3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
mr_spongeworthy wrote:
BlueSkyKnight wrote: So I have Good News....... I Reworked the The Shader code to work "LIKE" stereo reprojection. Crytek displayed this tech back when Crysis 2 came out and Nvidia pushing this tech with there new NVIDIA® VRWorks the call it Single Pass Stereo. I figured out how to do it in my Shader.
Let me Quote Nvidia
Traditionally, VR applications have to draw geometry twice -- once for the left eye, and once for the right eye. Single Pass Stereo uses the new Simultaneous Multi-Projection architecture of NVIDIA Pascal-based GPUs to draw geometry only once, then simultaneously project both right-eye and left-eye views of the geometry. This allows developers to effectively double the geometric complexity of VR applications, increasing the richness and detail of their virtual world.
Anyways This is the Batman good news.
I will move my old shader in to Legacy. Posting the new one to GitHub soon.
Also on a side note I will be doing it on two passes..... For Reasons.
Also going to see how it can make the old one better.
Interesting to see. I didn't have any performance issues with the previous version, just so you know. Sorry I haven't had time to test many of the most recent updates. I've been waiting for a "semi-finalized" version to come along because I don't have a ton of time and my TriDef Power3D profile does work pretty well. But I do continue to check this thread almost daily and will be giving it a go again soon.
It terms of single-pass vs. 2-pass; are you seeing any quality degradation with the single-pass?
The new one has serious compatibility issues. With many games. But, Works really fast. I am going to take what I learn from this one and reduce the passes on my old one. But, I uploaded it so that If a programmer wants to work on it they can.
About TriDef, Ya quality degradation in the image is a thing. Try this, Load up a game like Skyrim and set it no normal stereo 3D. The image is really sharp. Then Switch to Power 3D the image sharpness Drops a lot. Almost to the point where it's just too much blur.
Same thing happens when you use my Shader. And it's not just because your halving the resolution. I am also trying to reduce the number of passes in my older shader because of performance issues and latency.
The proof of concept one I uploaded. Has very low latency. like around 1ms compared to Tridef or my shader.
I just wished it had more compatibility. Because, when it works like in the game Quake 2 XP It works really really well.
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- BlueSkyKnight
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Proxish wrote:
BlueSkyKnight wrote:
Proxish wrote: Hey, I had a quick question. Do you know of a way to change the resolution of the game you are playing to either 960x1080 or 1080x1200 and then duplicate it using Depth 3D, which should give a fullscreen experience without black bars at the top and bottom.
The only method I've been able to think of is to change the HMD's resolution to 1080x1920, but that flips the screens orientation, then if we squished the horizontal rather than the vertical using Depth3D and duplicated, it'd remove the black bars... In theory. I've not had a chance to test this.
I'm very tired at the moment so I've not been able to think it completely through, but curious to hear your thoughts on a method to eliminate the black bars. Any ideas?
[strike]EDIT: So I just tested my idea and I've had another idea. Using Borderlands 2 as an example, when you change the resolution to 1080x1920 it auto rotates the screen, even after changing the rotation of the screen in the desktop display settings.
SO, can you add a rotation feature to Depth3D. If you can add that, we can pretty much eliminate the black bars and play games in full screen... Assuming I'm right that is... And I'm not entirely sure I am, but if what I'm picturing in my head is correct, it should work.
I know next to nothing on coding or programming (can you recommend a place for me to start learning so I can help contribute to Depth3D?(preferably video tutorials, I'm dyslexic so reading is going to take a lot longer)) but I assume from what I understand, that if you enabled a sort of soft rotation tool that didn't register with the monitor, it'd work well. Then it's just a case of bringing down the vertical size down from 1920 to a 1080 vertical space, center it, and finally duplicate the image as well.
I'm really hope I'm picturing this right in my head... But I now have a horrible feeling I'm not lol.[/strike]
EDIT 2: I've just realised that this would just result in black bars on the right and left... I'm trying to figure out a method of getting rid of the black bars but it's not easy...
EDIT 3: 1080x1080 while using OSVR Control for SBS would work I think. But then it wouldn't work with this program.
I can't think of a method to force a 960x1080 resolution without it changing the actual resolution of the HMD or rotating the image to vertical... Both of which would cancel out the ability for SBS.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to force a resolution without it effecting the actual resolution of the screen/HMD, so you can still duplicate the image using Depth3D?
Why don't you just rotate the screen? I'm having a hard time understanding. what you are trying to say. Draw me a picture?
Sorry I wasn't very clear in what I was saying, I was very tired when I was trying to explain myself.
So right now, if you load a game with Depth3D, then the image is warped vertically.
