3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader

  • Srnac
4 years 4 weeks ago - 4 years 4 weeks ago #1541 by Srnac Replied by Srnac on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader

Another screenshot and settings are on these pics:

My SuperDepth settings are:

Last edit: 4 years 4 weeks ago by Srnac.

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  • dark1970
4 years 4 weeks ago - 4 years 4 weeks ago #1542 by dark1970 Replied by dark1970 on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
look at my settings! put "dm0 normal" (you have "dm1 reversed") and increase the "dep map adjustman" to your liking (I have 100), you can also increase the depth of "divergence" to 50

Last edit: 4 years 4 weeks ago by dark1970.

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  • Srnac
4 years 4 weeks ago #1543 by Srnac Replied by Srnac on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader

Thanks, I will try that settings but I have tried similar settings And the game just looks flat. But I think MP3 is the only game where it does not work for me, for other games it works fine.

Anyways, thanks for your advicešŸ™ƒ

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  • Sh1nRa358
4 years 3 weeks ago #1544 by Sh1nRa358 Replied by Sh1nRa358 on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
Is there anything in this shader that can work with an external parallax barrier (screen protector film)? If not, can something like this be added so that glasses free 3D can be achieved without any other program reliance?

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  • BlueSkyKnight
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4 years 3 weeks ago #1545 by BlueSkyKnight Replied by BlueSkyKnight on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader

Sh1nRa358 wrote: Is there anything in this shader that can work with an external parallax barrier (screen protector film)? If not, can something like this be added so that glasses free 3D can be achieved without any other program reliance?

So This is already an option for one screen. Auto-Stereoscopic screen by mopic.Ā 

There is also an option forĀ column interlaced screen as well like the one used on some android 3D devices. They just not easy to set up and have their own issues like ghosting in high contrast areas. But, they work. I am currently playing BL3 and SS4 on my glasses free display.Ā Ā 

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  • Sh1nRa358
4 years 3 weeks ago #1546 by Sh1nRa358 Replied by Sh1nRa358 on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
Excellent! This will be amazing for this:

GPD Win 3!

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  • BlueSkyKnight
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4 years 2 weeks ago #1547 by BlueSkyKnight Replied by BlueSkyKnight on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
This GPD Wim 3 would work if they make a parallax barrier for it. Like they do for the Ipad/android devices. Guess you can make your own if yo have tools and know how to do it. Does this have a front facing camera?

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  • Sh1nRa358
4 years 2 weeks ago - 4 years 2 weeks ago #1548 by Sh1nRa358 Replied by Sh1nRa358 on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
Nah, it doesn't have a cam. But they told me they'll consider having the 3D feature integrated in the next version. I asked them that they should include a parallax barrier screen protector in this one. They replied with 'Good Idea!'.
Last edit: 4 years 2 weeks ago by Sh1nRa358.

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  • Blue
4 years 2 weeks ago #1549 by Blue Replied by Blue on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
First of all I would like to thank you for what you are doing. I play games in 3D on my TV and Oculus Rift. I wanted to know what the dedicated profile for Star Wars Battlefront offers. I've been waiting for Tridef and Vorpx to put this together and release one!

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  • sweetbabyjezuz
4 years 4 days ago #1550 by sweetbabyjezuz Replied by sweetbabyjezuz on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
prnt.sc/y5qxa7 Ā Help please :c i already tried to change the program settings in the Nvidia control panel. Im just trying to play battlefront 2 in 3d since i got it from the epic store. I have i5-7300 and geforce GTX 1050

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  • dark1970
4 years 4 days ago - 4 years 4 days ago #1551 by dark1970 Replied by dark1970 on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
sweetbabyjezuz Ā Ā and what exactly is the problem?
Last edit: 4 years 4 days ago by dark1970.

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  • sweetbabyjezuz
4 years 4 days ago #1552 by sweetbabyjezuz Replied by sweetbabyjezuz on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
Im trying to run the companion app but this shows up instead of my desktop display:
I already went to Nvidia control panel and changed the config so the app runs with integrated GPU but still shows that message. Idk what else to do.

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  • dark1970
4 years 4 days ago #1553 by dark1970 Replied by dark1970 on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
sweetbabyjezuz Ā  Sorry, I won't help you! I have one video card, unlike your system! Look for the answer on the appropriate forums!

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  • ivan046
3 years 11 months ago #1554 by ivan046 Replied by ivan046 on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
Congratulations with the new LTS version! Can you share some details about HelixVision integration? And please, create a patreon account! I'm not the one who wanna support the project bit paypal is not an option for some countries

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  • wfmxx
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #1555 by wfmxx Replied by wfmxx on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
I have a question about the Depth3D VR Companion App ( tried v1.8 ) and similar paid for apps. What type of frame rates should I expect to see from this?

I'm just trying to see how a virtual stereoscopic display might work out using a crappy Lenovo Explorer WMR. What I'm seeing is a jerky below 30 FPS on the theather display in VR (the head tracking/movement runs smoothly at 90 FPS). On the actual computer screen (2560x1440), it's running a smooth 60 FPS (with vsync on). There's no difference with or without ReShade/StereoscopicShader enabled or whether it's showing just the Windows desktop, a simple 2D game or maxed out Skyrim. I have also tried adjusting WMR resolution (as low as you can go) and frame rate (to 60 FPS). In terms of hardware I have a 1080 TI, 8-core CPU, 32GB memory.

I have tried SteamVR and Big Picture theathers and they perform just the same or worse, so I'm trying to figure out if this is all I should expect or if something is wrong. Have not tried the paid for "Virtual Desktop" app, since I'm just running a test for now.

