
  • klotim
5 years 10 months ago #101 by klotim Replied by klotim on topic 3.4
about the git thing, yes I think you need to download every time, but I do also think there's a reason behind this. That is that changes to shaders happen and if you download from git, you then ensure that you have the latest shader version.
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  • Khronikos
5 years 10 months ago #102 by Khronikos Replied by Khronikos on topic 3.4
Okay, I have gotten my templates down so it is easier to manage. It seems yes after pasting reshade ini it is easy to manipulate and goes straight to that game. SMAA I tested out on a couple games and yes I think I will just keep it at 32 steps universally. It didn't seem to do anything more on the huge jaggies in Bit Trip Runner past like 8 or so anyway.

I am not sure about predication though. How do I know this is even working? Can someone tell me how posting the predication stuff in the SMAA ini works? How can I notice a difference with this? I just cut it out for now.

I do think improvements can certainly be made for this app though. Not everyone coming to this is going to understand they need to make a universal profile for a couple of these things.

After fooling with reshade my concerns about activation of SMAA are no more I guess. I can simply make the overlay a bit more transparent and my settings stick game to game. Thank god.

I guess this is pretty good as is. I would like to see a taskbar icon though if possible, and maybe some more information on predication and what to do with it in SMAA. Thanks for the app.
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  • Khronikos
5 years 10 months ago - 5 years 10 months ago #103 by Khronikos Replied by Khronikos on topic 3.4
These were the old settings for predication: //>Advanced SMAA settings<\\

#define SMAA_EDGE_DETECTION 2 //[1|2|3] //-1 = Luma edge detection, 2 = Color edge detection, 3 = Depth edge detection

//>SMAA Predication settings<\\
#define SMAA_PREDICATION 1 //[0:1] //-Enables predication which uses BOTH the color and the depth texture for edge detection to more accurately detect edges.
#define SMAA_PREDICATION_THRESHOLD 0.001 //[undef] //-Threshold to be used in the depth buffer.
#define SMAA_PREDICATION_SCALE 2.0 //[undef] //-How much to scale the global threshold used for luma or color edge detection when using predication
#define SMAA_PREDICATION_STRENGTH 0.4 //[undef] //-How much to locally decrease the threshold.

How do I properly set these for this version and know they are working?

On the previous poster's template they do not have an activation string. So I am confused as to where that went. They have the three predication settings, but written slightly different:


As you can see they have the three predication settings, but not the activation setting itself. Is this no longer required?

Per these settings: reshade.me/forum/shader-discussion/2222-...ty-settings-for-smaa

Color edge detection type is better than depth is what I understood. So picking 2 might be helpful. But Predication uses both, and I have no idea how to tell if that is activated properly. Actually, it says luminance is 1. I just chose color could not tell much difference, but depth was not good at all for choice 3. Tons of jaggies left.

I also used .08 for the edge threshold as it seemed to get a few more edges. Any lower and hard to tell the difference much. But something like .2 was horrible. 32 steps still seems overkill. 98 is like that poster said is just wasting performance. 24 might be more appropriate. I kept these settings for Dark Souls 3, where I could test a lot of aliasing on the armor.

No idea on predication.
Last edit: 5 years 10 months ago by Khronikos.
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  • JBeckman
5 years 10 months ago #104 by JBeckman Replied by JBeckman on topic 3.4
For one way of adjusting the settings you can open the .fx file in a text editor and set the defaults directly by modifying that.
The .fxh file that has the code for the SMAA shader itself also has a pretty good description for each setting though it doesn't cover predication which is a new addition using the depth buffer together with either luma or color depending on what you've set for this.

Far as predication and ReShade 3.0 and the SMAA shader I think that ended up as a preprocessor line and not a shader setting thus it doesn't show up with the others.

* _______ ___ ___ ___ ___
* / || \/ | / \ / \
* | (---- | \ / | / ^ \ / ^ \
* \ \ | |\/| | / /_\ \ / /_\ \
* ----) | | | | | / _____ \ / _____ \
* |_______/ |__| |__| /__/ \__\ /__/ \__\
* E N H A N C E D
* S U B P I X E L M O R P H O L O G I C A L A N T I A L I A S I N G
* for ReShade 3.0


Preprocessor Settings

#define SMAA_PREDICATION 0 //[0 or 1] Enables predication which uses BOTH the color and the depth texture for edge detection.

