3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
But, I get you. Fallout 4 been a pain in my side. And other game are just easy to get it too look good.
I made a new profile for Fallout 4. Here are the pictures. Different settings with Pop. The way this is done. Is that I allowed Pop to give you the Depth information from the back for the left eye. The right eye the information from New profile 14.
I also pushed up the perspective to around 4 for 15 Depth and 5 for 25 Depth. I do think I may need to change the Perspective to a floating point to get more fine control. Because, I think 4.5 Per and 20 depth may be a sweet spot.
Take a look at the images. Tell me what you think.
Around 25 you can really see warping. Pop 5
Around 15 you hardly see warping Pop 5
here it is with 20 depth and 4.5 pre Pop 5
or you can leave per 0
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- mr_spongeworthy
The next set, at 15, look much better to me. Less ground humping, and still plenty of overall depth.
I would play with the 3.0beta version, but I downloaded the installer, got to the point where it asks me to choose a game to install to, and then it just sits there forever (in other words, the 3.0beta won't install it's files to my Fallout 4 folder, but instead just sits in an infinite loop of "doing nothing" while claiming to install.)
I check this thread almost daily now, so as soon as I can one of the betas to install (or maybe once there is a final release). I will be happy to test these in-game as well.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
mr_spongeworthy wrote: Wow! What a difference between the new version you are working on and the old one. Those look very good to me. To me, the ones at 25 do indeed look like they have a lot of distortion (notice the ground "hump" just ahead of the player POV). AND, at least to my eyes, those have greatly exaggerated depth. (But, equipment and eyes vary...)
The next set, at 15, look much better to me. Less ground humping, and still plenty of overall depth.
I would play with the 3.0beta version, but I downloaded the installer, got to the point where it asks me to choose a game to install to, and then it just sits there forever (in other words, the 3.0beta won't install it's files to my Fallout 4 folder, but instead just sits in an infinite loop of "doing nothing" while claiming to install.)
I check this thread almost daily now, so as soon as I can one of the betas to install (or maybe once there is a final release). I will be happy to test these in-game as well.
Ya this game like I said has been a pain in my side to get working well. This game and MW:Advance warfare. Keep in mind I am still working on the Shader when I am able too. May be best to wait for the full release of 3.0 since Both his and my shader are still being worked on.
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- crosire
The installer does nothing more than copying the DLL and renaming it, you can do that manually too, it's for convenience only. Also, would be great to report such things so they can be fixed, although in this case it sounds like you may have missed the UAC warning popping up after selecting the game executable?mr_spongeworthy wrote: I would play with the 3.0beta version, but I downloaded the installer, got to the point where it asks me to choose a game to install to, and then it just sits there forever (in other words, the 3.0beta won't install it's files to my Fallout 4 folder, but instead just sits in an infinite loop of "doing nothing" while claiming to install.)
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- mr_spongeworthy
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- Proxish
How do you fix the aspect ratio? I'm using an OSVR 1.2, and just like your screenshots, in-game at 1920x1080, the games are stretched out.
Did I miss an instruction somewhere? Or am I just supposed to lower the resolution to account for the stretching?
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- mr_spongeworthy
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
Proxish wrote: Hey BlueSkyKnight, I have a quick question.
How do you fix the aspect ratio? I'm using an OSVR 1.2, and just like your screenshots, in-game at 1920x1080, the games are stretched out.
Did I miss an instruction somewhere? Or am I just supposed to lower the resolution to account for the stretching?
For Right Now I am working on improving depth in my Shader befor moving on to adding VR Distortion. So maybe in week or two or Three.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
mr_spongeworthy wrote: Out of curiosity, do we have any time-frame for the public release of the ReShade 3.0 framework? If we are talking months, maybe I'll try alpha/beta again. If we are talking a few weeks I'll just wait and install it when it's in a reasonably final form.
I Have been working on the Depth and Distortion in my Shader. So far It's been good. Once I made changes I have to Do over most of The Depth maps. So this takes Time. I am also going to add a way to adjust two depth maps so you can make your own in real time. So people can share on here a Depth Map Values.
I think the New Code is a little easier on GPUs So I had to adjust for frame rate. I removed Pop for now and moving that too the bottom of the priority list.
So give to this weekend to release the Shader.
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- crosire
Could take a while. There is a lot going on in my personal life right now. So you might as well try it out now. It's working reasonably good and there are a few shaders from 2.0 ported to 3.0 already on the GitHub repository.mr_spongeworthy wrote: Out of curiosity, do we have any time-frame for the public release of the ReShade 3.0 framework? If we are talking months, maybe I'll try alpha/beta again. If we are talking a few weeks I'll just wait and install it when it's in a reasonably final form.
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- nieda113
if not where ist the download?
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
nieda113 wrote: Hi, is that the latest release for reshade 3.0 :Super DepthMap v1.5.6 *WIP* www.mediafire.com/download/tft4o53k991r2...epthMap_3D_v1.5.6.7z
if not where ist the download?
It will be on Git Hub. github.com/BlueSkyDefender/Depth3D
Right now I am almost done. I need to finish the Depth maps for the new update. 14 more games too go out of the 30+ takes time. I also in this update I will add a way to customize your own Depth map in game. So if you don't like a depth map I made then you can make your own for a game.
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- Sh1nRa358
BlueSkyKnight wrote:
Sh1nRa358 wrote: does each setting have a hotkey counterpart to increase/decrease values? if not, it could definitely benefit by lots by having them. I know from my experience with 3dvision that it is very awesome to be able to control 3D while still being able to look at the picture on the fly and how awfully tedious it is when games had the 3D settings in their options menu instead and you'd have to keep going back and forth wasting alot of time and by the time you were done configuring, you didn't even feel like playing the game anymore.
