3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
- BlueSkyKnight
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crosire wrote: You may want to port this to ReShade 3.0 (and post it on github.com/crosire/reshade-shaders ). It's future proof then, since ReShade 1.1 and 2.0 are soon to be removed.
Thank you for the heads up. I will start porting this to 3.0 as soon as I can then. Also thank you for your hard work. With out reshade, this would have not been possible.
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- SiriusHours
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- crubino
BlueSkyKnight wrote: For now Ignore that message. if it's yellow the game will still run. As long it's not red then no worries. That error message it at the heart of the code that allows this shader to work in the first place.
So see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, mind set about that for now.
Ok, i understand it now..... thanks!

I've test V1.5.6 (once again, i'd to re-port it to Reshade 1.1 FW ~ more familiar to me

now it's so much better with "Deviation" option.
Thanks for your best effort!
Looking forward for the next version....
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- BlueSkyKnight
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- mr_spongeworthy
Overall I think this has a lot of promise for Fallout 4. Vastly less halo effect than TriDef Power 3D for me so far.
I would love a very short "real world" description of what the various settings do however. I'm trying to increase the 3D effect slightly, but not having much luck.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
mr_spongeworthy wrote: Thanks for this! Found you on the TriDef forums and decided to give it a try.
Overall I think this has a lot of promise for Fallout 4. Vastly less halo effect than TriDef Power 3D for me so far.
I would love a very short "real world" description of what the various settings do however. I'm trying to increase the 3D effect slightly, but not having much luck.
Increasing the 3D effect is doable By increasing the Deviation. Also if you really want increase the 3D effect you may want to mod the depth map your self. This or Try a different AltDepth map. The one listed for Fallout 4 is AltDepth 4. This depth map seems to be the best fit for Fallout 4. But, it can always be worked on. Keep in mind increasing Deviation will cause more warping and halo effect.
Too see the Depth map set the First option DepthMap 1.
Then open up the Shader called BSD.
Then scroll down too the bottom of that shader and look for AltDepth 4.
This is where you can change this depth map if you like.
This Process is not easy. You would also need the game to be open in a window so you can work on it.
depthM = 1 - ((pow(abs(depthM),0.30)+0.75)/5); This is the code for Fallout 4. But, in this way you can make your own custom DepthMap for the game.
I know every one eyes are different. This is why I left this option in for some one that really want to changes to the DepthMap they can.
Once you found the right look. Copy the changes and scroll up to depthR = 1 - ((pow(abs(depthR),0.30)+0.75)/5); and swap it out. Make sure to change the depthM too depthR.
This processes is not easy at all. But, it's worth it if you want the right look.
I have stopped work on Reshade 2.0 and stated to work on Reshade 3.0. I will re-look at the depth map again in the new Reshade too see if I can make it better.
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- nieda113
just asking...
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
nieda113 wrote: Hi blue sky knight, playing games withour depht map is fine. I noticed ur updating to reshade3.0. I also read the post earlier in this thread regarding increasing the depth for deper 3d effect. Is it possible to add a batch routine that will change the depth of a game to customize it?
just asking...
For Reshade 3.0 I am reworking the Shader So you have a lot more control on the Depth and Perspective. I am also trying to lower the amount of depth maps so It be easy to switch them in real time. Like I said before The shader is done It's just setting up the depth maps that will take time.
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- BlueSkyKnight
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Evil Within
Hard Reset
Dragon Ball Xeno
Naruto Full Blast 3
Dying Light
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- Sh1nRa358
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
Sh1nRa358 wrote: does each setting have a hotkey counterpart to increase/decrease values? if not, it could definitely benefit by lots by having them. I know from my experience with 3dvision that it is very awesome to be able to control 3D while still being able to look at the picture on the fly and how awfully tedious it is when games had the 3D settings in their options menu instead and you'd have to keep going back and forth wasting alot of time and by the time you were done configuring, you didn't even feel like playing the game anymore.
Reshade 3.0 has the configuration menu in game. So in the next release You will be able to to change the setting in game. Also click on New at the top of the page and click on 3.0 progress so you can add that too your experience.
Keep in mind I am tied to what Reshade does. Also if you don't like something you can change the shader to how you like.
or wait.......
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- BlueSkyKnight
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
Ok This time It took me a lot longer to make. I reworked the Shader So it works with the new Reshade 3.0 in Game UI. I also Went Back to every game on the list before and even added some new ones.
SuperDepth3D GitHub
Here is the game list. Now with 30+ Games.
- Naruto Shippuden UNS3 Full Blurst
- Amnesia: The Dark Descent
- The Evil With In
- Sleeping Dogs: DE
- RAGE64
- Quake 4
- BoarderLands 2
- Deadly Premonition: The Directors's Cut
- Batman Arkham Origins
- Batman Arkham Knight
- Skyrim V
- Fallout 4
- Alien Isolation
- Shadow warrior(2013) in Xp mode
- Lords of The Fallen
- Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen Dragon
- Ball Xenoverse
- Hard Reset
- Return To Castle Wolfenstine
- Souls Games
- Dying Light
- Assassin Creed Unity
- Call of Duty: Ghost
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
- Metro Last Light Redux
- Metro 2033 Redux
- Batman: Arkham City
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
- Call of Duty: Advance Warfare
- Magicka 2
- Casltevania: Lord of Shadows - UE
- Condemned: Criminal Origins
- Zombi
- Witcher 3
- Among The Sleep
- DreamFall Chapters
- Firewatch
All Reworked Depth Map settings if it was needed. With 13 different Depth Map settings. This should cover Most games as long as the depth buffer works.
The new Menu *MAY* look like this.
6 Different Pop settings
Pop Now Works. For games that are open World/RPGs Try Pop Two, Pop Three, and Pop Four. For FPS Try Pop One, Pop Two and Pop Four. For RTS games Try Pop One <----> Pop Five. You can Just try any of them out really.
Ex. In Batman: Arkham City Depth Map 8 + Pop 6 looks best to me.
Dark Souls 3 With the New Pop Setting
Batman: Arkham Knight Also with the new Pop setting.
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- nieda113
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- mr_spongeworthy
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- crosire
It's a bit hard to find: reshade.me/forum/general-discussion-2/19...sion?start=120#15405mr_spongeworthy wrote: Is the ReShade 3.0 alpha/beta (or whatever stage it is at) available for public consumption? I look around for a few minutes but couldn't find it. Would like to give the new version a try even though it isn't in a completed state yet.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
nieda113 wrote: hi, ist worth alreday to install reshade 3.0 ? Or better wait for the official realase? And if not ,what version preliminary?
It's up too you. Right now you can try it. Make sure you read up on how too use it first. Crosire has listed it down in his post here.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
When talking about perspective I am also mixing in Convergence as well.
Basically there are some guides for this like this one.
To my understanding The focal point like in a 3rd person game should be Just behind of your main guy. Your main guy is your focal point. Since it like focusing on what he/she seeing. In a FPS it would be a few yards ahead. A RTS or a game it should be just at your Units head. Say a fighting game you should have right on the fighter. Even then every one eyes are different. I have one bad eye, my left eye. It's out of focus. So when I did the warping I prioritized the right eye first.
This is how I understand it. I don't know if I am right or wrong. This is one last link.
Also don't too far the other way and have Infinity divergence...............
This is bad....
This could be solved by a automatic focal point. But, I don't know How to program that or if it's even possible with just the depth map information. If any one knows about this please tell me

