3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
- Kuniyo
It seems that the alt depth maps are not correct anymore, according to the ReadMeDepth3d.txt.
I was trying to adjust some stuff and was seeing the differences between the depth maps, but the Dark Souls one doesn't seem right.
Here is an image, map 2, vs 21 (21 is supposed to be the one for the Souls games):
Or is it supposed to be like that?
I also had a question regarding the changes I make, they do not seem to save?
Everytime I alt-tab I have to active the shader again, and all the settings are reset, is that also normal?
I am using the latest version of ReShade 3 I could find.
and lastly, I'm also getting some errors, but they don't seem to break the effect or anything:
Sorry for all the trouble

The barrel distortion adds the ability squish horizontal, is it also possible to add vertical? I can't get my screen "just right" without it

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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
w4site wrote: It is possible to change the depth of the image in your profile?
p.s I hope you'll get up to Ryse Son of Rome, your profile gives excellent 3D.
I was going to work on the depth maps. I will add rise if it works when I get too it I am going alphabetical order.
You can always make your own depth map and see it in real time using the custom depth map option 1-5.
Set Near from 0-1
Set Far From 0.005-1000000000
Depends on the game and the setting.
So if I have not got too your game you can make your own.
Also People Can shade there settings for the Depth Maps for each game.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
Kuniyo wrote: Hello BlueSkyKnight,
It seems that the alt depth maps are not correct anymore, according to the ReadMeDepth3d.txt.
I was trying to adjust some stuff and was seeing the differences between the depth maps, but the Dark Souls one doesn't seem right.
Here is an image, map 2, vs 21 (21 is supposed to be the one for the Souls games):
Or is it supposed to be like that?
I also had a question regarding the changes I make, they do not seem to save?
Everytime I alt-tab I have to active the shader again, and all the settings are reset, is that also normal?
I am using the latest version of ReShade 3 I could find.
and lastly, I'm also getting some errors, but they don't seem to break the effect or anything:
Sorry for all the troubleand thank you for the great work you are doing!
The barrel distortion adds the ability squish horizontal, is it also possible to add vertical? I can't get my screen "just right" without itOr will that make the whole image look weird? (I have no experience with this kind of stuff and just going by trial and error)
Ya with the New new one. I am Doing the Depth Maps over. Since New code for the warping the screen is a bit different.
So far the only games I have done are .
Alien Isolation DM 0
Amnesia: The Dark Descent DM 1
Among The Sleep DM 2
Assassin Creed Unity DM 3
Batman Arkham Knight DM 4
Batman Arkham Origins DM 4
Batman: Arkham City DM 4
BorderLands 2 DM 4
Call of Duty: Advance Warfare DM 5
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 DM 5
Call of Duty: Ghost DM 5
as you can see I'm going alphabetical order.
You can always make your own depth map by adjusting the Custom 1- 5. Near should fall around 0-1 and the Far should fall around 0.0005-1000000000 >.< that far range..... lol
Ya I can add horizontal. But, today I am going to work on the Depth maps.
Oh and the reason Why I stopped work on the old one was I was dissatisfied. With all the artifacts in the old method of my shader. The artifacts also show up in Nvida's CM and Tridef's Power3D. No way around this problem when creating pixels that where not there before. So what I did is remove the sharp edges from the Depth Map and blurred it just enough to remove artifacts. But, not too much where it removes too much detail and preserving depth data.
About the errors I see them in some games and not others. I test mostly in Quake 2 XP I think it's DX9. I don't see them errors. If they don't do anything bad then. We will ignore them for now.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
Alien Isolation DM 0
Amnesia: The Dark Descent DM 1
Among The Sleep DM 2
Assassin Creed Unity DM 3
Batman Arkham Knight DM 4
Batman Arkham Origins DM 4
Batman: Arkham City DM 4
BorderLands 2 DM 4
Call of Duty: Advance Warfare DM 5
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 DM 5
Call of Duty: Ghost DM 5
Casltevania: Lord of Shadows - UE DM 6
Condemned: Criminal Origins DM 7
Deadly Premonition:The Directors's Cut DM 8
Dragon Ball Xenoverse DM 9
Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen DM 8
DreamFall Chapters DM 10
Dying Light DM 11
Moving along now. Also was able to make a nice new Depth Map code for Dying light. depthM = cF / (1 + cF - (depthM/cN) * (1 - cF)); This is the New Code. with the settings 100 for Far and 0.005 for Near gave this game this look.
