ReShade 3.0 Progress Discussion

  • WLHM15
7 years 11 months ago - 7 years 11 months ago #141 by WLHM15 Replied by WLHM15 on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress
Hi crosire..
Can you give me a reference to make UI on Reshade 3.0..?
I want to share my shaders here.. :)

Last edit: 7 years 11 months ago by WLHM15.

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  • crosire
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7 years 11 months ago #142 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress

WLHM15 wrote: Can you give me a reference to make UI on Reshade 3.0..?

Check out as an example.

The syntax is basically:
uniform [bool/int/uint/float] [variable name] < [annotations for UI] > = [default value];
The following annotations are available to customize the appearance in the UI (but they are not required):
  • ui_type - Can be "input", "drag", "combo" or "color", default is "input",
    "drag" requires ui_min and ui_max, "combo" requires ui_items
  • ui_min - The smallest value that is allowed in this variable
  • ui_max - The biggest value that is allowed in this variable
  • ui_items - A list of items for the combo box, each item is terminated with a "\0" character,
    example: "Item 1\0Item 2\0Item 3\0"
  • ui_label - Display name of the variable in the UI. If this is missing, the variable name is used instead.
  • ui_tooltip - Text that is displayed when the user hovers over the variable in the UI. Use this for a description.
The following user(s) said Thank You: OtisInf, WLHM15

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  • Irkie500
7 years 11 months ago #143 by Irkie500 Replied by Irkie500 on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress
Since I am at work and cant DL this at the moment. Does the Beta have the basic shaders in there for Tonemapping, Vibrance, Curves and Lumasharpen? those are the 4 I use the most often. Would love to give this a shot, looks fantastic!

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  • lowenz
7 years 11 months ago - 7 years 11 months ago #144 by lowenz Replied by lowenz on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress
Blocked mouse (in ReShade Menu! Not in-game) in Max Payne 1 and 2.
Last edit: 7 years 11 months ago by lowenz.

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  • lowenz
7 years 11 months ago - 7 years 11 months ago #145 by lowenz Replied by lowenz on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress
Question: ReShade saves the config presets in its folder as files with the hooked exe name.....what happens for different games with the same exe name? (example: "client.exe").
Last edit: 7 years 11 months ago by lowenz.

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  • BlueSkyKnight
7 years 11 months ago - 7 years 11 months ago #146 by BlueSkyKnight Replied by BlueSkyKnight on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress
In Prey a opengl game I'm able to open the UI and close it. But, I'm unable to click the UI to access it. This same problem also happens in Dying Light. But, fixes it self if you alt tab sometimes.

Is it possible for cases like this to allow keyboard control of the UI. Like for example once you press Shift + F2. Reshade 3.0 also captures The Tab Button. The Tab Button can switch the the main Headers. Wile the arrow keys are can be used to Navigate and
change settings. Left and Right Arrow Keys control of the "drag," sliders would be nice as well.

Basically, the same way windows allows you control windows if you can't use a mouse.

In games where the mouse is a problem. This idea may help.

Also is there a other place where we can list problems with have with games crashing with the new Reshade? Like Wolfenstein The New Order crashes on start up with Reshade 3.0 but not with Reshade 2.0.
Last edit: 7 years 11 months ago by BlueSkyKnight.

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  • crosire
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7 years 11 months ago #147 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress

lowenz wrote: Question: ReShade saves the config presets in its folder as files with the hooked exe name.....what happens for different games with the same exe name? (example: "client.exe").

Bad luck I guess.

BlueSkyKnight wrote: Is it possible for cases like this to allow keyboard control of the UI. Like for example once you press Shift + F2. Reshade 3.0 also captures The Tab Button. The Tab Button can switch the the main Headers. Wile the arrow keys are can be used to Navigate and
change settings. Left and Right Arrow Keys control of the "drag," sliders would be nice as well.

Doable. But it would not make sense to implement that myself right now, since the developer behind the GUI library is already working on something like this, with an ETA set to before the end of July.

BlueSkyKnight wrote: Also is there a other place where we can list problems with have with games crashing with the new Reshade? Like Wolfenstein The New Order crashes on start up with Reshade 3.0 but not with Reshade 2.0.

Just put them under troubleshooting as usual.
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  • nieda113
7 years 11 months ago #148 by nieda113 Replied by nieda113 on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress
Hi i wonder if it is possible to inject reshade 3.0 during gameplay. I am asking because i am using a cv1 and mostly , if i dont use a enb injector (some enb dont have one ) the reshade dll crashes .

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  • crosire
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7 years 11 months ago #149 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress

nieda113 wrote: Hi i wonder if it is possible to inject reshade 3.0 during gameplay. I am asking because i am using a cv1 and mostly , if i dont use a enb injector (some enb dont have one ) the reshade dll crashes.

