3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
- zig11727
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- BlueSkyKnight
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x8009 wrote: Depth map view is messed up when changing to Top&Button , you can't see anything because the picture get side ways . can anyone check it ?
You don't want to be in 3D mode on your monitor when in Depth Map View mode.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
zig11727 wrote: Is it possible to take a 3D screenshot ?
I take screen shots all the time with my shader.
Make sure you set up your screen shot button in reshade 3.0
Also I take screen shots with steam some times if the steam overlay works.
Even when playing BF4 I was able to take screen shot.
like this one.
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- BlueSkyKnight
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BlueSkyKnight wrote:
angelmv86 wrote: First of, I'd like to say thank you for what you are doing. I play games in 3D on my TV, and Oculus rift.
I wanted to know what the possibilities are of having a dedicated profile for Star Wars Battlefront. I am going to try out the profile you have uploaded today, I don't know if it will work yet, but I will keep ya'll posted just in case. But If you can make a Star Wars Battlefront compatible profile if this one doesn't work, I would be extremely stoked! I have been waiting for tridef, and vorpx to get it together and put one out! Like I said I'll try this profile out and see what happens, but I just wanted to ask just in case and say thank you for real! If you have a donate page, I will gladly donate!
Thanks again!
The closes game I have is Battlefield 4 too I think it's the same engine as Star Wars Battlefront. I can make a profile for that In the Hopes it work for Star Wars Battlefront. I will do this when I have time to day.
New games using the Frostbite 3 engine are Rory McIlroy PGA Tour (2015), Need for Speed (2015), Star Wars Battlefront (2015), Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 (2016), Mirror's Edge Catalyst (2016), Battlefield 1 (2016), FIFA 17 (2016) and Mass Effect: Andromeda (2017).
So Depth Map 4 seems to work really well in BF 4 on the Frostbite 3 engine. So maybe it would work with the games listed before.
Now about online play. As I understand it games that have a active network connection like BF4 multiplayer. Reshade disables Depth map when it detect network activity.
Unless there some sort of special hardcoded version of reshade for multiplayer games like BF4 Multiplayer or other online games like MMOs.
But, in some games like Warhammer Vermintide the Depth map works.......................................................................................

It even works in multi.......
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- helifax
Sorry for my noobie mistake:) But I am unsure what I need to run this shader.
I read that it requires version 3.0 of Reshade yet on the main page last version I see is 2.3.0. I also used my Google friend but wasn't able to find anything related to Reshade 3.0 except a post where it talks about the new awesome features:)
Can somebody point me in the right direction?
Thank you in advance,
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
helifax wrote: Hi guys,
Sorry for my noobie mistake:) But I am unsure what I need to run this shader.
I read that it requires version 3.0 of Reshade yet on the main page last version I see is 2.3.0. I also used my Google friend but wasn't able to find anything related to Reshade 3.0 except a post where it talks about the new awesome features:)
Can somebody point me in the right direction?
Thank you in advance,
I'm sorry for the confusion.
I released two versions and I didn't make it clear as too why. The reason I released two version is because, right now reshade 3.0 is still in beta. So I also wanted to make the back port also available to people.
This is for release 1.8.1 of my shader.
If you want too use reshade 3.0
All you need now is SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx
Download this from github.com/BlueSkyDefender/Depth3D Click on the Green Button on the side and download the Zip
Unzip it and go the folder called Shader in there you will shaders a folder and ignore the Alternative shader folder.
Select the Shader SuperDepth3D_Reprojection.fx
Ok, Drag this in to the folder of the game you want to run it in where the EXE is.
Ok now, you need to download the reshade 3.0 from this link. Beta #4: www.mediafire.com/?tcwexdp48rcdpx8
Extract this and you should get a folder with 3 things. 1 executable and 2 .dlls
Click on Reshade_Setup.exe click on select game.
Find the folder where the Game exe is and select it.
Now select the API DX8/DX9/DX10+/OpenGL
After that click on Run or close it and go to Steam or the Launch Icon on your desktop. Then start your game there.
Now in game Press Shift+F2.
Follow the tutorial or not.
Then select my shader.
Select the depth map.
Then play the game.
That or if you still want too use reshade 2.0. I also have a repacked version of my shader. It lacks Depth Map view since it's not useful in this version of the shader since alt-tabbing can cause the game to crash and changing setting in real-time is a pain.
Reshade 2.0 repacked release.
I hope this helps you.
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- Aelius Maximus
If we had a a better depth map code, would this result in a more complex 3d effect, and in turn be more taxing on the performance of the shader?Yes, the 3D effect is heavily affected by the depth map. If some one can make a better depth map code. Then we would have a stronger 3D effect. I would love some one that specializes in this to help with part.
Okay, i will stick to 1.8 shader for nowThe reprojection shader vs the old v1.5 is Huge like more then 50% faster. But, from v1.8 to v1.8.1 like 1 fps maybe 2 some times 3 fps. Not much.
I wasn't able to observe any 3D effect using the Pulfrich_Effect.fx and that was using my regular testbed (Fallout 4) Hopefully the light based shader will hold up better, even if the 3d effect is weak, i'd be more than willing to play around with it on games without a depth buffer, will be interesting to see what it looks like regardless, I'm guessing it will be a similar solution to what Tridef does with its media playerI can release this but it may not look right since it will be Light based. I will release a 2D to 3D based on a gradient map and the Pseudo depth texture. There will be a lot Depth of errors. You may be better off using the Pulfrich_Effect.fx only works with moving objects. I guess I will combine the two tomorrow.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
Mainly killing off them yellow bed bugs...... :

