- Daodan
Deyrax wrote: Is it me or you cannot drag the main window across the screen anymore?
By default the main window is docked to the left side of the screen. As a workaround you can do the following:
- Click and drag on one of the tabs to move that into its own window
- Click and drag all the other tabs onto the top of the window from point 1 so they get docked to it
- Now you can move it around. Beware not to dock the window anywhere or you have to do it all over again!
Don't forget to enable 'Save Window State (ReShadeGUI.ini)'.
- Martigen
Thanks for the update, you are amazing

Another suggestion:
So we right-click to set a key on a shader, no worries. I tend to have lots of different configs over different games, sometimes with 2-4 enabling keys (hey, look, I test a lot of shit

- klotim

15:59:22:706 [07548] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
15:59:22:707 [07548] | INFO | > Found 13 match(es). Installi15:59:2215:59:22:746 [07548] | INFO | Registering hooks for "ws2_32.dll" ...
15:59:22:746 [07548] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
15:59:22:746 [07548] | INFO | > Found 8 match(es). Installi15:59:2215:59:22:785 [07548] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\\Windows\\system32\\d3d9.dll" ...
15:59:22:785 [07548] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
15:59:22:785 [07548] | INFO | > Found 9 match(es). Installing ...
15:59:22:825 [07548] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\\Windows\\system32\\d3d10.dll" ...
15:59:22:826 [07548] | INFO | > Delayed.
15:59:22:826 [07548] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\\Windows\\system32\\d3d10_1.dll" ...
15:59:22:826 [07548] | INFO | > Delayed.
15:59:22:826 [07548] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\\Windows\\system32\\d3d11.dll" ...
15:59:22:826 [07548] | INFO | > Delayed.
15:59:22:826 [07548] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\\Windows\\system32\\dxgi.dll" ...
15:59:22:826 [07548] | INFO | > Delayed.
15:59:22:826 [07548] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\\Windows\\system32\\opengl32.dll" ...
15:59:22:826 [07548] | INFO | > Delayed until first call to an exported function.
15:59:22:826 [07548] | INFO | Initia15:59:22:881 [21440] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglChoosePixelFormat(0019F4B4, 0019F48C)' ...
15:59:22:881 [21440] 15:59:22:905 [07548] | INFO | Exited.
15:59:22:881 [21440] | INFO | +
15:59:22:881 [21440] | INFO | | Name | Value |
15:59:22:881 [21440] | INFO | +
15:59:22:881 [21440] | INFO | | Flags | 0xb3d980 |
15:59:22:881 [21440] | INFO | | ColorBits | 0 |
15:59:22:881 [21440] | INFO | | DepthBits | 0 |
15:59:22:881 [21440] | INFO | | StencilBits | 0 |
15:59:22:881 [21440] | INFO | +
15:59:22:881 [21440] | WARN | > Single buffered OpenGL contexts are not supported.
15:59:22:883 [21440] | INFO | Installing export hooks for "C:\\Windows\\system32\\opengl32.dll" ...
15:59:22:883 [21440] | INFO | > Found 360 match(es). Installing ...
15:59:22:883 [21440] | INFO | > Returned format: 0
15:59:27:021 [21440] | INFO | Exiting ...
15:59:27:021 [21440] | INFO | Uninstalling 392 hook(s) ...
15:59:27:084 [21440] | INFO | Exited.
- crosire
Topic Author
- klotim
- Ghoster
This is simple amazing, I can't play any game without Reshade anymore, it's more additive than coffee.
LOL, and now it looks, feels, and actually is performing better than ever!
I have not words to express my gratitude!!
Thank You!!!!
- AladinZ
- Spect3r
- Newbie
- Ecliptikzz
- crosire
Topic Author
That's because 3.4.1 is whitelisted. 4.0.1 just came out, it isn't yet.Newbie wrote: Doesn't work with Dead by Daylight. I get a pop up window that says that EAC (easy anti cheat) found a non verified file. I cant launch the game at all, EAC Stopps it. But with ReShade 3.4.1 it works without problems
Use 4.0.1.Ecliptikzz wrote: Corsair will there be a fix for Second life ?
- sluginug
- Martigen
- sajittarius

I was pissed at the new UI (dragging tabs) until i understood it. I just wanted to move everything from the left to a small window in the middle, keeping all the tabs together, like i did with the old version (which seems impossible now, lol)
It's actually pretty cool that they can be separated and/or minimized, just took a little extra work to get everything in the right place.
- crosire
Topic Author
- Newbie
crosire wrote:
That's because 3.4.1 is whitelisted. 4.0.1 just came out, it isn't yet.Newbie wrote: Doesn't work with Dead by Daylight. I get a pop up window that says that EAC (easy anti cheat) found a non verified file. I cant launch the game at all, EAC Stopps it. But with ReShade 3.4.1 it works without problems
Use 4.0.1.Ecliptikzz wrote: Corsair will there be a fix for Second life ?
Thank you for the quick reply. How long does it take for EAC to whitelist a new version usually? Can't wait to try it out, it looks so great

- Khronikos
- OtisInf
How about this:crosire wrote:
It's not. It's just a bit buggy right now:sajittarius wrote: (which seems impossible now, lol)
- Add an option, where the dockingspace is defined: screen or window. screen is the current default, window is the imgui default I think. If set to window, you get effectively the window movement behavior of v3 but no docking (duh) outside the window. For a lot of people this is fine, they don't edit shaders for instance.
- When dockingspace is set to screen, when you press CTRL + RIGHT ARROW the window and all its tabs dock to the right side of the screen. CTRL + UP to the top, CTRL + DOWN to the bottom and CTRL + LEFT to left side of the screen. This is often enough for most scenarios, where you want to look at something that's currently covered by the window. If there's a panel in the 'open space' (e.g. the editor) then that panel is kept in the open space, the window just moves from left to right/top/bottom.
Would that work?
- Martigen
It's fine. It only does this when the game first loads, then the main menu, then when you load a savegame -- but once you're in-game it's fine.Khronikos wrote: I am having an issue with Firewatch. It constantly brings up the Reshade menu in-game whenever loading something. I only use SMAA, but will probably just go with out I guess as it is quite bothersome.
It's also not likely something Reshade can control, it's the game resetting the graphics interface, something the devs would likely need to do better with.
- Martigen
So DisplayDepth now lets you toggle the preprocessor defines in real-time to get the right settings. But it doesn't save them, you then have to:
- Go to the settings Tab
- Select experimental variables UI
- Go back to Home Tab
- Edit pre-processor defines

Anyway, would it be possible to:
1) Have DisplayDepth.fx edit the preprocessor defines directly in the d3d11/d3d9/dxgi/opengl32 ini file -- so that you set them in DisplayDepth.fx and you're done, no fart-arsing around.
2) Failing that -- update the instructions in the DisplayDepth.fx main window hover help and in the pre-processor button help so people don't miss this. There's going to be a lot of hair-pulling when depth effects don't work as expected otherwise...
EDIT: There's also no information about heading to the D3D11/D3D9 tab to select different buffers, which is also essential for anyone coming to depth detection for the first time.