- HiiperVenomZz
- klotim
HiiperVenomZz wrote: how do i download lol
Homepage then there is a download button just in front of you on the car header.
Link: reshade.me/#download
- Pollino98
- kreativeplumbob
Calli wrote: I downloaded this version yesterday for sims 3, I followed a tutorial about making sure I have admin access over my original game folder (I do) and also installing and running reshade tool by right clicking and running as admin too. It worked absolutely fine in my game, I was able to use and adjust all of the settings but then suddenly the DOF stopped working. If I was lucky it would work, but only blur a rectangle in the top left corner. I played around most of yesterday with the settings and I even tried a friends' preset that works fine for her. And again it worked fine until I moved the camera or did something in my game, and then the blur just wouldn't work. But all other settings still work, it's just the DOF that seems to either pack in completely or resort to the little box in the corner. So on a whim I uninstalled it, and installed an earlier version (3.1.2 I think) that another friend uses without problems but I ran into the same problems with that. I then reached out to someone else and she has the exact same problems as me; either the blur will not work at all or it'll just blur the left corner. The only similar factor we've been able to piece together so far is that we both use windows 10. I've spent all morning looking on forums and pursuing google links for reshade DOF issues but nothing is working. Has anyone heard or encountered this problem before? Any help would be greatly appreciated
I am also having this problem, as are a large amount of simmers gathered on Tumblr/Discord for both Sims 3 and Sims 4.. Our DOF has been screwed since the new EA Origin Update. We have found that if we install the game by route-around (by which I mean disks or torrents or other means) it will work, so the problem came from something that the new Origin update changed and is causing Reshade to act wonky. Is there any way that this can be fixed? A lot of people would rather stick with their games that they have bought from Origin...
- lowenz
I've built the lastest version from Github but the issue remainslowenz wrote:
It's already selected.crosire wrote: Make sure you have the "Block all input" option active.
Skyrim SE + 3.4.0 -> typing with keyboard working in the overlay
Skyrim SE + 3.4.1 -> typing with keyboard NOT working in the overlay (SHIFT+F2 works, mouse works)

- loccothan
I've heard that workaround has to be made with Rename the Dll but i need some guidance

Thanks for your work.
@crosire Please guide me on how to make Crosire.dll working (rename will bypass original DLLs)
Nobody have reshade in Divinity?
- Ronin86
lowenz wrote:
I've built the lastest version from Github but the issue remainslowenz wrote:
It's already selected.crosire wrote: Make sure you have the "Block all input" option active.
Skyrim SE + 3.4.0 -> typing with keyboard working in the overlay
Skyrim SE + 3.4.1 -> typing with keyboard NOT working in the overlay (SHIFT+F2 works, mouse works)
I have the same problem as Lowenz with Stalker Call of Pripyat. Overlay keyboard working on 3.4.0 and not working on 3.4.1. I dont have any overlays running beside reshade.
- OtisInf
Had the same thing in Darksiders (dx9) even with vsync on, remember me (dx9) does work properly. Reload button doesn't work either btw, nor do input boxes in the technique editor pane, it simply walks over all the controls from top to bottom, like input isn't really working. Could be an Imgui problem.lowenz wrote:
It's already selected.crosire wrote: Make sure you have the "Block all input" option active.
Skyrim SE + 3.4.0 -> typing with keyboard working in the overlay
Skyrim SE + 3.4.1 -> typing with keyboard NOT working in the overlay (SHIFT+F2 works, mouse works)
Crosire if you have darksiders 1, you could try to test with that to see if you can repro it. My guess is it's an imgui problem.
- MonarchX
BTW, when you update/work on ReShade, is ENB-compatibility with popular ENB-compatible games (GTA V, Skyrim/Skyrim SE, Fallout 4, etc.) one of the criteria for a successful stable build? I am not saying it should be, ENB is ENB and ReShade is ReShade, but they compliment each other on an epic scale and those into ReShade are more than likely into ENB.