But what I really want to say is many thanks for this great work. I love using the stereoscopic shader on my old 3DTV and in particular when playing racing games. Unfortunate for many is the principle of ReShade to disable the required depth maps when they "detect high network traffic" and several racing games triggers this somehow even when you play just by yourself totally offline. Not unfortunate for me, being a long time developer I can obviously fix/hack that (even without the open source code).

My brain can't handle full on VR in racing but this stereoscopic viewing works really great with no discomfort. It works so great that I want a bigger 3DTV, which is really hard to find these days you know ;) So that's the reason I tried the Depth3D VR companion app to get a big sterescopic screen in VR.
Last edit: 3 years 11 months ago by wfmxx. Reason: v1.8) became something else

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  • Torzi
3 years 11 months ago #1556 by Torzi Replied by Torzi on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
@wfmxx It sounds like your GPU is maxed out... You need to leave some resources for the VR side of things (capture, VR display, reprojection if enabled).

You can tune down game settings or resolution to accomplish this, or limit your frame rate lower. I've had pretty good luck at 45fps with the headset refresh set to 90Hz and reprojection (motion-smoothing) forced always-on. Just disable it if you don't want to use it, the auto mode never worked quite right for me.

With everything running, you want to avoid maxing out GPU or CPU. Otherwise it'll start to skip frames and stutter. The only desktop capture I've seen that doesn't do this is the one in WMR portal... but no 3D ability there.
The following user(s) said Thank You: wfmxx

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  • wfmxx
3 years 11 months ago #1557 by wfmxx Replied by wfmxx on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
No, I don't think the GPU or CPU load is the issue. In the simple 2D game test (with no ReShade) I'm just running Dead Cells and this is the total load and major contributors:
16% / 20% (Total)
6% / 12% (Companion App)
4% / 4% (Dead Cells)

If I just use a desktop view inside the WMR portal (as you mentioned) it runs much smoother (but not perfect) and then the total load is actually higher (24% / 40%) thanks to the Desktop Window Manager running a fairly high (14% / 34% load).

Analyzing more (since it's easy with a scrolling game), apart from some stutter what I see is like three images at the same time as if it were an LCD with a horrendous 33 ms pixel response time (but it's only the captured part that behaves like that).

Thanks for taking your time to listen ... I guess I just have to find a big OLED 3DTV after all ;)

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  • Torzi
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #1558 by Torzi Replied by Torzi on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader

what I see is like three images at the same time

Is motion smoothing already on? Bring up the steam dashboard, and look under the video->per application settings. It should probably be disabled if you're targeting 60 FPS, and set the Headset refresh to 60Hz as well.

VSync can be tricky, because the headset and monitor are running at two different frequencies. It usually does give the best results for frame pacing, but I usually have to bump the vertical refresh of the monitor slightly below the target rate (44.990-44.997, 59.990-59.997). You can set this with Custom Resolution Utility . If the game/monitor runs slightly faster than the capture/display in VR, it'll stutter pretty bad. It's best to be just slightly under.

I've also had pretty good luck with VSync disabled, and using the RTSS frame limiter with "front edge sync" selected in the Compatibility properties. RTSS will also let you put in a decimal FPS target (i.e. 59.997), but you have to use the period key that isn't on the number pad. If I'm going to use motion smoothing though, vsync usually works best.
Last edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Torzi.
The following user(s) said Thank You: wfmxx

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  • wfmxx
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #1559 by wfmxx Replied by wfmxx on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader
Although not terribly important for me right now I didn't want to this leave hanging, so I tried a bunch of stuff even setting custom frequencies in the 29-30 Hz range. Tried another simple game with a few more controls (Hollow Knight), VSync On/Off, Frame Cap On/Off, Different resolutions and frame rates.
Companion App:
Consistent 3 frame temporal blur, a bit stutter, but less dependent on game settings.
Steam Theater:
Fairly consistent 2 frame blur, a lot of stutter unless you set low resolution and Vsync off. Once for a brief moment, there was "perfection" with no temporal blur (i.e. 1 frame no-blur) and no stutter - this happened after switching between desktop and the game. It held until I exited a room (in the game) and I could never achieve it again (trying to do the same thing).
WMR Desktop view:
2 frame temporal blur, but frames seem less separated in time (compared to Steam and companion app). Probably least stutter of all three.

Anyway I'm gonna call that a day, I'm really happy just playing on my 3DTV for now ... so let's hope it doesn't break. Cheers all.
Last edit: 3 years 11 months ago by wfmxx. Reason: just spelling

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  • BlueSkyKnight
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3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #1560 by BlueSkyKnight Replied by BlueSkyKnight on topic 3D Depth Map Based Stereoscopic Shader

Had issues with stability with 1.8 and windows defender seem too not like. But, Depth3D VR Companion App 1.9 seems to be like a stable release.

Keep in mind this version needs the latest version of the VR shaderĀ  and reshade to work properly. Users reported issues with using older versions of reshade.

You can download the latest at: reshade.me/depth3d

Update Info:
Fixed the automated system for switching Auto 3D modes for 720p - 4k.Ā 
Fixed the frame drop due to scripts order in unity was not correct.Ā 

Screen elevation default was changed to accommodate the new option for making the screen larger or smaller. With the numpad Keys - and +
Automated 3D selection was changed from 1.8 to work with the new update for SuperDepth3D_VR+ v2.4.0. This had to be reworked. So that the System can scale properly.
New 3D Mode activates for when you open the 3D Menu it's lower resolution. But, I hope it helps when adjusting 3D settings in VR. This is also the reason that Ā SuperDepth3D_VR+ Had to be updated.

I changed the Sky Box so that it's set for v2.0 Mood Mode that coming in the new update. I am still also looking into Ambi Light Mode for 2.0

Also update info for the 3D Shaders.
Last edit: 3 years 11 months ago by BlueSkyKnight.

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