UI Variables
uniform int EdgeDetectionType <
ui_type = "combo";
ui_items = "Luminance edge detection\0Color edge detection\0Depth edge detection\0";
ui_label = "Edge Detection Type";
> = 1;

uniform float EdgeDetectionThreshold <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = 0.05; ui_max = 0.20; ui_step = 0.01;
ui_tooltip = "Edge detection threshold. If SMAA misses some edges try lowering this slightly.";
ui_label = "Edge Detection Threshold";
> = 0.10;

uniform int MaxSearchSteps <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = 0; ui_max = 112;
ui_label = "Max Search Steps";
ui_tooltip = "Determines the radius SMAA will search for aliased edges.";
> = 98;

uniform int MaxSearchStepsDiagonal <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = 0; ui_max = 20;
ui_label = "Max Search Steps Diagonal";
ui_tooltip = "Determines the radius SMAA will search for diagonal aliased edges";
> = 16;

uniform int CornerRounding <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = 0; ui_max = 100;
ui_label = "Corner Rounding";
ui_tooltip = "Determines the percent of anti-aliasing to apply to corners.";
> = 0;

uniform float PredicationThreshold <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = 0.005; ui_max = 1.00; ui_step = 0.01;
ui_tooltip = "Threshold to be used in the additional predication buffer.";
ui_label = "Predication Threshold";
> = 0.01;

uniform float PredicationScale <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = 0; ui_max = 8;
ui_tooltip = "How much to scale the global threshold used for luma or color edge.";
ui_label = "Predication Scale";
> = 0.2;

uniform float PredicationStrength <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_min = 0; ui_max = 4;
ui_tooltip = "How much to locally decrease the threshold.";
ui_label = "Predication Strength";
> = 0.4;

uniform int DebugOutput <
ui_type = "combo";
ui_items = "None\0'edgesTex' buffer\0'blendTex' buffer\0";
ui_label = "Debug Output";
> = false;

Those are the settings you can edit directly from the SMAA.fx file to have a default set you want immediately and without getting into the ReShade SMAA code itself. :)
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  • JBeckman
5 years 10 months ago - 5 years 10 months ago #105 by JBeckman Replied by JBeckman on topic 3.4
Ah and right the preprocessor settings are in the general ReShade settings menu and stuff like logarithmic or inverted depth detection settings for example. I do not know why the predication option ended up in this way but I assume there's good reason to have it set up early (Pre-processed.) in the ReShade initialization process itself.

EDIT: Actually it probably would have to be copied into the rest of the settings and won't show up on it's own or you can just flip it from 0 to 1 in ReShade.fx and keep it enabled.

There's a chance it will hit some false edges and it might not do much for overall aliasing reduction depending on game but it's something that has to be tested per-game and then there's the reverse and logarithmic depth buffer settings and how some games handle depth or if ReShade can hook and get depth buffer detection at all such as due to network traffic closing this hook in the official release of ReShade.
Last edit: 5 years 10 months ago by JBeckman.
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  • Martigen
5 years 10 months ago - 5 years 10 months ago #106 by Martigen Replied by Martigen on topic 3.4

Khronikos wrote: On the previous poster's template they do not have an activation string. So I am confused as to where that went. They have the three predication settings, but written slightly different:

Yeah it's all a bit confusing. Ok so a few things:
  • Edge detection type -- 'color' is 1, not 2. There's the old adage, 'computers count from 0'. In the transfer to Reshade 3, this became the norm. So the options are 0, 1 and 2; not 1, 2 3 like the old version.
  • Enabling Predication -- As JBeckMan pointed out, you need to use the preprocessor definition to enable it, adding it under the Settings tab. The reason you can't toggle it along with the other SMAA options in the Reshade interface is that the shader needs to be compiled again for predication to take effect. The same is true of all settings in the Preprocessor Definitions section. You don't need to quit the game though, just hit 'Reload' in Reshade.
It's interesting that you posted the old settings though, I noticed SMAA_PREDICATION_THRESHOLD used to be 0.001. In current Reshade, the default for PredicationThreshold is 0.01. I wonder if this makes a difference. I don't have time to test, but let me know if you do and see any results :)

The last thing to say, and I had this in my post referenced above, is that you can save time by adding the preprocessor definitions to your universal default config file (my defaults below):


This way I don't have to remember to play with them to add them.

