3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
- x8009

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- BlueSkyKnight
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Aelius Maximus wrote: Good to see the shader coming along even more so.
I've got some easy questions for you.
Depth map is only available if the game has an accessible depth buffer right?
Yes if a game has Depth Map Access then you will get a good 3D effect.
Aelius Maximus wrote: if it has a depth map, then we have a guarantee that we will be able to achieve a solid 3d effect?
Yes, the 3D effect is heavily affected by the depth map. If some one can make a better depth map code. Then we would have a stronger 3D effect. I would love some one that specializes in this to help with part.
Aelius Maximus wrote: Also, whats the performance difference between the old reprojection shader and the new ones?
The reprojection shader vs the old v1.5 is Huge like more then 50% faster. But, from v1.8 to v1.8.1 like 1 fps maybe 2 some times 3 fps. Not much.
Aelius Maximus wrote: Something else that i think you mentioned a month or so ago, is that you may be working on a pseudo 3d shader for 2d images? Possibly something that could be used in movies(similar to what Tridef media player does, in converting 2d movies into a fake 3d effect), cinematics in games etc, 2d pictures etc..also something that could be used in games without a depth buffer
I can release this but it may not look right since it will be Light based. I will release a 2D to 3D based on a gradient map and the Pseudo depth texture. There will be a lot Depth of errors. You may be better off using the Pulfrich_Effect.fx only works with moving objects. I guess I will combine the two tomorrow.
Aelius Maximus wrote: Also, i ported the old reprojection shader into 1.1 if anyone is interested
Thanks again for your work
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- BlueSkyKnight
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x8009 wrote: Should I keep using SuperDepth3D_Reprojection_Two.fx for normal 3D and not HMD ? or should I use SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx ? because it seems if I remember the Reporjection.fx looked better in Rivals and with the Two it's hard to have the same effect, or I imagining that ? what are the actual differences between the two in performance or quality or settings. because would a game example Rivals will look better with Reprojection.fx without changing much settings or it will look Reprojection_Two better with changing the settings there ? there are so many settings I don't even know where to begin... and you update it which is a good thing, but it's complicated things cause I don't know what to choose from or how to set it .. So hard
SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx should be the one most people use. Is Basically the same as 1.8 Just that you can adjust the Blur now. 7.5 blur may be set a little too high. Try to lower it a bit. Also this one should work with much adjustment of any thing.
Like I said before I use SuperDepth3D_Reprojection_Two.fx This is what I use because it allows for better Convergence control. But, if you don't know how adjust convergence then It will be useless too people. They also differ on how the VCams Warp the screen. If you load them Side By Side you can a just the Depth and see how the image warps. In theory you should be able to get better depth out of this one but Takes longer and may not even be worth it.
A other strange thing about SuperDepth3D_Reprojection_Two.fx It lacks a limit. you can even go -Depth....... I think this just swaps the eyes..... I think.....
In other words just use SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx it's easier to use and well that the reason it's not a alternative.
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- x8009
How about when using certain shader and then changing to other shader. it will remember the same settings from the other shader if deleting the file and using the new shader ? or I'll need to configuration every shader for it's own settings ? so if for example I set everything for assassin Creed Syndicate using the SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx and then I delete just the Fx file and use the SuperDepth3D_Reprojection_Two.fx . What will happen when I run the game ?
What does it mean the 35 Fps I'm getting for example in Need For Speed Rivals and BladeStorm Nightmare . In the Re-shade Statistics . Even though I have 1080GTX and using Dxtory saying it's running 60 Fps.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
x8009 wrote: nice I understand more now.
How about when using certain shader and then changing to other shader. it will remember the same settings from the other shader if deleting the file and using the new shader ? or I'll need to configuration every shader for it's own settings ? so if for example I set everything for assassin Creed Syndicate using the SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx and then I delete just the Fx file and use the SuperDepth3D_Reprojection_Two.fx . What will happen when I run the game ?
SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx Is the one I use to make Depth Maps. Since this is the one people would use the most.
As for transferring setting from one shader to a other. I don't know. But, Since the convergence is different I don't think this would be a good thing.
SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx Is the shader that I will upgrade only with advancements. So setting from one SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx or SuperDepth3D.fx should Just Transfer over.