Has there been on any progress on the "advanced" version of ReShade? By "advanced" I mean simple manual copy/paste method without profiling and installations. I remember a year or more ago I could just copy/paste ReShade files from one game's directory with .exe to another without having to do any extra work. I basically had only 6 easily-copied & pasted profiles - D3D9 32bit, D3D9 64bit, D3D11 32bit, D3D11 64bit, OpenGL 32bit, OpenGL 64bit, no specific game names or any gimmicks. Those days are gone... and now profiles are required for each .exe and each one uses full/complete links to shaders and custom textures (like my calibration 3DLUT), making it impossible to simply copy/paste files...
- ninjafada
- Martigen
Here -- versions 3.0.0 to 3.4.1 inclusive. If you want to host them somewhere (other than this temporary file link):MonarchX wrote: Crosire, I wasn't sure where to post this idea/request, but could you please create an OFFICIAL repository of ReShade versions from the earliest ones (the only ones that work with MGS TPP) to the latest one, without skipping any? There are some UNofficial repositories, where links occasionally go bad and/or files get deleted. I've been searching specifically for ReShade 3.1.0 (the last 3.X.X version that works with GTA V ENB) for 2 days now without success, but instead of just uploading that one ReShade version, I think an official and maintained repository would be a better way. ReShade is THAT important and some games are THAT sensitive that to different version of ReShade that there's no way to have a single version that works for all.
You can, this is exactly what I do. Simply install Reshade shaders/textures to ONE directory on your system. Create a Reshade.ini config file that points to this directory, with the same name for a base config file (in my case, Reshade-game.ini). E.g, this is what I have:Has there been on any progress on the "advanced" version of ReShade? By "advanced" I mean simple manual copy/paste method without profiling and installations. I remember a year or more ago I could just copy/paste ReShade files from one game's directory with .exe to another without having to do any extra work. I basically had only 6 easily-copied & pasted profiles - D3D9 32bit, D3D9 64bit, D3D11 32bit, D3D11 64bit, OpenGL 32bit, OpenGL 64bit, no specific game names or any gimmicks. Those days are gone... and now profiles are required for each .exe and each one uses full/complete links to shaders and custom textures (like my calibration 3DLUT), making it impossible to simply copy/paste files...
And Reshade-game.ini:
(I sort my most commonly used techniques to the top).
And then all you do is:
- Copy Reshade32/64.dll to the game dir
- Copy Reshade.ini and Reshade-game.ini to the game dir
- Rename Reshade32/64.dll to your hook of choice (d3d9/dxgi/d3d11/opengl32).
There are many advantages with this method:
1) As noted, you can have a simple config to copy to any game with ease
2) No fart-arsing around with re-naming config files -- it's all set in the default config.
3) You have a single directory for Reshade shaders/textures for ALL games. If a shader gets updated, you simply copy it to the shared directory and ALL your games have access to it, instead of manually updating dozens and dozens of directories.
Honestly, this should be the default method for how Reshade works.
EDIT: A little explanation for including SMAA.FX settings in the config above: default SMAA settings are off the charts performance hogging for no discernable benefit. These are intelligent defaults, and means I don't have to set them for every game I copy the profile into. Naturally, you can set similar defaults for your fave shaders and have them ready to go.
- OtisInf
- Martigen
Yes, I knowOtisInf wrote: @Martigen: do realize that the order in which the techniques are sorted is the order in which they're executed, which can make a difference (e.g. dof first or last, AA first or last).

(and for the record, I still see better anti-aliasing with AA after sharpen.)
- crosire
Topic Author
All versions since 3.0 can be downloaded from the official source:MonarchX wrote: Crosire, I wasn't sure where to post this idea/request, but could you please create an OFFICIAL repository of ReShade versions from the earliest ones (the only ones that work with MGS TPP) to the latest one, without skipping any?
I won't put up versions before 3.0.
No. Both can break each other in so many ways that them working together sometimes is pure luck.MonarchX wrote: BTW, when you update/work on ReShade, is ENB-compatibility with popular ENB-compatible games (GTA V, Skyrim/Skyrim SE, Fallout 4, etc.) one of the criteria for a successful stable build?