And last but not least you asked how do you know if it's working? First, make sure a game has access to the depth buffer with the DisplayDepth.fx shader, and then make sure it's displaying correctly (toggle the DEPTH_ preprocessor options above until it looks right). Then, it's been a while -- but I think the difference will show up in SMAA's debug output, so you can check there.
Last edit: 5 years 10 months ago by Martigen.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Viper_Joe
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  • Khronikos
5 years 10 months ago #107 by Khronikos Replied by Khronikos on topic 3.4

Martigen wrote:

Khronikos wrote: On the previous poster's template they do not have an activation string. So I am confused as to where that went. They have the three predication settings, but written slightly different:

Yeah it's all a bit confusing. Ok so a few things:
  • Edge detection type -- 'color' is 1, not 2. There's the old adage, 'computers count from 0'. In the transfer to Reshade 3, this became the norm. So the options are 0, 1 and 2; not 1, 2 3 like the old version.
  • Enabling Predication -- As JBeckMan pointed out, you need to use the preprocessor definition to enable it, adding it under the Settings tab. The reason you can't toggle it along with the other SMAA options in the Reshade interface is that the shader needs to be compiled again for predication to take effect. The same is true of all settings in the Preprocessor Definitions section. You don't need to quit the game though, just hit 'Reload' in Reshade.
It's interesting that you posted the old settings though, I noticed SMAA_PREDICATION_THRESHOLD used to be 0.001. In current Reshade, the default for PredicationThreshold is 0.01. I wonder if this makes a difference. I don't have time to test, but let me know if you do and see any results :)

The last thing to say, and I had this in my post referenced above, is that you can save time by adding the preprocessor definitions to your universal default config file (my defaults below):


This way I don't have to remember to play with them to add them.

And last but not least you asked how do you know if it's working? First, make sure a game has access to the depth buffer with the DisplayDepth.fx shader, and then make sure it's displaying correctly (toggle the DEPTH_ preprocessor options above until it looks right). Then, it's been a while -- but I think the difference will show up in SMAA's debug output, so you can check there.

Hello, thank you for the gracious posts. I have definitely settled in a bit with this version. I won't get around to testing predication for a bit as I don't think it does all that much anyway plus I'm super busy. Differences with SMAA are quite honestly very subtle past 12 search steps and around .08-.1 threshold with color type. I eagle eyed this up for over an hour yesterday on Dark Souls 3 and Bit Trip Runner in a variety of scenarios. I still use 32 search steps, but it doesn't seem to do much more than 12 or so for the most part.

I'm pretty happy with my setup now, and I just use my templates like has been suggested and add reshade ini and dll into each game. Not a huge deal. I just redo them for each game I actually play.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Viper_Joe
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  • Khronikos
5 years 10 months ago - 5 years 10 months ago #108 by Khronikos Replied by Khronikos on topic 3.4
Also, I found that creating a shortcut and then right clicking on the shortcut enables me to make a taskbar icon! Nice. I did not know that was possible since clicking on the exe does not work in this way.
Last edit: 5 years 10 months ago by Khronikos.
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  • amoebae
5 years 9 months ago #109 by amoebae Replied by amoebae on topic 3.4
Is there a way for the size and position of the ReShade menu window to be remembered, for it to stick to whatever we last change it to? When hotsampling with SRWE it reverts back to the default long, narrow left-hand position each time (and of course whenever starting up the game fresh).
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  • Tojkar
5 years 9 months ago - 5 years 9 months ago #110 by Tojkar Replied by Tojkar on topic 3.4

amoebae wrote: Is there a way for the size and position of the ReShade menu window to be remembered, for it to stick to whatever we last change it to? When hotsampling with SRWE it reverts back to the default long, narrow left-hand position each time (and of course whenever starting up the game fresh).

