- Marty McFly
I was about to suggest this. In theory, the line numbers of the errors are known, so highlighting a certain line in the editor should be possible, correct? Awesome feature, nonetheless.OtisInf wrote: . I couldn't see it from the gif (but it might be in there so I overlooked it), if there are errors, you show them in the editor? (I think that's quite complicated to do, if the editor component you're using doesn't have adornments for errors)
OtisInf wrote: While we're at it, is there a way to have per-pass statistics for a shader? I've looked into adding this, but saw that the statistics were obtained using async queries and gave up there, and I couldn't find info regarding whether it is possible at all (I think it is, but likely more complicated than collecting a couple of counters). the reason I ask is that with shaders with a lot of passes, it's often a bit cumbersome to determine which pass(es) are the main time consumers so you can focus on those to optimize the shader.
Well, you can use debug techniques with 1 pass each, that's what I do. Output is obviously borked then but it works, that way you can test without recompilation as opposed to commenting passes.
- OtisInf
- crosire
Topic Author
@OtisInf: I'm using custom editor implementation, not a pre-made widget, so I have full control over it (syntax highlighting uses the actual ReShade FX lexer for instance).
New shader development features:
Live texture preview feature:
New styling options:
WIP overhaul of the variable editor:
- klotim
- seri14
- crosire
Topic Author
- OtisInf

For the editor, as you have full control over it, some requests: (if feasible)
- if you click an identifier (so it's selected) highlight all the usages of that identifier.
- a way to split the editor horizontally. There's likely no intellisense like texture/sampler/function names autocompletion (as that would require parsing (besides lexing) the whole file and if an error is there, overcome that error, which can be a true pain, so iow a LOT of work), so to help with writing code that uses elements outside the current scope, a split editor helps a lot where you can e.g. have the uniforms/samplers etc. defines visible in the top area and the code you're working on in the bottom area.
Looking forward to it!
- Daodan
crosire wrote: Yes. The "Custom" style option allows modification of every single color there is, which is saved to the config file.
Being able to save the custom style colors into a single file would be nice though. So you could add a 'Style search paths' text input to the 'User Interface' section and the found styles would then appear as items in the 'Style' combo. With that you can have your custom styles in a single location and use them everywhere. That also makes sharing them easy.
The new features look really great!

- crosire
Topic Author
Done:OtisInf wrote: - if you click an identifier (so it's selected) highlight all the usages of that identifier.
The new compiler has much better error recovery (it no longer aborts after encountering a single error and can recover from most mistakes gracefully). But wireing up the compiler output into the editor is a bit more complex. Would need to write a codegen backend which outputs synctatic information about the source code first (right now it can only generate HLSL/GLSL/SPIR-V). Not sure if this is really worth the effort, because it's definitly a lot of work. I'll see what I can do about splitting the editor window.OtisInf wrote: - a way to split the editor horizontally. There's likely no intellisense like texture/sampler/function names autocompletion (as that would require parsing (besides lexing) the whole file and if an error is there, overcome that error, which can be a true pain, so iow a LOT of work), so to help with writing code that uses elements outside the current scope, a split editor helps a lot where you can e.g. have the uniforms/samplers etc. defines visible in the top area and the code you're working on in the bottom area.
- CeeJay.dk
I've been reporting back lots of ideas, tweaks and bugs as I think of them or find them.
It's not done yet but I have a good feeling about this new version. It's a real joy to work with. Some very nice UI improvements and the effect compiling is wicked fast so no more waiting for effects to finish compiling.
- OtisInf

Yeah providing intellisense/autocompletion isn't simple. There's always a 'just give the elements you do understand and don't do any recovery on an error' way out of it, but whether that gives a good experience is to be seen. E.g. forgetting a } or a ; somewhere already messes things up beyond repair for the most part. It then comes down where in the non-terminal (EBNF) you are with the cursor, which might be impossible to do if the parser can't parse the input to a non-terminal e.g. due to errors. I wouldn't worry about it, it's something that's 'nice to have' but if it's not there that's fine. You can always add it later if you have the time

- lowenz
- RedMiller
- Wicked Sick
CeeJay.dk wrote: Crosire have been sending Marty and me builds as he develops them.
I've been reporting back lots of ideas, tweaks and bugs as I think of them or find them.
It's not done yet but I have a good feeling about this new version. It's a real joy to work with. Some very nice UI improvements and the effect compiling is wicked fast so no more waiting for effects to finish compiling.
Oh, man. I can badly wait for it!
- XDaveOnPC
So , I was a simple player of good old GTA 5 , and after a long thinking process , I decided that I would start modding my game . I followed every step of a video in which several tools were up to download , including reshade 3.4.0 . But when I came to the site , it only gave me the last available version , the 4.0.2 , and it says everytime I try to launch it that it had failed

I also saw this , hoping that I could get the 3.4.0 version mentionned in the tutorial , and thanks for posting this link in tis topic before , but ...
MonarchX wrote:
Crosire, I wasn't sure where to post this idea/request, but could you please create an OFFICIAL repository of ReShade versions from the earliest ones (the only ones that work with MGS TPP) to the latest one, without skipping any?
All versions since 3.0 can be downloaded from the official source:
I won't put up versions before 3.0.
^--- It send me back to a 404 error page . Is there anyone or anything I can do to make it work , or is it hopeless ?
- crosire
Topic Author
- TheReaper
MonarchX wrote: Crosire, I wasn't sure where to post this idea/request, but could you please create an OFFICIAL repository of ReShade versions from the earliest ones (the only ones that work with MGS TPP) to the latest one, without skipping any? There are some UNofficial repositories, where links occasionally go bad and/or files get deleted. I've been searching specifically for ReShade 3.1.0 (the last 3.X.X version that works with GTA V ENB) for 2 days now without success, (...)
If the temporal link does not work anymore, grab one from Archive.org