapper, so I've been using Sweetfx 2.0 for that game.

I wanted to use Reshade with it so that I can manually set the shader order, and now I can. With that game, it's definitely optimal to run a sharpening shader first before AA due to software upscaling from 800x600 to 1920x1080 causing noticeable blur, and blurred edges don't AA well ;).

diablo2 --> glide (wrapper upscales from 800x600 to 1920x1080 and outputs dx10/11) --> reshade (curves, hard sharpening, SMAA, light sharpening) --> ATI video card driver-level MLAA

It's sharper now with less aliasing, so thanks.

If I could make one request, it would be to add a way to easilly run the same shader multiple times without having to clone the shader files. That was possible in earlier versions. Or maybe you can, but I just don't know how without cloning.

The ability to easily toggle and modify the config of individual shaders is nice, and it's definitely the best GUI configuration tool you've come up with so far for reshade. I believe (unlike one of the previous gui incarnations) that it's easy to redistribute the configs to other computers (just the shader folder and the two ini files), so that's nice too. Though, I'm a text files kind of guy.

If I could make a second request, it would be an easy way to download additional shaders without removing the existing shader files (unless updated shader files exist) and to not delete the existing .ini files.

3rd request: A way to disable the nagging compilation messages. It re-compiles the shaders 4 times before I get into a d2 game.

4th request: A toggle button that hides all non-active shaders from the ingame config menu.

Note: Almost works in nglide with Diablo2, but I don't really care because I can get better image quality with dgvoodoo.
Question: How do I disable the depth buffer? Don't need it for 2D games.
Last edit: 8 years 1 month ago by Daemonjax.
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  • shadowking97
8 years 1 month ago - 8 years 1 month ago #223 by shadowking97 Replied by shadowking97 on topic 3.0
I just installed Reshade for the first time on my fallout 4 using the 3.0.5 installer, but it seems to be missing files: pastebin.com/vT14FrRX

I do not have any folders in my /Reshade, but it seems like I should.
Last edit: 8 years 1 month ago by shadowking97.
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  • crosire
  • Topic Author
8 years 1 month ago #224 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic 3.0

shadowking97 wrote: I do not have any folders in my /Reshade, but it seems like I should.

Remove ReShade.fx and the ReShade folder if it exists. Those files are not part of 3.0.
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  • CmdrKeen
8 years 1 month ago - 8 years 1 month ago #225 by CmdrKeen Replied by CmdrKeen on topic 3.0
I would love to see the old Sin City shader make a comeback, or a way to do selective color.

I have the old code, here: pastebin.com/ts0UbFfr but didn't know how to "port it in".

Daemonjax wrote: If I could make one request, it would be to add a way to easilly run the same shader multiple times without having to clone the shader files. That was possible in earlier versions.

Agree! Being able to duplicate a preset so you can work off it is key.

One more is a reset button to revert to the default of a shader. I've messed with DOF (badly) and would appreciate a reset button!
Last edit: 8 years 1 month ago by CmdrKeen.
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  • Suiheisen
8 years 1 month ago #226 by Suiheisen Replied by Suiheisen on topic 3.0
everytime if i try to download the reshade the download break off, tried it with chrome and microsoft edge... is there a solution?
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  • Drogean
8 years 1 month ago - 8 years 1 month ago #227 by Drogean Replied by Drogean on topic 3.0
just got around to trying 3.0, god the UI is really poorly laid out
Say what you want about ENB but at least the enables/disables and the configrations for those options were laid out in a way that made sense.

The amount of scrolling needed (or having to manually search the option you want to change) to find an option after enabling it is just not smart design

and then there is the fact that the UI does not scale with your resolution, so its next to impossible to try to edit any options at 4k resolution unless I use a microscope to read the ant-sized text
Last edit: 8 years 1 month ago by Drogean.
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  • Irkie500
8 years 1 month ago #228 by Irkie500 Replied by Irkie500 on topic 3.0
I tried using 3.0 on Rome 2 Total War and The Division with no luck. I deleted all previous files, ran the installer, downloaded the files from github when prompted and loaded the game. Upon loading both games just quit to the desktop. 2.0 is still working just fine, so im using that for the time being, but would love to use some of the new features in 3.0.
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  • OtisInf
8 years 3 weeks ago #229 by OtisInf Replied by OtisInf on topic 3.0
(latest version)

When you have the main screen with the shaders, there are two panes, above the shaders to enable/disable, and below that the pane with the settings per shader. This really isn't working: the top pane is resizing with the dialog, but the splitter between the panes isn't resizable up/down, so the pane you actually are working with the most, the settings pane is quite tiny.