DreamFall Chapters was the game I used to debug Also Skyrim.
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- helifax
Managed to finally make it work;) For some reason when I opened the Reshader UI (Shift + F2) the mouse was "locked" to the centre of the screen

But it worked perfectly fine with Reshade 2.0 and the repack you just provided!
I am very very interested in your shader and the reshade project since I want to use it (giving all the credits to you and the Reshade creator of course) in my OpenGL to 3D Vision Wrapper;)
Since the shader already provides the needed output all I need to do now is to basically "tell" the hardware to use this output and start all the required things, which requires more Nvidia driver magic and things.
Big thank you again!
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
helifax wrote: BIG BIG thank you:)
Managed to finally make it work;) For some reason when I opened the Reshader UI (Shift + F2) the mouse was "locked" to the centre of the screen
But it worked perfectly fine with Reshade 2.0 and the repack you just provided!
I am very very interested in your shader and the reshade project since I want to use it (giving all the credits to you and the Reshade creator of course) in my OpenGL to 3D Vision Wrapper;)
Since the shader already provides the needed output all I need to do now is to basically "tell" the hardware to use this output and start all the required things, which requires more Nvidia driver magic and things.
Big thank you again!
Go ahead use any thing you like.
I am still working the checkerboard 3D part of the shader. I have no way to test it so I'm not sure that out put works well.

Ya I used your Wrapper before for the Game Prey it worked.
I also used it on Wolfenstine the new order, But I never had the hardware powerful enough to run the game the way I wanted.
I always loved the look of Geometry 3D. But, it tanks performance. The good thing with nividia, is that they are going to release Simultaneous Multi-Projection. This should be the best of both worlds. The performance of Reprojection and the quality of Geometry 3D. If you get to have access to that, things should get interesting.
You will get cool stuff to play with soon.
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- zig11727
If you need someone test your checkerboard my 3D TV support it.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
zig11727 wrote: @BlueSkyKnight
If you need someone test your checkerboard my 3D TV support it.
I will release later on today a few Alternative shaders in the Alternative Shader folder. If you can test them for me that would be nice. Just give me some time I need to read documentation from DLP tvs. I don't understand the Pixel order they require.
Thank you.
Just give me some time to program them.
Because, I am also working on Weapon depth problem in my shader for some games that have the weapon so close too the screen it starts too have that Halo effect.
The Goal is to reduce that halo effect.
I will try to list them with 3DC tag. Just give me some time.
Thank you again.
SuperDepth3D_Reprojection_3DC.fx is now in the Alternative Shader folder test it when you have time. Also instead of making multiple I made one with a adjustable setting.
There is also a readMe called checkerboard3D_readMe.txt with a little information on the change and info on the Temp Setting "Checkerboard 3D Pixel Size".
When you have time tell me if it works and what Checkerboard size setting was used.
*Side Note* if you set it to 50 you have a large tiles across the screen. This can probably Be used by other shader programmers for a square mosaic tiles affect.
If It works I will merge it to 1.8.2
*update2* I guess I will also add vertical interlace. For that one person that uses parallax barrier. For glasses free 3D.
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- Aelius Maximus