They are not. As was pointed out this still works just as well. It's only the setup tool that writes absolute paths right now for compatibility reasons with earlier versions of itself. ReShade has no such restrictions.MonarchX wrote: Those days are gone...
- Kyokushinoyama
Don't know if this has been discussed yet.
ReShade acts quite weird (or maybe the other way around) with Windows HDR and any game that features HDR.
As soon as HDR is on, tons of shaders (almost all of them, actually) don't work as they should. Only FineSharp and Clarity2 shaders seem to work correctly.
Don't know if this has to do with luma coeffs, BT or gamma range or something else, but this is quite weird.
Old iterations, such as 2.0.3, might work fine on some HDR games, but the latest don't.
Some games, such as TitanFall 2, even need Windows HDR feature to be disabled if using ReShade, even if they don't feature an HDR switch themselves.
Strangely, some games don't seem to suffer from this "issue" : Mass Effect Andromeda and Injustice 2 are working perfectly with HDR on and ReShade, whatever the shaders.
What are your insights on that particular issue ?
Best and thanx for what you're doing.
- Marty McFly
- Kyokushinoyama
- x8009
- Khronikos
Do I have to download the stuff from git for every game? Why cannot I see an SMAA activated on screen text like before? This makes it hugely confusing for me to test things out. Also, am I supposed to make new reshade settings for every single game? Right now I have SMAA.ini and Reshade setting in each game.
The last version I used was easy as hell to figure all this out. Bam bam. I have no idea why this version is so complex for me. Like, how does the depth buffer auto config work? It just seems like it sits on reversed depth buffer for a couple games I tried. I thought this was self-sensed or something? It does not seem like it senses anything, but I haven't tried that many games.
I just want the same reshade settings and the same damn smaa settings to load up for the different games I choose. Like before I would click on my taskbar icon and then just add a game and it was configured with SMAA in like 5 seconds. Plus I could always see text on screen notifying me that SMAA was on.
Nothing more nothing less. I feel like I have to manually do everything for every single game with this version.
But please, I feel like I am doing things wrong. Somebody help me.
And then also if I choose a spot for my SMAA config that is not per game, I cannot change this config to suit only the game itself?I see that I can pick a spot for my SMAA ini but it doesn't seem to load properly with settings when I choose this spot. Same thing with Reshade settings. How do I just pull those up without having to reset everything again? Why is this so hard lol? I feel like I should have just stuck with the old one at this point. I deleted 130 or so installations so I could switch to this one.
Also, I cannot pin this app to my task bar, another issue that is bothersome. Why is this an issue now? I'm just not sure I see any benefit from me moving over to this version, but I wanted to use the newest one.
- Martigen
Khronikos wrote: Hello, I need some guidance on how to use this newer version. I am coming from 2XXX versions, and to be honest I found them to be more intuitive in certain parts. I only use SMAA.
Do I have to download the stuff from git for every game? Why cannot I see an SMAA activated on screen text like before? This makes it hugely confusing for me to test things out. Also, am I supposed to make new reshade settings for every single game? Right now I have SMAA.ini and Reshade setting in each game.
The last version I used was easy as hell to figure all this out. Bam bam. I have no idea why this version is so complex for me. Like, how does the depth buffer auto config work? It just seems like it sits on reversed depth buffer for a couple games I tried. I thought this was self-sensed or something? It does not seem like it senses anything, but I haven't tried that many games.
I just want the same reshade settings and the same damn smaa settings to load up for the different games I choose. Like before I would click on my taskbar icon and then just add a game and it was configured with SMAA in like 5 seconds. Plus I could always see text on screen notifying me that SMAA was on.
Nothing more nothing less. I feel like I have to manually do everything for every single game with this version.
But please, I feel like I am doing things wrong. Somebody help me.
And then also if I choose a spot for my SMAA config that is not per game, I cannot change this config to suit only the game itself?I see that I can pick a spot for my SMAA ini but it doesn't seem to load properly with settings when I choose this spot. Same thing with Reshade settings. How do I just pull those up without having to reset everything again? Why is this so hard lol? I feel like I should have just stuck with the old one at this point. I deleted 130 or so installations so I could switch to this one.
The answer is quite literally above your post on this page.