No. But you can inject ReShade via ENBInjector. That's no news though, was possible since day 1.

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  • Keepo
7 years 10 months ago #150 by Keepo Replied by Keepo on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress
Is there already an early alpha to download? Just would like to test it.

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  • crosire
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7 years 10 months ago #151 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress

Keepo wrote: Is there already an early alpha to download? Just would like to test it.

Bottom of the previous page.

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  • niflexible
7 years 10 months ago - 7 years 10 months ago #152 by niflexible Replied by niflexible on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress

crosire wrote:

Keepo wrote: Is there already an early alpha to download? Just would like to test it.

Bottom of the previous page.

What about; download for the 5th or 6th version ? You mentioned somewhere you already have a #6 beta of this.
Where's the download for #5 or #6?

Lastly, I would like to ask you a question;
Will there be a preset text file we can share with people on the database
My friends refuse to download zip files, but were more willing to download/copy text file from the presets database.
Will there be easy way to share presets [without needing to make zip files to upload] ??

Reason I ask is because I think people are skeptical of downloading files.
A friend on steam even thought I was trying to make him download virus or something.
Last edit: 7 years 10 months ago by niflexible.

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  • crosire
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7 years 10 months ago #153 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress

niflexible wrote: What about; download for the 5th or 6th version ? You mentioned somewhere you already have a #6 beta of this.
Where's the download for #5 or #6?

I didn't, #4 is the most recent one.

niflexible wrote: Lastly, I would like to ask you a question;
Will there be a preset text file we can share with people on the database
My friends refuse to download zip files, but were more willing to download/copy text file from the presets database.
Will there be easy way to share presets [without needing to make zip files to upload] ??

ReShade 3.0 presets are stored in single text files that can be uploaded to for exactly this reason. This is already working.

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  • MonarchX
7 years 10 months ago #154 by MonarchX Replied by MonarchX on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress
Any chance Doom 4 OpenGL 4.5 black-screen bug will get fixed with ReShade 3.0?

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  • niflexible
7 years 10 months ago - 7 years 10 months ago #155 by niflexible Replied by niflexible on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress
Good work on the tool. I still can't use it no matter how I try,,,
Have you actually tried it on windows 10 ? Cause it might be
windows 10 doesn't work with this tool. I tried and tried to
get any effects show up in the new UI in game [shift+F2]/

I tried the bat that someone made for the structure and
l dropped guassian fx with smaa into the reshade/shaders
that bat made, and I moved the reshade folder into just cause 2
and used the setup from zip 3.0 4ths beta to drop the d3d9.dll
into just cause 2 game folder. All seemed well, I start it up, but
l see no settings for the gaussian or smaa anywhere and I sigh
as I have tried other combinations, IN reverse order in many
orders and im not a total noob to these things. I find it
frustrating and unintuitive for it's not even working.
Or I give up and am stupid?

How do I get effects to get found so I can try
them in 3.0 beta 4. I can't make it work for the life of me. Is it
windows 10 or wtf ? Is there anywhere a mini tut for
how to get the effects settings to show up?

Sec I'll post screenshots, give me a few

my files folder;


I like the idea and the concept behind it...
I dont know... I missing something
I have done wrong/not done?
Again, is there a Tut where files go/
how to set it up ?

I don't believe I'm doing it wrong tho...
And yes, the effects I tried were from the github,
and yes, I even tried putting into the jc2 folder the Reshade.fx
from 1.1 and 2.0 just to see if that was the problem/missing
still nothing, I tried so many things just can't get it >>
I'm so confused and defeated ! I never been this helpless
for a long time...

Thank you for your hardwork, your time, sharing with us the beta
and any help you can give me.
Last edit: 7 years 10 months ago by niflexible.

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  • crosire
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7 years 10 months ago #156 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress

niflexible wrote: any help you can give me.

See this post:
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  • JBeckman
7 years 10 months ago - 7 years 10 months ago #157 by JBeckman Replied by JBeckman on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress
Shift+F2, not Shift+2 unless that was a typo. :)

Can't offer any help with the .exe though as I just copy/paste the .dll file manually and rename it as needed.

Once in-game you should get a white text info message in I think it's the upper left corner and possibly some yellow warning text (These are mostly harmless and as of beta #4 seem to have almost disappeared entirely.) and then the in-game UI should work via said hotkey combination. :)

As for OS I'm on Windows 10 x64 with insider for RS1 and build 14393.5
(Even works on Fallout 4 which is fairly amazing as it's running through Steam, then F4SE for script extensions, then ENB for a overlay paint effect and also MSI Afterburner for framerate overlay and finally ReShade itself for SMAA. :P )
Last edit: 7 years 10 months ago by JBeckman.