SuperDepth3D_Reprojection_Two.fx Is not one you should be working on. As a alternative I also change the code a lot in this one. I also use it for testing. What works in one game may not work with a other. So if your going to make profiles and save them for games then use. SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx since I will try to keep this stranded as possible.
The Alternative folder Will some times have Odd Named Shaders that I will release for a short time since I have a friend that need download them to test them on his 3D screen. I did at one point have a 2D to 3D converter Shader for a few days since I forgot to remove it.

Like the Pulfrich_Effect.fx that just lingers there for no real reason.

So please try to use SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx or if you see it SuperDepth3D.fx since they will be the same one. I think I should put a readMe in that folder some time explaining the nature of it.
I will do that when I upload the 2D to 3D shader. Tomorrow.
On a side note: If you see a shader called the same thing as the one outside the folder. It means I am getting ready to update the main shader some how. It just means it's getting tested before release.
x8009 wrote: What does it mean the 35 Fps I'm getting for example in Need For Speed Rivals and BladeStorm Nightmare . In the Re-shade Statistics . Even though I have 1080GTX and using Dxtory saying it's running 60 Fps.
I don't know what's going on there. I notice this sometimes happens in Quake 2 XP where it will show a fps of 30 but in game fps is says 42-60. I have a weak processor so my fps suffers a lot of fluctuations.

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- x8009
BlueSkyKnight wrote:
x8009 wrote: nice I understand more now.
How about when using certain shader and then changing to other shader. it will remember the same settings from the other shader if deleting the file and using the new shader ? or I'll need to configuration every shader for it's own settings ? so if for example I set everything for assassin Creed Syndicate using the SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx and then I delete just the Fx file and use the SuperDepth3D_Reprojection_Two.fx . What will happen when I run the game ?
What does it mean the 35 Fps I'm getting for example in Need For Speed Rivals and BladeStorm Nightmare . In the Re-shade Statistics . Even though I have 1080GTX and using Dxtory saying it's running 60 Fps.
SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx Is the one I use to make Depth Maps. Since this is the one people would use the most.
As for transferring setting from one shader to a other. I don't know. But, Since the convergence is different I don't think this would be a good thing.
SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx Is the shader that I will upgrade only with advancements. So setting from one SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx or SuperDepth3D.fx should Just Transfer over.
SuperDepth3D_Reprojection_Two.fx Is not one you should be working on. As a alternative I also change the code a lot in this one. I also use it for testing. What works in one game may not work with a other. So if your going to make profiles and save them for games then use. SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx since I will try to keep this stranded as possible.
The Alternative folder Will some times have Odd Named Shaders that I will release for a short time since I have a friend that need download them to test them on his 3D screen. I did at one point have a 2D to 3D converter Shader for a few days since I forgot to remove it.So I guess I am trying to say. Things in this folder are really only for testing purposes.
Like the Pulfrich_Effect.fx that just lingers there for no real reason.It's not really useful since it only really works with moving objects. The Pulfrich effect, is a psycho-physical effect where in lateral motion of an object in the field of view is interpreted by the visual cortex as having a depth.
So please try to use SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx or if you see it SuperDepth3D.fx since they will be the same one. I think I should put a readMe in that folder some time explaining the nature of it.
I will do that when I upload the 2D to 3D shader. Tomorrow.
On a side note: If you see a shader called the same thing as the one outside the folder. It means I am getting ready to update the main shader some how. It just means it's getting tested before release.
Sounds good.
I will go through the thread and take all the information and put it on one file so we can follow it up and not forget. I already starting to forget the important things. and there are so much to scroll to find one thing at a time. so we need to organize it a bit .