This would be extremely helpful if window position could be saved in the config file. It should be probably saved either percentual or as an off-set from display borders so if using someone else's config, the possibly smaller screen resolution wouldn't cause any problems by hiding it off-screen. Or using a fall-back to default if the resolution is different(EDIT: not a good idea as some older games changes resolution in menus or videos, so it would always be defaulted in those.).
Last edit: 5 years 9 months ago by Tojkar.
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  • crosire
  • Topic Author
5 years 9 months ago #111 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic 3.4
There is. In the main INI:
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  • Martigen
5 years 9 months ago #112 by Martigen Replied by Martigen on topic 3.4

crosire wrote: There is. In the main INI:


That probably needs to be the default. I've had same issues as above, and assume resizing in-game would save but hasn't. At least since I made my global profiles, this has defaulted to 0.
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  • dmduncan37
5 years 9 months ago #113 by dmduncan37 Replied by dmduncan37 on topic 3.4

There are no more presets for games?
I wish to install reshad for Rising Storm 2

Thank you
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  • Shady
5 years 9 months ago #114 by Shady Replied by Shady on topic 3.4
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  • x8009
5 years 9 months ago #115 by x8009 Replied by x8009 on topic 3.4
crosire , is there any update on the 3.4.1 that can't write manually ? 3.4.0 works fine, 3.4.1 on many games you can't write manually on the shaders options.
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  • lowenz
5 years 9 months ago - 5 years 9 months ago #116 by lowenz Replied by lowenz on topic 3.4

x8009 wrote: crosire , is there any update on the 3.4.1 that can't write manually ? 3.4.0 works fine, 3.4.1 on many games you can't write manually on the shaders options.

Already pointed out as an issue months ago ;)
Last edit: 5 years 9 months ago by lowenz.
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  • crosire
  • Topic Author
5 years 8 months ago #117 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic 3.4
The input bug if fixed, but I'm doing some major refactoring right now, so am not ready to release a new version yet.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Wicked Sick, JBeckman, HeLL, OtisInf, Ryukou36, Viper_Joe
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  • MonarchX
5 years 8 months ago #118 by MonarchX Replied by MonarchX on topic 3.4
You mean the version with built-in random dithering shader you promised a while back?
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  • crosire
  • Topic Author
5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #119 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic 3.4
Little preview of a new feature for developers (besides a completly new ReShade FX compiler, super fast effect loading and more): [Removed]
Last edit: 5 years 8 months ago by crosire.
The following user(s) said Thank You: klotim, DeMondo, Ryukou36, BlueSkyKnight, Viper_Joe, Daodan, seri14
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  • OtisInf
5 years 8 months ago #120 by OtisInf Replied by OtisInf on topic 3.4
Very nice! Good to bring back the editor (I think it was present in the first reshade with imgui?). Currently using notepad++ with hlsl color coding, it's 'ok', but an editor inside reshade is better. It likely also solves a gripe I have which is that if I make an edit to a shader I have to reload the shader, if there's a compile error I have to switch to the log tab (and if I forgot to clear it, first clear it, then go back to the effects tab, click reload), scroll down and see what's wrong. I couldn't see it from the gif (but it might be in there so I overlooked it), if there are errors, you show them in the editor? (I think that's quite complicated to do, if the editor component you're using doesn't have adornments for errors)

While we're at it, is there a way to have per-pass statistics for a shader? I've looked into adding this, but saw that the statistics were obtained using async queries and gave up there, and I couldn't find info regarding whether it is possible at all (I think it is, but likely more complicated than collecting a couple of counters). the reason I ask is that with shaders with a lot of passes, it's often a bit cumbersome to determine which pass(es) are the main time consumers so you can focus on those to optimize the shader.

If this can be delegated better to a 3rd party program, that's fine. I tried Nvidia NSight (with an UE4 demo app) but it didn't collect any info regarding reshade, so couldn't use that for profiling.

Looking forward to the changes!
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