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  • niflexible
7 years 10 months ago - 7 years 10 months ago #158 by niflexible Replied by niflexible on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress
If you clicked the screenshots I posted from in-game,
you would see I don't have problem making it work with the game nor the Ui,
I have a problem with no effects in it, just get a blank with no values.
I suggest you re-read my post :)
I even mentioned I can open the ui ingame, and do the tutorial for setting it up,
just without the effects or anything for that matter wants to work, a blank.

I'm just probably not putting the .fx file in the right places or bad paths
And yes, it was a typo, correcting it now.. xD
Last edit: 7 years 10 months ago by niflexible.

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  • crosire
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7 years 10 months ago #159 by crosire Replied by crosire on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress

niflexible wrote: If you clicked the screenshots I posted from in-game

I did, that's what I linked that post. It not only describes how to open the UI (you already managed to do that), but also how to get ReShade to recognize effect files (second section of the post) =).
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  • JBeckman
7 years 10 months ago - 7 years 10 months ago #160 by JBeckman Replied by JBeckman on topic ReShade 3.0 Progress
That was probably for my answer above, I scrolled over the post too fast so I failed to notice those were URL's midway through the initial post. :)
(In general I'm used to links being blue colored. )

EDIT: As to respond to the post again have you done the initial set-up with the paths to the shaders and textures folders?
(It won't find the shader files otherwise.)

EDIT: I browsed through the images and I can't find a ReShade.fxh file anywhere, that file is kinda crucial for shader functionality.

First image just shows the gaussian .fx shader file on it's own without the ReShade.fxh file, second image is your path layout for ReShade files and there's nothing wrong there, third image is the game folder and there's no .fxh there either, just d3d9.dll although as I remember it Just Cause 2 requires DX10 so dxgi.dll might be preferred but as long as it works.
(There's no ini file either, that one probably ended up in C:\Users\*USERNAME*\AppData\Roaming\ReShade\JustCause2.ini then.)

Then from within the game there's the ReShade 3.0 config menu with nothing available as there's nothing for it to use without the info from ReShade.fxh and set folder paths from the settings tab and the other images is just the tutorial pop-up from the newer ReShade beta versions.

Green button to download as a .zip, will give you all the current 3.0 compatible shader files including the ReShade .fxh core file. :)
(As the beta itself only contains ReShade32.dll and ReShade64.dll along with the mediator utility, I forgot about that part too with how it's now separate from the actual shader files.)

Speaking for myself I'm not very technical with shader files and configurations for them so setting up ReShade 3.0 initially wasn't very easy but once it was done it wasn't too difficult to repeat for other games, even easier with later beta versions allowing for a default .ini name for settings.

So what needs to be done to set ReShade up initially is to download the above file and extract it somewhere, .\ReShade\ of any games directory works or well anywhere really. :)

Then you need the .dll but that's already in place and going by the screens it's loading just fine. :)

I prefer to also create a ReShade.ini (default.ini should work too now as of beta #4.) along with the .dll file for config settings not to end up in "appdata" as ExeName.ini for easier access to them. :)

Example using my ReShade.ini settings:

TextureSearchPaths=C:\Program Files (x86)\ReShade\Textures
EffectSearchPaths=C:\Program Files (x86)\ReShade\Shaders
PresetFiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\ReShade\ReShade_Settings.ini


[User Interface]

The bolded lines are the main thing, this can all be set up from in-game with the UI though by setting the texture and shader search paths from the settings tab of the in-game ReShade UI.

EDIT: Crosire summarized it better in his URL linked to above, I was just confused because it took me to a post a bit above that and not his actual response further down. :)

EDIT: As for ReShade.fxh well it's just text but basically a settings file for ReShade functionality, named .fxh as to not be picked up by ReShade when it detects the .fx shader files as I've understood it.

(Which I guess is the same with SMAA having a parent .fxh file too for additional settings for the SMAA .fx file which is the one loaded into ReShade with said .fx file having a reference to the .fxh file so it gets loaded that way thus most of the ReShade 3.0 .fx files generally reference ReShade.fxh for various ReShade things like I believe depth buffer functionality for one thing.)

(Done via a what's it called, pragma I think, anyway the #include "ReShade.fxh" line in the .fx shader file but that's not entirely important as long as you just have the ReShade.fxh file for the shader to make use of for proper functionality.)

EDIT: Oh and yeah as of 3.0 I believe you can have multiple paths for shader and texture folders too.
(Different order for how the shader files are loaded as well instead of the pipeline.cfg file in ReShade 2.0 handling it.)
Last edit: 7 years 10 months ago by JBeckman.
The following user(s) said Thank You: niflexible

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