Accounting for the warp means you have black bars at the top and bottom of the screen.
I'm trying to figure out a way we can get a fullscreen 960x1080 (1080x1200 for Vive) experience without black bars, warping and clipping.
I think the problem is that image is trying to keep it's aspect ratio. Try going to your GPU's control panel. Set the setting to alow the image to stretch to fit the screen. But, with out the hardware I can't do much to fix it my self.
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- Aelius Maximus
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
Off GitHub Link should be on the first postAelius Maximus wrote: Hi, where can i download the latest revision of this shader?

I was busy this week since some one stole my Licence plate and I had to get medical records. But, with that I Released a the Basic 3D As of 8/4/2016 10:17PM
This release fixed a few bugs and cleared up the picture a bit.
I am going to finish up the Depth Maps for the remaining 10 Games. Other then that it should be ready to use by the public.
The one people want to use is called "SuperDepth3D.fx." Ignore the other one unless you know how to program shaders. That one was left there if some one wanted to work on it they can.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
w4site wrote: How is it installed, I downloaded ReShade site, run Mediator.exe, and that there is need to reap?
crosire wrote: Beta #4: www.mediafire.com/?tcwexdp48rcdpx8
- Added combo box variable display type (for selection of different options)
- Fixed display of integer variable under Direct3D 9
- Default settings are now loaded from a "Defaults.ini" file if it exists
- Added option to pass on all input instead of blocking it
- Changed variable filter box to always stay visible on top of the variable list
- Added log message when compiling effect files
- Added parser error if a variable is both "uniform" and "const"
- Added warning on implicit vector truncation in function calls
- Fixed missing error when encountering mistake while parsing annotations
- Fixed missing error messages after internal shader compilation failed
- Fixed effects not sharing samplers states under Direct3D 10 and 11 (causing available sampler slots to run out very fast)
EDIT: By the way, github.com/crosire/reshade-shaders was updated with a bunch of new shaders for 3.0, including bloom and lens flares, AmbientLight, Advanced CRT, various sharpening methods (including LumaSharpen) and more.
This is the newest beta for Reshade 3.0 taken from the ReShade 3.0 Progress Discussion post.
You can download my Shader here.
Super DepthMap v1.7
You will also need ReShade.fxh to work get it from here.. github.com/crosire/reshade-shaders
When you done downloading all of this. The Easy Lazy way is just to copy SuperDepth3D.fx, ReShade.fxh to the game folder where the game's .EXE is and start the shade App search for the Game .EXE Click on the DirectX or Opengl API that game runs on. Then Run the Game.
I really need to put this on the First Page.....

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- crosire
You could copy the stuff you need from ReShade.fxh into your fx file and get rid of the dependency that way. Makes installation of your shader easier (if people don't want to use anything else).BlueSkyKnight wrote: You will also need ReShade.fxh to work get it from here.. github.com/crosire/reshade-shaders
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
crosire wrote:
You could copy the stuff you need from ReShade.fxh into your fx file and get rid of the dependency that way. Makes installation of your shader easier (if people don't want to use anything else).BlueSkyKnight wrote: You will also need ReShade.fxh to work get it from here.. github.com/crosire/reshade-shaders
Ok will Do.
This also give me a change to redo all the Depth Maps. I need to remake them anyways since I standardized the Depth Map code.
Thank you
With out your hard work this would have not been possible for me. I Never Programmed anything other then that SecondLife Script Code till now. To think I only started this like last mouth. I know I am a sloppy writer. But, I learn as I go.
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- w4site
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
w4site wrote: I copied the file SuperDepth3D.fx from the Shaders folder in the game folder, and download the file ReShade.fxh for your reference, also copied to the folder with the game, launched ReShade Setup.exe and chose exe game, run the game, but the screen is divided in half, what am I doing wrong?
You need a 3D monitor/ TV / HMD to see the 3D. I try doing a Wobble 3D for screens that don't have Have 3D output. But, made my head hurt....... Worked well if I closed one eye.
Like my TV I just set it to Side by Side Left Right to see 3D.
I guess If I ever lose vision in one eye I can program that back in.
Also the newest one is SuperDepth3D_ReShadeFXH_Dependent.fx For now Since I will be updating it as I can.
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- Proxish
If I were you, I'd do a little more testing on that, research if anyone else had a program like that and if not, patent the technique.