But, as you can see I'm Moving along. Once I get the Basic Depth maps done. We then can compare our settings to the custom ones we make later on. The reason I say this is because our taste in Depth Perception may differ. I also don't have 20/20 vision and I'm Too broke for glasses right now. lol
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- Aelius Maximus
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
Aelius Maximus wrote: The latest revision of the shader (The new render) is great, tried it out on Fallout 4 using depth map 0 and the difference from the old render is night and day,, it seemed to work pretty well straight off the bat, the only values i changed were depth strength (50) and perception (-100) far less distortion and much more near depth than before, not sure if overriding the depth value is recommended but i pushed (typed in the value) the depth slider up to 50, and it gave a real sense of distance in Fallout 4 that was very perceivable though the near depth developed slight ghosting i think it is called? (the transparent outlines that appear around close objects that are in front of distant objects, but to be expected when using a depth of 50. Is there any possible way i could backport/convert this new version of the shader so it is compatible with Reshade 1.1 - 2.0? Just as a temporary measure so i can try it with my old configuration?
I wanted to back port it for 2 Games Wolfenstine The New Order and Wolfenstine The Old Blood. But, That's a lot of work. Maybe later. Ya you can over ride setting. But, when you override setting errors start to show up in the image.
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- crosire
You can use the framework of 1.1/2.0 with ReShade 3.0 without problems, so there is no need.Aelius Maximus wrote: Is there any possible way i could backport/convert this new version of the shader so it is compatible with Reshade 1.1 - 2.0? Just as a temporary measure so i can try it with my old configuration?
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- mr_spongeworthy
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- Aelius Maximus
crosire wrote:
You can use the framework of 1.1/2.0 with ReShade 3.0 without problems, so there is no need.Aelius Maximus wrote: Is there any possible way i could backport/convert this new version of the shader so it is compatible with Reshade 1.1 - 2.0? Just as a temporary measure so i can try it with my old configuration?
The whole framework or just indivudual shaders? Without pestering you too much, how do i go about doing this, i've used the "effect path" to point it towards my old framework folder but upon reload i dont get anything?
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- Aelius Maximus
BlueSkyKnight wrote:
Aelius Maximus wrote: The latest revision of the shader (The new render) is great, tried it out on Fallout 4 using depth map 0 and the difference from the old render is night and day,, it seemed to work pretty well straight off the bat, the only values i changed were depth strength (50) and perception (-100) far less distortion and much more near depth than before, not sure if overriding the depth value is recommended but i pushed (typed in the value) the depth slider up to 50, and it gave a real sense of distance in Fallout 4 that was very perceivable though the near depth developed slight ghosting i think it is called? (the transparent outlines that appear around close objects that are in front of distant objects, but to be expected when using a depth of 50. Is there any possible way i could backport/convert this new version of the shader so it is compatible with Reshade 1.1 - 2.0? Just as a temporary measure so i can try it with my old configuration?
I wanted to back port it for 2 Games Wolfenstine The New Order and Wolfenstine The Old Blood. But, That's a lot of work. Maybe later. Ya you can over ride setting. But, when you override setting errors start to show up in the image.
Would be very awesome if you could, i would love to have it integrated properly into my old configuration. I think overriding the depth setting in Fallout 4 to 50 was worth the errors as the sense of scale that it gave was fantastic.
Also, are you accepting donations for this shader at all?