Why not click the shader in the top pane, and have its settings be shown in the bottom pane? It's now a myriad of elements in 2 big trees. This is less ideal.
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  • crosire
  • Topic Author
8 years 3 weeks ago #230 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic 3.0

OtisInf wrote: but the splitter between the panes isn't resizable up/down,

But it is ...
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  • Martigen
8 years 3 weeks ago #231 by Martigen Replied by Martigen on topic 3.0

crosire wrote:

OtisInf wrote: but the splitter between the panes isn't resizable up/down,

But it is ...

It is hard to click on though :) Especially, as I found, in 4K DSR last night! Ctrl-scroll wheel was a lifesaver here to change font size btw.
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  • OtisInf
8 years 3 weeks ago - 8 years 2 weeks ago #232 by OtisInf Replied by OtisInf on topic 3.0

crosire wrote:

OtisInf wrote: but the splitter between the panes isn't resizable up/down,

But it is ...

I thought it would be, but for the life of me I couldn't get it to resize at all. Was on 4K resolution (downsampled with DSR )

It might be better to resize the bottom with the resize of the window, not the top one, or keep them equal in size perhaps? Anyway, it might be DSR/4K related, but it definitely didn't resize in that setup. No idea what might cause it, as the rest functioned OK.

(edit) tried again today in normal res: it does resize, but not at first try. Had to click repeatedly before making the splitter move. In one occasion, the splitter didn't move, but the whole window ;). Perhaps a problem with the UI kit / mouse hit detection.

(edit) retried, definitely not OK. I think the area in which the splitter bar gets a click event is way too narrow: like 1, 2 pixels or something: clicking right in the middle between the two horizontal edges of the splitter bar makes it move, but clicking closer to the edges of the splitter bar moves the dialog, not the splitter bar. As there's no cursor change, it's a bit hard to know if the click on the splitter bar is indeed recognized by the splitter bar or by the dialog. If you can't configure anything about this, it's likely an issue in the UI lib.
Last edit: 8 years 2 weeks ago by OtisInf.
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  • crosire
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8 years 2 weeks ago #233 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic 3.0
3.0.6 released with some small bug fixes. And ReShade is now open source: github.com/crosire/reshade !
The following user(s) said Thank You: brussell, Sinclair, disi
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  • brussell
8 years 2 weeks ago #234 by brussell Replied by brussell on topic 3.0
Thank you crosire and a happy new year btw.! One question: Is VS 2015 Community sufficient to build ReShade or do I need enterprise/professional?
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  • crosire
  • Topic Author
8 years 2 weeks ago #235 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic 3.0
The community edition is enough.
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  • lowenz
8 years 2 weeks ago #236 by lowenz Replied by lowenz on topic 3.0

crosire wrote: 3.0.6 released with some small bug fixes. And ReShade is now open source: github.com/crosire/reshade !

Just WOW!

Thanks man! THANKS!
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  • x8009
8 years 2 weeks ago #237 by x8009 Replied by x8009 on topic 3.0
Any idea why Need For Speed Most Wanted 2012 is going insane as soon as I use Reshade 3.0 ?

The Fps it says it goes beyond 32000 FPS but the FrameTime stays 16ms - 22ms and the game runs slow-mo mode and stutter a lot and after awhile crashes . The graphics is not the issue, the game runs 60 Fps all the way when not using Reshade 3.0.

Using SuperDepth3D , but I don't think it is the cause.

Need For Speed Most Wanted 2012 - 1.5v 3840x2160 All Ultra - SuperSampling - Off
Reshade 3.0.5
GTX 1080
Windows 10 x64

EDIT : So before I used SuperDepth3D 1.9.0.fx + SMAA.fx which I tried disabled and enabled and the FPS was above 400 + with all kinda of slow downs and stutterings.
Using SuperDepth3D.fx newest version without SMAA.fx in the folder at all. the fps is 50-49 but there is still slow down and stuttering. this is only happening with Reshade 3.0.5 . without Reshade everything works fine. The issue still happens when SuperDepth3D shader is Disabled from the GUI. nothing affect the FPS directly .

EDIT : As long reshade runs even without any shaders, the games goes haywire .

GTA V still doesn't load with Reshade 3.0.6 last version working is 3.0.4 .

could you check it crosire ?
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  • crosire
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8 years 2 weeks ago #238 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic 3.0
GTA V works with it fine for me.
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  • x8009
8 years 2 weeks ago - 8 years 2 weeks ago #239 by x8009 Replied by x8009 on topic 3.0

crosire wrote: GTA V works with it fine for me.

Which file did you use ? GTA V.exe , PlayGTAV.exe or Launcher ? also did you change the file name from dxgi.dll to D3d11 ?
Last edit: 8 years 2 weeks ago by x8009.
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  • crosire
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8 years 2 weeks ago #240 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic 3.0
Doesn't matter, since they are all in the same folder. dxgi.dll. Steam version though.
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