Reshade 3.0 has the configuration menu in game. So in the next release You will be able to to change the setting in game. Also click on New at the top of the page and click on 3.0 progress so you can add that too your experience.
Keep in mind I am tied to what Reshade does. Also if you don't like something you can change the shader to how you like.
or wait.......
ok, thanks. was just asking because I haven't tried it yet but it was something I could see using when I get a headset. I'm just seeing this now lol.
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- mr_spongeworthy
Is there a quick set of instructions for the ReShade 3.0 framework anywhere? The on-screen tutorial makes it look easy, but I guess I must be doing something wrong...
By any chance have you guys tested the 3.0 OSD for compatibility with other post-processing software (TriDef, Vireio, Vorpx?). I ask because injectors like those can have problems with anything that tries drawing on-screen (even the Steam overlay breaks some games; Fraps often does too...). Just a thought...
I'll check it with TriDef just as soon as I can actually get it working!
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
Follow and contribute if you know how to code HLSL here.
You can download at this Link.
Keep in mind you will Need Reshade 3.0 for this Shader to work. Also the File "ReShade.fxh," Needs to be along side this Shader.
New Features added Custom Depth Map One and Two. Adjust your own depth map in game. If you don't like How I Set the Basic 20, you can make your own. Use Near and Far to adjust them.
Perspective Has been Boosted to 25. Make sure you set this for each game. Everyone Eyes are Different.
Depth Default Is now set to 25.
Warp Adjust was also added.
Pop was removed will be reworked later.
Next Update will be a built in VR barrel distortion. No estimated time on this one. I am going to enjoy some free time first.
I also Repacked it with Crosire's v3.0 Beta
Please follow Crosire at github.com/crosire
After this release have patience.

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- mr_spongeworthy
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- Proxish
As soon as that is out, if you don't mind, I'd like to make a tutorial on your program so people know how to use it, and so that the word for it can spread a little.
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- mr_spongeworthy
Quick observations:
- I can very much see why you originally had so little depth in FO4. Just like with TriDef, I have to ruthlessly limit the amount of 3D. About the most I can get either way is 15 before the distortion is unacceptable.
- Overall, distortion in your shaders is more obvious at the middle-range (looking at a companion in first person view when they are, say, 30 feet away from you), whereas TriDef distortion is more obvious with close-up objects (considerable halo-effect around guns, for example).
- Your method is MUCH kinder to the UI than TriDef, which makes certain parts (trading menus) very hard to read. UI looks perfect with yours.
That's as far as I've gotten so far. I'm extremely busy with work currently, but I hope to be able to post a few comparison shots looking at your shaders vs. tridef (not in a "one is better" way; just in a "let's compare where the good bits and bad bits of both are, in hopes of eventually coming up with a solution with all the strengths of both without the weaknesses of either.")
Thanks again for this hard work. It's truly appreciated.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
mr_spongeworthy wrote: Just spent about an hour playing with this and I have to say you've done a stellar job. Again, I'm only using it for FO4 at this point as everything else I play still works through TriDef for true 3D, so my input might be less useful that that of people using it for a wider range of games. I've put together a reasonably good P3D profile for FO4 that you can easily locate on the TriDef forums if you are interested in seeing how that works for you and compare what your shaders look like as opposed to TriDef Power 3D (look in Forums under Profiles - (I'm mr_spongeworthy on that board also)).
Quick observations:
- I can very much see why you originally had so little depth in FO4. Just like with TriDef, I have to ruthlessly limit the amount of 3D. About the most I can get either way is 15 before the distortion is unacceptable.
- Overall, distortion in your shaders is more obvious at the middle-range (looking at a companion in first person view when they are, say, 30 feet away from you), whereas TriDef distortion is more obvious with close-up objects (considerable halo-effect around guns, for example).
- Your method is MUCH kinder to the UI than TriDef, which makes certain parts (trading menus) very hard to read. UI looks perfect with yours.
That's as far as I've gotten so far. I'm extremely busy with work currently, but I hope to be able to post a few comparison shots looking at your shaders vs. tridef (not in a "one is better" way; just in a "let's compare where the good bits and bad bits of both are, in hopes of eventually coming up with a solution with all the strengths of both without the weaknesses of either.")
Thanks again for this hard work. It's truly appreciated.
Thank you for the Feed back. Ya It's good to Have feed back on the stuff you work on. To be honest. I would like some one with more knowledge to help me code this and make it better. Hardest problem is getting the distortion down to a min.
Are hard to get looking good. Some games it Just Works. In others..... Not so much.
*Big Update*....... I got Left and Right Eye Warping working....... Will Publish that update today sometime or tomorrow.. This is good because. With Left and Right eye warping working I can halve the warping in both eyes and up the Separation.
Less Warping = Cleaner picture less artifacts and a lot less GPU load even if doing both eyes
More Separation = More Depth.....
So wait till 1.7...............
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
Proxish wrote: Fantastic work. I cannot wait for the built in VR Barrel Distortion.
As soon as that is out, if you don't mind, I'd like to make a tutorial on your program so people know how to use it, and so that the word for it can spread a little.
Wait Till v1.7.1 I say this because v1.7.1 I am going to take a other look at all the depth maps again

Also You may want to do a tutorial on how to use Git Hub. Because, repacking things is a pain. If you the People here Start to use Git Hub I can publish a update. With out repacking things. Git Hub makes it easier on us programmers. To work on and with people.
This is also important because Git Hub lets me push updates to my Shader. So say some one find a problem with a game depth map or has improved my shader or even has made a better custom Depth Map. Well I can update me Shader there at one spot with out repacking it.
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