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
Aelius Maximus wrote:
BlueSkyKnight wrote:
Aelius Maximus wrote: The latest revision of the shader (The new render) is great, tried it out on Fallout 4 using depth map 0 and the difference from the old render is night and day,, it seemed to work pretty well straight off the bat, the only values i changed were depth strength (50) and perception (-100) far less distortion and much more near depth than before, not sure if overriding the depth value is recommended but i pushed (typed in the value) the depth slider up to 50, and it gave a real sense of distance in Fallout 4 that was very perceivable though the near depth developed slight ghosting i think it is called? (the transparent outlines that appear around close objects that are in front of distant objects, but to be expected when using a depth of 50. Is there any possible way i could backport/convert this new version of the shader so it is compatible with Reshade 1.1 - 2.0? Just as a temporary measure so i can try it with my old configuration?
I wanted to back port it for 2 Games Wolfenstine The New Order and Wolfenstine The Old Blood. But, That's a lot of work. Maybe later. Ya you can over ride setting. But, when you override setting errors start to show up in the image.
Would be very awesome if you could, i would love to have it integrated properly into my old configuration. I think overriding the depth setting in Fallout 4 to 50 was worth the errors as the sense of scale that it gave was fantastic.
Also, are you accepting donations for this shader at all?
Ya donations would be nice since need glasses and a prescription. Since my other ones broke and are out of focus now since my vision changed. I would have had them this month. But, some had stolen my licence plate from my car and tags and even both holders..... lol....
It would be nice to have 20/20 vision since I work on a Stereo Vision shader.

So I set up a paypal.me link. In my Signature on this forum.
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- Aelius Maximus
Also, i tried the shader out in several other games including Unreal Tournament 2004, a very old d3d8 game, worked straight out the box much like Fallout 4 with Depth Map 0, picking games randomly and hoping for a reasonably good perception of depth seem to result in a 50/50 success rate thus far, and with hardly any tweaking to the values
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
So Reprojection Shader is fast and I am getting ready to release it soon. So here a picture of skyrim with repojection at 4k.
45-60FPS since it was not listed.
The old shader ran this game at around 32fps so this is a big jump.
I am just working on removing artifacts. This issue is harder with reprojection so I'm working on a Faster Blur Shader. So I Lifted some code from intel website. From this page.
and converted to over reshade implantation of HLSL.
float Blur(float2 texcoord)
float3 colOut = float3( 0, 0, 0 );
const float weight[2] = {
const float offset[2] = {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
float2 texOffset = offset[i] * float2(0.002,0);
float3 col = SbSdepth(texcoord.xy + texOffset ) +
SbSdepth(texcoord.xy - texOffset );
colOut += weight[i] * col;
return colOut.r;
It the fastest blur code I have used but it's not as good as the old code. Artifacts are left on the weapon. It's still being worked on. I think the Depth in reprojection is a lot better then my own Shader. So I will, transition over to this as soon as I can get this damn blur shader to work like the old one. If I or any one else get this blur filter work well then we will be in biz.......
Also More Depth Maps added.
Fallout 4 DM 0
Firewatch DM 0
Hard Reset DM 4
Lords of The Fallen DM 4
Getting there...... Just that it takes time. Good thing I standardized the Depth map code so it works with the repojection shader.
So....... a little bit more progress........
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- mr_spongeworthy
Now for an off-topic (slightly) questions: I wanted to look at my ReShade 2.x configuration files to make a couple quick edits without going through the ReShade Assistant, and realized that I have no idea where the config files are saved! I guess I haven't manually edited a config file since the SweetFX days or something.
Anyway, if someone could just give me the path to where ReShade 2.0 saves config files that would be great. (Or, are then no-longer plain text files?)
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- HelpMeSomebody
I tried putting it together with the links you've included here plus the latest version of Reshade and I could never get it to work ... An older, complete version of your shader which I downloaded from your link at MeantToBeSeen worked fine however.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
mr_spongeworthy wrote: Looking good! And I usually do donate small amounts to projects like this, ShadowBoost, etc. So I promise I'll get to that at some point.