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- w4site
I run the game on the Samsung 3D TV, or via the Nvidia 3D Tridef it works (but terrible quality), hoping to play through your technique, but for some reason I have it is not working, I'm doing something wrong.BlueSkyKnight wrote:
w4site wrote: I copied the file SuperDepth3D.fx from the Shaders folder in the game folder, and download the file ReShade.fxh for your reference, also copied to the folder with the game, launched ReShade Setup.exe and chose exe game, run the game, but the screen is divided in half, what am I doing wrong?
You need a 3D monitor/ TV / HMD to see the 3D. I try doing a Wobble 3D for screens that don't have Have 3D output. But, made my head hurt....... Worked well if I closed one eye.
Like my TV I just set it to Side by Side Left Right to see 3D.
I guess If I ever lose vision in one eye I can program that back in.
Also the newest one is SuperDepth3D_ReShadeFXH_Dependent.fx For now Since I will be updating it as I can.
Here's a picture with an error, I don `t know how to fix it.
I copied in the game folder and file 2 ReShade.fxh SuperDepth3D.fx (that you got rid of the above), launched ReShade Setup.exe and choose a game, then I press the START, and the game starts without split screen with red error.

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- Kuniyo
How do you actually use this? (I know how to use shaders, that's not the issue).
I start SteamVR, VorpX and then Dark Souls 3.
But the game just shows 2x (SBS image) they don't "merge" into a 3D image.
How do you do that? (Please don't say toggle SBS with the OSVR control thing, because that doesn't do anything)
Putting the HDM in 3d mode didn't work either.
I also read you first have to set the resolution in the game, but I don't see how? I can only select 1080p or 1440p not the native 2160x1200. I can only select that when the game is in full-screen, but then the game won't do anything anymore.
Also, some guy has headtracking while using VorpX?
All I can get is that big ass screen with Dark Souls showing split images (with horrible quality, can barely read the menu).
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
I can't seem to get anything to work besides Elite Dangerous with SteamVR on.
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- mr_spongeworthy
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
w4site wrote:
I run the game on the Samsung 3D TV, or via the Nvidia 3D Tridef it works (but terrible quality), hoping to play through your technique, but for some reason I have it is not working, I'm doing something wrong.BlueSkyKnight wrote:
w4site wrote: I copied the file SuperDepth3D.fx from the Shaders folder in the game folder, and download the file ReShade.fxh for your reference, also copied to the folder with the game, launched ReShade Setup.exe and chose exe game, run the game, but the screen is divided in half, what am I doing wrong?
You need a 3D monitor/ TV / HMD to see the 3D. I try doing a Wobble 3D for screens that don't have Have 3D output. But, made my head hurt....... Worked well if I closed one eye.
Like my TV I just set it to Side by Side Left Right to see 3D.
I guess If I ever lose vision in one eye I can program that back in.
Also the newest one is SuperDepth3D_ReShadeFXH_Dependent.fx For now Since I will be updating it as I can.
Here's a picture with an error, I don `t know how to fix it.
I copied in the game folder and file 2 ReShade.fxh SuperDepth3D.fx (that you got rid of the above), launched ReShade Setup.exe and choose a game, then I press the START, and the game starts without split screen with red error.
Oh this game.....
{The Evil With In}
Game too big for screen DPI scaling.
To fix this go to where the program is installed and find the EXE
Right click the EvilWithin.exe
Go to Compatibility
Check Disable Display Scaling On High DPI Settings
This should fix it. For more look up this problem on google.
This is a problem with windows and the game.
I also use a samsung tv for 3d

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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
Kuniyo wrote: I know this might not be the right place, but at least the information will be in a place that will be checked quite often.
How do you actually use this? (I know how to use shaders, that's not the issue).
I start SteamVR, VorpX and then Dark Souls 3.
But the game just shows 2x (SBS image) they don't "merge" into a 3D image.
How do you do that? (Please don't say toggle SBS with the OSVR control thing, because that doesn't do anything)
Putting the HDM in 3d mode didn't work either.
I also read you first have to set the resolution in the game, but I don't see how? I can only select 1080p or 1440p not the native 2160x1200. I can only select that when the game is in full-screen, but then the game won't do anything anymore.
Also, some guy has headtracking while using VorpX?
All I can get is that big ass screen with Dark Souls showing split images (with horrible quality, can barely read the menu).
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
I can't seem to get anything to work besides Elite Dangerous with SteamVR on.
I don't know how Steam VR works with OSVR or if my Shader will work with Steam VR. I am not at that stage yet with my shader. The Biggest problems Right now I have are The Performance hit and Depth Maps for each game.
The one i'm working on is SuperDepth3D_WIP.fx This shared standardizes the Depth map code. So if I or some one ever gets Repojection working well Single Pass Reprojection Working All I or any one has too do is Just pass the Depth Map code over.