But anyway, i tried the 2Dto3D converter, and it's better than expected i think. I am surprised you didn't mention that it had been uploaded. I think it's more in line for videos and 2D images rather than 3d gaming (3d menus flat images, cinematics looked pretty good), still, i like it, is it the final revision? Either way i think it is good enough to be so. because i am already trying to backport it to 1.1

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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
Aelius Maximus wrote: I think you might have missed my questions earlier
But anyway, i tried the 2Dto3D converter, and it's better than expected i think. I am surprised you didn't mention that it had been uploaded. I think it's more in line for videos and 2D images rather than 3d gaming, but still, i like it, is it final revision? Either way i think it is good enough to be so. because i am already considering trying to backport it to 1.1
That 2D to 3D converter is still a WIP. I Need to figure out how to get depth from a 2D image. It's Possible. But, it's really really hard. I would really love to look at the code that LG'S 2D-TO-3D CONVERSION works on.. Since I think it's the best in my opinion.
I need a better Idea on how to do this conversion process. I just don't know how.
The Idea I have right now is to project the image to a spear. Then back again to a plane And that distortion difference would be just enough to to give a a illusion of 3D. Yet again it may not work.
A other idea is too use the pin hole cam model. There is already a equation for maping 3D to 2D coordinates. I want to do it the other way around. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinhole_camera_mod...f_the_pinhole_camera
This not easy to do for me because I need to learn basic of trig. So Im looking ta basics trigonometry youtube videos. To help me out.
Also looks like some people already did this research .
But, it's behind a pay wall.............................................