Now for an off-topic (slightly) questions: I wanted to look at my ReShade 2.x configuration files to make a couple quick edits without going through the ReShade Assistant, and realized that I have no idea where the config files are saved! I guess I haven't manually edited a config file since the SweetFX days or something.
Anyway, if someone could just give me the path to where ReShade 2.0 saves config files that would be great. (Or, are then no-longer plain text files?)
If you want to do edits on the shaders use a program like Notepad++ or like what I use Notepad-Mod.
As to the location. Reshade 2.x I think you can edit setting in the Profiles Folder. Since when you make a new profile for a game one pops up there. But, my memory is fuzzy. I wish I can be more help. May want to ask this question in a other thread.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
HelpMeSomebody wrote: I hate to be that guy, but ... is there anyway you could upload a single folder with all the necessary files included?
I tried putting it together with the links you've included here plus the latest version of Reshade and I could never get it to work ... An older, complete version of your shader which I downloaded from your link at MeantToBeSeen worked fine however.
All you need now is SuperDepth3D_WIP_New_Render.fx OR SuperDepth3D_WIP_Reprojection.fx
Download this from github.com/BlueSkyDefender/Depth3D Click on the Green Button on the side and download the Zip
Unzip it and go the folder called Shader in there you will see three shaders a folder and Temp Game list for the new shader.
Ignore Pulfrich_Effect.fx
Select the Shader you want
SuperDepth3D_WIP_New_Render.fx Is a lot Slower but has a sharper image. - Good if you have a god like system and not useing VR
SuperDepth3D_WIP_Reprojection.fx Is a lot Faster but has a softer image and weapon depth problems. + Good for Slow systems or VR
Ok after you picked the one you want. Drag this in to the folder of the game you want to run it in where the EXE is.
Ok now, you need to download the reshade 3.0 from this link. Beta #4: www.mediafire.com/?tcwexdp48rcdpx8
Extract this and you should get a folder with 3 things. 1 executable and 2 .dlls
Click on Reshade_Setup.exe click on select game.
Find the folder where the Game exe is and select it.
Now select the API DX8/DX9/DX10+/OpenGL
After that click on Run or close it and go to Steam or the Launch Icon on your desktop. Then start your game there.
Now in game Press Shift+F2.
Follow the tutorial or not.
Then select my shader.
Select the depth map.
Then play the game.
The rest requires a whole other tutorial by its self.
I will upload a basic Video on how to do this tomorrow. After I finish a few more Depth Maps.
I can host up a other upload on media fire once I Finnish the Depth Maps. I will Rush this Tomorrow. 2am right now so I am going to sleep. I want to at lease make to the R's tomorrow.
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- Proxish
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
Proxish wrote: Just wanted to let you know I'm still planning on creating a tutorial on how to install and use your program. Just waiting for 1.7.1 like you asked.
I will let you do the video. Ya I been working on this a lot and making enhancements.
Depth Maps added
Magicka 2 DM 13 RB
Metro 2033 Redux DM 6 RB
Metro Last Light Redux DM 6 RB
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor DM 14 RB
Naruto Shippuden UNS3 Full Blurst DM 15 RB
Got minDepth Working now. So Warping is less of a problem with the Reprojection shader.
SuperDepth3D_WIP_Reprojection.fx is going to be the main shader now. moving the old one in to legacy.
So overriding the Depth slider on some games is ok like GTA V. This is depth 50
Getting a bit closer to miniaturization effect.
This is good. But, I think we reached the limits of this with out causing too many artifacts in the image.
Now about the Min Depth This allows for better depth up close. So we have more detail on smaller objects as well.
Also better warping on objects mid way on the screen like that Light post. in this image.
So almost done with the Basic Depth Maps around 11 or so to go. Once I finish the depth map list Go ahead and Make the Video. Also it will be releasing as v1.8
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- HelpMeSomebody
Thanks again!
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