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- nieda113
Hi i did not want to rush you,, my post was directed towards me,, i need to update my system to your latetst release. U should keep on your own pace of updating and dont rush because i know i takes a lot of effords to dedicate so much time into a project like you do. I just wanted to know if its a good idea to switch o reshade 3.0 now? And i asked whre are all the needed files are found and what release to download.. sorry again for not being precise first.. THX peace out!BlueSkyKnight wrote:
nieda113 wrote: @BlueSkyKnight , i have been away for quite some time and see this thread growing too fast for me to follow. Pls can u tell me what s the latest release is and where to download ur shader and reshade 3.0 latest version. I still have the reshade 2.0 and ur 3d depth map installed .The version is still first release but it works fine for me , but now its time to update,,, thx
Give me some time I am readying 1.8.1 today. Since I am happy with the new options. I will also Back Port 1.8.1 today to 2.0 just give a me a bit of time today.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
nieda113 wrote:
Hi i did not want to rush you,, my post was directed towards me,, i need to update my system to your latetst release. U should keep on your own pace of updating and dont rush because i know i takes a lot of effords to dedicate so much time into a project like you do. I just wanted to know if its a good idea to switch o reshade 3.0 now? And i asked whre are all the needed files are found and what release to download.. sorry again for not being precise first.. THX peace out!BlueSkyKnight wrote:
nieda113 wrote: @BlueSkyKnight , i have been away for quite some time and see this thread growing too fast for me to follow. Pls can u tell me what s the latest release is and where to download ur shader and reshade 3.0 latest version. I still have the reshade 2.0 and ur 3d depth map installed .The version is still first release but it works fine for me , but now its time to update,,, thx
Give me some time I am readying 1.8.1 today. Since I am happy with the new options. I will also Back Port 1.8.1 today to 2.0 just give a me a bit of time today.
You are not rushing me. I had to do this.

This is for release 1.8.1
If you want too use reshade 3.0
All you need now is SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx
Download this from github.com/BlueSkyDefender/Depth3D Click on the Green Button on the side and download the Zip
Unzip it and go the folder called Shader in there you will see three shaders a folder and ignore the Alternative shader folder.
Select the Shader SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx
Ok, Drag this in to the folder of the game you want to run it in where the EXE is.
Ok now, you need to download the reshade 3.0 from this link. Beta #4: www.mediafire.com/?tcwexdp48rcdpx8
Extract this and you should get a folder with 3 things. 1 executable and 2 .dlls
Click on Reshade_Setup.exe click on select game.
Find the folder where the Game exe is and select it.
Now select the API DX8/DX9/DX10+/OpenGL
After that click on Run or close it and go to Steam or the Launch Icon on your desktop. Then start your game there.
Now in game Press Shift+F2.
Follow the tutorial or not.
Then select my shader.
Select the depth map.
Then play the game.
That or if you still want too use reshade 2.0.
Reshade 2.0 repacked release.

Also on a side note Does any one have a Checkerboard 3D screen I am wondering if I programmed that well or not.

Don't be scared to ask for help.
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- x8009
When the game crashes , couple of times or at all , does it limit your gpu clock to lower than the maximum after ? because I noticed after I have crashes trying to run the game because it can't run full screen or needs to change d3d11.dll it limit my clock to 749 mhz. and then using CRU 1.2.6 to restart the driver without restarting windows fix the issue. even trying to overclock or change the clock doesn't fix the issue, it stuck on 749 mhz till I restart computer or driver. so it must be because of the driver crash trying to use Reshade . wanted to know if it happened to you while testing and having crashes.
EDIT : I have terrible micro-Stuttering in windowed mode in this game. the fps 59-60 but randomly sometimes drops to 50-55 and the stuttering even happens when it stays 59-60 . what settings do you use not to have stuttering ? Windowed-Borderless > Vsync Off ? and what else ? What is your Pre-Render settings , does it has affect when using Windowed and Borderless ?
EDIT : For some reason Full Screen works now lol I think I had the same error I had with GTA V with the font thing. so I think it has to do with the refresh rate again. so I put 2560x1440 resolution and ran the game with 2560x1440 with 60 hz and it works full screen. But I still want to know why windowed mode so crap in windows 10.
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- angelmv86
I wanted to know what the possibilities are of having a dedicated profile for Star Wars Battlefront. I am going to try out the profile you have uploaded today, I don't know if it will work yet, but I will keep ya'll posted just in case. But If you can make a Star Wars Battlefront compatible profile if this one doesn't work, I would be extremely stoked! I have been waiting for tridef, and vorpx to get it together and put one out! Like I said I'll try this profile out and see what happens, but I just wanted to ask just in case and say thank you for real! If you have a donate page, I will gladly donate!
Thanks again!
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- x8009
angelmv86 wrote: First of, I'd like to say thank you for what you are doing. I play games in 3D on my TV, and Oculus rift.
I wanted to know what the possibilities are of having a dedicated profile for Star Wars Battlefront. I am going to try out the profile you have uploaded today, I don't know if it will work yet, but I will keep ya'll posted just in case. But If you can make a Star Wars Battlefront compatible profile if this one doesn't work, I would be extremely stoked! I have been waiting for tridef, and vorpx to get it together and put one out! Like I said I'll try this profile out and see what happens, but I just wanted to ask just in case and say thank you for real! If you have a donate page, I will gladly donate!