Single Pass Repojection Works Really Well and Is Fast. But the Halo Effect at least in CryTech Engine 3 code has some problems.
As for the Hardware I own a OSVR HeadSet. I only use it to look at a image when I clone my DeskTop too it. It works. But, no head tracking. I don't work on Head tracking my self. I did at one time work on this. I moved over to this because I think getting older games to work in 3D was More important.
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- w4site
I understand that after the launch of the game through ReShade program to your profile, the game should be run through both Tridef program, the screen will be split in half, and then have to turn on the TV 3d. Through your method I have is why the game is loaded as usual, there is no separation. Or I do not understand ...BlueSkyKnight wrote:
w4site wrote:
I run the game on the Samsung 3D TV, or via the Nvidia 3D Tridef it works (but terrible quality), hoping to play through your technique, but for some reason I have it is not working, I'm doing something wrong.BlueSkyKnight wrote:
w4site wrote: I copied the file SuperDepth3D.fx from the Shaders folder in the game folder, and download the file ReShade.fxh for your reference, also copied to the folder with the game, launched ReShade Setup.exe and chose exe game, run the game, but the screen is divided in half, what am I doing wrong?
You need a 3D monitor/ TV / HMD to see the 3D. I try doing a Wobble 3D for screens that don't have Have 3D output. But, made my head hurt....... Worked well if I closed one eye.
Like my TV I just set it to Side by Side Left Right to see 3D.
I guess If I ever lose vision in one eye I can program that back in.
Also the newest one is SuperDepth3D_ReShadeFXH_Dependent.fx For now Since I will be updating it as I can.
Here's a picture with an error, I don `t know how to fix it.
I copied in the game folder and file 2 ReShade.fxh SuperDepth3D.fx (that you got rid of the above), launched ReShade Setup.exe and choose a game, then I press the START, and the game starts without split screen with red error.
Oh this game.....
{The Evil With In}
Game too big for screen DPI scaling.
To fix this go to where the program is installed and find the EXE
Right click the EvilWithin.exe
Go to Compatibility
Check Disable Display Scaling On High DPI Settings
This should fix it. For more look up this problem on google.
This is a problem with windows and the game.
I also use a samsung tv for 3d.....
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
w4site wrote:
I understand that after the launch of the game through ReShade program to your profile, the game should be run through both Tridef program, the screen will be split in half, and then have to turn on the TV 3d. Through your method I have is why the game is loaded as usual, there is no separation. Or I do not understand ...BlueSkyKnight wrote:
w4site wrote:
I run the game on the Samsung 3D TV, or via the Nvidia 3D Tridef it works (but terrible quality), hoping to play through your technique, but for some reason I have it is not working, I'm doing something wrong.BlueSkyKnight wrote:
w4site wrote: I copied the file SuperDepth3D.fx from the Shaders folder in the game folder, and download the file ReShade.fxh for your reference, also copied to the folder with the game, launched ReShade Setup.exe and chose exe game, run the game, but the screen is divided in half, what am I doing wrong?
You need a 3D monitor/ TV / HMD to see the 3D. I try doing a Wobble 3D for screens that don't have Have 3D output. But, made my head hurt....... Worked well if I closed one eye.
Like my TV I just set it to Side by Side Left Right to see 3D.
I guess If I ever lose vision in one eye I can program that back in.
Also the newest one is SuperDepth3D_ReShadeFXH_Dependent.fx For now Since I will be updating it as I can.
Here's a picture with an error, I don `t know how to fix it.
I copied in the game folder and file 2 ReShade.fxh SuperDepth3D.fx (that you got rid of the above), launched ReShade Setup.exe and choose a game, then I press the START, and the game starts without split screen with red error.
Oh this game.....
{The Evil With In}
Game too big for screen DPI scaling.
To fix this go to where the program is installed and find the EXE
Right click the EvilWithin.exe
Go to Compatibility
Check Disable Display Scaling On High DPI Settings
This should fix it. For more look up this problem on google.
This is a problem with windows and the game.
I also use a samsung tv for 3d.....
Make sure you use SuperDepth3D_ReShadeFXH_Dependent.fx and when in game press shift f2.
Then select the profile. As of right now the newest only works with a few games.
Since I'm in the process of getting the shader to work faster. You should see a side by side image.
Working on this takes time. Since I am also learning how to code at the same time.
Also do not use my shader with Tridef.
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- Aelius Maximus
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
So I picked the hardest scenery to render and took a Before and after
Old Render Shader
New Shader
So Progress.........
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- w4site
p.s I hope you'll get up to Ryse Son of Rome, your profile gives excellent 3D.
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