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- mr_spongeworthy
It's great to have an alternative to TriDef, which is one of the only true stereoscopic technologies available (nVidia has their own ecosystem of course, but for most of history it's been hardware-locked ecosystem which didn't even support HDMI 1.4 3D frame-packing modes, meaning if you purchased, for example, an industry standard 3D DLP for your home theater that worked with 3D Blu-Ray players, the Sony PS3, etc. and wanted to do 3D gaming nVidia cards weren't a great solution). But I digress again...
I think you are familiar with TriDef since I originally came across you on that forum. I would avoid things like bothering with an auto-depth-feature since it might well be impossible, and additionally isn't really all that useful unless you want to continuously need to refocus your eyes as scenes change (overall it's not a great feature).
The only issue I'm having so far with your Shader is an overall lack of depth. It's there, it's just extremely limited (I'm only using it in FO4 at this point). I think you are on the right track with more user-controls in the Reshade 3.0 version you are working on. I tend to like a lot of depth. I moved back to using the TriDef Power-3D mode (for now), because even at only 10% screen-depth I'm getting significantly more depth out of TriDef than I am with your shader, and at 10% even TriDef Power-3D produces almost no warping / weirdness.
So the bottom line is that I think what you are working on here is great, it just needs a little polish and you are set.
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- nieda113
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