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- nieda113
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- crosire
Install ReShade to each game via the setup tool. Then for each game add "C:\reshade" to the effect and texture search paths in the in-game settings menu of ReShade 3.0. Now you can put all shader files in C:\reshade.nieda113 wrote: If i want to use reshade 3.0 on different games. How do i setup reshade then? I want to create a folder C:\reshade. My games are located on several drives. E:, F:
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- helifax
BlueSkyKnight wrote:
helifax wrote: BIG BIG thank you:)
Managed to finally make it work;) For some reason when I opened the Reshader UI (Shift + F2) the mouse was "locked" to the centre of the screen
But it worked perfectly fine with Reshade 2.0 and the repack you just provided!
I am very very interested in your shader and the reshade project since I want to use it (giving all the credits to you and the Reshade creator of course) in my OpenGL to 3D Vision Wrapper;)
Since the shader already provides the needed output all I need to do now is to basically "tell" the hardware to use this output and start all the required things, which requires more Nvidia driver magic and things.
Big thank you again!
Go ahead use any thing you like.
I am still working the checkerboard 3D part of the shader. I have no way to test it so I'm not sure that out put works well.
Ya I used your Wrapper before for the Game Prey it worked.
I also used it on Wolfenstine the new order, But I never had the hardware powerful enough to run the game the way I wanted.
I always loved the look of Geometry 3D. But, it tanks performance. The good thing with nividia, is that they are going to release Simultaneous Multi-Projection. This should be the best of both worlds. The performance of Reprojection and the quality of Geometry 3D. If you get to have access to that, things should get interesting.
You will get cool stuff to play with soon.
Thank you again for all the help!
I managed to get both Reshade + your awesome shader + my wrapper to work on 3D Vision hardware!
The results are spectacular!!!
I made quite a lengthy post about it on the Nvidia 3D Vision forums:
Also, Crosire helped me enormously with making the integration possible!
And all I can say is that is FREAKING AWESOME !!!
Big big thank you for taking the time and dedication to do this awesome shader!
We (the 3D Vision community really appreciate it !)
Best Regards,
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
helifax wrote: Thank you again for all the help!
I managed to get both Reshade + your awesome shader + my wrapper to work on 3D Vision hardware!
The results are spectacular!!!
I made quite a lengthy post about it on the Nvidia 3D Vision forums:
Also, Crosire helped me enormously with making the integration possible!
And all I can say is that is FREAKING AWESOME !!!
Big big thank you for taking the time and dedication to do this awesome shader!
We (the 3D Vision community really appreciate it !)
Best Regards,
Thank you for your hard work.
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- BlueSkyKnight
Topic Author
But, Progress on that part as well.
This was done with only the back buffer and reprojecton.
Here the Depth Buffer with no Texture overlay assist.
Here the 3D image it produces.
This leads me to believe that Real Time 2D to 3D conversion is possable. But, really really Hard.
But, I will put this on the back burner for some other time.
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- Aelius Maximus
BlueSkyKnight wrote:
Aelius Maximus wrote: I think you might have missed my questions earlier
But anyway, i tried the 2Dto3D converter, and it's better than expected i think. I am surprised you didn't mention that it had been uploaded. I think it's more in line for videos and 2D images rather than 3d gaming, but still, i like it, is it final revision? Either way i think it is good enough to be so. because i am already considering trying to backport it to 1.1
That 2D to 3D converter is still a WIP. I Need to figure out how to get depth from a 2D image. It's Possible. But, it's really really hard. I would really love to look at the code that LG'S 2D-TO-3D CONVERSION works on.. Since I think it's the best in my opinion.
I need a better Idea on how to do this conversion process. I just don't know how.
The Idea I have right now is to project the image to a spear. Then back again to a plane And that distortion difference would be just enough to to give a a illusion of 3D. Yet again it may not work.
A other idea is too use the pin hole cam model. There is already a equation for maping 3D to 2D coordinates. I want to do it the other way around. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinhole_camera_mod...f_the_pinhole_camera
This not easy to do for me because I need to learn basic of trig. So Im looking ta basics trigonometry youtube videos. To help me out.
Also looks like some people already did this research .
But, it's behind a pay wall.............................................
The current WIP shader there is already a decent 3d image, it's just that the distance between near and far objects does not quite look right yet, but as i said previously this first rendition is very promising and i think it holds a lot of potential, not to mention any app/game ReShade supports will be capable of 3d conversion with no need for depth map, also it will be simple to configure, or will require no configuration at all.
I can't even comprehend how complex the process of converting something like the methods you mention into HLSL would be. Is there any way to obtain the code from LG's 2DTO3DCONVERSION? Or something similar to it? Finding that would be a goldmine i guess.
So from what i gather the spear back to plane process, seems like the most likely scenario for the 2d to 3d process for this shader in the future?
As for the pinhole cam model, and mapping the 3d to 2d coordinates the other way around, is the equation behind the paywall? Or at least some research that will help you to work out the reverse equation of mapping 3d to 2d coordinates? Maybe i can help with the paywall if you still need to get past it in the form of a donation i think. But i will need some help at some point with my current attempts at back-porting the WIP 2dto3d shader, To really use it's potential, i want to try it with a few 2d apps/media players that reshade 3.0 can't be used with because of the overlay(things like vlc, MPC, Google Earth/Streetview, the overlay cannot be accessed to even enable the shader)
Edit: I have already managed to get the shader to compile with ReShade 2.0 but still too many "implicit truncation of vector type" errors that i don't know how to correct. If you can help i will send a more substantial donation your way due to your increasingly hard work and experimentation with these shaders. As i know backporting is additional work on your part.
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