Thanks again!
His donate page is : My PayPal Me Link If you like to donate paypal.me/BlueSkyDefender . it says on his signature

I think I know what was the issue with DSR, when using DSR you need to set in the Windows Display ( Right Click - Display ) - Change the size of text, apps and other items : 100% usually when u enable 2560x1440 or other resolution and not native it will be 150% and maybe 125% . changing it to 100% fixed the crash since I changed it. I hope so. for some reason I need to use 59 Hz for movies because it is switching from 60 Hz to 59 Hz in Potplayer for no reason that I can find. but games it seems to be detecting it. There are hell of testing to do...
Depth Switch or what's it called, what does it give ? I notice using it it made the GUI more 3D effect, where I have my health and fonts on the button right and left, without it there are no 3D effect . when do we need to use it ? on game specific or when ever we want ?
One thing I noticed , when using the Depth view that causing the screen to be black, we can't use it in 3D mode when I use the TV 3D mode too, it makes the picture 2D and I can't see the picture as it is, making black and white just not correct unable to choose the right depth.
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- zig11727
Never mind I find it in the menus
My display is Samsung UN55HU9000
Interlace works
checkerboard is not working 3D does not enable.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
angelmv86 wrote: First of, I'd like to say thank you for what you are doing. I play games in 3D on my TV, and Oculus rift.
I wanted to know what the possibilities are of having a dedicated profile for Star Wars Battlefront. I am going to try out the profile you have uploaded today, I don't know if it will work yet, but I will keep ya'll posted just in case. But If you can make a Star Wars Battlefront compatible profile if this one doesn't work, I would be extremely stoked! I have been waiting for tridef, and vorpx to get it together and put one out! Like I said I'll try this profile out and see what happens, but I just wanted to ask just in case and say thank you for real! If you have a donate page, I will gladly donate!
Thanks again!
The closes game I have is Battlefield 4 too I think it's the same engine as Star Wars Battlefront. I can make a profile for that In the Hopes it work for Star Wars Battlefront. I will do this when I have time to day.
New games using the Frostbite 3 engine are Rory McIlroy PGA Tour (2015), Need for Speed (2015), Star Wars Battlefront (2015), Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 (2016), Mirror's Edge Catalyst (2016), Battlefield 1 (2016), FIFA 17 (2016) and Mass Effect: Andromeda (2017).
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
zig11727 wrote: @BlueSkyKnight I have a 3D display that supports checkerboard how do I select it in menu ?
Never mind I find it in the menus
My display is Samsung UN55HU9000
Interlace works
checkerboard is not working 3D does not enable.
I will have to look in to this then Thank you for telling me. This one Hard because I don't have a checkerboard 3d TV to test it.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
x8009 wrote: Bladestorm Nightmare works in 3D, but can't use Custom depth, using the the custom depth shows the whole screen black if using the thing that shows black and white. it only works on 0 or 1 depth.
If it works on 1 and 0 custom depth map should work you need to find the Near and Far. if you want to adjust it. Custom Four start with 1 Far and 13 Near.
x8009 wrote: When the game crashes , couple of times or at all , does it limit your gpu clock to lower than the maximum after ? because I noticed after I have crashes trying to run the game because it can't run full screen or needs to change d3d11.dll it limit my clock to 749 mhz. and then using CRU 1.2.6 to restart the driver without restarting windows fix the issue. even trying to overclock or change the clock doesn't fix the issue, it stuck on 749 mhz till I restart computer or driver. so it must be because of the driver crash trying to use Reshade . wanted to know if it happened to you while testing and having crashes.
EDIT : I have terrible micro-Stuttering in windowed mode in this game. the fps 59-60 but randomly sometimes drops to 50-55 and the stuttering even happens when it stays 59-60 . what settings do you use not to have stuttering ? Windowed-Borderless > Vsync Off ? and what else ? What is your Pre-Render settings , does it has affect when using Windowed and Borderless ?
EDIT : For some reason Full Screen works now lol I think I had the same error I had with GTA V with the font thing. so I think it has to do with the refresh rate again. so I put 2560x1440 resolution and ran the game with 2560x1440 with 60 hz and it works full screen. But I still want to know why windowed mode so crap in windows 10.
I don't know what going on with windows, Nivdia drivers and reshade with your system. I did hear that the anniversary was causing issues on people systems.
As for DepthFlip it Flips the Depth map upside down for games that render it's depth map upside down.
I try to use Native resolution I don't know about DSR problems with windows.
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- mr_spongeworthy
I'll play around with this again over the next few days and let you know how it work for me.
EDIT: I have not tried this for a while, but the progress is just fantastic! I've been doing stereoscopic gaming for many years and worked on trying to correct several profiles for use with TriDef because I'm so damn picky (Skyrim was an especially tough one), and I have to say I'm very impressed. Yes, it is essentially something akin to "power 3D mode"; which means a few artifacts such as occasional object halo effects, but overall what you've done looks downright amazing. I'm still testing only Fallout 4, and using the Top and Bottom mode it looks as close to a "true 3D mode" (i.e. actually fully rendering the game twice from two different camera points and then combining them like TriDef does in true 3D mode) as I've ever seen. Kudos.
I see you've mentioned several different "modes" you now have available. Can I access those through the 2.0 framework? Or will I have to move to the 3.0 framework to try that. I'm interested in trying the slowest (but I assume best looking?) mode.
For reference here are my system specs:
Windows 10
Core i7 6700k @ 4.6gthz (liquid cooled)
16GB Ram
AMD r9 390 (liquid cooled) @10.5% GPU overclock, 8GB 1575ghz vram
Storage; plenty + fast (solid state + hybrid drives; Windows & FO4 are on SSDs)
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
mr_spongeworthy wrote: Hey! Thanks for the ReShade 2.0 repacked release you put together. That makes things a TON easier for playing around with on my end. I'm happy to see that. I just use so many filters already that it is hard for me to juggle back and forth between the 2.0 framework that supports all the other stuff I use, and the the 3.0 framework that is still a work in progress.
I'll play around with this again over the next few days and let you know how it work for me.
EDIT: I have not tried this for a while, but the progress is just fantastic! I've been doing stereoscopic gaming for many years and worked on trying to correct several profiles for use with TriDef because I'm so damn picky (Skyrim was an especially tough one), and I have to say I'm very impressed. Yes, it is essentially something akin to "power 3D mode"; which means a few artifacts such as occasional object halo effects, but overall what you've done looks downright amazing. I'm still testing only Fallout 4, and using the Top and Bottom mode it looks as close to a "true 3D mode" (i.e. actually fully rendering the game twice from two different camera points and then combining them like TriDef does in true 3D mode) as I've ever seen. Kudos.
I see you've mentioned several different "modes" you now have available. Can I access those through the 2.0 framework? Or will I have to move to the 3.0 framework to try that. I'm interested in trying the slowest (but I assume best looking?) mode.
For reference here are my system specs:
Windows 10
Core i7 6700k @ 4.6gthz (liquid cooled)
16GB Ram
AMD r9 390 (liquid cooled) @10.5% GPU overclock, 8GB 1575ghz vram
Storage; plenty + fast (solid state + hybrid drives; Windows & FO4 are on SSDs)
The modes like Top and Bottom and Line interlaces are under sstbil. If you mouse over them. you can see what the names mean.
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- mr_spongeworthy
I found one incompatibility; if I use the pip-boy app on my iPad the 3D effect turns off whenever I move around. So stand still; 3D, start to run and inside of 1 second the 3D effect gets completely removed (you can take your glasses off and watch the two images merge into a single image). Stop moving and the 3D is back. Not a bid deal since the pip-boy app isn't really all that important (to me, anyway). Just quitting the app on the iPad is enough to get your 3D shader to work again properly; no need to restart the game or anything.
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- crosire
That would occur if ReShade fails to find the right depth buffer of the game during those moments. Not the fault of this shader, nor something that is fixable without breaking other stuff.mr_spongeworthy wrote: I found one incompatibility; if I use the pip-boy app on my iPad the 3D effect turns off whenever I move around. So stand still; 3D, start to run and inside of 1 second the 3D effect gets completely removed (you can take your glasses off and watch the two images merge into a single image). Stop moving and the 3D is back. Not a bid deal since the pip-boy app isn't really all that important (to me, anyway). Just quitting the app on the iPad is enough to get your 3D shader to work again properly; no need to restart the game or anything.
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- x8009
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